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  1. Hello Everyone I am looking to do a slim xbox mod. I noticed some people add two fans to their xbox slim systems to keep the system cool. TechnoOnTop on youtube for example put mesh over holes he had cut on the top of his case and added a second fan. Does anyone know if this is necessary. And if so, are there good splitters to connect both fans to the motherboard. I was thinking something like this. https://www.amazon.com/JBtek-Black-Sleeved-Splitter-Converter/dp/B01EF9OI0O/ref=asc_df_B01EF9OI0O/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309707619534&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10057312173843895006&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004252&hvtargid=aud-801381245258:pla-760665316512&psc=1 Please give me feedback on temperatures and cooling on an og xbox slim. What has worked for others who have done this?
  2. I've used the cerbios ogxbox installer and loaded emulator disks after ftping to xbox as have no dvd drive. I have dropped my top 100 snes, megadrive and pc enigine roms into the specific rom folders , they scan and play fine. I am struggling to get any neo geo emulator working as won't discover roms or thinks emulator is not installed. I have some reading and think i need to use final burn, and may need a dat file with roms specifically named in it. Had anyone got this all set up and can share the files and where need to dump them etc. As long as have a but of metal slug and andros dunos. I have full rom set just struggling to get it all working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. I'm trying to learn this dash, and watched the old youtube tutorials by Team Kodi, but can't figure it out, they use SMB instead of the xbox hdd. I installed Red Vs Blue S01E01 and Game of Thrones S01E01, but neither show up in TV Shows. I downsampled both with ffmpeg, and they play great when manually selected in File Manager. This is what my folders look like. When adding the TV Shows source folder, I selected TV Shows, and a tv show scrubber populated, so I feel that part is correct. I'd like to not have to rely on the database scrubbing, and just manually install all that stuff, if possible. If the xbox ever loses internet, I want it to be the same experience with full synopsis and thumbnails.
  4. I've been scratching my head at this for a few days trying to get this to work with no avail. I've been using this library https://github.com/brentdc-nz/libSDL2x/tree/master but it's not very complete, so I tried using Lantus's libSDLx library (SDL 1.2) and I couldn't get it to set up properly. I'm on physical hardware running Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit. libSDL2x wouldn't work because it would break at SDL_RenderPresent() and spit out an error about memory allocation?
  5. Hi guys. Looking for some help here. I’m new to this. I’m working on my first modded Xbox. While I wait for my chip to arrive I wanted to set up my hard drive. I’ve been trying to read a lot and watch videos to understand but I’m getting stuck. My plan is to run Cerbios with Dragon4Gamers 4tb. I downloaded the 4TB torrent. I was going to set up my HDD using FATXplorer and the Hazeno downloads for C and E drives. I have an 8TB hard drive to install. I do not have a working DVD drive for my Xbox so that eliminates using OGXbox installer disc. I can hook my hard drive up and see it in FATXplorer, when I select that drive to format it shows 7.62 TB after I select it and go to my partitions it only shows 3.64 TB and if I try to up it it says that’s the max and I need to free up more space to increase it. Where am I going wrong? That’s not enough space to install the Dragon4Gamers
  6. Where can I change fan speed? Since Insignia I flashed my TSOP with EvoX M8+... I used to have iND before... The problem is, I don't know where to setup the fan speed... I can change it in XBMC4GAMERS but as soon as I start a App or Game it changes back to low speed. This is not good because I'm useing a different silence fan that needs to run at least with 80% speed to keep the Xbox cooled. My Xbox HDD is installed with Hexen2020. It has all the other Dashboards and I tried everything... Dashboards from Apps folder, HexenTools folder, C Partition... but it won't work, it won't save the fan speed like it did with iND and his config file. Any idea?
  7. A general inquiry for a PSO setup guide would be helpful from anyone who can currently connect. To play on the 2 servers, Schthack or Sylverant over Insignia, what is required after selection from its dashboard selection tab ?
  8. I have downloaded Beats Of Rage from XBMC-EmuStation using the built in Downloader. I had to swap the default.xbe with (default_samba.xbe) by swapping the names around. this enabled me to use the BOR as an emulator instead of just playing Beats Of Rage. I filled the PAKs folder with games and nearly all of them run. You can find the games on Google. Unzip them and just use the Title.PAK (small and uppercase names don’t matter) the only 4 games that don’t work are •Evil Dead •He-Man Masters of the U • Mortal Kombat •Justice League Legends I have a 128mb 1.3 Xbox tested with XBlast and using IND-Bios 5003.06 I have used the xResizer.xbe that comes with BOR to shrink the screen to help on Resolution stretching but the two games won’t play! HE-MAN just freezes the whole Xbox and a hard reboot is required Evil Dead /Mortal Kombat /Justice League Legends will let you start the game and use the menu but when the game boots the overlays are corrupted and it soon force-exits when you try and continue game play. All 4 of the listed games work on my PI-3 using EmulationStation. But the PI has a GPU frequency of 1.2 GHz. And the XBox is only 733 MHz. my list of compatible games that I found in raw PAK extensions are Alien Vs Predator Art of Fighting Astrix Beats Of Rage Castlevania Crisis Evil 1 & 2 Destruction 2 - Street Fighter Double Dragon Reloaded Dragon Rage Ed Ed’s n Eddy Final Fight X Golden Axe Legends Kill Ryu Volume 2 Kirby Nights & Dragons : the endless quest Simpsons : monster mash Streets Of Rage 4: by dawd
  9. Wanting to know if someone knows the proper way to have ScummVM running in XBMC emustation. I know it's supported, but I'm not sure where to place everything specifically in the file structure of things.
  10. I'm moving this topic from: I would do it in a more polished fashion, but I'm not a moderator and don't have the means to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Post 1: In response to what dash I was using. Old ass xbmc 1.1 dude. I actually want to change to evox or maybe xbmc 3.5.3 but I don't know what the previous owner did for the installation on this particular box and i don't want to de-stabilize anything. The dash boots from a mounted (I'm assuming it's mounted) q: partition. X3cl is configured to boot the dash from f:, but the only files present in the root directory are evoxdash.xbe.old and evox.ini... What the fuck? How is this thing even booting? What the hell is going on? I would just do a clean install but i won't have direct pc access for another month or so, so i can't back up. I do have slayer 2.7 and ogxbox 2021 discs. Can i pull it off with those?... Assuming that's even enough info for you to assess the situation! Post 2: Basically, when asked to clarify and provide more details. Kaos, the two files I listed (an .ini and an .old) are literally the only 2 files in the root of f:. There are no valid executables there so i have no idea what the x3 is booting to get me into xbmc. That's my main point of confusion - If the X3 is set to boot the dash from the root of F: and there's no dash executable located there, then how the FUCK is my Xbox booting at all? How can my bios launch a dashboard (the XBMC 1.1.0 I mentioned) that, by all available and tangible evidence, doesn't fucking exist? but it loads, so obviously it exists somewhere) but can't even load a I'll check the logs. The dash priority list in configlive is the default list. When I change to boot from E: a bare unleashx loads with no menu entries (games and emulators are empty) and is useless except for the file browser. Booting from c partition results in a boot loop, even though there is an evoxdash.xbe in the root, which I'm assuming was created as an old shortcut because there are no resource files/folders and trying to load it manually results in a dash restart... This thing reminds me of the house from poltergeist - full of randomness and wormholes and shit. Dave, thank you for confirming. Is it possible that the bios is just resetting the time every time I try to set it with the dash? Edit: Oh for fuck's sake. I can't open the .log file in unleashx because q: is only present when xbmc is running. And when I try to copy the log file from q: to any other partition so I can view it in unleash, xbmc just refuses to do it. For the life of me, I can NOT find the folder that is being mounted to q:, either. My xbox is a fucking sociopath. What the CHRIST? Edit 2: i found softmod install files in udata and some evox dash files in a subfolder of 41560017. So this thing was softmodded at some point in its life. No wonder it's such a mess. Still can't find the real q: directory... Edit 3: I'm able to get UnleashX to boot if I copy the files from the slayer's 2.7 disc to, say, the root of E:. But if I try to get EvolutionX to run by copying files from the same method, it fails to load and triggers a bios default-dash restart. Does the Evox dash have to be run/setup/installed a certain way, or something? I'm able to load any other dash like Avalaunch or XBMC 3.5.3 (if run as an application from a default.xbe). EvolutionX seems to be really touchy in that respect. Ironically, I was able to get the Evox menu from OGXbox (or slayer's, I can't remember now) actual installer to run from the root of E:, but not the one from the Dashes folder of Slayers. Wow. That makes no sense to me. ----------------------------------------------------- SS_Dave's responses to my time issue: -I tested this with a X3cp with the X3 bios and yes the date gets scrambled on each boot where the X2-5035 and Ind 5004 bios didn't reset the date/time I haven't noticed it before as my Xbox's are connected to the home network and the date/time is set automatically. -I tested that with 2 different Xbox's (1.6 and 1.1) and it did the same when booting direct to the dash and not loading the X3 menu 1st and the clock gets scrambled every time but not with the X2 or Ind on the 1.1, The 1.6 gets reset to 1/1/1900 on the Evox dash and 1/1/2000 in the M$ dash every time you power cycle it. It made no difference if the clock as set via the net then unplug the network cable and power cycle then the clock was scrambled or the clock setting in the M$ dash it did the same. When I get bit more time I will test the older versions of X3 bios. My Reply: So my problem is reproducing when you mimic my setup? Glad to know it's not just me. Definitely let me know when you get some time and are able to experiment further. I appreciate it, buddy. Do you have any insight into my dashboard clusterfuck, by chance? I'd appreciate your input on that, if you don't mind.
  11. Ok so first off let me say this - I am the dumbest person in the world ...so hopefully I covered that upfront I bought a modded XBOX off eBay YEARS ago...I just finally got it out of storage and hooked it up It has Xenium on it - I don't remember if this is a hardware mod - but it might be Anyway - there are (or were) two dashboards to choose from One is MS DASHBOARD A - which doesn't really have anything And then there was the X Dashboard (I cannot remember the correct name) - that is wher everything was - to play a game from HDD or Disk, or from the laoded Emulators - everything...it basically was everything on the XBOX and the way I play games The XBOX came with a lot of games loaded on it, and I was trying to remove some of the games that were on it that I didn't want So under the two choses for Dashboard to go into is ADD a NEW Item and REMOVE an ITEM I was trying to remove games so I selected "REMOVE AN ITEM" and then selected the Xenium Dashboard - thinking that I would go INTO that area to remove the game... But I removed THE WHOLE DASHBOARD And I cannot figure out how to get it back.. I tried going into ADD a NEW ITEM but I cannot find it - its all files on various Hard drive partitions ... Can anyone please tell me how to fix this? I feel like I just totally ruined and deleted my entire Xbox...and I am freaking out Please please help me...I don't know what to do... I'll be happy to chat or text with someone or email - if you think you can help me Thanks in advance Humbly... Jaek [email protected]
  12. Hello, after testing emustation and XBMC4gamers i decided to go with the latter. The only thing left to do is for me to find the artwork (poster, fanart) for all the emulators. All i'have right now is xbox emulator resources. Need to find the old atari, coleco, ect.... Hopefully a pack like Resources4XBMC v1.0. Also, how do i change the background main menu background like in the youtube videos?
  13. I got a job lot recently of some consoles - and all of them have buggered Thomson drives I've tried adjusting pots, tried booting multiple burnt copies of HeXen and OGXBOXInstaller etc. but all seem to just hang on the Linux screen. Any suggestions for what can be done? Can a HDD be setup outside the console? I have FATXplorer - and I know Eaton was looking at adding more support for the OG Xboxes however I think these are all still in beta. Cheers guys
  14. So ive formated the drive via install disk. Every time i install new partition and shut down and put the xboz back on. The partition reset and go back as one. 1.8 tb. Please help. Ive tried xbox partiioner and and splitting them. Same problem as soon as i switch it off. Everything resets. Im using a 2.5 inch 2tb drive by the way
  15. Hi everyone! What started out as a "simple fix" for an Xbox I won at SEGE last month has turned into a full passion for getting the most our of it. To that end, I decided to up my game out of the back of the console by going the HDMI route. I invested in the Pound Technologies Xbox HDMI HD Link Cable, and I am thrilled to report that the results are great! I think you'll be pleased with it, especially if you're still connecting to an HDTV through composite. Here's my complete unboxing, setup, and comparison of the original Xbox composite cable and the new HDMI Pound cable. Enjoy, and please share your thoughts on it. Thanks! Blaine I
  16. Hello everyone, I just acquired a XBox with 128Mb and 1.4GHz (thanks to N64Freak in passing for his great work and availability). I am very satisfied but being used to NDure and NKPatcher to play the game in ISO format, Having a first XBox (softmod) with 2Tb and all games / homebrews in XISO format (faster FTP transfer, take less space on the hard drive ...), I will obviously want the same thing on this new console. Apparently, the bios is "x2_4983.67.bin" but I do not have a file "x2config" on C. According to your answers, I have to flash my bios with the "ind-bios 5003.67" and then put the file configuration "ind-bios.cfg" at the root of C like this: 480P=1 ; Default=0 USEUSEALLMEMORY=1 ;Use 128mb of Ram if Available Default=0 IGRLOADSDASH=1 ;Load Dashboard on IGR Default=0 IGRMODE=1 ;IGR Mode 0=off 1=compatible 2=quick Default=2 DEFAULTXBE=\Device\CDrom0\default.xbe DASH1=\Device\CdRom0\default.xbe DASH2=\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\Apps\Patcher\Patcher.xbe DASH3=\Device\Harddisk0\Partition1\dashboard\default.xbe That's OK? Then where to find the patch? I saw in "CDROM modchip.rar" a folder "Kernel Patcher", it is this file? Where should I create it with "make_with_listing.bat"? Thank you in advance for your answers.
  17. If anyone out there has a link or tutorial on how to pad hack an OGxbox controller to arcade setup, id much appreciate it. Thanks
  18. XLink Kai: XLink Kai is a system link tunneling application for consoles that can trick a Xbox, Xbox 360, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, PSP or Gamecube into thinking it's connected to a local area network, when actually it is connected to an international orbital server. Any System Link enabled game can then be played in this state with users all around the world. In other words, it is a global LAN network. There are 2 servers currently operating, located in Chicago & Ottawa. You can download the program from https://www.teamxlink.co.uk. Setting up your console: The best method of connecting your console to XLink is hardwiring both to your router via an ethernet cable. Another popular method is connecting your Xbox to your PC with a crossover cable, & having your PC contact your router wirelessly. View the XLink quick start guide for a full list of ways to connect your console & PC together, complete with diagrams. Using XLink Kai: Firstly, you need a Xtag, it's pretty much XLink's version of a Xbox Live "Gamertag", you can make one on the XLink Kai website. Using XLink is easy enough, there are rooms called "game arenas" for every System Link compatible game, every player in the same arena will be connected to each other & can play with each other. Simply host & join system link matches as normal when you're inside them, & you should be able to get a game started. XLink also has a private arena feature, which lets a set arena admin control who they want in the game, & can also help with bypassing orbital de-sync glitches. You can create your very own private arena by clicking the pencil icon in the Web UI. XLink also has something called "Status". This is useless now unless you want to tell other people whether your hosting a match, dedicating one, or just joining one. If you have the game "Halo 2" on Xbox, then I strongly recommend you test your XLink set up by going into the "Latin America" arena & checking if you can see & join any matches. Port Forwarding: Before you use XLink however, YOU MUST PORT FORWARD. Even if the program doesn't crash on you when you try to start it, it will be unstable as hell if you don't. There are 2 ways to port forward for XLink. The first & most easiest is called UPNP port forwarding, automatic port forwarding or dynamic port forwarding. Simply enable UPNP on your router configuration page (if it supports it), then go into the XLink Configuration menu & switch port 30000 to 0. If everything goes right, XLink should start up & in the metrics section, under port, it should have a number that is not 30000 or 0. The Newer versions of XLink have this enabled by default. If UPNP doesn't work for you, then you'll have to port forward manually. You have to set up a static IP address first http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19249/. Next, go to your router configuration page & go to a section known as "Port Forwarding" or "Virtual Server", you can usually find it in Advanced settings. Port Forwarding is different for every router, you can find out how to port forward for yours here http://portforward.com/. There is even a step by step port forwarding guide for XLink on that site. Port Forward "30000" on "UDP" protocol. Changing Your Orbital Server: The latest version of XLink Kai (7.4.29) has a built in orb changer from the system tray, the following is for people running legacy versions or who would like to change their orbital servers manually Sometimes, the orbital servers are out of sync with each other, so you will not be able to connect to players on the orbital that the orbital you're on is out of sync to. You can fix this by switching to a different orbital server. First, close XLink Kai completely, not just the Web UI. Then, go to "Run" for Windows or "Terminal" for Mac & Linux & insert one of these commands (assuming you are on Windows 32 bit): "C:\Program Files\XLink Kai\kaiEngine.exe" --orb ADVANCED_LA "C:\Program Files\XLink Kai\kaiEngine.exe" --orb ADVANCED_QUEBEC "C:\Program Files\XLink Kai\kaiEngine.exe" --orb ADVANCED_SIXTHGENGAMING ADVANCED_LA ADVANCED_QUEBEC ADVACED_SIXTHGENGAMING Make sure you copy the whole line, not just what's in the quotation marks. If you have XLink Kai installed somewhere else, then just change the path accordingly, Windows 64 bit users will have the default installation location as: "C:\Program Files (x86)\XLink Kai\kaiEngine.exe", not "C:\Program Files\XLink Kai\kaiEngine.exe". Mac users will have XLink installed at "/Applications/kaiengine.app/Contents/MacOS/kaiengine" by default on older versions of XLink & /Applications/XLink\ Kai.app/Contents/MacOS/kaiengine from version 7.4.28 upwards. Brief Firewall Info: Certain software firewalls will block XLink Kai from running properly, these include Avast! & Zone Alarm. You can get around this by setting XLink as an exception in your software firewall's configuration menu, or disabling them while you're playing. Compatibility: The latest version of XLink fixes compatibility issues. The following only applies to version 7.4.26 & older. If you are using Windows 7, right click on Start Kai, go to properties, & make sure under compatibility, it says Windows XP Service Pack 2 (although SP3 also works for some people), for Windows 8, it must be SP3. You have to also run the program in administrator mode. Troubleshooting: First of all, make sure your console & computer are connected to each other correctly. Hardwiring both to your router is recommended. Note that most issues can often be fixed by simply cycling orbitals, restarting XLink, restarting your router & as a last resort restarting your computer. If your issue still isn't resolved after that, try the suggestions in this section of the guide Try get as many people on the same orbital as possible while playing to minimize orbital de-sync issues. : 7.4.26 & older: (If you are using Windows 7/8, make sure you have set the compatibility mode to Windows XP SP2 for 7 & SP3 for 8, & are also running XLink in administrator mode.) If everything is good with compatibility, check your port forwarding & firewalls. If everything looks okay, I recommend just doing a clean reinstall of Kai https://teamxlink.co.uk/forum/viewto...77884db6ed8a97. If the problem still occurs, it will probably be something to do with the packet capture component, switch between pdssk & winpcap in the XLink configuration menu to see if it helps. : This will usually happen if you have not port forwarded properly. It could also happen when you're using particular orbitals, in which case switching will help. If your internet "hiccups", then you will be dropped from Kai as well. : Make sure both your computer & Xbox is connected to your router via an ethernet cable (unless you are using a bridge set up with a promiscous mode network card). It could also be an issue with a firewall, or your port forwarding. Also make sure PAT is switched off in Kai's configuration menu. : Restart XLink. This is a glitch that seems to occur less in the newest version. You'll need to restart or else you won't be able to play with the person whose console you detected. : It's a firewall issue or your PC is on wireless. : The person who is not being detected by the other person leave & rejoin the room. If that doesn't work, switch orbitals. Private arenas can also help with this. : Port Forwarding or Firewall issue usually. It could also be an orbital de-sync. Both players try switching to the same orbital, if that doesn't work, restart your router & tell the player who's ping you can't see to restart his too. : Port Forwarding or Firewall issue. : This would be incredibly odd if you are using a wired connection from your Xbox to your router & your router to your PC. If you still can't see your Xbox, try entering your Xbox's MAC address into XLink's properties. Also, remember that you have to search for games to detect your console. If you're using another method, try restarting your router & if it still doesn't work, then switch into method the dual hardwire method of connection. : If everything from the above checks out, it's more than likely going to be something to do with the Mac address. On the 360 Dashboard navigate to - System Settings>Network Settings>Configure Network>Additional Settings Tab>Advanced Settings>Alternative MAC Address Use: 00125A as the first 6 digits & randomly fill in the last 6 unique digits in any combination of 0-9 or A-E with the second digit in each number pair being an even number, A,C,or, E. Example: Paired: 00 12 5A 34 78 12 As Entered On 360: 00125A347812 : Try a different orbital. What is XBSlink?: XBSlink is a program for playing system link/LAN enabled games online on various platforms, including Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2 & PS3 (It can also theoretically be used for PC games). When it comes to Original Xbox online gaming, it’s a good alternative to XLink Kai as it’s completely P2P. The program is best on Windows. Mac OSX & Linux versions exist but they require you to use MonoDevelop (see below). For more info, visit XBSlink’s website http://www.seuffert.biz/xbslink/ Download Link: The latest version of XBSlink ( has a few issues establishing a connection between multiple users at a time. Version works perfectly however, & I’ve personally never had a single issue with it. I’ve uploaded it here http://theisozone.com/downloads/misc...-version-0953/ Console Set Up: The best method of connecting your console to XBSlink is hardwiring both to your router via an ethernet cable. Another popular method is connecting your Xbox to your PC with a ethernet cable capable of doing crossover, & having your PC contact your router wirelessly. Using XBSlink: There are 2 ways to use XBSlink, direct IP address connection & ‘clouds’. Either way you need to start your engine first. Go into settings & under the ‘network’ tab, select your capture device. This is the network adapter your Xbox is connected to & in most cases should be your local area network adapter. Next, under ‘Bind to IP’, select your computer’s internal IP address. Check ‘use UPnP NAT (automatic port forwarding)’ if your router supports it, otherwise, you’ll need to manually forward port 31415 on TCP & UDP protocols. You have to set up a static IP address first http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19249/. Next, go to the Clouds tab & change the Cloud list to ‘xbslink.baseq.fr', then hit Start Engine. Clouds: XBSlink clouds are the easiest way to play games online. Click ‘load’ (right of the cloud list url) to retrieve a list of active clouds, double click on them to join. If they require passwords, you can enter them at the bottom of the GUI. You also can create clouds this way, just enter the name of your cloud, as well as the maximum number for people you want to be able to join it & a password for it if you wish. You can also connect to other players directly via their IP address. Just enter their IP in the ‘Remote Host’ box & click ‘directly connect to remote host’. Once other users are connected to you, you should be able to see them under the ‘info’ tab. Search for system games on your console. If everything is working, you will be able to see your console’s MAC Address under ‘found devices’ at the bottom of the GUI. When other users do the same, their names will become highlighted green. Everyone you play with must have a green name AND VICE VERSA for you to be able to connect to them. Brief Firewall Info: Certain software firewalls will block XBSlink from running properly, these include Avast! & Zone Alarm. You can get around this by setting XBSlink as an exception in your software firewall's configuration menu, or disabling them while you're playing. XBSlink on OSX & Linux: XBSlink runs on Mac OSX & Linux too but you need to use MonoDevelop to use it. You can download XBSlink for your respective OS here: Now you can either install libpcap v1.1.1 http://www.tcpdump.org/ (if you don’t already have it) or edit SharpPcap.dll.config in your XBSlink directory, changing every instance of “libpcap.so.1.1.1” to your version of libpcap. You also need to download Mono Runtime & Mono Develop from here http://www.go-mono.com/mono-downloads/download.html Get the latest stable versions. To start XBSlink, you first have to open terminal & cd to the directory containing XBSlink, this is where xbslink.exe is located (type “cd [path]” e.g. “cd Users/[yourname]/Downloads/Release”). Next, type "sudo mono XBSlink.exe" into terminal & enter your admin password when it prompts you to. If everything went right, the GUI should start up & you should be able to start using XBSlink as normal now.
  19. Setup file for the install of Xplorer360 which is needed to inject the exploit into your Fatx Formatted USB. http://www.mediafire.com/file/89j3kpwyv715vc6/Xplorer360Setup.exe

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