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2 Fan Setup


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Hello Everyone

I am looking to do a slim xbox mod. I noticed some people add two fans to their xbox slim systems to keep the system cool. TechnoOnTop on youtube for example put mesh over holes he had cut on the top of his case and added a second fan. Does anyone know if this is necessary. And if so, are there good splitters to connect both fans to the motherboard. 

I was thinking something like this. https://www.amazon.com/JBtek-Black-Sleeved-Splitter-Converter/dp/B01EF9OI0O/ref=asc_df_B01EF9OI0O/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309707619534&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10057312173843895006&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004252&hvtargid=aud-801381245258:pla-760665316512&psc=1


Please give me feedback on temperatures and cooling on an og xbox slim. What has worked for others who have done this?

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With all that said, the second fan won't do much. You aren't doing your system favors if you blow air in harder than you pull air out. So you could only hope to push air in at the same speed as the exhaust is blowing out.... the problem with that is you're doing nothing. To blow air out, the exhaust fan creates negative pressure in the case which draws air in on its own. 

The only real reason for fan intakes is to make sure most of the air drawn in is from this particular point and thus the airflow must be directed across certain components in the case. 
The Xbox's design was actually very good for this and an intake is just not necessary. 


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9 hours ago, OGXbox Admin said:

With all that said, the second fan won't do much. You aren't doing your system favors if you blow air in harder than you pull air out. So you could only hope to push air in at the same speed as the exhaust is blowing out.... the problem with that is you're doing nothing. To blow air out, the exhaust fan creates negative pressure in the case which draws air in on its own. 

The only real reason for fan intakes is to make sure most of the air drawn in is from this particular point and thus the airflow must be directed across certain components in the case. 
The Xbox's design was actually very good for this and an intake is just not necessary. 


So... Should I add a second fan or just leave the system as is when I do the slim mod? has anyone had there system overheat/get damaged?


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1 hour ago, OGXbox Admin said:

Let's try this. 
Why are you thinking of adding the second fan?

I'd like to add one to bring cool air in and one to pull hot air out. I just want to know if a second fan is necessary for a slim mod, and if it is, what my options are.

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If you are removing the hot air from the inside of the Xbox with a fan ,Air from outside will be sucked in to fill the void left in side the Xbox.

1 fan is all you need but to satisfy your self set it up with one fan and check the temp's.


SS Dave


Those who can hard-mod, Those who can’t soft-mod.  

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19 hours ago, pmp174 said:

I'd like to add one to bring cool air in and one to pull hot air out. I just want to know if a second fan is necessary for a slim mod, and if it is, what my options are.

I already explained this in my post above. Let's try it a different way. 

If you don't have a fan blowing cool air in, what do you think happens? Do you think the exhaust fan blows all the air out of the inside of the case and then there just isn't any anymore? 

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Alright let's try it this way.

I am doing an Xbox slim mod. Essentially cutting off the area in the disk drive to make the Xbox slimmer because it's too big.

A person on the forum told me an effective way to keep it cool is to cut a hole in the Jewel and add a fan. I've also seen videos on YouTube where another modder made holes in his case, added mesh, and a second fan to keep it cool.

If anyone has done a slim mod, and hasn't had to add an extra fan, please let me know. 

That way I won't waste my time and any more money adding an additional fan.

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Like I said try it with 1 fan and check the temperature of the CPU if you think it's running to hot  try different fan speeds or maybe try some other types of fans and if all else fails add a 2nd fan.


SS Dave


Those who can hard-mod, Those who can’t soft-mod. 

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  • 4 years later...
  • 1 month later...

I do slims.

OGXbox Admin is correct. There's no point trying to force air in.

The simple easiest method in practical use I have found on slims is to remove the centre jewel on top, hole saw a neat smooth hole same diameter and fit a fan blowing out the case upwards. Of course heat naturally rises. You can still replace the jewel slightly raised to disguise the fan, leaving the sufficient air gap. It works quite well. This is in addition to a rear fan of suitable size/performance in CFM.

This draws air in through the same side paths as MS made, yet more heat is expelled easily upwards.

The internal mods and tray/s removal affect this. So depends on each application, so I can't comment further than that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Or use 2 small active coolers on gpu and cpu and the 60mm noctua fan. 


All these 60mm noctua mods are absolutely bad when it comes to cooling.

At 100% speed it easily reaches >60°C

I played around with temperatures a bit and then installed 2 active coolers including the 60mm noctua. 




My temperatures are around 55°C while gaming and <50°C in xbmc4gamers idle. 


The noctua runs about 80-90% speed and the active coolers around 90-100%.

I think it's very beneficial to make the heatsinks smaller and also active as it would improve the airflow which is blocked by the huge CPU cooler. 

Thanks to the active coolers, the heat from the CPU/GPU is dissipated into the environment more quickly and the Noctua transports the heat outside better because there is more space.


Still have to do some tests but it's much cooler with 2 active coolers and without damaging the case. :P



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