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  1. Okay. Let's return the question back to you. So why don't you just finish off what you started, shouldn't take you long surely.... probably could of done it by now with the time you've spent on this thread and following it. Yes/No? Or is that a conflict of interest? It would make the entire thread a moot point, would it not? I mean since as already mentioned and as you claim, as a copied unit, it's already discontinued by MM as well. Care to elaborate? Or does that spoil your fun here?
  2. https://github.com/Ryzee119/XboxHDMI-Ryzee119 Look familiar much?
  3. So then why haven't you done that and saved everyone the bother???? You could of done the 'tweaks' to the firmware, instead you find the time to sit watching this progress. Hmmmm nice. Then interject and bitch about MM's firmware being copied, which everyone can get a copy of anyway and is already out there. Nem has not even said he's selling that. How do you know? He hasn't even got to that stage. Plus he can sell it blank if he so desires and therefore it's hardware only with no 'IP'. User can then choose their firmware, just like the whole history of modchips from the days Xecuter sold their chips blank. So why don't you step up and release an open source tweaked version of HDMI firmware then that works with a patched BIOS. Then the 'community' would be being supported as far as this mod goes. Plus, I believe Nem also used your open source schematic and just replaced the STM IC, easy enough to do in Eagle etc.... so is changing that up and adding the same chip copying now? Funny that.... there's me thinking your OpenXenium used the same chips too.... I think we all know why to the above points.
  4. Nice win mate. It's my main running chips these on my own consoles and the xecuter 2.6, sweet chips.
  5. If you have another V1.6 console around, first thing and possibly easiest, is to just swap the power supply for another 1.6 supply. (Do not use any other version, only a 1.6 PSU) If the symptoms persist, then you know it's on the motherboard. This would then possibly indicate an inspection of the capacitors on the board.
  6. Crap, the advanced MS scart lead is scalper money on the bay grrrr. Thought it would be peanuts for that!
  7. I'll try and get hold of a proper offical Xbox scart lead as I currently do not have any typically. Then see how it looks and try and take some decent pics. I've only got the MS composite to scart adapter at the moment. Might have a S_VHS scart adapter but I don't have an Xbox S_VHS lead either lol ..... back to trawl evilbay lol Never off that site of late!
  8. Picked up this boxed new unused Sharp 14" with a scart input, for RGB. Fresh out the box with poly bits still stuck on it. Bought it mainly as it was small, unused and great for testing old ZX Spectrums initially, but will see how the Xbox RGB looks on it too.
  9. Still looking.... can't find it on this drive or fave's either, must be on an external.
  10. Yeah it's a known issue. Most LCD were fine with the original old XBMC 3.5.3, but then have this problem with Xbox4Gamers initialising properly. Does the same malarky after an IGR as well. There is a fix I think which I had bookmarked somewhere for it. Have a look tomorrow, too knacked to search now.
  11. Yeah, I know. Search for 'Sleepy Hollow Laserdisc' as well.
  12. You could just solder onto the pads of Nem's chip to update it in the Xilinx ISE suite, or some other JTAG software some use (forgot the name) I used the Xilinx Suite myself when I was making loads of chips as it has the extra features etc. But you know Nem with his OCD He doesn't sleep well when nonces start soldering wires onto his masterpiece leaving residue afterwards haha You could prolly get away with just holding the JTAG pins against his chip pads as it only takes 7 seconds to burn the fuse map onto the CPLD. Again, he'd prolly cringe at that lol
  13. You write the CPLD in the corresponding ISE suite for the CPLD with the Jed file. Occasionally Ryzee will issue an update for the CPLD code to fix issues etc or improvements. This must be done via JTAG to the CPLD JTAG points which is what Nem has added there. Also he added the option to program the flash with the XeniumOS, which you can't do with Xblast etc, you need the Xenium program or you can use a JTAG chain and external programmer, which is why he added it.
  14. No, nothing to do with the Xbox Eeprom. In essence it's really dead simple. The Xbox has the inbuilt option from factory to load either the onboard flash (TSOP) or if and only if, either D0 or LFrame are grounded the MCPX then says ignore the TSOP, we need to load the BIOS from the LPC port. Now, you can just have another flash chip sat on the LPC port (cheapmod) without any CPLD, and it will load the BIOS from there instead, like a second TSOP. Where the CPLD comes into play is for say bios bank selection or OS system load instead of a dumb flash chip. So you have the VHDL code to program the CPLD, this is the instruction set, and the 2mb Flash on the chip has 1mb reserved for the xenium OS to sit there. So once the CPLD says right, access that OS bank it fires up the Xenium OS from the onboard flash. You can then load your BIOS you select and all your other options. That's it in basic terms, so to speeak. Then the BIOS takes over as you know.

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