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  1. Hi All.. I have setup a torrent of the complete file download section from the long gone www.eurasia.nu. It contains not only Xbox but pretty much all consoles from around that time There is 93 X 1 gig zip files and the total is around 91 gigabyte, You will need to be patient as my upload speed is not that crash, I live is a 1st world country with 3rd rate internet. Cheers SS Dave Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing. Xbox and more tricks and hints.torrent
  2. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, and after recently moving I've finally gotten my collection out of storage and into my new place. I'm slowly going through boxes and taking inventory as I go, so I figured I'd post some photos of the current set, along with some plans I have for a few of the units. First one I pulled out was the one I started with is a 2002 model, rocking an old xecuter 2.6ce chip with unleashx. I've swapped it into a crystal case, added a random Nvidia gpu fan, green led case fan, and a swanky asus IDE cable I found. The disc drive is out so I can replace the belt, and the hdd is on my testbench for recovery as its failing after 9 years of uptime. I'm planning on modding this box further with an ssd, more ram, rainbow-puke, hmdi output, and potentially a small water loop for laughs (I doubt this would be practical) I do have 2 more og boxes, one of which being this motherboard's old case with the crystals old motherboard left over from the swap (stock), and another black unit I received from a family member that is apparently modded with evox, but I'm not sure if there is a chip, or what it would be. Will post more pics as the others are dug out of boxes, along with the 360's and such.
  3. I went looking for my Smart Joy Frag gadgets and, in the process, found some other Xbox stuff. The bubble wrap is a mass of 50 or so Xbox to USB adapters, but they appear to be odd with the USB connector not the one I'd expect to plug stuff in. What could I use these for? I have used little adapters to convert one to plug in a keyboard that change usb male to female, no idea why they made Xbox to USB male adapters, and why I have so many of them The green box up top is a new Xbox power supply, not sure for which Xbox. That steering wheel looking pad is pretty cool, I've never used it, forgot I had it. I must have more of the cordless controllers as I've got 5 transmitters and only found 3 controllers, the problem is one of them the little joystick doesn't go back to center when you move it, I'll have to pop it open and see if I can try fix it. I'm guessing the gun only works on CRT TV's? I found quite a few controller extension cords too. These are the cordless controller transmitters, I remember using these, the transmitter has 2 slots for memory cards under the fold down flaps. There is also Xbox to PS2 adapters so I can use PS2 controllers on my Xbox, these might be pretty cool for the PSX emulator. I'll have to try them out. I think judging by the package they're made by the Smart Joy Frag people.
  4. Here is a Collection of Original Xbox XMugen - 35 Mugen Packs https://archive.org/details/XMugen also posted on emuxtras These are all the packs that I've had over the years and whatever I could find online and what I could also get working playing with it. If anybody else has any other packs to share please post them. Each build has been made to boot from it's own directory, by modifying the irdloop file's paths. The hard drive still has to be partitioned correctly, with F or G at 16kb and I think between 120gb-180gb. IDE/PATA hard drives must still be used sadly, I haven't been able to get any mugen working with any SATA drive with an adapter Each build goes into either E: F: or G:\mugen a swap file is shared between all builds at F:\Games\Xmugen\swapfile\r1skyswap Then just point your dash, UnleashX or XBMC, to that path. I tested every pack and it at least booted and played a bit. Some packs had trouble getting to work and needed either the launch file in the root folder, or mugen.cfg in \data swapped for a different one. Having the wrong one would result in the controls being messed up and would crash. I created video previews and icons for each build for use with UnleashX or XBMC I also uploaded a collection of modified irdloops to use extra paths in \mugen, mugena, mugenb, mugenz, etc. With using a-z of the alphabet I was able to create 26 extra folders. Here's a list of the pack names: Anime Mugen Dragonball Arc Battle Mugen Battle Coliseum Broken Mugen Capcom All-Stars Fighting DC Vs Marvel Dragonball Z - World Warriors X Epic Battle Mugen Everything vs Everything Fighting Jam King of Fighters King of Fighters Black World 2005 King of Fighters Challenge to Ultimate Battle Marvel Super Heroes Mortal Kombat 2 Mortal Kombat Chaotic Mortal Kombat Evolution Mortal Kombat Project 4.1 Mortal Kombat Shaolin Tournament Mortal Kombat Trilogy Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter 2 NGBXMUGEN Queen Of Fighters XXX Resident Evil Shouryuu-Ken Mugen Smash Bros All Stars Mugen SNK vs Capcom Ultimate Mugen 2007 Sonic Battle Star Wars Mugen Street Fighter Street Fighter 4 Remix Street Fighter Legends vs KOF TMNT vs Simpsons World Warriors
  5. Picked up a brand new X3 today. Honestly didn't expect to find an unused one at this point. Think this one may stay in the box.
  6. Is there a link to the installation process of the Origins game pack that has been going around which is a 1.7TB HDD image? all I am seeing is that you need a program to clone the HDD But no other information beyond that. What do I actually do with it? How would I clone it to my Xbox HDD when I have smaller size partitions, does the program just split it? The Origins Game pack I am referring to is the ArcadePunks HDD image file that many people are using. thanks!
  7. Well here's some of my show and tell my Steel Battalion collection. 20yrs since release and the community is still thriving as weekly game nights are still being hosted through XLink Kai. What are some of your favourite OG Xbox titles? I couldn't upload the image but this is our navigation hub outside of discord. Collection is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/steelbattaliononline/comments/xux92p/me_yo_man_check_out_my_massive_og_xbox_collection/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button
  8. Hi All. I'm reaching out the the most informed group of Xbox enthusiasts that I know. ( yes, I mean you awesome bunch! ) I'm have a space issue and need to make space for 'Family stuff' on my Nas. ( not by choice I can tell you!! - love you honey ) I have 2 collections. - Collection 1. 'Redump XBOX (03022016)' Collection 2. the 'HDD ready collection - XBOX HDD [20140930].' (Id imagine the set of games pretty much match each other. ) IIRC the Hdd ready collection has some issues??? If you had to delete one of these 2 collections which one and why..?? While im asking about this stuff what is the latest redump set? Thanks everyone
  9. Here's my tower of power My pure White #0108/1000 "Dreamcast" Here's my Hulk (came before the Dew's no matter what people say) Most of my controllers Orange Xbox Live Controller https://thepiratepimp.weebly.com https://www.instagram.com/thepiratepimp/ https://www.youtube.com/user/thePiratePimp
  10. Hello everyone, I want to store my game collection in the most authentic way possible (matching Redump) but that takes a lot of storage. So, I did a little bit of research and now I have few questions (and few requests) that I hope someone could help me with. It seems to me that there are three main formats for storing a retail OG Xbox disc: (1) Redump ISO (2) XISO (3) Extracted files/Game Folder I did some testing with: Halo - Combat Evolved (USA) (Rev 2) {crc="013986d0"} JSRF - Jet Set Radio Future (USA) {crc="b2a882df"} Mortal Kombat - Deception (USA) {crc="007bcbcc"} A ----------------- In the Xemu documentation it is mentioned that you can create an emulator-compatible .iso file by using either of the commands: -with dd: dd.exe if={redump_game_name}.iso of={output_game_name}.iso skip=387 bs=1M -with extract-xiso: extract-xiso.exe -r {redump_game_name}.iso But these two methods produce different .iso files. The one created with dd.exe is much bigger. A1- Are these two different forms of XISO or is the .iso file created with dd.exe just a trimming hack and not a proper XISO? A2- Is what is trimmed with dd.exe the same for every retail disc (meaning we can just keep one copy to rebuild every disc with it)? A3- What is the effect of using the two commands together? A4- In this post JayFoxRox says that we can separate the video and game partitions and recombine them later. Also he says that the video partition is the same for most retail games. Is that true? What games have special video partition? How to separate the two partitions and recombine them to give the original Redump CRC? If the video partition is the same for all/most games, that would mean that we can keep one copy of that partition to recreate the Redump ISO from any XISO file (saving a lot of space). The exception being the random padding that we need to find a way to recreate. B ----------------- Extracting the files from a Redump ISO with with extract-xiso extract-xiso.exe -x {redump_game_name}.iso then generating a .iso with them extract-xiso.exe -c {Folder_with_all_the_files} gives a .iso file with a different CRC32 to the .iso file that is created from extract-xiso.exe -r {redump_game_name}.iso I tried to use IsoBuster 4.8 (free) on a Redump ISO. It worked for listing the LBA for the files and for extracting the game files. IsoBuster always showed 4 partitions for the Redump ISOs: SEP13011042 SEP13011042072 VIDEO XBOX and two partitions for the XISO created with extract-xiso: - {it's just a dash} XBOX The files didn't change (I extracted again and compared) but I noticed that the some LBA for the files is different. Maybe there is something else that is different as well? B1- Is there a program that can create/edit ISO files based on LBA information (maybe like PS3 ISO Rebuilder with IRD files)? B2- Does this mean that we need to create files like IRD files for the PS3 (Layout files?) to be able to recreate an XISO file from extracted files? B3- Anyone knows a program that can do that for XISO files? For Redump ISO files? (similar to Redump2IRD) Note: I tried IsoBuster 4.7 and didn't work for me. In their release notes for 4.8 they mention {better XISO support}. General Questions: 1- Do you think we should start a database for the random blocks seeds using the tools in HERE? (even though we can't do it for all discs right now) 2- Can anyone provide the attachments from this thread? 3- Can anyone provide a compiled version of this program?
  11. Thanks to einsteinx2 over at ObscureGamers for upping original scene releases of some XDKs & recoveries, I've put those together with some other ones I've collected over the years, you can find them at https://mega.nz/#F!tL4HDI7J!FN6cLvccOSvXkomVrcyDhQ Collection includes: Still lots of XDKs that were released that are missing though, hopefully they'll show up one day
  12. Hey, So I have been a lurker on here for the past 3 months, Often its been alot of you guys that have helped me diagnose issues and fix them(Reading post with the same problems etc haha), So I thought I would make my first post today showing my consoles, I am going to be taking my pictures that I posted on Instagram of my consoles and explaining them, One thing is that I have tried to avoid very very rare consoles under ~1000 made since I will be moving from here in Australia to the US so I can't spend that type of money often so I don't really want to be shipping some $3000 console half way across the world haha. I keep my collection going by fixing, modifying and selling original xbox's. I apologize for the horrible quality, I wish I knew what I did with the original photo, but this is my Halo 2 Asia, I purchased the console from Taiwan, The seller very generously gave me PRG2 NTSC-J Sealed (The Chinese version) which is my first sealed game (I don't really care for sealed games but I am not going to open one). Ever since I got mine I haven't seen one for sale again, The motherboard revision is 1.6A, It came with a Hitachi DVD drive (According to the last owner he replaced the DVD drive) My Dead or Alive Ultimate Original Xbox, I purchased this console kind of on a whim, I wanted to buy a mountain dew and I ended up seeing this and buying it instead because I decided to wait the 2 years until I am in the US so I don't have to pay somewhere around $175 to import one (That's shipping plus GST and other random taxes) , I found this console for sale much cheaper than the other ones for sale, I am so thankful I did, Ever since I received it I have done some tasteful upgrades, First it is now TSOP flashed, I personally think flashing these consoles is a good thing as it makes preserving the console easier and also I don't ever plan on selling my consoles so I don't care if it affects value (Which I am pretty sure it doesn't). I have alot of access to Xbox hardware since I sell a lot of Xbox's so I upgraded the DVD drive in the console to a Hitachi drive (from the original Thompson). I have a 2TB to install in it so I can rip my games to it. Believe it or not, The mfg date is in 2004 but it has got a 1.0 motherboard. My 3 crystals, Which seems a bit excessive but I actually have an explanation for, One of them (The one up front) is a Crystal Limited Edition, Which I paid the same price as any normal crystal for, The 2 up back are normal crystals, One is a 1.4 which is TSOP flashed with iND 5.3k and has a 160GB HDD I stole from my PowerMac G4 and the 2nd is a 1.6 ModChipped console, The 1.6 is to go to my girlfriend when we move in together after I finish my Diploma, The 1.4 was a console that I restored, I got it completely rusted out with busted cap's but I got my hands on new RF shielding and replaced them caps and now she works and ofc being an Australian I need the Australian Xbox (Crystal LE) . My Debug Kit, I have always wanted one of these consoles, MVG made me want one so you best believe when I got my chance for a decent deal (In Australia for one) I got it, I forked out somewhere around $350USD for this console, It was my first expensive collectable xbox, Luckily for me some Aussie bloke owned it and was selling it, I don't need to go over the differences cause you all probably know them, Its my favourite console, Now I think the best looking is the DoA but this is my favourite console out of all the ones I own. Its has DoAXBV on it so I really need to find my IDE HDD adaptor so I can dump the contents and compare them but I believe it may be a retail copy since the last owner said he replaced the HDD, Also funny memory with this one, the seller chucked it in one big Aus Post box put some bubble wrap on top and put another box on top and tapped it over but hey it came in one piece so I can't complain. My Skeleton Black consoles, Unlike the crystal's I don't have a good reason for owning 2, I just saw 2 for good deals (Really one was a steal and one was meh), I think they look amazing, When I move however one will be going to my brother, I wanted to own 2 but my brother really wants one but he can't afford one right now, So I've told him I will give him a steal on one when I move, Bottom one is flashed with iND 5.3k and I upgraded the DVD drive to a Philips, They are both 1.0. My Halo Special Edition, This console probably means the most to me, Since it was the first one, It was the one to start it all, Me and my brother got ours at the same time, A mate gave him one for free and I paid $200AUD for mine (Look at eBay prices now, Pretty good deal if you ask me), The controller on the console didn't come with it, I brought that controller myself, The console has a WD 500GB SATA Drive in it to hold my games, The Motherboard is a 1.2, It is TSOP flashed, It has a x2 BIOS on it that pretty much doesn't let you do anything haha (Probably a very early one, The original owner lifted both pads for enabling write on the TOSP, I have been planning to just run a jumper wire but I have been busy. My Chinese version of Mech Assault, I am a simple man, I collect Original Xbox consoles and that's it, I own around 70 games but they are just games I have got along the way (I own my favourites ofc , This is the first very rare game I went looking for, Lucky me I found the game for sale on Yahoo Auctions and brought it through Sendico (Not a bad service just expect to pay when it comes to shipping) Obvs I have talked about TSOPing NTSC-J Consoles on this post and this is how, I understand swapping the HDD to a PC during error screens and modchips etc but I wanted the game, I just want a reliable way to mod NTSC-J consoles, Yes this game works, I have softmodded 2 NTSC-J consoles no problem with this game, I payed an arm and a leg for the game but I think its worth it. I also own maybe 7 black original xbox's but they will be sold soon so they aren't really a part of my collection and I think everyone here has a seen a black original xbox, The only console I would say I am after right now is a mountain dew but as I said earlier I am in no rush to get one, As for how these consoles get stored, I have a shelf in my room with the Crystals but the rest are stacked on my desk next to me, I play all of my consoles (Expect the Debug Kit haha). If you have any question's I don't mind answering them although I am not big on the how much did you pay for this etc just because I hate feeling like I am fLeXing my consoles haha, I don't know if listing my Instagram is against the rules here so I won't but umm its in every picture hahaha, I watermark my pictures so they don't get stolen by other people since I know all about that on Instagram. Also big thanks to thePiratePimp for being the first person to follow me on Instagram and now twitter and for reminding me to post here and stop being a damm lurker hahaha, Also yes these pictures were taken in my mother's garden before anyone mentions it .
  13. XCM Consoles XCM Pure White Parts List Xecuter 3 Purple Mod chip Xecuter 3 Halo Green Pro switch V1.0 Motherboard (Stock) 733mhz/64mb RAM Delta Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 500 GB HDD White Controller Port LED's White/Red Power/Eject LED XCM Chrome Silver Parts List Xecuter 3 Purple Mod chip V1.0 Motherboard (Stock) 733mhz/64mb RAM Foxlink Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 500 GB HDD Red Controller Port LED's White/Red Power/Eject LED XCM Crystal Clear Parts List Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Crystal Pro Switch V1.6 Motherboard (Stock) 733mhz/64mb RAM Delta Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 500 GB HDD RGB Controller Port LED's RGB Power/Eject LED RGB Under Glow LED Bars XCM Sapphire Blue Parts List Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip V1.6 Motherboard (Stock) 733mhz/64mb RAM Delta Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 500 GB HDD Blue Controller Port LED's Blue/Red Power/Eject LED Blue Under Glow LED Bars XCM Ruby Red Parts List Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Black Pro Switch V1.2 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (N64 Freak) 1.4ghz/128mb RAM + Speed Switch Adapter PulseVU 2X Microchip (Audio LED Pulsation) Xerc 2 XE Microchip (N64 Freak) + MS DVD Dongle (Menu + On/Off Remote Control) Fox Link Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 2 TB HDD Red Controller Port LED's Red/White Power/Eject LED Red Under Glow LED Bars Red LED Jewel Xecuter Consoles Skeleton Black Limited Edition Parts List Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Black Control Panel V1.2 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (N64 Freak) 1.4ghz/128mb RAM + Speed Switch Adapter PulseVU 2X Microchip (Audio LED Pulsation) Xerc 2 XE Microchip (N64 Freak) (On/Off Remote Control) Fox Link Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 2 TB HDD White Controller Port LED's White/Red Power/Eject LED White LED Jewel Crystal Clear Limited Edition Parts List Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Crystal Clear Control Panel V1.2 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (N64 Freak) 1.4ghz/128mb RAM + Speed Switch Adapter PulseVU 2X Microchip (Audio LED Pulsation) Xerc 2 XE Microchip (N64 Freak) (On/Off Remote Control) Delta Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 2 TB HDD RGB Controller Port LED's RGB Power/Eject LED RGB LED Jewel Debug Green Special Edition Parts List (Electronic Arts Debug Shell) Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Crystal Green Control Panel V1.2 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (N64 Freak) 1.4ghz/128mb RAM + Speed Switch Adapter PulseVU 2X Microchip (Audio LED Pulsation) Xerc 2 XE Microchip (N64 Freak) (On/Off Remote Control) Delta Link Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 2 TB HDD Green Controller Port LED's Green/Red Power/Eject LED Green LED Jewel Dead or Alive Ultimate Limited Edition Parts List Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Crystal Blue Control Panel V1.1 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (N64 Freak) 1.4ghz/128mb RAM + Speed Switch Adapter PulseVU 2X Microchip (Audio LED Pulsation) Xerc 2 XE Microchip (N64 Freak) (On/Off Remote Control) Minebea Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive 2 TB HDD Blue Controller Port LED's Blue/White Power/Eject LED Blue LED Jewel Mountain Dew Limited Edition Parts List V1.2 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (Stock) 733mhz/64mb RAM Fox Link Power Supply Samsung DVD Drive 500 GB HDD Green Controller Port LED's Green/White Power/Eject LED Green Under Glow LED Bars Cyclone Red/Blue GPU Heatsink Asian Halo 2 Limited Edition Parts List (Frankenstein) Xecuter 3 CE Red/White Mod chip Xecuter 3 Black Control Panel V1.0 Motherboard + Xecuter 2 TSOP (Stock) 733mhz/64mb RAM PulseVU 2X Microchip (Audio LED Pulsation) Xerc 2 XE Microchip (Floydthebarber) + MS DVD Dongle (Menu + On/Off Remote Control) Fox Link Power Supply Hitachi LG DVD Drive x2 IceBerq 4 Pro LED Red/Blue Heatsinks GPU/CPU 5 Xtreme Extender + x4 Stock HDD (8 GB) 500 GB HDD Blue Controller Port LED's Blue/Red Power/Eject LED Blue LED Jewel Blue Under Glow LED Bars Xbox Controllers Top Row: Xtreme Enterprises Ruby Red NTSC-J ABXY LED Modded Buttons Transparent Red Thumb Sticks Transparent Red D-Pad 8 Red LED's Internally Installed Skeleton Black Limited edition NTSC-J ABXY LED Modded Buttons Transparent Smoke Thumb Sticks Transparent Smoke D-Pad 8 White LED's Internally Installed Halo Green Limited edition NTSC-J ABXY LED Modded Buttons Transparent Green Thumb Sticks Transparent Green D-Pad 8 Green LED's Internally Installed Bottom Row: Crystal Clear Limited edition NTSC-J ABXY LED Modded Buttons Transparent Clear Thumb Sticks Pink/White Thumb Stick LED Boards Transparent Clear D-Pad 8 RGB LED's Internally Installed Halo 2 Blue Limited edition (Black Gem) NTSC-J ABXY LED Modded Buttons Transparent Blue Thumb Sticks Blue/Red Thumb Stick LED Boards Transparent Blue D-Pad 8 Blue LED's Internally Installed Sparkling Grey Controllers (Japan Only) Stock (Untouched)
  14. hello all, been playing xbox since it came out and still think it is an awesome console. been a member of the fb group for a while but haven't gotten around to getting on here until now. I am selling my gaming collection and have a whole stack of games, controllers, and consoles that need to stop collecting dust in my house. I am getting ready to move and I am sure we all know how heavy the darn console is. Anyways, I will post a thread with all of what I got once I get validated and all that. Glad this forum exists!
  15. Does anyone have a collection of Xbox UnleashX skins they could spare?
  16. Really trying to track down the japanese blue. No luck thus far
  17. This is my little collection, Mainly ogxbox with some 360 and pc games too.
  18. Hey guys, id like to see your collections! What you have or what you plan on getting. think itd be nice to see what you guys have laying around. Whats the story on it? Where you got it etc... (Game consoles, Games, or hardware from any manufacturer, Genre or era) no PC stuff please unless it is a dev kit of some kind. Post away!! Anyone have a "Panasonic Q" or "Game Q" I think that may be the first console i buy to start my real collection. And heres what i currently have laying around. with more coming in the future.
  19. Hello All. Found this site after buying my first OG Xbox. Looking to learn up on the system and what I can do with it. Thanks!
  20. Hi, I have just finished transferring the complete (or as close as possible, all NTSC and most PAL games) Xbox game collection to my 2TB X3 Xbox. I say complete but i am missing the "Club Football" games as there is about 20 of them and they are petty much all identical..... I will pick one club and put both of their games on but i haven't decided yet. I have about 26Gb of space left on my G drive which i am planning to use to go through the few Jap exclusives and add any that are actually playable without knowing Japanese Its taken me the best part of a week to FTP it all across doing as much as possible each evening, had a few issues along the way, such as overheating a couple of times and even had a catastrophic hardware failure which resulted in me having to butcher another xbox for its motherboard to get my beloved x3cp xbox back up and running!! I managed to fit all these games in to 2TB by using a combination of extracted folder games and ISO's. I used ISO for those games that have 1000's of files as all those small files dont play well with a 64k cluster size. The ISO's do actually take less space on the hard drive!! Im running the excellent XBMC4Gamers as my dash (Thanks Rocky5) This is a fantastic dash and has provided everything from full artwork for EVERY game, to being able to patch a BFM bios to play the ISO file games. This has bought my xbox back from being unused and stuffed away in the loft to sitting under the TV in the front room where it deserves to be.
  21. I'm currently filling up a 2tb hard drive with xbox and ps1 games to my console. I'm using dvd2xbox to copy my discs and would like to know which option would be better, the regular or ISO. ISO seems to take a bit longer and not all games will copy using that option. I've also noticed that after copying around 15 games, that it's taking around 100gb give or take. I feel like this is a lot of room, I was figuring I'd get more games on the hard drive than what it's showing. Would one option be better than the other as far as space goes? Or should I forego the disc copying and just download games and ftp them to my drive? I'm sure a lot of people here have already been through this, but I'm not quite sure if there would be any noticeable difference between regular, ISO or downloading from a site. I would like to get as many games as possible on my drive before I run out of space. Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
  22. having hasslez trying to clone my1.5tbbase img from my main console to the rest in my collection with out using ftp (kids be on the net all the f#×king time) any help would be great. do i use chimp,hdd raw copy ,clone via dock,swear at it ?
  23. Hey everyone anyone got an og xbox collection to show off post it here this is mine so far
  24. Dear All, Has any of you has a collection of original xbox games fixes, like enabling widescreen and so on, like for instance the website underneath has some fixes to apply for hex editors, tried doing it on Auto Modellista and it didn't work something I did wrong, is there anywhere someone you had already applied these fixes and packed all together? http://ps2wide.net/xbox.html Thanks
  25. Hey everyone post you mod chip collections and custom xboxs here

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