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  1. So I went ahead and completed the set of wide icons for XBMC. They look great in MC360 and probably with other skins too. Its taken 20 years but we finally have a full set Download the full set here - XBMC Wide Icons Full Retail Games The folder icons in the video are here - XBMC Wide Icons (Folders) Ready to use in XBMC MC360 pack (all renamed to default.tbn, just copy to games and refresh thumbnails in XBMC) XBMC Wide Icons full Retail renamed Original pack that the complete pack is based on. I take ZERO credit for any of the icons included in here - XBMC Wide Icons (Games) If you spot any missing games then let me know. I "Think" I've got them all bar maybe a couple of regional variations maybe...... I know this is a really long shot... but does anyone out there still have a set of the XBMC Wide Icons. I have an old school XBMC setup that I have transferred to a Cerbios console with a full set installed. Only problem is I am missing a LOT of icons. I did get the pack that is on Archive but that is missing around 200 icons.... I'm sure that some of these existed as the "Official" wide icon pack HERE had 899 and thats more than the archive pack has. Every other link I can find for any wide icon sets is LOOOOOOONG dead because the file host used is a thing of history. Not even the wayback machine has been able to save my ass this time lol. ANYTHING any of you can link me to will be greatly appreciated
  2. Wanting to avoid paying single piece prices so I'm looking for a good vendor that offers quantity discounts on quality IDE cables and the replacement, full-length controller replacement cables. Any recommendations or success stories? Thanks.
  3. UPDATED link to the new 3.2 version. Includes everything from the XBMC4Gamers downloader before 25/09/24 UPDATE 26/09/24 Link has been updated again and includes the latest files inc the fixes for the manual installer. I have seen a few people having issues with downloading the Artwork Installer so I went ahead and grabbed the latest version, along with the Preview Videos and 128mb Fanart and have uploaded the whole thing to share here. Xbox Artwork Installer 3.2.7z Just FTP to your console and run the xbe. Choose in the options if you wish to install the 128mb Art and/or the Preview Videos or not. Now includes my artwork from the custom art thread here at OGX @Rocky5 I hope this is ok to share here, if not then please let me know and I will remove it immediately.
  4. So my plan is to design an aftermarket original xbox case that keeps all the original components (mainboard with heatsinks, controller ports, dvd rom, psu, hdd, etc) with the possible exception of the rear fan and metal shielding. To achieve this I have been 3d modelling all of the internals to ensure everything fits. I have some ideas on the style I want to go for but have some questions. 1. Should I include a place to mount an lcd/oled? 2. Would you want to keep the xbox jewel? 3. Hdd/lan activity leds? 4. Any other requests Once I have some feedback the most popular features will be integrated. For now here are some of the 3d modelled components (to scale)
  5. THIS CONSOLE HAS BEEN SOLD. 26/06/24 Console is a 1.0, clock cap removed. Console has 128mb and has HDMI out. Unit is PAL and as such needs 220v. (IMPORTANT - This is NOT a Stellar or HD+, this HDMI mod predates both of those. This is an N64Freak motherboard, HDMI and 128mb both installed by him. Output is on par with the better external HDMI adapters such as the Chimeric). No controllers or cables included. 500gb sata HDD with XBMC4Gamers as dash. No content other than that. I also have an Xecuter 3 jewel and a few spare 3d printed buttons for the bank switches. Controller ports have blue LEDS, player 2 port LED has a loose connection and sometimes doesn't light up, this will be a simple fix for anyone who can mod an Xbox tho Putting it up here first before eBay. I'd rather it go to someone who actually knows what it is and how to use it than some randomer who will bombard me with questions after buying it. You might guess its not the first time I've sold one of these things All chip and Front panel features work as intended. I have had this console since the mid 00's and will be sad to see it go but I have no use for it anymore and Its time to let someone else enjoy it. Looking for offers around £500 plus shipping. I could be convinced to split the Xecuter bits out and sell just the Faceplate and chip if the offer is right! PM me with any questions and or offers ANY serious offer will be considered. Will add a couple more pics tomorrow.
  6. Hi Everyone, i'm currently offering these replacement cables in an effort to bring back to life as many original xbox Microsoft branded controllers as possible! This cable includes a 5 pin connector so it has all of the data lines that the xbox cable uses. It's a simple replacement, just de-solder the existent pin connector, and put this in it's place. This is a full length cord, includes the breakaway, ferrite cores, strain relief etc. It can also be used as a replacement on most (maybe all) of the cheap aftermarket controllers if you want to be able to use sit further from your monitor/TV. The new connector inserts vertically, the old one lays on it's side, this has no effect on the shell. There is one other difference i will point out for complete transparency. The original xbox controller uses 5 data lines, and has 1 chunky stranded line of shielding that is soldered as a 6th pin. These do not have that 6th pin. For comparison, the cheap aftermarket controllers use 4 pins in their wiring (missing the yellow wire), have no breakaway cable, and are only 5-6 feet in length. These ship from the US, and currently listed at $5.99 per cable. I do have a shopify store for easy payment options, but will not link that here until i have permission to do so. If you are interested, please drop a comment and feel free to PM me. Bulk rates are an option, just have to figure out the best method of shipping whatever qty it is you may be interested in.
  7. Hello everyone! Just joined and will be upfront that I do own a business around case modding and deal with the original Xbox as well! I just wanted to share for some of you who are considering case mods since that is much less common than some of the hard/soft mods. I made a 4 part series that teaches how to build and complete an entire case mod for the original Xbox console..from scratch! Hopefully this isn't seen as spammy or anything since I am technically a business, but I do try to make a lot of tutorials so people can learn how to cut window mods and install LED lights, etc. The four part series can be found on my website here (videos inside are also available on youtube) : http://www.tinker-mods.com/modding-tutorials/original-xbox-case-modding-tutorials.php
  8. or it's a flaw of XBMC, since vanilla xbmc is also don't have this option. Kinda cumbersome to switch between xbmc and unleashx
  9. I started playing Full Spectrum Warrior after picking up a copy at a local game store, and I've got a weird issue. It seems the game wants me to jam the buttons all the way down for them to register in the game. Considering you have to press a button every time you issue an order, this means I'm constantly jamming the buttons down at a force that feels uncomfrotable, and it makes me misinput (as in actually miss inputs) rather often, because I don't naturally "bottom out" the buttons like that. My question is if this is normal behavior for the game, as in the programmers intentionally or unintentionally programmed face button inputs to only register at full pressure, or if this is an issue involving my hardware/software. Game is running on a 1.6 softmod, downloaded to hard drive with DVD2Xbox, tested with OEM controllers with tested inputs. Unable to test on my chipped 1.4 as it's down some repairs.
  10. Hello Everyone. I am kind of new/kind of old to the scene, as I have an rev 1.6 Xbox that I bought brand new in 2006, softmodded and installed a 160gb harddrive, which is(was?) limited to 137Gb useable space, copied all my bought games to it, threw in a couple emulators, and then just used it on and off and basically forgot anything involved in the process to the mists of time. Recently it wouldn't power on, so I replaced the common 5 3300uF caps that were leaking, and it was good to go. My brain noted that the 16 year old IDE hard drive will not run forever, and I should look at upgrading to a SATA configuration. Due to the time gap, very old versions of software, I have now read so much conflicting information at this point am not sure what to do in 2021. I no longer have the original drive. I don't appear to have an image of either drive (8gb or 160gb) in any of my backups either. My fuzzy memory says this is bad because of linked keys. I do not have a PATA usb adaptor, or computer with PATA. I have an Xbox to USB adaptor, but I don't think I have a compatible thumb drive. Based on my research I've ordered the "correct" Startech SATA/PATA adaptor. The existing drive already has an 80 pin cable. I do have ftp access without issue. I'm attaching a 2 screenshots of my drive/system info, my questions are: Is that key in the screenshot all I need? If not what is the best way to go about backing up the drive/board key "Just in case" things go bad. And is Chimp (https://www.reddit.com/r/originalxbox/wiki/chimp/) still the best way to clone it to a new drive in 2021? I undoubtedly will have more questions, but backing up is my first priority, and once I have a confirmed backup I will be much more comfortable playing with it, and hopefully updating the various software I have loaded. Any "critical hints" or gotchas would be appreciated as well. v
  11. Hi everyone, Today I tsop flashed my V1.0 mobo using the TruHexEN 2021 disc and everything was fine until I used option 4.2.11 (install all dashboards.) Now I woulda thought that if my C had become that choked for space it would have simply asked me if I wanted to continue installing to the location I was, change location or cancel all together... but it installed to the C and nowits full and even using filezilla to ftp into the C, I can't peer into the "Do not touch anything in here" which I am suspect is the major culprit why my drive is claiming to be full.... anyone know of any methods or tools to clear up the C:?
  12. Hi there, so today I upgraded my Xbox’s hard drive to a 2TB WD blue and in unleash X, it’s showing just 500gb available to use as storage. But when I set up the hard drive using hexen, XBpartioner let me choose 900gb partitions for F and G. Is there something I’ve done wrong to not allow the hard drives full capacity? My Xbox had a duo x2 chip and I’m on my bank that has evox bios installed. I didn’t install this chip so I’m unsure of what version of Evox this has. any help in much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  13. Hi! I'm not able to download the torrent, it says "sorry, you don't have permission to download this file" How can i have the access granted ? Thanks
  14. Hi everyone! What started out as a "simple fix" for an Xbox I won at SEGE last month has turned into a full passion for getting the most our of it. To that end, I decided to up my game out of the back of the console by going the HDMI route. I invested in the Pound Technologies Xbox HDMI HD Link Cable, and I am thrilled to report that the results are great! I think you'll be pleased with it, especially if you're still connecting to an HDTV through composite. Here's my complete unboxing, setup, and comparison of the original Xbox composite cable and the new HDMI Pound cable. Enjoy, and please share your thoughts on it. Thanks! Blaine I
  15. In search of a full 2mb flash memory dump from an xenium.
  16. I started to download the XVGM Full skin from the torrent file linked on the OP of the thread and it made it to 20% but has stopped there for good showing no seeders. Does anyone want to seed it? Or if there is a direct link download that would be appreciated as well. Thank you!

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