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  1. Hi All.. I have setup a torrent of the complete file download section from the long gone www.eurasia.nu. It contains not only Xbox but pretty much all consoles from around that time There is 93 X 1 gig zip files and the total is around 91 gigabyte, You will need to be patient as my upload speed is not that crash, I live is a 1st world country with 3rd rate internet. Cheers SS Dave Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing. Xbox and more tricks and hints.torrent
  2. I used the ENDGAME package to softmod, then mounted the ISO for the extra disc and attempted to install MS Dash. It goes through the process, but I notice on the file copy screen the "from" and "to" are blank and don't show file paths. At the end it says it was successful, but there it's not there when I go back to the Applications menu. I also tried to install DVD2Xbox and it fails with a blank error window. My extra disc menus also have a an empty menu item that I haven't seen in any video tutorials or screenshots. I went to factory reset using the mounted ISO and I get an error Unable to launch "E:\Prep\default.xbe". File does not exist. Hoping you can help @Rocky5 ! Some other details: Retail 4034 BIOS Version V1.0 Kernel 1.0.4034.1 Dash Version 0.39.052BA Build 584 Softmod v1.2.1
  3. emiliano

    File XPR

    Good morning I need to decompress an xpr file (express file containing 3d cover of the dragon front-end) I have to extrapolate some covers to put in another package Do you know if it can be done and with which software Thank's
  4. It seems a straight up Repackinator CCI conversion of the Redump image results in an error at launch. There is now a fixed version available. The clip below shows it being launched from XBMC4Gamers without any issue. It also fixes the crash some people get on the character creation screen when launching from XBMC4Gamers.
  5. so i have about 1k roms which file names are too long to be transfered to to character limit on fatx, how can i shorten the names (in bulk) without doing 1,000+ renames (also the xored mini trainer pack had the same issue not just as much of a pain (bout 5-6 etm's)
  6. Kaos Engineer Do you have any .Xpr File Packers?
  7. I've been working on a python app that's sort of a replacement for extract-xiso, plus some other features like CSO compression/decompression, iso scrubbing, attach xbe generation, and batch processing. I have it done for the most part besides being able to write a new xiso from a game folder, which I'd consider a pretty important thing to be able to do. This seems like the most complex task extract-xiso handles and the code for that program is honestly pretty hard for me to follow (I'm not fluent in C and it doesn't appear to be super well organized) so I'm looking for some more resources on the xiso format, how it's laid out, constraints, specs, and such.
  8. I'm looking for a BAT file that takes .mp3 files from ResurrectionXtras's PC Engine CD romset and converts them to .wav format, the reason behind this is MednafenX-PCE doesn't get along with .mp3 files while emulating PCE-CD ROMS, what I mean by that is while in game the emulator plays through the first music or sound file in the folder for a few seconds then cuts to the next .mp3 file and basically do this all the time for every game and their respective mp3 files. If there isn't any bat file available to download, I would appreciate an easy and quick way to convert those files and edit the cue files by myself.
  9. I create ROM Hack for original xbox game but it require to patch 29 file! Xdelta and others they only patch 1 file *Note my game is HDD rip (files) not iso
  10. Has anyone managed to build .xbe from link below and could share it here? https://github.com/GXTX/XboxOverclock This new method allow you to OC your xbox without patching the BIOS.
  11. I know that the format for the videos for the roms are in a .xmv format. Is there a way to convert other videos to that format? I have some videos for games but they are not in .xmv, so I wanted to see if I could convert them over to be used.
  12. I have Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic and Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic 2 installed in Games on my F drive. Evidently they both have the same title in the XBE (Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic) which means that Unleash only shows one game in the GAMES and XBMC-Emustation shows KOTR 2 as a duplicate title (Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic (duplicate) - even though the game scanner shows the correct title when scanning). Through searching, I read that this because the default.xbe for both games has the same title info and that the easiest way to update it is to go into the file manager on Unleash, click the white button and choose the option to edit the Game title - which works (I can change the title and it will show up in both dashboards) but has a problem - the interface limits the number of characters you can use to a smaller value than the length of the title for these games. Like if you blank out the title, you can't even put the full original title back in - it's too long for the (apparently artificial character length limit the Unleash file explorer imposes). All I want to be able to do is to change the title for the second game from "Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic" to "Star Wars - Knights of the old Republic 2" which matches the artwork, synopsis, etc. So my question is whether there are any other on-xbox (or PC-based) tools / applications that will let you edit the game title in the default.xbe without this character limit?
  13. Hello all i want to do a DVD Perspex mod on my XBox Samsung player. i’ve looked all over the internet and the only place I found supplying a MOD is GhostCase.com. There is a company that will cut the Perspex for me but they want a DXF file or ai formats. I want to do a similar MOD to STUDIO-FR has anyone done this MOD before? how can I make a DFX file? Are all the Xbox 360 GhostCase – Clear Disk Drive Lid MODs sold out & gone from existence?
  14. Someone to compile this tool for me please? My PC won't open Visual Studio and I'm not very experienced with C++ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/n95ri6vwu0kyd/Compilar+XZP+Original+Xbox+Compress
  15. "UnBlunder" Does Not Unzip File "loader.xpr" From Half-Life 2 For Xbox And "Bundler" Does Not Compact TGA Textures Can anyone help me?
  16. Kaos Engineer Can You Compress This File To .XPR For Me? https://www.mediafire.com/file/5uvq7uqs4a75mwa/LoaderMedia.zip/file This is the tool: https://www.mediafire.com/file/gygcx54d740brx9/Bundler.zip/file I don't know how to use it because it doesn't contain a .exe file and i don't know how to use it through the DOS menu
  17. I have a few big games (> 4GB) ripped from Game DVDs on PC by PowerISO. But I don't know how to split or slice them into smaller ISOs. Does anyone happen to know any method and tools that is able to do that, so that I can FTP them to Xbox and play the smaller ISO directly from Xbox? ** (my xbox DVD ROM is too old to read most CD/DVDs nowadays, not even the newly burned HeXEn DVD) Thanks Peter
  18. I'm trying to FTP a GBA romset to my Xbox but over half of the files wont transfer with Filezilla, I get the error message saying the file names are too long. Would I be able to burn the rom files to a DVD disc and transfer them to the console that way, or is there another solution outside of manually shortening 1000+ file names?
  19. Hello everyone! I'm new here and english is not my first language so please bare with me. So I was customizing xbmc4gamers on my recently softmodded Xbox, specifically I was adding a couple of sources to my root because I wanted a "dashboards" folder to access them right away. I created a folder with MSDash and Unleashed and a third dash I didn't know what it was, but it contained the file "xonlinedash.xbe". Then I tested if the paths worked and they did, except when I tried that last one it appeared an error in green letters saying there was something wrong with my xbox, so I just shut it down and restart again and everything seemed fine. But since then every time I leave my xbmc4gamers unattended for like 15 minutes it crashes and I get a black screen, interrupting the ftp connection. I tried updating again through the downloader but I got a URL script error and now everytime I try to download something it just freezes the screen. Also when I resume the slideshow screensaver by pressing a button it freezes. Since it only crashed with xbmc4gamers (unleash works fine) I've reinstalled it manually (overwriting the files via ftp), it remembered all of my media and most of my settings, only had to create a new profile. That got rid of the url downloading problem. Now I can use the downloader again, but it didn't solve the crashing problem. Should I erase the whole xbmc4gamers folder and FTP just the new one? The first time I reinstalled it I simply overwrote the folder, leaving some files from the previous installation. I don't have the knowledge required to make any sense of the log file but I attach it here in case someone can help me (it's from before reinstalling xbmc4gamers). xbmc.log
  20. i have a prototype game that i want to run on my modded xbox. how do i turn it into a file that will run on it?
  21. Hello All, I finally got my Xecuter 3 CE working! I had to swap to a whole new console since the video out died on the old one. Somewhere in the troubleshooting of the old console the bios seems to have been wiped from the Xecuter 3 CE. Currently I am succesful getting it to boot to FlashBIOS 3.0.1, but don't have a file to load there. I've been googling, but most of the old download links are broken. What is the latest version Xecuter Bios that I am looking for? Anyone have please? Should I load it on both 1MB banks so this doesn't happen again? I've been out of the scene 10+ years, so I welcome any advice. Thank you!
  22. G'day mates ! (typical aussie speak i swear) I've had a bit of a break from the OGX scene however I am back now and picking up the peices after I did what I wanted to with some old projects. Thanks to @SS_Daveive got a $20 bargain 1.4 board working again (afte I butchered an LPC build) however I want to extract an old bios file I wrote a couple of years ago on my Duo x3 chip. Whats the best tool to estract it and then edit it to see what is in it so I can modify it for this new box. As I have a strong feeling the file I wrote was for a slimeline I made with a DVD delete, however It has some colours and settings I changed that I want to use for this new OGXBox. Cheers - Dan
  23. Hi all im a newbie to your forum and to og xbox homebrew. i recently purchased one of those 2tb modded og xbox from ebay that was already setup. im not a newbie to the homebrew scene just to og xbox i went to use the download tool in the xbmc i wanted to download some homebrew games like half life ect. every time i go to download something i get an error message asking me for a default xde file. im confused by this as i have searched all my directories and cant find anything. i have tried to google this issue and i cant find anything about it. the only results i get are for kodi?? i know its probably a really simple issue and a easy fix but im so new to the platform im not really sure where to start. as the xbox was not modded by me i do not know what files are on there or what is required to download software from the download utility. any help on this would be awesome. thank you all very much :)
  24. Hello. I'm playing now PAL version of Guilty Gear Isuka. I'm not good enough to unlock everything, but i want to make with trainer/find save file. Maybe anyone can help me with this problem?
  25. I am interested in something like Qwix or C-xbox tool but which also allows me to use an ACL file for the chosen xbe. As far as I know ACLs are only used with DVD2XBOX (which can use the context menu on extracted XBEs in its file explorer to process with ACL files, for anyone looking for that functionality).

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