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What Modchip Is this?


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Hi everyone. Recently I've been watching some ModernVintageGamer videos on YouTube and really wanted to get out of the drawer my old modchipped Xbox. It wasn t booting anymore because of a dvd reader failure(error 11 and 12) so I got a used xbox for spare parts off eBay,got the dvd player out of it and put it in my Xbox. The Xbox boots but it won't read even original disks. My question is how do I understand what modchip is installed? Can I run any sort of homebrew via USB and upgrade my HDD ? Thanks in advance.


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It is possibly a Xkiller modchip that's based on the cheap mod chip.

20 minutes ago, xDarkMaster said:

Can I run any sort of homebrew via USB

No, The Xbox usb is only for game saves and controllers 

The problem you are going to have is the BIOS on that chip will only support a 137gb hard drive, You might be able to update the BIOS file on that chip to a later BIOS that will support up to 2.2tb.

If it was me I would reflash the TSOP and do away with that chip.



SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.

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23 minutes ago, xDarkMaster said:

Thanks for the quick reply. I have another question. The other Xbox I got for spare parts has this modchip. Is it an Aladdin Xt? Is there a way to boot this other Xbox without its original HDD(the guy who sold it to me didn't include it). And btw do you think it's a 1.6 xbox? 


That Xbox is a 1.4 and can also be TSOP flashed but as the chip is there you might as well use it and the modchip is one of the aladdin group of chip's and  that one can have a LCD attached to it. It is easy to reflash a new bios to as well.

My choice between the 2 chips would be this one as it is a rock solid chip and one of the most copied chips by the asian sellers, At one stage they were selling for $5 usd including postage,  the way both chips have been fitted makes removal not something I would suggest for the beginner as damage to the main board is possible. 

This chip and the other one both use a 256kb size bios files and both will boot a install disk, providing the DVD drives are in good condition and the disk has been burnt on a brand name DVD-r blank(Verbatim DVD-r is my choice) and slow as the burning software will allow.


I noticed this one still has the clock cap and that should be removed as it will leak and the continents are corrosive.




SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.

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2 hours ago, xDarkMaster said:

Thanks for the quick reply. I have another question. The other Xbox I got for spare parts has this modchip. Is it an Aladdin Xt? Is there a way to boot this other Xbox without its original HDD(the guy who sold it to me didn't include it). And btw do you think it's a 1.6 xbox? 


That is an Aladdin XT 4064 that supports an LCD screen.  Nice find!

You only need to install a new hard drive and boot an installer disc such as Hexen 2018 or OGXbox Installer 2021 to format and install software to it.


Edit: It's a 1.4 Xbox - note the Focus video encoder by the AV port on the back of the motherboard. A 1.6 has an Xcalibur chip and by the LPC debug port you would see a Xyclops chip instead of the TSOP packaged flash EEPROM where the BIOS/Kernel is stored.

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2 hours ago, SS_Dave said:

It is possibly a Xkiller modchip that's based on the cheap mod chip.

Not an X-Killer.  It looks like the one's pictured here - http://web.archive.org/web/20030808132328/http://x-killer.com/

But, it is some cheapmod variant built around the SST 49LF020, not the 49LF020A or other LPC connected flash EEPROM.

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1 hour ago, KaosEngineer said:

Not an X-Killer.  It looks like the one's pictured here - http://web.archive.org/web/20030808132328/http://x-killer.com/

But, it is some cheapmod variant built around the SST 49LF020, not the 49LF020A or other LPC connected flash EEPROM.

I was only going on the shape of the PCB.





SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.


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On 12/30/2020 at 9:51 PM, xDarkMaster said:

Thanks for the quick reply. I have another question. The other Xbox I got for spare parts has this modchip. Is it an Aladdin Xt? Is there a way to boot this other Xbox without its original HDD(the guy who sold it to me didn't include it). And btw do you think it's a 1.6 xbox? 


You have got a rare aladdin 4064! This Aladdin XT uses a different CPLD (LC4064 instead of LC4032) and DOES support a LCD screen!

The chinese clones are always only with lc4032 and they don't support lcd.

Your aladdin xt is therefore pretty interesting.

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On 12/30/2020 at 11:52 PM, KaosEngineer said:

That is an Aladdin XT 4064 that supports an LCD screen.  Nice find!

You only need to install a new hard drive and boot an installer disc such as Hexen 2018 or OGXbox Installer 2021 to format and install software to it.


The fact Is that I own 2 Xbox dvd drives (one per Xbox). The first is a Philps one,but I doesn't even boot when plugged in(doesn't open and if I insert a game dvd manually and boot the console it doesn't spin) and Xbox spits error 12. The other one is a Thomson which boots and is recognised by the motherboard but won t read any type of disk. So obviously I can't flash anything

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As of now I'm trying to get the eeprom HDD key from the Xbox with a raspberry pi (found an amazing tutorial on YouTube). After that I'll create a new HDD for the 1.4 Xbox and boot it up in order to see what I can accomplish with what I already own...I really don't want to spend anything more with these 2 Xbox. Where I live eBay sellers offer working ones for 80€ and up and I don't want to end up paying more than this. If you have any suggestions on what to do for the Dvd drives please let me know. Thank you all

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Although it may be useful you don't actually need the eeprom as 'all' that does is lock the HDD to the specific Xbox. With chips/TSOPs that is not necessary; HDDs can be used unlocked. It is only retail state and softmodded Xboxes that need to have locked HDDs.

The problem you have is being able to flash a chip with a no DVD check BIOS and doing that without a working DVD drive is a bit of a chicken/egg dilemma. Without the DVD drive being recognised as attached the Xbox will error 11 or 12 whether it is chipped or not.

But you say the Thomson DVD drive is recognised so, obviously that's the one to use in either Xbox.

The solution to the flashing problem itself is to build the Xbox HDD on your PC using XBHDM USB. With that you should be able to boot it and with any dashboard get FTP access allowing you to install whatever BIOS flashing tool and BIOS files you want. There are probably other ways of doing the same sort of thing just with XBHDM or in combination with FATXplorer.

The lack of a fully working DVD drive should not be considered too much of a problem with chipped Xboxes.

TSOPing is a different matter - whether it is possible/safe to TSOP BIOS flash by removing/disabling the chip after booting I don't know. Others here may well do or have other solutions.  

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8 hours ago, xDarkMaster said:

As of now I'm trying to get the eeprom HDD key from the Xbox with a raspberry pi (found an amazing tutorial on YouTube). After that I'll create a new HDD for the 1.4 Xbox and boot it up in order to see what I can accomplish with what I already own...I really don't want to spend anything more with these 2 Xbox. Where I live eBay sellers offer working ones for 80€ and up and I don't want to end up paying more than this. If you have any suggestions on what to do for the Dvd drives please let me know. Thank you all

As the Xbox has a modchip you don't need the HDD Key as the hard drive is best left unlocked anyway.

You only need the HDD key if you have a softmodded Xbox.

You could try USB FATX formatter to format the drive into FatX, I have not tried it but it might work.

USB FATX Formatter v1.3.2.7z



SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.



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6 minutes ago, SS_Dave said:

As the Xbox has a modchip you don't need the HDD Key as the hard drive is best left unlocked anyway.

You only need the HDD key if you have a softmodded Xbox.

You could try USB FATX formatter to format the drive into FatX, I have not tried it but it might work.

USB FATX Formatter v1.3.2.7z 98.44 kB · 0 downloads


I have some ide HDDs, do they need to be master,slave or cable select in order to work properly?

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8 hours ago, xDarkMaster said:

The fact Is that I own 2 Xbox dvd drives (one per Xbox). The first is a Philps one,but I doesn't even boot when plugged in(doesn't open and if I insert a game dvd manually and boot the console it doesn't spin) and Xbox spits error 12. The other one is a Thomson which boots and is recognised by the motherboard but won t read any type of disk. So obviously I can't flash anything

I have heard and seen the Philips brand of dvd cause problems and the boards look like they have trace corrosion at the via points.



SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.


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1 minute ago, xDarkMaster said:

I have some ide HDDs, do they need to be master,slave or cable select in order to work properly?

I set the to master but cable select is also ok.



SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.


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Yes you can read and write to the eeprom on the board, the version 1.6 is a bit of a pain as you only have a short time to read or write but the other versions are no problems.



SS Dave

Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing.

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UPDATE: I was able to format the new hdd i intend to use (an old 80gb maxtor ide hdd) via xboxhdmusb. It made like 6 partitions that i can read with fatxplorer. Tried to plug straight into the xbox and gave me an error 7. So i guess i have to install a dashboard on it now, but i can't find the files i need for it(i guess i need evox dash since when i boot that xbox i get a purple watermark stating "Evo X"). Online i was only able to find people saying to use hexen or evox autoinstaller(which for obvious reasons i cannot use).

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1 minute ago, sweetdarkdestiny said:

Load a install disc (OGXBox, Hexen, AID ect.) and load XBOX - XDVDMulleter or Qwix. With those two you can unpack the ISO and FTP the default files to C/E of your drive.

Thx I'll give It a try tomorrow...it s almost 4 am here, and I ve been trying until like 5mins ago lol

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