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I'm really in a bind here. All my xboxes are faulty in one way or another. They're going to be hard modded, HDD upgraded, and recapped, but I want a working disk drive and I've already sunk a lot of time into this. I have a GDR-8163B, the computer BIOS recognizes it. I have a USB drive flashed (Rufus) with FreeDOS. And I have the Fixed Firmware (8050L), but when I try to flash it, I get the error "no CD/DVD Drive". I am at a loss of what to do to make this work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I purchased a broken no power Xbox (v1.3) at a game store recently, and decided to take a look and see what the issue was. When I got the Xbox, it did not respond to being plugged in or pushing the power button. I've heard that the clock capacitor is an issue with the Xbox, and noticed that there was corrosion by it. It took me a while to take the capacitor off, almost like it was fused to the board. I was able to eventually get it out, but I ended up breaking off the cathode. (I am relatively new to repairing electronics and although I feel confident soldering, my desoldering skills need some work :-P) It seems like the corrosion is much worse than I initially thought. I am aware that the clock capacitor alone does not cause a no power issue, but rather it corroding the traces around it. What should my next steps be for the repair? Should I take a look at the A trace, or write off the console? Thank you in advance for any help/advice!
After each time I power up the Xbox the artworks shows some symbol/icon. on the games that contains violence. the symbol is shown in the picture: after I renew the info these symbols are gone. Is there a way to avoid these symbols in the first place? I have a 1.6 xbox smartxxv2 chip. XBMC4 gamers dashboard. Newest cerbios BIOS. Thanks in advance for your ideas!
Reposted with pics on Imgur: I need help flashing this corrupt Bios chip on my Og Xbox. Unfortunately this is the only way i can reflash it, as i attempted to flash it but forgot to bridge the points now my Og Xbox only works with a modchip. I got around to picking up a programmer TL866II Plus with Xgpro v11.90 Flasher tool. But i keep getting a pin detect error. I first tried it with a new exact replacement chip using a TSOP 40 adaptor. Then ended up losing that chip. And desoldered the one from the motherboard. I also removed the cold solder from the adaptors and added some fresh new high quality solder with flux to make sure that isn’t the problem. I socketed it into the slot and no luck “Pin detect error”. I then ordered another adaptor this time without a socket and i soldered on the bios chip. I also redid the solder joints, as the ones on that adaptor were dull aswell, and no luck. I picked up the correct or the closest settings on the Xgpro v11.90 software. I tried TSOP 40 Hyundai and Hynix HY29F080 with no luck. It yet again gives me a “Pin detect error”. I even tried auto detect and it says chip not supported. On the chip it says Hyundai HY29F080T-90, but i can’t find that exact model number on the menu. Could that be the issue or is it something else. I have no idea as this is my first time using a programmer. And saw a video or two on how to use it.
My in January repaired 1.4 Xbox console is dead today, it didn't turn on Both the power and eject button does nothing. It played fine a week ago. I opened it up, disconnected the PSU from the mainboard and used a multimeter to check the voltage between the grey pin and ground according to the diagram below (Delta PSU). It only jumps to 0,05-0,1v when it's connected to a power outlet. It gives no 3,3v. Does it mean the PSU is dead and not easily fixable?
Hi all, bit of a story here. I got an HDMI kit for my xbox recently, dug out the old girl and it worked great...except the display was going black for a second or more during games. Not crashing, just briefly losing sound and video. It was doing this on component as well, which was why I stopped using it in the first place. I assumed my component-HDMI adapter was faulty. I was sure it wasn't related to the HDMI kit, so I decided to mess with different video modes (with enigmah and the settings in evox) I now get no sound at all in games...except Beyond Good and Evil. Dashboard (ie XBMC also has UI sound). The problem also happens with legit PAL discs. The system region is PAL-60. I recently updated to Rocky5 using the extras ISO which comes with the softmod kit, so I'm as confident as I could be that the softmod isn't the issue either. Can anyone help please?
Hello good evening guys, I need to clear a doubt about the Xbox HD and the chip.... Come on, My Xbox 1.6 already has the Pin headers installed, and I want to buy Chipmod PROJECT STELLAR, I just fit it in and ready? Since you have everything done.... and another thing I'm going to buy a HD Western Blue, would that be the right one?
Hello, Was wondering if anyone could help or test themselves maybe if they have a similar setup. I am running an EVOX dashboard (the latest i think), and form there can load Unleashx aswell. Everything else is working OK but cannot load discs (even originals) after the dash has loaded, I have the same problem when trying with unleashx, The status says checking after inserting a disc, then after a few secs says unknown. The discs will load if inserted then the console is rebooted. Here are a few key lines from the ini - AutoLaunchGames = Yes AutoLaunchDVD = No DVDPlayer = "e:\Apps\dvdx2\default.xbe" AutoLaunchAudio = No Current = 0xBEC9F026E59B170EF24142B7A71A8A3C Section "Root" { Item "Launch DVD Movie",ID_Launch_DVD Should these settings allow booting of a disc when inserting after the dash has loaded ? Any ideas ?
Got an v1.6 softmodded xbox (with non ejecting dvd drive) that i thought I could turn into a devkit system. Using MVG's 2018 Youtube video. But all i got was a bricked xbox. When i was supposed to start the pbl from the E: the xbox froze. And after a restart the xbox error 21 was present. I then fixed the drive belt on my dvd drive, so i now can eject and insert dvd's but no luck starting slayers-evox or any of my original xbox game. I didnt backup up the eeprom files. On the E: drive there was already present some similar PBL files - so i copied these to my pc before overwriting with MVG ones : ( boot.cfg, M8_LBA48_IGR_Q-06-BFM.bin, xbdm.dll, default.xbe (21kb), dashboard.xbx ) Is there a way to make this xbox come back alive ?
I got a free Xbox v1.0 that had Error 21. I cleaned the board, replaced the clock cap with one I bought online (no leakage), installed an Aladdin XT Plus 2 modchip, and used TrueHeXen 2021 to erase the hard drive and install UnleashX. Now, the console turns on without giving an error, but this is where the real pickle is: 1. Trying to boot MS DASH from the menu brings up Error 21 2. Trying to load Burnout 3 (an Xbox Live game) freezes as it loads. 3. Trying to change dashboards (I.e. UnleashX to XBMC4Gamers) ALWAYS fails with an error and no description. This is both with the TrueHeXeN disk or from within UnleashX. As some additional background, it’s a 1.0 and I cannot flash a 512kb BIOS, and it actually says “BIOS: Unknown” in the TrueHeXen disk. I’ve also tried clearing the cache to see if that’s preventing the game from running and it’s not that.
Hello everybody. I am just returning to the original xbox ecosystem after quite a long hiatus. I originally joined and frequented Xbox-scene (with the same username I've chosen here) back in 03/04 and eventually fell off somewhere in the early days of the Xbox 360 and sometime before the site disappeared. Recently, I've been seeing a lot of videos on Youtube about people sort of bringing these old systems back into the spotlight, and decided it was time to pull mine out of storage and show them some long overdue love. I started with a v1.2 that I soon TSOP flashed with the Splinter Cell buffer overrun exploit, but soon caught the itch, promptly installed an Xecuter 2.3b lite and began diving in to all of the cool case mods including the clear LED backlit case jewels, a DVD drive window cut and LCD installs that were so popular at the time. After a while I reverted back to plain cases and less flashiness, and fast forward to today, I still have two v1.2s, one in an original case still rocking the X2.3b lite, and another TSOP flashed, in a green Halo style case. I really wish I still had all of my old pictures from those days of the mods I performed. I would love to look over them once again, and re-examine how well or poor of a job I had done as a young tool-inexperienced teenager lmao. So many memories of good days gone by. As for what's next, I've ordered a couple capacitor kits to refit both boards, as I'd like to keep them around another 20 years if possible. I also ordered a set of ram chips to do the 128mb RAM upgrade I always wanted to do back then, but was nowhere near handy enough with soldering, nor had the proper tools to do it. From there, we'll see. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't keen to get back into case modding, bringing with me a couple more decades worth well-needed know-how. Anyway, it's nice to be back. I don't have near as much free time these days, to stay eyes glued to the forums as I did back then, but I hope to stick around and maybe try to relive the magic once more!
At first I thought it was the processing into the XISO format or the XISO playback but I've recently bought an NTSC retail disc and I'm still have this issue on my NTSC console. TSOP modded , rev 1.4 Here are the only historical posts I could find about this - The 2003 Post from the first link, It makes no sense that forcing an NTSC game to PAL50 fixed his issue but moreover why am I having an issue with a NTSC game on my NTSC console? I don't have an unmodded console to test, unfortunately.
I'm running a 1.6 Xbox, M8+ and UnleashX. I have a 500GB SSD and have transferred over about 250gb of games so far, and only have four left. Whenever I try to transfer over any game directory, I get this result from FileZilla. It repeats this process for every file in the folder until I cancel the transfer. This happens when I try to write to F:\games, but Interestingly enough, I'm able to transfer games over to my 5gb E:\ partition just fine. I've tried Windows' built-in FTP browser, but had no luck there either. Any knowledge on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Status: Starting upload of D:\Xbox Games\.transfer\Panzer Dragoon Orta\event\1078102_44s.wav Command: CWD /F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta/event Response: 553 "/F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta/event": Directory not found. Command: CWD /F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta Response: 250 CWD command successful. Command: MKD event Response: 250 Directory created successfully. Command: CWD /F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta/event Response: 553 "/F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta/event": Directory not found. Command: SIZE /F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta/event/1078102_44s.wav Response: 550 File not found. Command: PASV Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,0,1,3,36,29) Command: STOR /F/games/Panzer Dragoon Orta/event/1078102_44s.wav Response: 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer. Error: Transfer connection interrupted: ECONNABORTED - Connection aborted Response: 450 Cannot access file. Error: File transfer failed
Hello everyone, got an xbox classic v1.1 with an aladdin advanced chip but the ring is always red, also on boot the dvd drive spins up really fast twice how can I fix it? Tried flashing different bioses and changing the ring color in settings but nothing.
I have just FTP'd CoinOps 8 over to my newly mod chipped Xbox but there is no Emulator option in the menu so I can't load it. I can see an option to 'format' menu but it asks for a password to be entered to access it. Also I have 'HeXEN tools' and 'Ndure tools' but these too require passwords, although these require pressing buttons in the correct order. Is there any commonly used passwords I can try to use or should I contact the seller I purchased the modchip off about this?
hey, im a bit of a newb when it comes to og xbox, but i just bought one for the first time off of ebay. it works great, but i know its a big deal to remove the clock capacitor. it looks like it may have been opened before but i dont have a torx screwdriver to open it up to check. im going to my uncle's on saturday so he can open it up and see. is it fine if i play it with the possibility the clock cap hasnt been removed? it works great in every other regard.
Hello everyone, Yesterday i was trying to repair my Xbox (wich is a 1.4/1.5, manifactured in 2003), i removed the clock capacitor and everything was fine (i dont care to put the date every time i plug it in) but from point blank it shut down and never came back. when i plug it in it FRAGs and i'm not getting out of this. This is my motherboard : i have a modchip installed (not by me, but by someone in the early 2000s), but not a softmod as my xbox read only backups in DVD as far as i know. i made a post on reddit but i had no luck. i tried connecting my HDD to a PC with an adapter and it get recognized by the Devidce Manager but xboxhdm23usb and xplorer360 doesn't seem to detect it and i cant figure out why. i don't care to lose my data, but i just want my xbox back up and running, any suggestion is welcome, but i don't have a EEPROM reader nor a backup and neither a pc with serial port. help me getting this bad boy back to life
Looking for the best graphics games for Xbox, something I should not miss to play (but not just graphics, also balanced gameplay... nothing like Splinter Cell games for example, that has good graphics but awful gameplay)
So currently on the second week of lockdown here in the UK, decided to venture into my attic where amongst the usual junk (12 suitcases) I found 2 ZX Spectrums, a fully boxed sega megadrive and 5 Xboxes! I cant even recall having that many xboxes - brought them down stairs and all appear to be working, one is chipped and one is softmodded so Im going to start and have a tinker with them to make a retro games console for my TV prepared for lots of questions from me as I can recall much about my modding days anymore!
Hello new to the Xbox modding scene I picked up a hard modded xbox and everything works great except for sound and I can’t figure out why... I have tried different cables and different tv’s still no luck Don’t know to much about chips and what it has to be honest I’m still learning lol
I opened an xbox that I picked up at the weekend last night. There was a problem with the disk drive as it kept opening an closing and wouldn't read a disk when it was held closed while the disk was spinning. I suspected a faulty drive but when I opened it I found that it was absolutely filthy inside and that something had leaked - I have attached pics - I think it's a 1.6 so I don't know what is leaking or if it is repairable - any help greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hi, I was wondering about this new dumb newbe question. Do I have to hard mod my original Xbox for me to put in a bigger HD in it? From what I could find on the internet the answer is yes, but I came across other videos that say no. So now I am confused. Also when I soft Mod my xbox the ring not turns green at start up, but when I get the menu it turns yellow? Everything works fine, plays games fine and stuff. Should I be concerned about this? Thanks! -Lockar
If you check out the wiki list for original Xbox games that support widescreen, you'll see a shit load of games that supposedly support 16:9 widescreen in proper unstretched aspect ratio, though most at only 480p. Well, I have a modded Unleash X OGXbox and have never been able to do it, despite fiddling with every setting I can find - from the OGBox's original dash to the display settings in Unleash X. Nada. Nothing works. The few games like that Incredible Hulk one that were released in 720p have no problems with proper 16:9 widescreen but all these others that supposedly support it just don't work. I even messed with the various aspect ratio & zoom settings on my Vizio 42" E420i-B0 Smart TV and no joy. Just curious: has anyone here managed to do it? I can easily live with those black bars on either side it's just that it would be nice to have 16:9 on all 480p games that supposedly support. it.
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