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About Me

  1. I figured since I've been lurking for a while trying to gather information that I better create an account and contribute to this site as I jump into my first mod project. I have a couple "spare" xbox consoles lying around that I'm going to try and learn modding with Modxo, but for my main unit I decided to take the plunge with project stellar. the more long term project that I want to accomplish is creating new shells/cases for the remaining xbox consoles I have that stores them somewhat like a server rack, each with a handle to pull out of one big carry case. this way I can take a single case with 4 consoles in it to a LAN party with my old HS buddies and everything is updated and plug and play when we feel the need to relive our glory days... i'll be working through the design in Fusion360. I have a Bambu X1C that is currently printing a 70mm case fan adapter in PAHT-CF for a buddy, and I also have an AVID CNC router that I'm hoping to use with some aluminum/Delrin/HDPE to make the custom shells. thank you, admins, for moderating this site and keeping it alive! lots of helpful information on here.
  2. Hello all I am Komrade and I wanted to try a bit of the Microsoft consoles and wanted to start with the OG Xbox as I also like a lot the games from that generation of consoles. I picked a used console together with some demos and a couple of games and 2 controllers to play a bit of 2 player games also haha. Never had one before and they were kinda rare in at least here where I live so a lot of new stuff to discover, so will get busy with it
  3. I'm about to take on a mission I've never done before, and I'm not overly good at this sort of stuff. I found a very clean great condition Xbox, it's been softmodded and a 200GB HDD installed at some point, I'm having a little trouble identifying it but I think it's a 1.1 from what I can tell, it's date seemed a bit new for that which was confusing. The other thing is, I believe a 1.1 has a 1mb Bios, so once I've TSOP bridged the points I would then need to flash it with a 1mb bios correct? This morning I burnt onto a DVD the Cerbios Disk 2.3.2 as I used it to flash Cerbios onto another XBOX that had an M8 bios on it, I as it only has 2.31 on the Cerbios disk I just ftp'd the bios across to C:\bios and used the EVOX flash tool to get that one done, it all worked out well for me. Would that be the way to do it with the 1mb bios too? I made up a 1mb 2.41 to flash onto my X3 mod chip in 1mb mode (long story of a broken dip switch) I'll put some pictures up that might help describe what I'm dealing with as I really have no idea although I've been reading like mad trying to work it all out. So do I just needed to follow this and bridge the points indicated below? I can hardly see the points at all with my eye I have to use my phone zoomed in to see them so it's going to be a challenge to solder it. Thanks for any help, greatly appreciated. I'm in a bit over my head here.
  4. Reposted with pics on Imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/rH19myY I need help flashing this corrupt Bios chip on my Og Xbox. Unfortunately this is the only way i can reflash it, as i attempted to flash it but forgot to bridge the points now my Og Xbox only works with a modchip. I got around to picking up a programmer TL866II Plus with Xgpro v11.90 Flasher tool. But i keep getting a pin detect error. I first tried it with a new exact replacement chip using a TSOP 40 adaptor. Then ended up losing that chip. And desoldered the one from the motherboard. I also removed the cold solder from the adaptors and added some fresh new high quality solder with flux to make sure that isn’t the problem. I socketed it into the slot and no luck “Pin detect error”. I then ordered another adaptor this time without a socket and i soldered on the bios chip. I also redid the solder joints, as the ones on that adaptor were dull aswell, and no luck. I picked up the correct or the closest settings on the Xgpro v11.90 software. I tried TSOP 40 Hyundai and Hynix HY29F080 with no luck. It yet again gives me a “Pin detect error”. I even tried auto detect and it says chip not supported. On the chip it says Hyundai HY29F080T-90, but i can’t find that exact model number on the menu. Could that be the issue or is it something else. I have no idea as this is my first time using a programmer. And saw a video or two on how to use it.
  5. Hey I'm was trying to setup Insignia and was getting some network issues and thought it may be the bios or settings in the X3 config live so I took a look at the time and date settings and the year was 2004, so i set the current date and time, rebooted the Xbox and loaded back into config live and it displayed a message "Fixed Datesettings", I then went back to the time and date settings and sure enough it switched back to 2004. Can anyone tell me why this is happening? My Xbox is a v1.0, X3CE modchip running x3 bios version 3294 force progressive scan on banks 1-4 and then banks 5-8 have the standard x3 3294 bios. I have removed the clock cap. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. as a result of having a bad accident I no longer have the ability to tinker and mod. I have given some away to family - but have 2 complete modded systems in great shape. I am unsure but there may be 500 gb drives in them. I have a tub of parts, power supplies, board(?) case and cables. I am keeping a couple for myself, of course... I am going for best offer and will send pics upon request. I would ship to canada preferred but will also ship us - I won't gouge for shipping or this stuff. they are in fantastic shape. I am in Alberta. sad to sell but it is sadder to not be able to mod any longer. Contact for more info. Thanks
  7. I ran the halo 2 game disc once made a profile, installed the dlc from a hdd ready download. Original hdd had the dlc already. The installed files match on the 1 TB drive so the install is good. 3 out of ten times when a dlc game is picked in the pregame lobby I get a "Failed to load map" error. Also when I try to join a game that is dlc it occurs as well. When I host a dlc game it works but not every time for the other person I get 1 or more players failed to load map. This occurs with xlink kai as a direct system link connection works every time. Not sure if it is xlink kai computer settings or what?
  8. I'm an absolute cretin and have wanted to go for a paint job similar to the look of the official Mountaindew xbox but instead of neon green i'll have it as neon orange or something. What would you guys recommend?
  9. Hey guys, so I replaced what I THOUGHT was a clock capacitor (one of these 1F, 2.5V caps) on my 1.6 Xbox but that did nothing to solve the timekeeping issue. Is this how 1.6 boxes keep time? If not, how can I solve this problem? Can I even?
  10. Hello, i bought a used v1.0 xbox some months ago, which i've modded. but lately i've had problems with it. It manifested by some times i would turn it on and it does the 3 on/offs then christmas lights. Then all of a sudden it can work again for 5 times, next day i turn it on again, and it won't boot. Have to take out the motherboard and inspect my solderjoints, all ok, into the xbox and it might work again, if not repeat process etc. past 2 days i've used it, it's been working perfect then i noticed it just suddenly freezes and throws a high pitch sound on the speakers without me doing anything but just idling in xbmc menu somewhere. And now it won't start sucessfully at all. just christmas lights. And no occasional luck booting it up successfully either. I installed a aladdin modchip in it and have long been suspecting the solderwork there, since sometimes it boots and sometimes not. But now i'm thinking it might be the PSU that is the root of the problems. I looked at another thread and did the voltage testing on the 12v plug pin by starting the PSU and not connecting it to the motherboard. All the wires showed correct voltage except two. The blue wire (or grey as it is on the plug pin) is supposed to be 3.3v but shows 0.04v and the yellow wire which is supposed to be 12v but is showing 5.89v. I'm posting a picture of the psu and you can see 1 capacitor that is very bulged, i've marked it with red arrow. Should i swap out these caps with new ones? are they responsible for the incorrect voltage on specifically those 2 pins? Also the big caps on the motherboard is not bulged but i understand they can very well be off also, even it doesn't show to the naked eye. So basically are the problems coming from the PSU or the motherboard, Would it be enough to just swap out the 3 caps on the psu, you think? What about the big black 400V 180uF one? that can be a culprit too? Btw, when i started up the PSU with no load i can hear a sound coming from the big black 400v capacitator. it's buzzingsound with short 10milliseconds stops in between like as if electrolytic fluid is boiling and hissing in there. is that normal? With load it makes a lower clicking sound. it's prob just the hz from the powerline maybe.
  11. I'm moving this topic from: I would do it in a more polished fashion, but I'm not a moderator and don't have the means to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Post 1: In response to what dash I was using. Old ass xbmc 1.1 dude. I actually want to change to evox or maybe xbmc 3.5.3 but I don't know what the previous owner did for the installation on this particular box and i don't want to de-stabilize anything. The dash boots from a mounted (I'm assuming it's mounted) q: partition. X3cl is configured to boot the dash from f:, but the only files present in the root directory are evoxdash.xbe.old and evox.ini... What the fuck? How is this thing even booting? What the hell is going on? I would just do a clean install but i won't have direct pc access for another month or so, so i can't back up. I do have slayer 2.7 and ogxbox 2021 discs. Can i pull it off with those?... Assuming that's even enough info for you to assess the situation! Post 2: Basically, when asked to clarify and provide more details. Kaos, the two files I listed (an .ini and an .old) are literally the only 2 files in the root of f:. There are no valid executables there so i have no idea what the x3 is booting to get me into xbmc. That's my main point of confusion - If the X3 is set to boot the dash from the root of F: and there's no dash executable located there, then how the FUCK is my Xbox booting at all? How can my bios launch a dashboard (the XBMC 1.1.0 I mentioned) that, by all available and tangible evidence, doesn't fucking exist? but it loads, so obviously it exists somewhere) but can't even load a I'll check the logs. The dash priority list in configlive is the default list. When I change to boot from E: a bare unleashx loads with no menu entries (games and emulators are empty) and is useless except for the file browser. Booting from c partition results in a boot loop, even though there is an evoxdash.xbe in the root, which I'm assuming was created as an old shortcut because there are no resource files/folders and trying to load it manually results in a dash restart... This thing reminds me of the house from poltergeist - full of randomness and wormholes and shit. Dave, thank you for confirming. Is it possible that the bios is just resetting the time every time I try to set it with the dash? Edit: Oh for fuck's sake. I can't open the .log file in unleashx because q: is only present when xbmc is running. And when I try to copy the log file from q: to any other partition so I can view it in unleash, xbmc just refuses to do it. For the life of me, I can NOT find the folder that is being mounted to q:, either. My xbox is a fucking sociopath. What the CHRIST? Edit 2: i found softmod install files in udata and some evox dash files in a subfolder of 41560017. So this thing was softmodded at some point in its life. No wonder it's such a mess. Still can't find the real q: directory... Edit 3: I'm able to get UnleashX to boot if I copy the files from the slayer's 2.7 disc to, say, the root of E:. But if I try to get EvolutionX to run by copying files from the same method, it fails to load and triggers a bios default-dash restart. Does the Evox dash have to be run/setup/installed a certain way, or something? I'm able to load any other dash like Avalaunch or XBMC 3.5.3 (if run as an application from a default.xbe). EvolutionX seems to be really touchy in that respect. Ironically, I was able to get the Evox menu from OGXbox (or slayer's, I can't remember now) actual installer to run from the root of E:, but not the one from the Dashes folder of Slayers. Wow. That makes no sense to me. ----------------------------------------------------- SS_Dave's responses to my time issue: -I tested this with a X3cp with the X3 bios and yes the date gets scrambled on each boot where the X2-5035 and Ind 5004 bios didn't reset the date/time I haven't noticed it before as my Xbox's are connected to the home network and the date/time is set automatically. -I tested that with 2 different Xbox's (1.6 and 1.1) and it did the same when booting direct to the dash and not loading the X3 menu 1st and the clock gets scrambled every time but not with the X2 or Ind on the 1.1, The 1.6 gets reset to 1/1/1900 on the Evox dash and 1/1/2000 in the M$ dash every time you power cycle it. It made no difference if the clock as set via the net then unplug the network cable and power cycle then the clock was scrambled or the clock setting in the M$ dash it did the same. When I get bit more time I will test the older versions of X3 bios. My Reply: So my problem is reproducing when you mimic my setup? Glad to know it's not just me. Definitely let me know when you get some time and are able to experiment further. I appreciate it, buddy. Do you have any insight into my dashboard clusterfuck, by chance? I'd appreciate your input on that, if you don't mind.
  12. Hi, I’m looking for some advice on where to begin with modding my Xbox. I’ve had a read around the forum and seen loads of threads with issues like games loading slow off the new HDD, slow boot ups, error messages like DVD not found, etc and it’s making the idea of modding the console somewhat daunting, no matter how many videos I watch. I’ve fully modded a Dreamcast but that’s very plug and play and has no software exploits, etc so this is a whole new level. My question is, if this Xbox was put down in front of you today, what would be your mod method of choice? I had looked at using the Rocky 5 softmod and then FTP’ing the extras disc across to use Chimp but the whole “4 second window” for the hot swap makes me nervous. Is that the way to go or is there a better way? I just want to put a larger Hard Drive in there to store rips of the discs I own, taking the strain off the DVD drive. Cheers.
  13. You've all be great in helping me get my two Xbox's to be awesome, I've got them both to a point I consider them perfect, my last little gripe is the time, they boot up thinking it's 2007. I've noticed the Xbox has a time server function where it can automatically connect to internet time servers and update the time with UnleashX and also XBMC, however every time server address I put in there doesn't work, even though the time servers do work on windows. Is there a time server anyone has found that actually works on the Xbox? I remember years ago I used to use this function and it used to work fine. If I can sort this out it's the last peace of the puzzle to Xbox perfection for me.
  14. Xbox takes about ten minutes to load the dashboard if I do not attach the DVD drive. I have more xboxes than I do working DVD drives so my goal is to build a working xbox that doesn't require the DVD drive. My issue seems to match a previous post. I used TruHexen 2021 to write 256K EvoX NoDVD to TSOP. From the previous thread, I see that KaosEngineer recommended using EvTool to customize the BIOS before flashing. I grabbed EvolutionX M8plus Bios.rar from xbins. I am paranoid about bricking my xbox. Before I flash, I wanted to make sure I am flashing the correct BIOS. Within the archive, I see a M8plus.bin file which I believe is the correct one to use for 1.2. The MD5 is 0xdfc6288f6b67fd021e1970491c64c0a0. This MD5 doesn't match the Evox M8 MD5 listed at https://www.reddit.com/r/originalxbox/wiki/bios/md5 of aa4d0820b932009090f780f0ee1d1b1c. Do I have the correct Evox M8plus BIOS for my 1.2?
  15. HELLO, Hey guys and gals. I have been a OG xbox owner since I kicked my PS2 to the side for real online gaming way back when. I never was much of a collector, just a gamer. As time has gone on I am now more of a collector and less of a gamer due to life and work always consuming the free time. Since I only ever owned a standard black console I have since started collecting for the now aging system, now I have a total of 12 OG xboxes. CIB JAP dead or alive system, a crystal clear system and a ton of the black ones to include an original Trusty mod console with an Xecuter 3 chip and the lovely front panel with screen and bank selection. I've also managed to snag a freshly built N64 Freak system direct from the source to round out the collection. What brings me here? Well all of these stock black consoles. I repair consoles and install mods for fun, started a small business to try and support my desire to tinker. I've done PC-Engine LT, Super CD-ROM, TurboGrafx, Turbo CD, Vectrex, Atari, etc rebuilds. HDMI mods for NES, Dreamcast, N64, OG Xbox, Saturn to name a few. Rebuild laseractives and many IPS screens to many handhelds, gameboys to lynx to wonder swans... At this point I've done most of the hardware stuff and I want and need to deep dive the software side to gain a better understanding. I've recapped, installed HDMI in most and added mod chips to most of the remaining black consoles and I want to upgrade the drives and make these things one stop shopping for gaming so I am here to learn. So if I can help out in any way let me know, talk collecting or share war stories I am all in. Cheers, Joe
  16. About to tsop my 1.2. i have the latest og xbox installer disc, my 80 wire ide cable is ready to go, soft mod is in place, I have my sata 2.5 inch adapter and 250 gig hdd to put in. I also have my xonductive paint for the tsop. I have seen all the tutoruals on yt that i can find but i am stuck with wondering if i should use evox or ind bios. This will be my first time tsop flashing and adding a bigger drive. I havent even seen whats on the ogxb disc yet. Is there a tutorial on ogxb installer? Or any other suggestions?
  17. Hi All, Thought I'd post a quick hello as I work my way through the huge overload of information on the internet with regards to modding. I believe I have a v1.4 or v1.5 as I have a Focus video chip. The internal condition is remarkable and shows how well I looked after it when younger - but now I want to be able to show my kids some of the games I played on the Xbox and before using an emulator so I'll be reading through guides etc on here
  18. Hey guys! I've got a couple boxes I threw some SSDs into recently and they don't load the dash, but as it says on the tin, only every OTHER time I turn it on. Startup works normally up until AFTER the "X" logo. Either the LED will stay solid green, and the screen will just be completely black forever (to be fair, only ever left it for about and hour while I was doing other stuff for giggles) OR the LED goes solid red like I've set it and loads UnleashX A-okay. Things both run like a champ in this state, haven't seen anything unusual, even the temps are great with stock paste. This happens with: - 2 brand new ADATA ASU655SS-480GT-C units, both of which were cloned from an IDE-based box with a 750GB seagate. The system they were cloned from was 1.6, softmodded with SID5, then upgraded to Rocky5. No issues on that console. These drives have NOT been tested in other functional consoles. Yet. - Three 80-wire IDE cables, two of which were running active duty in other consoles prior to testing and one of which died for some reason during the test. - Four IDE-SATA adapters - an HDE, a Startech IDE2SAT, and 2 Startech IDE2SAT2s (I haven't gone through the trouble of comparing ALL adapter and cable combos but at this point I don't think it matters) - A 1.4 and 1.6 version console - UnleashX Version 0.39.0528A Build 584, as installed by Rocky5's softmod The fact that the LED stays green on the failed boot seems like the system somehow things everything is normal and the SSD has just... stopped? Somewhere? I'm not sure. I think maybe this could be related to the BIOS or DVD drive, as both consoles are only softmodded. I plan to TSOP the 1.4 anyway, but I can't TSOP the 1.6 or (easily) remove its DVD drive, which I'm not inclined to do anyway as it works great. Wondering if anyone had some suggestions I perhaps haven't tried yet. Thanks so much for any and all assistance!
  19. All, I just recently ressurected my old xbox, and upgraded it to a 2tb drive. I had to upgrade the bios on the chip in order to properly have the system see all the new space. I did so by using the hexen disc. So this worked, but now if i use the Xecutor bios, it takes a little over 10 seconds for it to get to the boot animation screen. If i use evox, its a little quicker, but not by that much. Anything i can do to increase the speed? On the old xecutor bios it was instantaneous. Thanks in advance!
  20. Just want to share my first 128MB upgrade of a green limited XBox. Next one is the crystal XBox and after that the green Halo edition which I bought for 10,-€ because of a missing top cover. YT Link (Not realy mutch to see except for the XBlast lite test) : https://youtu.be/XxzrjwTTwGs
  21. Been sitting on 10 boxes for quite some time. Finally declock capped them and started the modding process. Glad this resource is here.
  22. Description: Xbox port of the homebrew game: Zelda - Time To Triumph. Includes source code. Ported to xbox by: Neobomb Version: 1.2 Download link | Password: ogxbox.com
  23. My name is Mikey and I'd like to say hi to this community! I'm able to answer allot of questions and also help others find the information they may need to help them out.
  24. Hey guys, I'm trying to find the problem of this Delta psu, it's a us 110v psu. I turn it on, and after some time the console turns off. If I try to turn it on again, it does, but it turns off in a shorter time. It goes like this until it doesn't turn on anymore. If I unplug it and wait some time, it goes back to working until it decides to turn off again. I've checked all caps and all seems to be in working condition. This psu has been repaired before by someone else before I got my hands on it, the fuse has been replaced and the old varistor left some black fumes around it. There isn't any visible damage on the components. Any tips? I just noticed I created the thread in the wrong section. Sorry about that
  25. Hi everyone! Been following this forum for some time and watching plenty of Youtube videos on modding the OG Xbox. I got my first Xbox the first Christmas it was out and fell in love immediately. While I have love and respect for the other players (Sony, Nintendo, and Sega at the time), Xbox holds a special place in my heart. I think to this day, the OG Xbox is one of my favorite systems, mainly for all the great games and nostalgia is has provided over the years. Having been stuck at home during this coronavirus crisis, I finally cleaned up my game room and dug out an old Xbox 1.4 I got for sale. I successfully softmodded it with Rocky5, and I believe TSOP'd correctly the two bridges. Next step is to flash and eventually upgrade the HDD. Anyway, thanks for making this such a great forum for Xbox fans and modders. I look forward to getting insight into the modding community moving forward.

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