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About Me

  1. hello everyone Please does anyone have any UnleashX skins that look the most identical to MSDash, green with the same font and menu, like THC thanks a lot
  2. Hi to all! I'm very please to announce that I'm working hard on porting as many as I can stuffs from Kodi's GUILIB to make XBMC4Xbox more up to date with Kodi. All of this started as desire to port Estuary skin and current GUILIB that XBMC4Xbox had is very outdated and porting wasn't possible. So I started to look through Kodi's soruce code from around 2011 and slowly I was starting on implementing functionalities. Threads on Kodi forum helped me a lot because every major release of Kodi had a quick brief of all changes that were done to GUILIB. Ofcourse there aren't all changes but most crucial and important are. Here is a video that showcase what I have currently: Don't worry about all missing things. That has nothing to do with XBMC4Xbox GUILIB. Reason for all this "error & missing things" is because of XBMC4Xbox doesn't have same Window IDs and InfoLabels like Kodi. But that's not a hard to fix, the most important thing is that XBMC4Xbox GUILIB is up to date with Kodi's (v15). P.S. It would be really nice if admins could create separate subforum for XBMC, just like there are for Rocky5's projects and N64Freaks products. I would like to have XBMC4Xbox forum with subforums: General, Development, Skins, Plugins & Scripts.
  3. Looking to create some skins for Unleashed X. I've download UX Architect, I've also downloaded UnleashX_Toolbox_A5 which I think are the same thing. I cannot get it to run, Windows 10 Says it needs Net Framework 1.1.4332 and Windows XP in VMWare says the same thing. Windows 10 Will install the framework but no change, Windows XP will not. Acquiring 7 at the moment Could anyone help me on this? I'll figure the software out but struggling with getting it running. Any Alternatives/Methods? I can write the XML File instead right?
  4. Anyone out there have any links to guides, tools, tips...anything on how to create a theme for XBMC4Gamers? The ones on the downloader are great but I'd love to have a go a creating something myself.
  5. Hello guys, I've tried to search for that kind topic, but did not find any similar. As I recently got my og xbox (already modded), I am not very familiar with all the option of this mod. My main question is - Is it possible to change modded xbox dashboard skin to original green one (like from the factory)? But to keep all the modded xbox perks like 720p+ resolution, hdd saved games etc. Basically just change the look of dashboard, cuz i dont really like that modded look
  6. After reading the UnleashX manual, I thought why not learn to create a skin? And here it is; introducing SimpleX, a simple UnleashX skin. This skin was created with CRT TV in mind, and not yet tried on LCD TV so don't know how the results. Just clone its repo or download from its release page. EDIT: The Skin folder can be directly dropped into UnleashX's Skins folder. But, the Config.xml need a bit of editing as it's uses E:\Applications and E:\Dashboards as its paths. Adjust it to your ogxbox paths, which is usually E:\Apps and E:\Dash. A simple find and replace will do. SimpleX_Applications_Dashboards.7z SimpleX_Apps_Dash.7z
  7. After looking through hundreds of UnleashX skins, I picked 10 of my favorites. There are actually 18 skins as some had multiple color releases and a few dups from old Xbox skin sites. From the various skin packages I accumulated from various sources, these now defunct sites had some skins listed under slightly different names (some I guess by the number the skin was submitted to their site). I've also updated a couple to show free space on the G drive. 01 - devise2 found under 2 different names 02 - tarozax - original and my G free space updated 03 - UXH2 04 - Athloni's MSDash 3 color variations - 2 Green 05 - TrueMSdash 2.0 (2 names) 06 - InfraSkin Cyan 07 - NINJA GAIDEN HI-TECH 08 - Optima_Blue_V2 - 2 names same skin 09 - UnleashX_Hackedbox_v1.0 and my GFree update 10 - Ice (Smoke Series) UnleashX Skins-My Top 10-KaosEngineer.7z
  8. using JX 720 skin, it has tray button - open and close, and run .xbe file from the disk. So i guess there is a way to make a button that activates unmount .xbe file. I managed to add custom entries like for Homebrew, etc. Really cool thing to have entrie like that, but instead of opening homebrew folder, it activates .xbe file which unmounts xiso.
  9. Happy Halloween to all the X3 Config Live Skin lovers out there! Webclean is a super simple clean skin, now with a Halloween edition. You can download them all or just grab your favorite one. Enjoy! Downloads See Readme for install instructions. Note: Lite saw some decent updates as well and Dark had one minor adjustment not worth mentioning.
  10. Hi dear xboxs friends, I want to know if anyone knows where to get this skin, I presumed that is for UnleashX, but I'm not sure, it's based on the old xbox website and I love the idea.
  11. Hello, I installed the latest version of Avalaunch and the launch skin is this anime santa chick. I'd like to disable so I can launch with my favorite Vida Guerra skin. Is this possible to do in settings or by modifying the xml, or do I need a different build of Avalaunch? Thanks!
  12. Hey Crew - I've really been getting into my softmod xbox after discovering them recently and I decided to modify 'tazorax_g' original xbox skin .... I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts and or suggestions Cheers VID_20191105_132650.mp4
  13. This is a skin was designed for HD display using component cables. Fixed: Media player meter was the wrong colour. Video link https://youtu.be/R7JTBkKLInc Link for the Skin file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k4igcm71c7fu3yz/Desklife_p.zip/file
  14. Had some spare time on my hands this year http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=40089135637815877933 Image_0010.bmp
  15. Hi All, Just discovered softmodding while on a mission to preserve my back catalogue of original xbox games. I started using unleashX as I only really want the game functionality but wanted a clean xbox themed skin whilst showing some key system details. Figured since this forum had helped me get this far i would share the skin in case anyone wants to use it. Preview is a bit squashed since i made the theme for widescreen. all images are PNG and un-flattened so you can edit anything you want to change. Next step is to install a new HDD once all the pieces arrive. D24B.rar
  16. looking for a unleashx skin that looks like msdash green
  17. Some skins I came across on a box when repairing. Thought I would share as these are not on the Slayers Auto Installer Skin.rar Just FYI there seem to be alot of adult skins
  18. Simply one of my skins for UnleashX. xboe_1_2019_F.rar
  19. I’ve finally gotten my hands on this skin and was curious if there were any tutorials available to get it working properly? Also on a side note I’ve had hundreds of .png files fail to transfer during the ftp process. I’ve tried flashfxp and FileZilla both with difference transfer preferences only ending with the same results. So if anyone has had issues with that as well I’m all ears Thanks!
  20. Hello all! Please does anyone know the name of this skin or have it: Or any skins like it. I like the simplicity and authentic Xbox nature of it Thanks everyone
  21. I just tsop flashed my recently acquired 1.4 softmodded xbox.It had the XMBC360 skin installed as the default dash but I lost it once I performed the tsop and 2TB Hdd upgrade, and I would like to get that installed to the new hdd. Any help would be appreciated
  22. I'm starting to create a new skin using UXArchitect. I am unable to find a tutorial, so i will document my journey here.
  23. I ftp over the skins and no luck having them show up in my system , there in ... E\Skin but don't show up on system just show in file explorer (1.6 box softmod , Xunleash ) Any TIPs?
  24. Hi guys, Does anyone has any idea if a skin exist with cover support? I mean, but on a size specifically for CRT TV's? 4:3? The problem I am having is that most dashboards with cover support are made specifically for widescreen HD TV's, I am fine with that, but I use my Xbox exclusively on my Sony Wega CRT. It looks amazing because it has component inputs (I am about to build my component cable though). To me, this consoles are made to play on 4:3 on a good CRT, so ideally I would want a skin or a dashboard where I could see what I am doing! I don't think I am the only one! On a CRT Xbox4gamers looks tiny and is terrible to use. UnleashX is the perfect size for CRT's but I haven't found a skin that supports covers! Anyone knows of such a thing? Thank you guys, thank you all for your time and patience. Hector.
  25. This is my third skin for the Xbox Skywalker vs Vader I wanted to do a video skin but I can't find a property way to get video to work Vader vs Skywalker.zip

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