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About Me

  1. I've softmodded my xbox using the endgame method on consolemods.org, and i want to install insignia. To do that, I have to switch to ms dash, but I can't find an option for it in the unleashx dashboard, and launching deafult.xbe on the C drive just goes back to unleashx. I've downloaded the files for the 5960 ms dash from internet archive, but running xboxdash.xbe boots into unleashx as well. What can I do? I'm starting to think I messed up my xbox for good Edit: Rocky5 v1.2.1
  2. I've been working on an xbox maintenance installer in my language (italian) for a couple of years now and to improve it i'd like to make uleashx xbe files read specific xml configuration files instead of the classic config.xml (like in the Cerbios disc, like on Hexen and like on Rocky5's softmodding tool). I've searched a lot online but i couldn't find any information about it. does anyone know how to make this possible? thanks a lot to whoever can help me
  3. hello everyone Please does anyone have any UnleashX skins that look the most identical to MSDash, green with the same font and menu, like THC thanks a lot
  4. Is UnleashX purposely restarting when attempting to add icons to the Xbox games list, or is there a potential issue with the software causing this behavior?
  5. After reading the UnleashX manual, I thought why not learn to create a skin? And here it is; introducing SimpleX, a simple UnleashX skin. This skin was created with CRT TV in mind, and not yet tried on LCD TV so don't know how the results. Just clone its repo or download from its release page. EDIT: The Skin folder can be directly dropped into UnleashX's Skins folder. But, the Config.xml need a bit of editing as it's uses E:\Applications and E:\Dashboards as its paths. Adjust it to your ogxbox paths, which is usually E:\Apps and E:\Dash. A simple find and replace will do. SimpleX_Applications_Dashboards.7z SimpleX_Apps_Dash.7z
  6. I edited UnleashX's config.xml to connect to Insignia if anyone wants to add it to their setup. Credit to Terry68Firebird from 7 years ago for the guide. I'm using the Blackbox Jezz Mark3 skin. Not sure if others work, I'm sure the older skins probably would. Scroll Speed is adjusted in the UX System Settings. It seems you can enter anything between 10 and 60. 10 is fast, 60 is slow. 10 feels perfect. I just found out UnleashX has a music control popup if you press White. Right Thumb also mutes. My preferred dash is Gamers, not sure if Rocky would be able to implement this into his work. It's a cool feature. s will. 20240319_225513.mp4
  7. I just had tsop'ed my xbox and Clean the C from Softmod after Tsop, so i want to install Unleashx, when i installed and open it the screen goes black, but others dash evox, avadash etc works fine?? My xbox is tsop'ed but i still have softmod savegames and unleashx savegame is they who broken unleashx?
  8. After looking through hundreds of UnleashX skins, I picked 10 of my favorites. There are actually 18 skins as some had multiple color releases and a few dups from old Xbox skin sites. From the various skin packages I accumulated from various sources, these now defunct sites had some skins listed under slightly different names (some I guess by the number the skin was submitted to their site). I've also updated a couple to show free space on the G drive. 01 - devise2 found under 2 different names 02 - tarozax - original and my G free space updated 03 - UXH2 04 - Athloni's MSDash 3 color variations - 2 Green 05 - TrueMSdash 2.0 (2 names) 06 - InfraSkin Cyan 07 - NINJA GAIDEN HI-TECH 08 - Optima_Blue_V2 - 2 names same skin 09 - UnleashX_Hackedbox_v1.0 and my GFree update 10 - Ice (Smoke Series) UnleashX Skins-My Top 10-KaosEngineer.7z
  9. UnleashX is my favourite custom dashboard as it's small, fast, and full of features. Unfortunately there is not much documentations left about it. Void with the volatile nature of internet, or perhaps stored deep down on internet archive site. There is this one manual in PDF that quite comprehensive but a little bit hard to read. So I took an effort to rewrite (reformat?) it to make it easy on the eyes and probably can be exported to another ebook formats out there. As for now the focus is on PDF, but I think the EPUB generated is quite readable (literally just copy css found on the net and call it a day). I put the markdown on GitHub, generated PDF and EPUB can be downloaded from its release page. UnleashX Manual.7z
  10. A friend of mine modded my xbox so I have no clue what he did, but I am now using XMBC by default when I turn on my xbox, I am curious how can I revert it to the unleasx or evox (i dont know which one he installed while modding) ?
  11. Welcome! These are my personal themes I've created through the years and with each variation they gradually get better! I plan on making more in the future so please be patient... I put a ton of time into these creations so we can have the best looking UnleashX themes on our Xbox's. Newer themes are built completely from scratch where my older themes were built from tweaking google images. (I refuse to do that anymore.) Give me a buzz at my Facebook link for any inquiries to download these themes. https://www.facebook.com/N163lph03n1x.Official/ Instructions: Connect to your Xbox Via FTP program and upload the file to the folder where your themes are located. (Ex: E:/Dashboard/UnleashX Themes). !!! Please remember to assign the UnleashX Themes folder in the Xbox Settings so they'll show up in your UnleashX Skins Category !!! On your UnleashX Dashboard go to your system category and assign your new skin under UnleashX Skins. N163LPH03N1X PS. just a heads up if anyone is looking to make their own themes, I have all of the Xbox PC tools to help you get started. Any Adobe, music, sound software etc.. you're on your own... Check out this Link here and you can download some useful, hard to find tools here. http://n163lph03n1x.wixsite.com/home/ux-skin-tool Ice Blue UX Sharp Green UX Violent Red UX Fenix Amber UX Apex Blue UX Apex Blue 2 UX Detox Green UX Cytex Red UX Xecuter 3 Blue UX Dark Tech UX Dark Tech Enhanced Emerald Complex UX Skarlet Prototype UX Heliocentech HD Crytech Genesis HD ExoTech Virus HD Xenon Interface X HD Cybrex Dominator UX HD Axon Supernova UX HD XCM Pure White UX HD Xbox HQ Special Edition v2.0 http://n163lph03n1x.wixsite.com/home https://www.facebook.com/N163lph03n1x.Official/ https://twitter.com/n163lph03n1x https://www.youtube.com/user/N163LPH03N1X https://www.instagram.com/n163lph03n1x/
  12. I've been experimenting with skinning my UnleashX and wanted to change the small green Xbox icon that appears next to menu entries without a predefined icon. I found this file under E:\UDATA\9e115330\0064122817A8\xbox4.xbx. I wasn't able to extract the file with XBX tools, so I grabbed the same icon off of the internet, did my work in Gimp and converted it back to DDS then to a 128x128 xbx file. UnleashX opened and displayed it properly in the file explorer and I was able to overwrite the default xbox4.xbx. My issue however, is that when I reload the dashboard, UnleashX overwrites my modified file with the default green Xbox icon, negating my changes. I'm able to set the icon of each menu entry manually, with menu edit, but this has the consequence of displaying the icon over the blue animated Xbox logo, which I do not want. My question is, where do I go from here? Am I able to set the directory where the icon lives to be read-only somehow? If not, how can I go about permanently modifying this file? Thanks in advance.
  13. I‘m new to the Xbox modding scene and i have a problem with unleashx dashboard. I installed a 500GB WD HDD in my 1.4 Xbox with Aladdin XT Plus 2 modchip. As setup/boot disc i used TruHexen 2021 out of the Forum. It recognizes the new HDD without problems and did format it perfectly. I installed the unleashx dashboarb, and rebootet. The console is booting until the point where the big X with the Xbox writing under it. After a few seconds Microsoft pops up under the Xbox logo. But then it looks like it is doing nothing. (I let it try for a few minutes, if its a slow bootup.) So have redone everything. I installed everything again with the TruHexen 2021 disc. But this time, i let it install every dashboard. I tried every single one. (avalaunch, evolution X etc.) They all work fine! Only unleashx wont boot with the same problems as is described bevore….. What could be the problem here/ is there a solution?
  14. Hello everyone ! I managed to change the "english" fonts of some Unleashx skins I have with "french" fonts (with accents). If some french people come here, and of course if you are interested, I can share my work. And if you have skins that you want the fonts to be replaced by french ones (so if you have little squares instead of é è à letters), I can do it for you ! Cheers.
  15. You've all be great in helping me get my two Xbox's to be awesome, I've got them both to a point I consider them perfect, my last little gripe is the time, they boot up thinking it's 2007. I've noticed the Xbox has a time server function where it can automatically connect to internet time servers and update the time with UnleashX and also XBMC, however every time server address I put in there doesn't work, even though the time servers do work on windows. Is there a time server anyone has found that actually works on the Xbox? I remember years ago I used to use this function and it used to work fine. If I can sort this out it's the last peace of the puzzle to Xbox perfection for me.
  16. Not for the first time I've gone looking for the 'official' UnleashX manual online to point a poster in a forum to some of the useful information it contains. I've just had to do that again and this time I could not find an online copy except for one some bad monkey web site is trying to get users to pay for. I thought why not attach the original copy I have to a post here. Hope it works. If not then perhaps somebody else could post a working link or share a copy and add it to the downloads here instead. UnleashX Tutorial.pdf
  17. Hi! I have a softmoded xbox with dualboot (when i click the power button it boots UnleashX, but when the DVD drive is opened - xbmc4xbox). So i want xbmc to be my main dashboard. UnleashX is located in C:/Dashboard, while XBMC is in E:/Alt Dashboard (it's here, so i could boot it, if the dvd drive is opened). Should i temporarily install EvoX and then swap the UnleashX and XBMC directories (xbmc will go in C:/Dashboard and UnleashX - in E:/Alt Dashboard) using the build-in file manager or FileZilla? Or there is some other way to do this?
  18. Hey guys, I just installed UnleashX like back in the day, only to find out about XBMC. I was just wondering besides being visually stunning how does it compare to UnleashX?
  19. This is a skin was designed for HD display using component cables. Fixed: Media player meter was the wrong colour. Video link https://youtu.be/R7JTBkKLInc Link for the Skin file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/k4igcm71c7fu3yz/Desklife_p.zip/file
  20. Had some spare time on my hands this year http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=40089135637815877933 Image_0010.bmp
  21. Hi All, Just discovered softmodding while on a mission to preserve my back catalogue of original xbox games. I started using unleashX as I only really want the game functionality but wanted a clean xbox themed skin whilst showing some key system details. Figured since this forum had helped me get this far i would share the skin in case anyone wants to use it. Preview is a bit squashed since i made the theme for widescreen. all images are PNG and un-flattened so you can edit anything you want to change. Next step is to install a new HDD once all the pieces arrive. D24B.rar
  22. Does anyone have a collection of Xbox UnleashX skins they could spare?
  23. looking for a unleashx skin that looks like msdash green
  24. Simply one of my skins for UnleashX. xboe_1_2019_F.rar
  25. Hello all! Please does anyone know the name of this skin or have it: Or any skins like it. I like the simplicity and authentic Xbox nature of it Thanks everyone

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