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  1. Project Gotham Racing is by far one of the best racing games on the original Xbox, at least in my opinion. I was recently talking to someone on YouTube, and the idea came to mind of how the game could be reverse engineered to make it playable on PC natively. As some of you may know, PGR 1 still has several rendering issues on emulators to this day, especially on CXBX Reloaded (with several serious texture and sound bugs) and Xemu (where the game runs but there are several Z-order issues [which generally cause problems with structures becoming invisible from certain angles, making us see things we shouldn't] and the game tends to suffer from abysmal power and sound issues where cars sound louder than usual) which are the main emulators for the original Xbox. And although backwards compatibility exists, it (Project Gotham Racing) is non-existent on latest-generation Xbox consoles (Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S), and on Xbox 360 it tends to suffer from the same performance issues and FPS drops. This would be one of the main reasons why it would be interesting for me to reverse engineer the first PGR in order to port it to PC and make it natively playable on that platform. The second reason for my interest in reverse engineering the game, is the lack of interest I see in PGR games prior to PGR 2 or PGR 3. Because when talking about the franchise, often times the first Project Gotham Racing, and sometimes its spiritual predecessor, Metropolis Street Racer on the Dreamcast, are never mentioned or are not of interest to many people. So my reasons are: - Lack of interest in general for the first Project Gotham Racing game - Being backed by terrible performance and functionality on emulators and backwards compatibility Now, to that people: I'm not at all, in any way, shape or form, asking for a native PC port of the game or anything like that, I'm simply making this post to get your thoughts on a native PC port of the first PGR, and also learn a bit more about original Xbox game reverse engineering.
  2. Hello Xbox community! I'm reaching out for help with a persistent issue on my Xbox console. For those who haven't seen my previous posts, let me explain the situation: My Xbox is experiencing some strange graphical glitches that I can't seem to resolve. Here's what's happening: 1. When the console is left idle, it automatically plays a video after a while, and everything looks perfectly normal. 2. However, as soon as I start a game or navigate through game menus, annoying graphical issues appear. To give you a clear picture of the problem, I've recorded a video demonstrating these issues. You can watch it here: https://mega.nz/file/nEZgWSxR#h9RkD4JjgEkZdpjB0PqyvOnfPwaAwu3EGuhDXBekJwk I've already tried a few solutions suggested by helpful community members: 1. I gently tapped on the Xcalibur chip, as some suggested this might reseat it if it was loose. Unfortunately, this didn't solve the problem. 2. I don't have a hot air gun for circuit boards, so I couldn't try reflowing the chip. I'm really at a loss here and would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions. Has anyone encountered similar issues or have ideas on what might be causing this? Thank you in advance for any help you can provide. This community has been fantastic, and I'm hoping we can crack this mystery together!
  3. Been a bit bored as of late and wanted to see how low temps I could get. Microsoft in their infinite wisdom gave the CPU farrrr too much voltage: 1.7V! Nuts! Well the CPU itself runs perfectly fine at 1.3V (lowest the voltage reg will go without messing with the feedback loop). 1.0: Remove the 0ohm resistor on R2E4 1.6: Remove the 2 0ohm resistors on R2E7 & R2E3 The only drawback of doing this, is you'll no longer be able to push the CPU frequency over ~950MHz. The temperature screenshot is from my 1.6, I'm aware that the 1.6 does not have entirely accurate monitoring, but you can see a clear difference. Both were taken at a ~73F ambient with fan running at 20%. Enjoy.
  4. https://cyrix.ca/n-comm-w-modern-controller-on-ogxbox Went through the effort of testing this out as I know there are plenty of people wanting to play on Insignia, want to use a modern controller, but also want to be able to use in-game chat. This setup works and should give people a guide on how to get their own setup going.
  5. i have a bunch of old videos on my xbox i want on my computer, but i don't know how to do it.. do i have to record it through a capture card or is it possible to take the hard-drive out and get the videos
  6. Hi guys I'm running XBMC4Gamers which is great btw but I wanted to know if you could use my own game images where needed. Basically I've got a game backup "Big Ass Emulator Disc" that shows up as Crimson Skies in the games list. I wanted to correct this image. I've searched the artwork downloader for the correct image I want but with no joy. I was going to make my own and add it myself if I could. Am I able to do this easily ? Do I just save the new image in the relevant folder on the HDD via an ftp client once created. If so, Is there a particular file format to use when creating them and is there also a min/max image pixel size that I would have to be aware of. That is unless someone can point me in the right direction of the correct image already available. Thank you
  7. I am putting an original Xbox motherboard into a PC chassis and I want to use a proper ATX PSU with it. I don't have the time to get PCBs made and assemble the board so the first person that can ship me one to WA via Priority Mail can name their price for it (within reason). I'm also willing to buy more than one.
  8. Hi guys. I am proud to release first version of my app for streaming movies and tv shows on Original Xbox. How this started, how this works and all informations you can find on attached file in this post or there Stream Movies & TV Shows. In attached file you also have in-detail tutorial how to setup everything. Currently you have basic funcionalities, but I have a plan throughout a year to implement much more but I don't make any promises. There are three main tasks that I have to do before anything else, and that would be: Implement support for Subtitles. By that I mean building addon/script for OpenSubtitles API After implementing subtitles, a HUGE code refactoring and organization need to be done because currently this is a MESS that somehow works, especially frontend of PC API And after code refactoring, I need to implement better algorithm for searching Movies and TV Shows For TV Shows most newer series don't have problem, but old series (ex. from 2010) are packed in one torrent file which represents one season, and my current algorithm only search querys im format "name s0xe0x" which for old series return no results or return episode which have only couple seeders For Movies search works good, but sometimes it gives wrong result. I will fix this in same way that Elementum addon for Kodi does. Find resulsts by name, name + year, tmdb id and imdb id, remove duplicates and sort by seeders. This seems easy but it's not. And after everything said above is done then I will slowly try do add new funcionalities to the fronted (i.e. all HTTP comands of XBMC4Xbox) GITHUB From here you can download and find newer releases IMAGES Indroduction_Setup_Guide.pdf
  9. As the title states, it’s time to get some updated tips on case modding. Im currently looking for newer/cleaner methods of reattaching jewels after clearing them. With all of the new products being available and unexpected uses for others, I’m extremely interested in hearing what you all do and how. I’ve shared a few of my methods here and there, so share some that you think are helpful. Share anything about LED mods, Painting, and so on.
  10. I’m working on a cap list for each revision set that people could refer to in the forum. Here’s what I have so far. Wanted your opinions. Is this needed? Should I add links to caps on mouser and digikey or just list preferred brands and let people find their own via the info provided? Any mistakes or omissions? Compiled info from a few different sources. I haven’t double checked against a 1.0 board yet so that’s always possible. Rough draft. One thought I had was specifying Radial on the others since I specified SMD where applicable. Just so it was clear to those who might not know when looking for info. I also didn’t include the clock cap. Should I? Obviously for the 1.6/b but should I for the lower versions. Anyway, let me hear your thoughts or critiques. V1.0-1.1 Quantity Location Value Voltage Dimension 7 C5A4, C6A11, C6A12, C6A4, C6B4, C6B6, C6E2 10uf 16v 3x5.4mm SMD 1 C7B3 47uf 16v 6.3x5.4mm SMD 1 C5A3 680uf 16v 8x15mm 5 C1E1, C2E1, C2E2, C2E5, C3E2 (CPU Caps) 1500uf 6.3v 10x20mm 2 C1G1, C2F3 3300uf 10v 12.5x25mm 3 C7G1, C8F2, C8G1 1500uf 16v 12x20mm 6 C3B3, C3F6, C5F5, C5G1, C6G2, C6G6 100uf 25v 6x11mm 13 C1G3, C1G5, C2G2, C3F2, C3G4, C4G3, C4G6, C5F6, C6G1, C7B7, C7C3, C7G5, C8E4 22uf 25v 5x11mm
  11. I think this is just a "replace the power supply" issue (DPSN-96DP), but I'd appreciate anyone's insight if they have advice: (Video of issue) https://imgur.com/INZWEUK Summary -- push power, no LED ring lights, X3 mod chip front indicator panel briefly lights up, then turns off. Eject button has same result. Case fan briefly twitches when power/eject is pressed. Continuously holding the power button 'on' keeps the lights on the X3 front panel lit, and the hard drive can be heard spinning up, but then nothing appears and it powers back off after release. Removed the motherboard, examined the traces to see if there was any rot -- looks really, really clean, nothing was visible after several minutes of inspecting. (Shot of a section of board) https://imgur.com/HIuVLGm CPU capacitors look a little sussy and puffed, I should replace, but nothing leaking onto the board. Clock capacitor looks good, too, but I think I should replace that as well. (CPU caps) https://imgur.com/NR7H58m (Clock cap) https://imgur.com/pFDgFPA Probably will get capacitors from Console5, I have enjoyed ordering from them before. Should I just replace the power supply? Is that what this issue looks like? https://imgur.com/FVbfgB6 (Delta power supply) Thanks anyone that feels like replying! This is my daily driver, I'd like to have it back!
  12. i've seen some bad info out there for noobs trying to mod a xbox for the first time. the 2 main ones are to null or modify your hdd key(without disclosing any of the dangers) instead of just keeping the old hdd as a backup to create another drive if needed and the 2nd one is to pry the gpu heat sink off. please don't do this, especially on a xbox that has sentimental value to u. this is a good way to ruin it. we really need to start being more careful what we tell noobs to do. i know my original xbox has a lot of sentimental value to me because it still has the game saves from where i used to go to lan parties with it back in the mid 2000's. i'd be heart broken if one of these guides caused me to ruin it. many other would probably feel the same way about theirs.
  13. 1. Can the metal parts be separated from the housing without damaging the metal parts? and metal parts will not rust, but I want to clean the top case 2.With that said, what's a good technique for THIS case Crystal cleaning? 3.the casing is not yellow, but i want to clean it once and for all Anyone care to share their experience? p.s sorry, i don't speak english, just that is what google translate says
  14. Just thought I would start this thread as a kinda fun thing. Given most of us have modded Xboxes, got me wondering what people are doing thats technically not modding, or using it in a way the thing supposed to be. To this end I bring you The OGXbox door stop This is a limited edition, they only made one in clear as far as I know. Seriously when we have the doors and windows open in the house in the summer the near constant breeze always finds the doors and slams them shut. Doorstops are not great in our house as between pets and children they just disappear. So what better than a heavy old OGXbox to stop the door open. Yes in the UK we have so many Clear boxes we are tripping over them.
  15. I've been trying to repair my Xbox this week after accidentally blowing the 110V PSU on 220V . I've got to make it work with a PC 200W ATX PSU yesterday, but this morning, it started to FRAG. I noted that the 3.3V line has gone down to about 2.85V when the PSU is connected to the motherboard and the PSU turn off after a minute or so. I'm pretty sure that there is a short somewhere in the 3.3V line. I noticed that the Nvidia MCXP3 chip is getting very hot when the PSU is connected, I want to know if this is common, because if not, I suspect that the short maybe inside the chip, which will mean that it is dead
  16. Looking at trying out some homebrews on my freshly modded xbox, what are some of your favorites?
  17. Hey All. I'm looking at grabbing yet another Xbox and rather than do what i have done in the past, Id like to make a 'Best of the Best' setup. This will be the console I keep out for use. ( as opposed to dragging it out to play ) Id like to know what you are running and why? What makes you choose that dash? (This will be the 1st of more questions asked in different areas of the Greater forum so keep your eyes peeled.)
  18. Ok, I like many games. But there is just something about this one in particular!
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyfbxuMgI4M&t=480sHello everyone! First post, and happy to be here. I want to share something that will add value to the community. I've put together a video tutorial on how you can install games directly to the XBOX HDD through the internet and FTP. All you'll need is your softmodded XBOX, an Ethernet cable, and the HDD Ready games you want on the HDD. You'll be up and running with it in no time. Full how-to video is below. Please let me know if this video helps you so that I can make XBOX content that makes your gaming experience more enjoyable. Thanks, Blaine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyfbxuMgI4M&t=480s
  20. Just passing this information on: I've just got word that FatXplorer 3.0 beta 1 has just been released for testing! https://fatxplorer.eaton-works.com/3-0-beta/ This contains the long-awaited support of OGXbox disks! This means no more being restricted to FTP transfer speeds to fill your disks- you can drag and drop using the ordinary Windows interface. Some features are not yet supported such as: formatting. This means you would still need to format your disk first via your XBox using XBPartitioner, then connect it to your laptop/PC. I have noted that it does appear to support opening raw backup images, although NOT compressed ones (notably the XBMCOrigins torrent, as that comes in a custom .imgc compressed format due to being backed up by HDDRawCopyTool.). Also note that the final version will be pay-for software, although in my opinion well worth it. I've been using the 2.5 version for years for managing my 360 disks and love it.
  21. So after I pieced together some old XDK units I have become excited about the original xbox again. This got me to thinking what would the "Ultimate Xbox" include for you? If you had a custom case to include it all what would you include?
  22. Methods of Identification There is no single method of identifying your Xbox revision with 100% accuracy, but by using three well-tested methods together, you will be able to determine the version of your Xbox with certainty. The methods are as follows. It is best to perform all of these tests because Microsoft doesn't print the revision number on the Xbox (that would make it too easy for modders!). The goal of revision identification is ultimately to determine which type of mod chip you can use, so after you have determined the revision by a single test, it's a pretty safe bet that you have your revision. But just to be cautious, I recommend performing other checks of the revision to be certain. Manufacturing Date The manufacturing date of an Xbox is just a "suggestion" for the revision. The manufacturing date is printed on the serial number label on the bottom of the Xbox. You can see this label through a hole in the retail box (used for scanning the serial number at the cash register), so you can try to identify the revision without even removing an Xbox from the box (although a used Xbox is probably lacking a retail box in the first place). The serial number/bar code label on the bottom of the Xbox includes a "MFG. DATE" value in the format YYYY-MM-DD, representing year, month, and day. Table 3.1 will help you to identify your Xbox revision using the manufacturing date (although assembly line and factory appear to be more relevant factors). Table 3.1 Revision by Manufacturing Date Date Range Revision Location 01/2001–10/2002 1.0 Hungary 11/2002–04/2003 1.1 Hungary, Mexico 05/2003–03/2004 1.2–1.5 China 04/2004–? 1.6 China, Taiwan Hardware Serial Number If you are browsing the used Xboxes at your local video game store in the hope that you can buy an older Xbox that will work with your solderless mod chip of choice, you will need to use the serial number version test. But what happens if the manufacturing label has been removed? This is a fairly common occurrence that might have something to do with Xbox owners not wanting to change their Xbox Live accounts (which makes one wonder why they sold the Xbox in the first place). Here is how you can decode the hardware serial number if it is available: LNNNNNN YWWFF where L is the number of the production line within the factory. NNNNNN is the number of the Xbox produced during the workweek. Y is the last digit of the production year. WW is the number of the week of the production year. FF is the code of the factory where the Xbox was manufactured, according to Table 3.2. Table 3.2 Factory Codes Factory Location Revision 02 Mexico 1.0 or 1.1 03 Hungary 1.0 05 China 1.2 (or later) 06 Taiwan 1.2 (or later) Because the factory code method is not very reliable (because there may be some codes missing from this list), let's try another method of identifying your Xbox to narrow things down a bit. See Table 3.3 for a serial number check that is accurate but not very specific. If your code is not shown, I would recommend using the closest code to yours, leaning toward the previous one if there is a value above and below your code. Table 3.3 Serial Number Check Serial Number Revision LNNNNNN 20WFF 1.0 LNNNNNN 21WFF 1.0 LNNNNNN 23WFF 1.0, 1.1 LNNNNNN 24WFF 1.1 LNNNNNN 25WFF 1.1 LNNNNNN 30WFF 1.2 LNNNNNN 31WFF 1.3 LNNNNNN 32WFF 1.3 LNNNNNN 33WFF 1.4, 1.5 LNNNNNN 42WFF 1.6 Video Chip Verification If you have used the preceding two checks to narrow down what you think your Xbox revision is, the next two steps will really give you a concrete answer to the question. Assuming you have already opened your Xbox per Chapter 2, "Disassembling Your Xbox," you should look for the video chip. It is located on the motherboard, directly below the video output port on the back of the Xbox (see Figure 3.8). This is another excellent verification of the revision, as Table 3.4 illustrates, and may be considered foolproof. Table 3.4 Video Chip Identification Video Chip Revision Conexant 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 Focus 1.4, 1.5 Xcalibur 1.6 Figure 3.8 (at the botton of the post) The location of the video chip on the Xbox motherboard. Xbox BIOS Version Number You can use one final check to verify the Xbox revision that you own (or are considering buying): Look at the BIOS kernel version and dashboard version numbers. To view these numbers, boot the Xbox in dashboard mode (by powering up without a disc in the DVD-ROM drive). Go to Settings and then System Info. A disclaimer will scroll down and will eventually show you two version numbers: a K: value for the kernel and a value for the dashboard. You can perform an unscientific check of the revision using Table 3.5. If you are at a video store, this may be your only way of double-checking the revision. Note that revision 1.0 of the Xbox did not provide these numbers, so if you can't find them, it is definitely a 1.0. Nevertheless, I will include the 1.0 kernel version in Table 3.5. Some kernel versions may not be shown in this list; if yours is not shown, you can base it on the nearest version to yours. Along with the other noninvasive tests, this should give you a clear idea about the revision for a particular Xbox. Table 3.5 BIOS Kernel Versions Xbox Revision Kernel Version 1.0 3944,4034,4036,4627 1.1 4817,4972 1.2–1.5 5101,5713 1.6 5838 ----- This article was taken from the book "The Black Art of XBOX Mods".
  23. I thought it might be nice to have a thread so you everyone can show off their custom xbox's and list their mods for others to admire. I'll start with a few of mine: The white slim one had an LCD-MOD and LCD-CON to allow the lcd plus an led fader deluxe from sickmodz, custom made jewel with led ring and internal dvd dongle The red/black one was my first modded xbox, pretty basic tsop box The blue one was a media streamer with internal wifi dongle, internal wireless controller dongle an X3 and X3 lcd and rgb leds The other one is my xbox mini with internal wifi, laptop hard drive, pico psu and internal dvd dongle mod plus 128mb ram and 1ghz cpu motherboard from trusty The last one is my current X3 box with X3 lcd and pro switch, internally it has a 2tb drive Feel free to post yours
  24. Just a quick question to throw out to the community. I just did my first 1.6 LPC rebuild using a rebuild PCB. I`ve done many LPC rebuilds the old school way, just running wires to the appropriate points, but I saw these boards, so I grabbed a few to try out. I have mixed feelings about them. Yes, it was as simple as soldering the connections on the board to the point right next to them, and yes, they do look more professional, but did they save me any time, not really. With all the fiddling around trying to make sure all the points were exactly where they needed to be before tacking them in was a pain, and took way longer than if I had just run wires to where they needed to go. What is everyone elses opinion and experiences with these LPC rebuild boards.
  25. (It doesn't seem there is any subject like that on the forum if I'm mistaken, please feel free to point me towards it) I just 'finished' Painkiller Hell Wars, boy this game had a load of bugs, I actually didn't quite finished it as I am stuck on the last boss with seemingly no way to kill it and it is unclear what to do, and every walkthrough I've seen actually says the same, it seems it is fully bugged out. I sometime manage to do 30% to it or something and I don't really know how before it heal itself. No to mention load of problems in earlier levels like beeing stuck because some enemies didn't appear or are stuck outside the level's limit. But I had fun !! I remember playing the original one on PC and beeing stuck at Alastor so I did some progress at least. Loved the old school FPS vibe, the frenetic action, the musics, the mood, and the rumble feedback is awesome ! Now I will start Grabbed by the Ghoulies I guess

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