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About Me

  1. Hi Im in the process of upgrading my ram. The mod chip im using is an x2.6 with ind-bios. I have the xblastos xbe installed on my HDD. My thinking was that I could boot to my dashboard then launch the xblastos xbe to check each ram chip. However, upon powering on the xbox, it boots three times and the led's flash red and orange. My question is do I need the xblast bios flashed to my modchip for the xbox to boot during the upgrade or have I made a mistake during the installation? Im quite confident about my soldering. Checking under x60 magnification and lots of light tia
  2. I'm looking to get a modded XBOX but wonder if paying extra for a system with a 128mb ram upgrade is worth it. I don't have much interest in emulators. I want one to play XBOX titles. I'm intrigued by being able to use more 720p patches with the 128mb, but do patched games run well enough?
  3. I've heard the RAM upgrade does boost the emulators running better. However what emulators benefit the most from this? Playstation / N64? Is there anyone who has done this and can confirm or show a performance boost for Playstation emulation?
  4. Hello everyone! I want to perform RAM upgrade on my Xbox but I don't know which RAM I should buy. Here is the picture of the RAM from my Xbox: SAMSUNG K4D263238F-QC50 So my question is which RAM should I buy? I found a couple of RAM chips on ebay and AliExpress but I don't know are they going to work on my Xbox. Here is the list: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32890729020.html?spm=a2g0s.8937460.0.0.7efb2e0eCU8Qyr https://www.ebay.com/itm/BRAND-NEW-Samsung-K4D263238M-QC50-128M-DDR-SDRAM-1PCS-NEW/123866715285 And, thanks in advance!
  5. Hello, i change my hdd drive to bigger 1tb drive and after succesful cloning i tried to format the new drive with XBpartitioner 1.3 and it complained about "LBA48 info not found! etc..(pic bellow) i tried to flash new bios with hexen 2018 but then that complained about "flash not writeable". i wonderd that do i need to get somewhere the newest bios and put it directly to my modchip via usb cable. our am i missing some step in this setup?
  6. Hello guys, I just upgraded my softmodded Xbox to a 500gb sata drive. Everything works great but.. it takes like 30 seconds to boot up which is kind of annoying. Could this be because of the sata adapter I'm using? I'm using an 80-wire ide cable so I know that's not the issue. Or are slower boot times normal? I haven't modded one of these for years. Just wondering, thanks.
  7. Hey guys, happy new year! A few months ago I was given an original Crystal Xbox. As someone who has always been on the Sony side of consoles, I admit, I don't know much about Xbox. However I was told that the Xbox was running EvoX (Can be confirmed, when I turn the Xbox on, there is an EvoX icon on the left hand side of the boot screen) and that the Xbox had a modchip inside. The Xbox has been sitting under my bed for a while and I thought today I would dust it out and upgrade the internal HDD. The IDE hard drive inside the Xbox was only 80GB and I had a spare 250GB IDE hard drive I wasn't using. -- So I went ahead and followed this tutorial: Basically I downloaded Hexen 2018 > burned the image to a DVD > put the DVD inside my Xbox > replaced the old IDE HDD with the 250GB one > booted into Hexen 2018 > went into Disk Upgrades > From there I followed the process. After the files had copied over from the DVD, XBPartitioner 1.3 booted up and I made sure that I set the F drive to the full 250GB. From there the process was complete. I took the Hexen 2018 DVD out of my Xbox and the UnleashX dashboard popped up. BUT when I look at the drive details on the upper left corner. I can see that there is only around 120gb free on (F:). Whenever I try to boot XBPartitioner from the dashboard menu, I get the following error: "LBA48 info not found! Custom Partitions will not work with this BIOS! Update your BIOS to one which supports at least LBA48 version 2." I done a bit of research and it LOOKS like I need to update my BIOS. But honestly as someone who has no clue what they're doing, this frightens the hell out of me. So that leads me to this post... I'm looking for some help which can preferably be explained in as simple detail as possible, I literally need someone to spoon feed me the steps. I would be so grateful and appreciate it! EXTRA INFORMATION - If I load into the EvolutionX dashboard I can see the follow details, which might be relevant. BIOS: EvoX M8 (1.6) Kernal: 1.00.5838.01 EvolutionX V+3935
  8. Hello people. Finally ive found a forum. Ive just dug my xbox out. Now my question I run the xecuter 3 mod chip with custom front panel. As far as i no if u hold white button on the controller u can get into the settings menu (fan speed colours bla bla) All i want to no is. When i upgrade to the new hard drive. Will i have this option again to bring up the menu (white button on controller) or will i have to install it to the new hard drive. Its beem like 15 years since i last used it. Any help guys
  9. Hello I got some problem with upgrade my Evox M7, I cant use my G drive so I decided to upgrade Evox, but it is locked (?) I tried to do it with Slayer 2.7, I got 1.5 Xbox, is there any solution to that problem? Thank You
  10. So i tried to upgrade my 1.1 xbox to 128mb. I installed the first chip successfully and xblastOS flashed to TSOP said "Success". Then i attempted to install second chip on bottom side, but xbox started fragging. I fixed up some shorts i found, but it still fragged. Then i measured according to datasheet, that power to RAM is shorted to ground. The shorted pins most likely were: 66 and 65. However it's possible, that i used the chip pinout wrongly and i measured short between VDD and VDDQ, which should be fine. Even after fixing the shorts, it still fragged. After (destructively, but fortunately without ripping any trace) removing the both installed chips, it still does very weird frag. Basically the LED lights up only for short while and then turns off. Xbox's fan runs for a while and then it reboots. This gets repeated indefinitely, but rarely you get normal FRAG and xbox stays on. I measured 2.65V going to the VDDQ pin and the RAM power rail or any of the main power rails are NOT shorted now. ANyone knows if i can fix it? All my other xboxes are either fragging (i have 1.0 i got fragging, but it might be TSOP issue as there are no signs of tracerot, no leaking caps and apparently TSOP might naturally degrade now, so i ordered modchip and will try to install it) or they are 1.6, which suck IMAGES: https://imgur.com/a/z74Mzxe Here is reference image how i installed one of the chips, that worked well (the first one). I guess it was pretty good: https://imgur.com/a/6DlSKuY. The residue is either flux or denaturated ethanol i used to clean it up. VIDEO:
  11. I tried to upgrade my V1.0 Xbox with 4 Samsung version F RAM chips but it won’t boot. I’ve got an OpenXenium mod chip installed but I’ve tried booting both with and without yet it still flashes. Anyone know what this means/ anyway to fix it? Any help would be much appreciated.
  12. Just soldered some ram into one of my Xboxs last night now I have the blinking ram error light
  13. Hi! I have a topic to start. I'm already happy with my og Xbox upgraded with another 64mb of ram, but I would love to have it modded with 1.4 Ghz Tualatin. My console inside is 1.0 revision motherboard and was manufactured in Hungary, it is also modded with dual tsop and xblast. Do you know if somebody is still doing that upgrade? I've already PM'd to N64 freak but I'am waiting for his reply, so meanwhile when I am waiting for that reply I decided to find out if there is someone else for that job besides of that, I've read that he is only doing 1 Ghz, not 1.4 Ghz anymore - but I already have two proper tualatins so maybe I'll convince him. The only other person I know that was doing this is Trusty but I don't know where could I contact him. My soldering skills are very little, that is why I'm looking for somebody.
  14. Hello there I'm interested in modding xbox CPU to 1,4Ghz and also upgrade ram to 128mb. I'd like to ask about cost of that upgrade. I cant do it myself
  15. HeXEn_v0_99B11-22b Heimdall's Xbox Engineering Disc ____________________________________________________________________ This disc is an ALL-IN-ONE solution for modded original Xbox consoles. It is compatible with all types of mod setups like Mod Chips, TSOP mods and Softmods. This disc will also allow you to Flash your TSOP or Mod Chip with a new BIOS, upgrade your HDD on chipped or TSOP'd Xbox, back up EEPROM, restore or upgrade softmod and TSOP/chipped system files, setup DUAL-BOOT softmods, switch NTSC/PAL video modes and install all the important homebrew Xbox programs all on one disc. Also contains stock MSdash files, Ndure toolset and exploited games saves to softmod your non-modded system. ____________________________________ How to Use 1. Click Download link Below 2. Extract .RAR file using WinRAR or 7ZIP 3. a) Burn .ISO file to either DVD or CD using PowerISO or another similar program AT THE LOWEST SPEED POSSIBLE!! 3. b) Extract contents of .ISO with PowerISO and use FileZilla to FTP the contents to your Apps folder. ________________________________________________________ VIDEO: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Download http://www.mediafire.com/file/byw2dubylc6cl4e/HeXEn_v0_99B11-22.rar No virus scan required as there are no executable files contained within the download. THANK YOU!
  16. hi so I did the following steps so far 1)softmodded my 1.0 via SC PH 2) I used rocky5's tools to null the eeprom then extract the nulled eeprom backup to my gdrive ok so now I have a sata hdd (Seagate 500GB) and a kingwin SATAtoIDE board knowing that it doesn't have a master/slave switch by best option is to use xboxhdm i have a question first is there a way to burn the iso to usb boot instead of by cd? and i want hdm2.0 that supports sata drives correct? thanks for your help
  17. Ok, so this eBay seller (who doesn't want to share his secrets oddly enough), says that his xbox's are the only ones available with 720p or 1080p. I know there's a way...I can't find it because I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for or more importantly how to search it. here are the links: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Modded-Original-XBOX-Highest-Quality-Build-25K-Games-1TB-Loaded-/162667846744?hash=item25dfc25c58:g:PzkAAOSw881ZtMKA http://www.ebay.com/itm/Modded-Original-XBOX-HDMI-1080p-Upscaled-Highest-Quality-Build-25K-Games-1TB/162649509954?_trkparms=aid%3D555019%26algo%3DPL.BANDIT%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D41376%26meid%3Dea9a9176c657443c9bdc4ce67dc63bab%26pid%3D100506%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D1%26&_trksid=p2045573.c100506.m3226 Thanks in advance for your help! Dan
  18. I am looking to upgrade my original xbox hard drive. Console is a V1.6 that is softmodded. My new hard drive came in the mail today. I attempted to hotswap and set it up using chimp, however, the hard drive I received was not the hard drive I ordered and it does not lock, so I am returning it. On to the question, I am familiar with the method of hotswapping and using chimp to clone my drive. I am also aware you can set up a drive on pc if you can connect the drive either directly through ide connection or by using ide to usb. Are there any other methods for prepping a hard drive for a soft modded xbox that do not require either a pc connection or a hotswap while the console is turned on?
  19. I have a v1.0 original modded Xbox, it had an old Aladdin mod chip, I wanted to upgrade the hard drive and after doing some research I found out I can brick it by flashing a new bios. The bios is unknown but after running bios checker it reads I have a lpc sst49lf020, it boots up xecuter2 into an evolution x dashboard. If I use the hexen 2019 disc, what steps can I take after I install a larger hdd? I don’t need to clone it, I backed up everything using ftp, and I want a fresh install. Here are some images that may help... Thanks for your time.
  20. Is it possible on a softmoded Xbox put an HDD larger than 120GB? If it is, how? Is it the same process as for the 120GB? Thanks
  21. Are these mods for the original xbox still available for the 1.5ghz CPU/128mb ram upgrade been searching for a while to no avail over here in Australia. Any info would be greatly appreciated - Razor
  22. Hi All, What does the 1.4Ghz upgrade provide to the Xbox? I see it maybe a future option from Chimeric Systems and wanted to know what are the uses for it. Thanks in advance for answering my question.
  23. So today I got my composite with toslink cable and hooked it up to the TV . My dashboard works fine but when I insert a xbox game the screen is jumbled badly. Is there something I can do here ? Im assuming the cable is fine . It shows up as HD A V pack . I only had the standard A V pack before and am looking forward to seeing an improvement. Hardmod 1.6 Thanks Ryan
  24. So im looking to put a bigger HDD in my Xbox, thinking of going with a 1TB 3.5 Sata WD Blue from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/WD-TB-PC-Hard-Drive/dp/B0088PUEPK/ref=sr_1_3?crid=UZ86BA3UVMYA&keywords=1tb+sata+3.5+hard+drive&qid=1582495127&sprefix=1tb+sata%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-3 With this Sata adaptor https://www.amazon.co.uk/LEAGY-Parallel-DVD-ROM-Interface-Convert/dp/B07B75Q64F/ref=pd_sbs_147_4/260-7291144-6127719?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07B75Q64F&pd_rd_r=cf4df938-b886-4c79-aef5-39c01aa7ecf1&pd_rd_w=UjTRD&pd_rd_wg=wCccd&pf_rd_p=96cae456-8d7a-4bc1-91c7-9b20b4dfd7c9&pf_rd_r=HSKB83AFMNH4X3KVF2B4&psc=1&refRID=HSKB83AFMNH4X3KVF2B4 With this ATA 133 80 Pin IDE Cable. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Goobay-50670-Cable-Drives-Transfer/dp/B000TND1VI/ref=pd_sbs_147_2/260-7291144-6127719?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000TND1VI&pd_rd_r=3e57dd4b-7ab9-4452-9c55-d726462db76f&pd_rd_w=G0yqV&pd_rd_wg=c8KO0&pf_rd_p=96cae456-8d7a-4bc1-91c7-9b20b4dfd7c9&pf_rd_r=5M2TA3D5Q09SFV5WZEMG&psc=1&refRID=5M2TA3D5Q09SFV5WZEMG And good ? or can anybody advise me please of anything cheaper / better. Thanks al for looking and helping me.

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