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  1. The first batch of PicoPromSD 1.5H has sold out. When I have time (it's going to be a while) I'm going to focus on a further cost reduced, but also feature reduced, the absolute barebones cheap variant of PicoPromSD as discussed with dtomcat. I personally recommend the 1.1 or 1.5H for the formactor, feature set and build quality, but if you want to build one for the lowest price possible, that design will be coming.
  2. My batch of PicoPromSDs has sold out. I am keeping 1 in reserve in case anyone has an issue with theirs, this one will be available in a couple of months if no issues are reported. I am also giving away one on Friday January 17th on the Xbox-Scene discord if you missed your chance and still want one. Unless there is massive interest I don't intend to do another batch, though if people need pogo adapters I still have parts for those.
  3. I have one left. Please send me a msg to sort out the details.
  4. The last of my batch is assembled and ready to go. 2 since this pic are already spoken for.
  5. You can technically pull the HV syncs between the GPU and video encoder but no BIOS is really setup for video modes like that yet. https://github.com/professor-jonny/Xbox-AVIP-mod That board is setup to sent out the syncs the way you're describing but there's no supporting software yet. For now the best bet is using an external sync splitter. I do have a board I need to start producing that does sync splitting and adds a video amp, I just haven't had to get it out yet.
  6. I am taking over the thread! (with dtomcat's permission) I have more PicoPromSDs and pogo pin adapters ready to ship. Please reach out if you need one. Price is $27.50 CAD, $5.00 for the pogo addon. Shipping quotes for small parcel air with tracking I've gathered so far are: $10 CAD to the USA $16 CAD to the UK $19 CAD to Australia Boxes are around 6g so I can include other items like xenium or xecuter cables, or Xecuter 2X lite or Pro bank selector boards, Steel Battalion no contact gear shifts in the same shipment at no additional cost.
  7. I have a handful of boards and pogo adapters ready to go now!
  8. Maybe you could speak to prehistoricman to understand what's going on? Of course you're going to need to modify the BIOS to utilize the extra columns regardless if you're going with 4 pads 128mb or 8 pads 256mb. I'm not sure if you've noticed but to utilize 128mb of RAM on Xbox bios and software modification is also required unless you're running debug applications. The mod does not run stable at full speed currently as it's still a proof of concept and in development. Prehistoricman is working on improving his signalling and board quality so he can get the timing and speed back up to on parity with stock RAM installs. Keep in mind even with the tiny underclock and loser timings you're only losing 2-3% performance amounting to likely less than 1fps reduction. He has given out hardward and modified BIOSes to some testers and developers to help develop the project. It really feels like you're judging this project in the middle of development as if it's complete and released. It's not out, but yes in the future you could run 4 BGA to QFP interposer boards to get 128mb of RAM on a 1.6 xbox without RAM stacking.
  9. Yes, but the BIOS would be need to be modified to use the RAM in such a way. That may have been something we talked about with prehistoricman before recording the above Usual Places Modcast.
  10. All of the work listed here has been with @dtomcat's support and approval. In fact I specifically waited for permission before I even started looking at finalizing the board for him. I have to do final assembly and testing on each board, but all parts are now on hand. This is a ground up re-creation of the original design. All traces laid down fresh, most components have been replaced with lower cost, equal or higher quality alternatives. All data lines were redone to be much closer to length matched. Bill of Material (BOM) list for Digikey, LCSC and JLC are all complete. PCBA files for these boards with JLC PCB will be included with the new source files, as well as 3 part LCSC BOM for the 3 through hole components if a user does low cost PCBA. Reset and Boot Sel buttons require 30% more force than the originals but equally or more easily accessible. This is to help protect from accidental button presses. Resistor and capacitor numbering has been standardized, redundant capacitors have been removed. Oscillator has been changed to a lower cost, non programmable, easier footprint to fill model. Green LED resistor lowered to make the brightness between the LEDs more even, and a more visually appealing emerald green LED was chosen to replace the original yellow/green LED. Serial TTL/UART port added (unpopulated) for dumping the user password from locked Original Xbox stock Seagate HDDs. Documentation added on both sides of the PCB to make the pogo pin adapter intuitive to use. Two holes added for M3 screws if a user wants to use a 3d printed shield or case. The existing silkscreen has been redone from scratch as well to improve readability. All software functionality is identical to original PicoPromSD. Here are some pics of the first assembled board. It's not fully clean but it'l give you an idea of what the new model looks like front and back. I'll be assembling the rest in the next week, as well as producing pogo pin adapters and seagate HDD adapter cables. EDIT: The inclusion of a reddish WRITE EEPROM button was intentional. I wanted to it to sort of warn the end user not to press it unless they meant to, even with the existing software protections.
  11. It looks like dtomcat has open sourced PicoPromSD. https://github.com/dtomcat/picoPromSD With his approval I have also updated and finalized his board to a new version he dubbed v1.5H. I have an order of a small number coming currently and will post an update here when they arrive. Once both of us are satisfied that the new cost reduced (not quality reduced), and feature added version is working perfeclty, it will be also open sourced and I will have a small number of pre-assembled ones to sell.
  12. Try deleting and redownloading. Try deleting and reinstalling with the DLC installers from digiex.
  13. Have you checked the standby power transistor. Q7C2? It's a pretty common failure point for 1.6 consoles. https://www.digikey.ca/en/products/detail/diodes-incorporated/MMBT4403-7-F/775739 There's a common replacement for it. If ANY capacitor is swelling, replace it and all the other caps that are the same as it. Replace the 3 or 5 capacitors in front of the CPU regardless if they're swelling or not. Also when you get it running, please run XCAT to archive the HDDs contents.
  14. I could have done a fully different flex cable, but the most requested feature for the OpenXHD feature was compatibility with the flex cable from existing HDMI products. So with that in mind I converted the original flex cable @Ryzee119designed: and converted it to work with the same pinout and location on the Y axis of existing products on the market. This way people can swap between HDMI mods as they see fit without having to remove the entire flex cable and install a different one. This isn't the current design but it's fairly recent: I asked for input from modders who regularly install PS2 and N64 flex cables for what would make their jobs easier, and used that input to add a lot of quality of life improvements. OpenXHD or OXHD is coming along, and yes as it based off open source work by Ryzee119. Once we reach a state that it can be released, it will be released as open source.

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Board startup date: April 23, 2017 12:45:48
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