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  1. I'm not sure if this xbmemcheck app for the Xbox is Microsoft's or xbox-scene homebrew (looks like a homebrew app to me) that they are talking about using to test memory. Edit: If it is not this app, would be nice if they would share a copy of the memory testing app they used.
  2. Team-Resurgent/Modxo (github.com) Or, are you looking for how the developer figured it all out not just his final working design. Their original github repository still exists; however, I believe all of the latest updates go to Team-Resurgent's repo as they are now a member of that team. shalxmva/modxo: Xbox LPC Port modchip using a Raspberry Pi Pico (github.com)
  3. Deconstructing the Xbox Boot ROM | Matt Borgerson (archive.org)
  4. ispLEVER Classic | FPGA Design Software | Lattice Semiconductor You have to create an account to download the software. Download the base module, FPGA module and Service Pack for Windows 10.
  5. I see you already found it but I'm providing the link to the file I found on GitHub for it. https://github.com/Kekule-OXC/Jafar/blob/main/Gerbers/jafar_gerber_v1-1.zip
  6. Mislabeled chips, BF 5A is actually an SST49LF008A, not SST49LF080A. Also, an 8-Mbit flash memory chip but using a slightly different interface and programming algorithm - Firmware Hub instead of LPC. I'm not sure how data is being written to it correctly. One possibility is that the Xgecu Pro switches programming algorithms to that of the chip it actually IDs when you uncheck the Device ID Check box. Try programming it as an SST49LF008A with the Device ID Check box checked. 3B 3B is a ???. Since the Xgecu Pro is unable to read the correct Device ID value, these chips may actually be dead. Alixpress parts!
  7. I believe it's the ADM1032-ARMZ MSOP-8 package instead of the ADM1032-ARZ SOIC-8 package. Package sizes: MSOP-8 Package Pins Body width (mm) Body length (mm) Lead pitch (mm) MSOP8 8 3 3 0.65 Source: Mini Small Outline Package - Wikipedia SOIC-8 Package WB WL H C L P LL T LW O SOIC-8-N 3.8–4.0 5.8–6.2 1.35–1.75 0.10–0.25 4.8–5.0 1.27 0.41 (1.04) 0.19–0.25 0.35–0.51 0.33 C Clearance between IC body and PCB H Total carrier height T Lead thickness L Total carrier length LW Lead width LL Lead length P Pitch WB IC body width WL Lead-to-lead width O End overhang Source: Small outline integrated circuit - Wikipedia
  8. With a bad chip, the console is never reaching the point in the startup process to send a video signal out to a connected TV set. This chip itself has nothing to do with the video signal; however, it is preventing the system from ever reaching the point to initialize the video subsystem.
  9. Orange flashing and 100% exhaust fan speed are symptoms of overheating. The System Management Controller, PIC processor, is receiving an overheating signal from the dual-temp sensor chip, ADM1032, on v1.0-1.4 motherboard at location U6F1. A false indication can be presented if leaked clock cap electrolyte has reached this chip. Check for leaked electrolyte on the motherboard in this area. If present, clean it off with 91% or greater isopropyl alcohol. You may have to remove the chip to clean electrolyte from underneath the chip. Or, if no electrolyte is present, the chip itself can go bad and needs to be replaced. Replacement Sources US : https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/onsemi/ADM1032ARMZ-REEL?qs=t2BMfLoP1KQzRXaQRzFLxA%3D%3D UK : https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/temperature-humidity-sensor-ics/7919623 Edit: Updated link to US replacement to ARMZ MSOP-8 packaged part instead of the original link to ARZ SOIC-8 package.
  10. I don't think so. From the archived copy of SmartXX's Knowledge Base (FAQ) website, I found the following: Can i downgrade SmartXX OS ? No, downgrading is not possible on SmartXX. Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20070816224741/http://faq.smartxx.com/index.php?article=7
  11. Ah yes, x2config.ini goes in the root folder of the E drive, not the C drive.
  12. Which X2 BIOS are you using?
  13. There is a schematic diagram: psyko_chewbacca / xblast_lite_cpld / xblast_lite_sch.png — Bitbucket
  14. UnleashX looks in the directory it is running from for config.xml. That's just how it is coded. Where and what names are you looking for it to read its configuration file? You may be able to hex edit the name to look for a file having the same or shorter length filename as config.xml (10 characters). Multiple filenames in different locations - I doubt are possible. At least, not unless the source code shows up on the Internet somewhere. The filename may be in ASCII characters or UTF word encoded characters having a MSB of 0x00. ASCII characters (bytes) 63 6f 6e 66 69 67 2e 78 6d 6c 00 c o n f i g . x m l NUL terminator or UTF characters (words - 2 bytes) 00 63 00 6f 00 6e 00 66 00 69 00 67 00 2e 00 78 00 6d 00 6c 00 00 c o n f i g . x m l NUL terminator It may not be NUL terminated. The program may know the length of the configuration file's name - 10.

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