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  1. It's a shot in the dark but I have a OGX360 that during our home move the USB ports broke off all the boards and not sure it can be recovered. I'm looking to see if there is any place to buy a OGX360 (4 Controller)
  2. Hi I bought a OGX360 from a guy in Western Canada I met on here a couple years ago and just got around to hooking it up. The controllers works with the wireless unit, on the two computers I tried it on, but when I connect the wireless unit to the OGXBOX I can connect the controller to it but all four lights blink on the controller and I can't do anything. It seems the OGX360 is not assigning ports to the controllers. Wondering if anyone knows what I should try to fix this?
  3. OGX360 - Wireless/Wired Controller Adapter - 1-4 Player Normal OGX360 1 Player £43 posted Normal OGX360 2 Player £50 posted Normal OGX360 4 Player £60 posted Minny OGX360 1 Player £43 posted OGX360 - Wireless Controller Adapter for Original Xbox 1-4 Player Come with the 1/2/4 xbox to usb cable and a 3d printed case 1Player It works best with the red brick 8Bitdo It come with a case You will need a 8 bitdo for it to work 8 bitdo are a an xbox 360 wireless receiver to run 4 players not included can Supports 4 players with Genuine and Third Party Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless Receivers on the Xbox 360 Controllers. all the files are Available to build one you're self thanks to ryzee19
  4. I’ve done a little digging lately and it seems there are quite a few options these days for wireless support of more modern controllers. I’m looking to avoid a ton of cables going everywhere for 4 controller support. The Brook Wingman XB2 is a nice option, but requires 4 of them, similar to the OGX360 module needing all four controller ports to be physically connected when in use. This obviously causes a mess of cables and gets quite pricey. Looking for some information about any newer/lesser known options. I’m all for making this myself and hopefully internalizing it. I just can’t stress enough that the amount of loose cables is a huge turnoff for me.
  5. @Marty @Dtomcat18 I see the BOMs and Gerbers, but what do I do about the molex cables? Is there something I'm missing? @KaosEngineer @SS_Dave @Donnie-Burger @GoTeamScotch
  6. Hi all, I was hoping someone could help me get my OGX360 working again. It was working for a couple years then I let it sit around for about a year and now the Chinese wireless Xbox 360 adapter won't sync with my controller (it worked before). I was able to successfully update all 4 boards of the ogx360 via Ryzee's instructions on Github but this did not solve the problem. I loaded the debug.hex file to the master board and got the following output on Termite: Ryzee119 ogx360 Testing Routine Based on test routine by Circuits At Home See https://github.com/felis/USB_Host_Shield_2.0/blob/master/examples/board_qc/board_qc.ino MAX3421 Revision 03 SPI bus integrity test. Transfers 1MB of data. Each dot is 64K................ SPI long test passed PLL test. 10 chip resets will be performed Oscillator Stability Check Reset number 0 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 1 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 2 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 3 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 4 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 5 Time to stabilize - 286 cycles Reset number 6 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 7 Time to stabilize - 286 cycles Reset number 8 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Reset number 9 Time to stabilize - 285 cycles Checking USB device communication. Waiting for device... Reset complete. Waiting for the first SOF... USB state machine reached error state Obviously there is a problem being detected by the self test, but I am not sure what this means. If anyone has an idea more specifically what this means please let me know. Thanks!
  7. I have the parts in stock to build 2 more OGX360s. I sold 5 units and bought parts for 7 considering that I would probably need spare parts. I was lucky and no spare parts were needed so now i have 2 spares that I am offering here. I can make them with 1 arduino each and order more Arduinos if needed. I also make the cables. I solder my PCBs with a stencil, liquid solder and then bake them in a T-962 Infrared IC Heater. All hand soldering is done under a microscope and the OGX360s are flashed and tested befpre shipping. Here's my offering: OGX360 1x controller + 1x cable€ 45,00 OGX360 2x controller + 2x cable € 50,00 OGX360 3x controller + 3x cable € 55,00 OGX360 4x controller + 4x cable € 60,00 3d case €5,00 Shipping can be through PostNL, DHL, FedEx, UPS whatever you please, I can get prices from all these handlers. I've made my OGX360s with pin headers for the Arduinos to make it easier to replace them so I modified the case STL and posted it here on thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5976384
  8. I'm not a huge fan of mounting PCBs on the outside of my Xbox, so I came up with a way to use controller ports with an internal OGX360 (latest firmware supports OG controllers) and I thought I'd share. This is just a USB hub designed to use the Xbox's proprietary connectors, your motherboard plugs into the OGX360's Pro Micro boards, the OGX360 and controller port cables plug into the hub. I included a few extra headers, two are for video sync lines (CLK A and CLK B) which get passed from the motherboard to the controller ports, though I have not tested if OG Xbox lightguns will work (I don't have any). There's also a DC header so you can power the hub/peripherals from a +5V source inside the Xbox, I've been using the Molex HDD connector so no soldering is required to install it. The power source automatically switches to the DC header once a +5V source is plugged in (using a TPS2116DRLR power switch). If all you want to use is a 360 wireless PC adapter, the extra power isn't really needed. It mounts on the rf shield, above the middle tab for the faceplate. The latest version of the board (pictured above) fits all Xbox models: Here's the link to the GitHub, it includes wiring diagrams for making your own cables and gerbers for that USB adapter^ A couple of notes: Memory cards will not work with this, OG Xbox communicators probably won't work either. v1.6 Xboxes need cable extensions for their controller ports since their wires are too short to reach the hub. If anyone has an OGX360 and a lightgun setup, I'd be willing to send out a kit with video sync headers and connectors to test and see if they work.
  9. Hi, I'm looking to order some parts to build an OGX360. However, there are a couple of parts that are unavailable on DigiKey. I'm not 100% what the important specs are for picking an alternate part (assume DIgiKey has one). So, I was hoping someone with more knowledge than myself could help point me to an alternative that will work. Here are the parts they are out of stock on: 5 x BAT54GWJ - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/nexperia-usa-inc/BAT54GWJ/7390553 1 x MIC5219-3.3YM5-TR - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/microchip-technology/MIC5219-3-3YM5-TR/771750 1 x 74HC4050D - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/toshiba-semiconductor-and-storage/74HC4050D/6198944?s=N4IgTCBcDaIOwBYASBhBAGArOgIigKgLQByOIAugL5A I'm also happy to order from another place if needed. Thanks!
  10. I have some 4 port OGX360s with micro USB cables and Xbox adapters, no case as I do not have a 3D printer. $125 shipped to the USA International shipping may be more depending on where you are. I have blue and black PCBs so let me know what you'd prefer.
  11. photo 01 photo 02 photo 03 photo 04 photo 05 provides more power and memory for: - removing slowdowns in emulators - hex patches for 720p output resolution - improved dashboard performance on 720p resolution - improved Linux performance 2TB HDD storage: - new unit installed Xerc2: - makes your Xbox turn ON and OFF from a remote (some TV remotes or Xbox DVD remote) - IR receiver was installed on the left bottom side of the front panel (requires some tweaks to work with your remote) OGX360: - lets you connect wireless Xbox 360 controllers to Xbox Original - installed internally (can be turned ON and OFF by clicking the button on left bottom side of the front panel) - 2 channels soldered and programmed (controller port 1 and 2) - OGX360 USB is located on the back of the console Others: - has 2 options, one for stock Xbox speed, and another one for 1067mhz this way you can play stock Xbox games without troubles and glitches, and also play Emulators in fullspeed - painted blue (automotive paint then clear coat) Listing contains: 1 x Xbox console (with 1ghz CPU, 128mb RAM, 2TB HDD, XERC2 and OGX360) 1 x Wireless Xbox 360 controller 1 x Wireless Xbox 360 receiver for PC 1 x Power Cord (USA or European depending on your location, same for Power Supply, if you are from USA it will be 110v, if from Europe - 220v) 1 x Xbox2HDMI
  12. I have the parts to build 10 x 1player OGX360, all parts are new and unused. My intension was to build and use these myself but I'll probably never get the time! I did try attaching a picture but couldn't get it to work, there's a link below. 10 x PCB's 10 x Arduino Pro Micro all components needed for PCB's Looking for £200 + delivery https://postimg.cc/yWVtWxDf Thanks
  13. So getting ready to do my first OGX360 build and seen a lot of people have issues with U2 needing resoldered. But they don’t know until they run the test firmware. I wanted my pro micro soldered to the board and not through a header…. So I designed this test rig so I can run the test firmware before soldering the pro micro…. Thoughts?
  14. I just finished building a single OGX360 with a Teensy 4.1 and am super impressed since I cannot notice any input lag. Now I'm looking to build an OGX360 4 player and after looking at the github and being directed to digikey for all the parts to build one I noticed that some parts are out of stock. Does anyone know where to source the parts that are needed to complete the build or perhaps substitute parts? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Looks like since the OGX360 came out the Microsoft XBOX 360 PC receivers have skyrocketed in price. Do we have any other alternative? would rather not have to get a USB hub and 4 8BIT and 4 new XBOX controllers. All the alternatives seem to be a receiver only for 1 specific controller vs any 4 controllers, Ideas?
  16. Ok I admit I am not a pro modder. Really only started learning stuff. I purchased an already modded OG xbox. Works great but i really wanted to use a wheel and arcade joysticks with soo many games. Found the OGx360 device and bought the 4 controller capable one. Plugged it in with a usb 4 port hub into the ogx360 and viola i had: an xbox 360 corded controller, a race wheel with pedals, and an arcade joystick 2 player board. I was able to turn off which controller i didnt need using the hub. Was soo happy! It worked for about a day... Some reason the controllers all stopped being seen by the xbox. Troubleshooting Tried just 360 corded controller plugged into the ogx360 and it blinks one time does not show the lit up for player number. Which it did do before. Tried switching which micro usb goes where but no effect. An Og xbox controller works so ports on xbox are good. And 360 controller works on a PC or 360 still. Same with wheel and arcade joysticks. So just the Ogx360 is fried? Reached out to seller and got replacement. Yay! But it worked again for about 2 days.... Now i see most people seem to just use a wireless adapter in the ogx360. Is using the 4 port usb hub what is causing my ogx360 to like short out? The devices i want to use are all corded so i dont need the wireless function just multiple USB.
  17. Anyone know if there's a way to use ogx360 to power on/off the Xbox using this? Would be a really nice quality of life upgrade to the OG
  18. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=317852276104662&id=100036396753085 Hello fellow Xbox enthusiasts! I had some spare time this week and thought I'd pump out some PCBs to assist with the internal OGX360 installation that uses RELAYS. (The ogx360 was designed by Ryan Wendland and it allows you to use modern wireless controllers with the original Xbox. It's something that I really can't live without these days. lol.) You can certainly install the ogx360 without relays. In fact, Ryan designed a very nice (and tiny) USB Breakout Board for them and I've got all the custom cables for it. But, every once in a while I get a customer who would prefer to use relays for their internal ogx360 installation. (When you use a relay, a wired controller will automatically disconnect the ogx360. You unplug the controller and then it switches back to the ogx360. It's pretty neat and really good if you have kids or are frequently switching between a wired and wireless controller.) Tony Kuberka broke ground on using the relays and he made some really nice diagrams. The diagrams are great but are a little intimidating for the average modder because there are lots of wires to splice and you can really mess things up if you don't know what you're doing. Though I certainly don't mind splicing and wiring up things inside my Xboxes, I thought I'd make it easier for people to take advantage of the internal ogx360 installation using relays. I designed two different versions. The first uses only one PCB and the second uses two PCBs. You can checkout my Facebook page for the pictures. Once I receive the PCBs from the manufacturer and I've tested everything then I'll make another post. If you've wired up your own ogx360 with relays, I'd love to hear about it here. Cheers! @Ryzee119 @Anarchy42085
  19. Leekzo


    Hi there, where do I buy the ogx360??
  20. https://www.ebay.com/itm/265197533417 Hey everyone, please delete if not allowed but I'm selling a custom modded Xbox 360 controller. I don't know too much about it, let alone what it's actually worth, but I'm sharing in case anyone wants to check it out. It has a nice aesthetic to it but I'm not sure if there's rapid fire or anything like that built in. I figured with the OGX360 becoming more popular and viable for different controller options on the OG Xbox and certain controllers either being hard to find in general or simply hard to find in good condition, I figured someone here might be interested before the auction ends. Thank you!
  21. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I don't know where to go. My OGX360 is currently using an 8bitdo Wireless USB Adapter (see https://www.8bitdo.com/usb-adapter-ps1-classic) to connect with an Xbox One controller. I tried to sync an Xbox Series X controller with it, but it failed to pair. Since this could be a limitation of the 8bitdo adapter, would my Xbox Series X controller successfully pair if I switch to the official Microsoft Xbox Wireless Adapter? Thank you.
  22. So I finally ordered two complete OGX360 sets, one for each of my OG Xbox consoles. When looking for the usb wireless adapter (the only thing the kit doesn't come with besides a controller), they are freaking expensive. I can't find the OEM Microsoft accessories for less than $40 each refurbished. There are plenty of generic ones, but considering how hit or miss the aftermarket wired controllers are for the OG Xbox, I am apprehensive to buy non OEM accessories. Does anyone have experience with the aftermarket 360 wireless adapters that can shed some light on whether they work as they are supposed to with the OGX360? Does anyone know if the below linked adapter will work? https://www.amazon.com/Xbox-Wireless-Adapter-Windows-Renewed-one/dp/B07JKKKTWQ/ref=pd_sbs_63_6/131-1984250-1160567?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07JKKKTWQ&pd_rd_r=e5efc1ff-244a-4d37-9bd6-bce71e6094f4&pd_rd_w=xrcz6&pd_rd_wg=Y7DqX&pf_rd_p=bdc67ba8-ab69-42ee-b8d8-8f5336b36a83&pf_rd_r=WDHYWXS24CWQ98YEDBH8&psc=1&refRID=WDHYWXS24CWQ98YEDBH8
  23. I finally got the parts for internal mounting of the OGx360, but i am not sure what to do with the reciever. Anyone got good ideas for where to put it internally, and in that case, how to get to the sync button easily? Is external mount best?
  24. I'm wanting to use other controllers on my OG Xbox. Controllers such as Xbox 360 and ideally Xbox One controllers. Everyone seems to recommend ogx360, but that seems to require a custom PCB and I'm not sure where to buy it. Alternatively, there's ripdajacker's project, which seems to be less polished but it also appears to support more controllers and only requires a raspberry pi and an atmega32u4 board, which are off-the-shelf parts. What are the differences between these two projects? Which is best? Thanks
  25. I’m selling my ogx360 it’s the 4 player option I’m including the receiver and controller to USB adapter to so your all set to use i haven’t used but once there isn’t any issues it is a cool product shout out to Ryan for making it but i just really been only using my wire controller so I prefer some one to have it and use it instead of just sitting there I bought the receiver new paid 30 dollars for it it’s an official Xbox receiver I paid almost 100 dollars altogether I’m asking 80 shipped

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