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  1. So i rebuilt the lpc on my 1.6b crystal xbox and then turned a raspberry pi pico into a modXO which is booting prometheos and using cerbios. My question is what are my options regarding an hdmi mod because i know makemhz xbox hd plus wont work unless i have a open xenium. I also am waiting on my startech adapter and 80pin ide cable so i can put a 8TB drive in. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I need some help on getting the flasher to work with the TSOP. I can read the TSOP (which is empty). But each time I start to flash I get this error: Pins Detected Passed! Erase ...Succeeded. Time : 0.406 S Programming FLASH ... Programming ...Failed I have added the W49F020T-90B by hand which is the same like the W49F020 which is supported by the programmer (But the W49F020 will fail as well). Even if i disable "Check ID" I get the same error. I have made a quick video and some pictures. I'm out of ideas what I could try next to get the damn bios on the winbond (if it's even possible). Pictures of the TSOP and adapter : https://imgur.com/a/mm5sTqw Video of me getting bitch slapped (each time) by the programmer telling me "NOPE!". (Sounds more funny as it is tbh.) : (link) https://youtu.be/7kPO-TZjkic
  3. Hi, i need info about my xbox 1.6 console modded by me, with Aladdin XT Plus and flashed a Cerbios 2.4.2, mod with SATA adapter (cheaper edition) buy online a some years ago, the HDD is SATA 500GB with original IDE HDD cable. The question is if the config is ok or change bios UDMA mode?
  4. Recently was able to find a v1.0 Xbox and I still have my old Xecutor 2.3 Lite+. I remember the chip came with it's own size screw to mount the chip. By chance does anyone know the screw size? I know the stock motherboard screws will not fit. Thanks for any help!
  5. Hello, I have had a1.4 xbox with a duox modchip (v1) and I'm a little confused about how I can flash it. I bought this xbox pre chipped 15+ years ago and I've never touched anything past keeping exox dashboard updated. I took it out of storage after a good few years, I would guess I've not used it bar the odd nostalgic game session (It's part of a setup in my living room with an OG xbox a 360 and a series x on shelves) in around 10 years so I have no idea what the latest best things are. Also the xbox came with an 80GB hard drive installed. I have purchased a xbox-HDMI adapter (powered by usb) because my TV has 3 hdmi ports and that's it. literally nothing else. This works. I have an issue with my dvd drive in that the band need replacing, can't get more for a another 2 weeks. In the meantime is it possible to flash the chip without a disc? some places seem to say I must have a dvd and others allude to not needing a disk. I've been researching this for hours and just decided to ask on here. it works ok but I didn't flash the bios so I have never done it before. I was looking at increasing the capacity further but may need a bios flash. in avox settings the BIOS is unknown. So in short, what is the "goto" Bios and dashboard nowadays? Is it possible to do without a DVD drive? Could I do it by stripping the xbox DVD drive putting a disk in and reassemble? If I desperately need to? Bit drastic but I can't do anything for a few weeks. A bit of a bonus question. I had a game of FIFA 2003 last night and it played strange. Like it was sped up. Best description is like an emulator running at 1.5-2x speed. Some games don't boot. I don't know where to start with testing it. If anyone has an idea I'd appreciate it. EDIT: So I've backed up using evox. FTPd it to my PC. I noticed a bios folder. It has 3 files "EvolutionX M7 Bios.nfo" "EvoxM7_ef.bin" and "EvoxM7.bin" I can guess which previous version was. Can I just replace them and flash latest bios from evox launcher then?
  6. i just finished installing Aladdin XT Plus 2 on 1.0 now what to do next ? ps : i tested it and its working with evo x logo on left side
  7. Reposted with pics on Imgur: https://imgur.com/gallery/rH19myY I need help flashing this corrupt Bios chip on my Og Xbox. Unfortunately this is the only way i can reflash it, as i attempted to flash it but forgot to bridge the points now my Og Xbox only works with a modchip. I got around to picking up a programmer TL866II Plus with Xgpro v11.90 Flasher tool. But i keep getting a pin detect error. I first tried it with a new exact replacement chip using a TSOP 40 adaptor. Then ended up losing that chip. And desoldered the one from the motherboard. I also removed the cold solder from the adaptors and added some fresh new high quality solder with flux to make sure that isn’t the problem. I socketed it into the slot and no luck “Pin detect error”. I then ordered another adaptor this time without a socket and i soldered on the bios chip. I also redid the solder joints, as the ones on that adaptor were dull aswell, and no luck. I picked up the correct or the closest settings on the Xgpro v11.90 software. I tried TSOP 40 Hyundai and Hynix HY29F080 with no luck. It yet again gives me a “Pin detect error”. I even tried auto detect and it says chip not supported. On the chip it says Hyundai HY29F080T-90, but i can’t find that exact model number on the menu. Could that be the issue or is it something else. I have no idea as this is my first time using a programmer. And saw a video or two on how to use it.
  8. Hi all, New to this. I'm wanting to mod my xbox. Am I able to use the Aladdin XT Plus 2 and still install origins? Basically, are these compatible with each other? Or is there a different chip I should be looking at?
  9. I purchased an XT+2 from AliExpress with the purpose of reprogramming it for XBlast purposes (RAM upgrades n such), but I found that this chip I purchased included an NPN transistor on the D0 line to properly drive it (rather than using the pin on the Lattice CPLD directly).The Jafar chip uses this same method albeit using a MOSFET of some description but the effect is the same. This seems like a new development, I haven't seen anyone else have a chip like this and I imagine most of the new ones produced going forwards will be this way. But it shows that the producers are taking steps to bring the modchips forward into the modern day. Here is a closeup of the board, you can see the added transistor.
  10. I cant seem to get this one working. Installed header and I have tried wiring D0 to GND and D0 on the Aladdin but I get a FRAG. 1st mod chip gives me FRAG when using GND or D0 pad. 2nd mod chip give FRAG when D0 grounded but boots stock dashboard when connected to Aladdin D0 pad. BT point on Aladdin is grounded. Did I miss something?
  11. Is there a bios patch to support 128mb ram for the m8 plus bios? I have a launch xboxhdmi kit from makemhz that I'm going to install tomorrow.
  12. Long time reader first time poster! Sorry to start in this way but I'm completely lost and if possible I need your help all... First disclaimer, before the attempt on both console to install the modchip everything works fine (stock console no softmod or other modchip). As per the title I've installed the same Aladin XT Plus 2 (pick-up from AliX) but at the end (after the first boot) both console start to have the same issue as per below : Tries to Boot 3x then FRAG (Christmas Lights) Usually due to a failed or improperly installed modchip or the IDE cable being plugged in upside down somewhere. Check modchip wiring and IDE cables. If you did not do any soldering, it could be a bad PSU. - On both console I've already removed all the wires for the Aladin (beside the connector on the MB) - Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol - Replaced the power supply - Recaps (Done only on the 1.0) - Searched on the motherboard for broken component or any other strange visual sign of issue Is clear that the Aladin I've is faulty but what I can try now to revive those two console? Thanks!
  13. Hi, a few months ago I bought 2 Xboxes to repair. I was happy to find out that one of them had a xt plus chip installed. I have tried flashing evo m8+ to the chip through hexen, unleashed x and xblast (ftp). Xblast got me as far as letting me confirm the flash by letting me press the required button combination. However it stated that the changes were not made and put be directly back to selecting the bios I wanted to use in order to flash the chip. I found online that this usually happens when the soldering of the has not been done correctly. Previously I have opened the Xbox in order to clean it, apply new thermal paste and recap the console. While I was doing this I saw that the xt plus was installed in a different manner as what I have seen previously. Could this be the reason why I am not able to re-flash the chip? I was thinking on desoldering the chip and installing it so it can be plugged in the pin header as normally. Could this solve the issue. I am quite new to modding Xboxes but so any advise would be great.
  14. Just installed an Aladdin in a perfectly working 1.6 because I was bored. Install went smoothly and connections are great throughout. However, I’m getting the three boot cycle and then black screen with no audio or video. Any help would be appreciated. I have all day to fiddle with it to try and fix things. I did not cut the L trace and instead have connected to the right leg of the accessible transistor on top to prevent the led from always being on when power is connected. I can’t post a pic because they all end up being over 2mb. Edit: everything stills works as normal with the chip removed from the header so nothing is screwed up internally. I’m thinking maybe a bad chip?
  15. I made a post a few weeks back about getting a 1.6 with a HDD that immediately died after booting. Couldn’t get eeprom in time. Looks like someone was trying to tinker around and really screwed some things up. Without the wires and chip, the Xbox will boot into HDD failure error which I’m fully aware of. I tried getting two Aladdin chips fitted and neither one of them will boot. They both flash green light for a second and then power off. One chip shows red light and the other shows yellow. I’ve reflowed solder points countless times and still the same result. I’ve tried D0 grounded to board and the chip and other various places I’ve seen and read about, but nothing works. As you can see from the board, there have been several trace lifts, but from what I’ve seen I have everything linked up properly accordingly to the lifted traces. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I do not want to keep the chip inside so I have not cut the L-Frame. I just want to pull the eeprom and build a replacement drive. These Aladdin chips on 1.6 are proving to be a real pain in the ass.
  16. I was looking at the typical Aladdin XT 2 Plus modchips that are still available/being produced for the Xbox a while ago, and I thought to myself that the wiring to permanently ground the BT pad seemed a little inelegant. I took a quick look at the traces on the PCB and lo and behold, they trace back to adjacent pins on the Lattice CPLD chip! Going forward should I ever need to install another XT 2 Plus, I'll forego the wire and just bridge those two pins.
  17. Hi there, greetings from Russia One newbie needs help I just installed Aladdin xt plus2 with new hdd 500gb via sata adaptor. Auto Installer Deluxe cd recognize my hdd and formate it with subsequent installation of dashboard but this is where the problems begin. If i try to boot i get eror 13 but if i swap hdd with dvd on ide cable (hope you can understand the wording) - everything is fine and i can boot in to EvoX. There is some boot priority and with default cable connection my bios cant find dash location or i miss something? How can i fix this ? Thank you
  18. QQ, I have what I believe a 1.4 with a bad tsop flash. Going to fit an Aladdin.# I only have to solder a wire from D0 to Ground right? Unless its a 1.5 then there's 2 more wires? Chip will be always on
  19. Anyone know where I can get the original Aladdin XT Plus 2 firmware ? Looking for an .SVF for the Lattice LC4032 Thanks
  20. im waiting for the alladin plus x2 chip to come in the mail while waiting I have installed my break away header and the corresponding wires needed and cut the l trace my question is what does the xbox do when you tun it on without the chip and the trace l trace cut my xbox is a 1.6
  21. Ok guys got an issue that is getting on my wick. Slapped a 2.3b Lite into a 1.6, used a clone LPC Rebuild Kit and proceeded to boot the console. D0 was connected to the board and ground was connected to the screw hole as usual. As soon as you put power to the console it will boot up then reset 2 times before FRAGGING. Only when D0 is connected and chip is off. With chip on with M8 1.6 Bios I can get a boot with Evo shield but it hangs after that and still turns on as soon as a power cord is plugged in. Front panel doesn't work at all. Remove the chip or D0, and it'll boot fine to the original softmod it came from. I've reworked it with my iron, even given it a hot air rework. Which point is most likely the culprit? Apologies on the lead free solder. Was using a friends over my own.
  22. Team Xecuter _ Xecuter 2.3B Lite Plus Install.pdf

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