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  1. On the XBox, some commercial games could run third party fan-made mods (provided the XBox was modded), which was amazing. I remember games such as Morrowind, the Grand Theft Auto games, Star Was Battlefront 2, etc, supporting this. The big limitation was memory, of course, as the XBox only had 64 MB of RAM (which was also used for video RAM), but I have had my XBox upgraded to 128 MB, so I was wondering in anyone had released a patch for any of these games to allow the game to access more than 64 MB of RAM, and so allow more mods to be used with applicable games. Also, or course, fan-ported games such as Duke Nukem 3D (using 'XDuke'), Shadow Warrior (using 'ShadowX), Doom 1 and 2 (using 'Doom-X'), and I think ports of Quake 1 and 2, etc (I don't like the Quake games, so I can't speak from experience), can use third party mods, and with these ports being written specifically for the XBox, then they would see more likely to maybe receive 128 MB support upgrades. Have any of these ports been upgraded, to allow for the support of more demanding mods.
  2. I've been working on these files. A few are finished, and I plan to make one for each revision of Xbox, along with many of the DVD drives and PSUs. You can import these files into Mouser's website. The capacitors are properly spec'd, and the quantities are already listed. If anyone happen to notice anything I could improve, please let me know! I tried my best to pick the highest quality, best fitting components. Attached are the lists I have completed so far. If anyone has lists of their own for the other revisions, Drives, or PSUs I would be interested in seeing them. Thanks all! GLHF Xbox 1.01.1 Mainboard Capacitors.xls Xbox Delta DPSN-96AP96AP-1 Capacitors.xls Xbox Clock Super Capacitor.xls Xbox Phillips VAD6035 DVD Drive Capacitors.xls
  3. So I kind of wanted to know what there all is that exists for the OG Xbox. Seeing that there are prototype games, classics, Homebrew, chihiro arcade stuff etc. I wanted to know if there is a wiki or a site that lists pretty much everything there is for OG Xbox from games to apps to anything that can run on it. Doesn't have to point out where that specific thing exists but should atleast have basic info for it. Thing is I want to try some of this stuff out but I don't even know if there's more to them.
  4. Marty

    VGA BIOS list

    Does anyone have a list of BIOS files for the VGA mod? I have the Frosty-The-Snowman X2_5035 BIOS and BIOS boot disk, but I was wondering if there were others.
  5. I am using xbmc emustation and scummvm emulator. When looking at scummvm on the dashboard it shows how many games you have playable. However I have games in there and they aren't showing up in the list. However if I go into file browser and just start the scummvm default.xbe to launch the emulator, I can load the game just fine and play. Is there some kind of disconnect in how xbmc emustation is seeing (or not seeing) the game?
  6. corona2222

    TCR list

    a bit of a long shot but I've scoured the OG XDK and google for the TCR list used back in the day for dev, if anyone has the list stored please PM me? thanks
  7. Hello Friends I have been looking for this for a while. I know the emulators have lists but a list that has: Works extracted on HDD Only runs on ISO only due to file path length and some other reason... Doesn't work, Disc only Thanks in advance
  8. Hello, so i made this list with all exclusive games/content for original xbox. Types of exclusivity: Full - there was no re-releases of this game. Console - there is PC version of this game. Content - there is bonus content available only for Original Xbox version. 6th generation - there is version for next generation consoles or re-release, but no versions for other 6th generation consoles. LIST IS HERE Made it for myself but decided to share list to get more information i have missed. If you find any mistakes or I missed something - please contact me. Also im looking for Original Xbox games with regional content. For now i know two. Dead or Alive 3 with new moves and costumes for Pal version and Airforce Delta Storm aka Deadly Skies with new planes for Pal version. If you know any other - contact me please.
  9. I've been messing around with Rocky5's script for getting certain tags from a game's _resources/default.xml file like synopsis and release date info. I've trimmed it a bit to set my desired properties when I manually run it: https://pastebin.com/Tp8Ds103 Here's how it displays: I'm trying to figure out a way to have the script either autorun when focus shifts to a new list item/game, maybe on some kind of delay so that when scrolling through lots of stuff the Xbox doesn't just freeze up, or somehow parse all default.xml files in the library on load so that the info is already ready to go when you scroll to a different game, but that might take forever tbh. I'm also having a tough time figuring out how to trim a string, say I wanted to cut out "05 NOV " in the release date and just display the year. In the script: Current_Window.setProperty('Synopsis_release_date', Output.release_year.string) or in the xml: <label>[B]$INFO[Window(MyPrograms).Property(Synopsis_year)][/B]</label> Not sure where in there I'd do that, if I'd need to to load another utility in python, or if I can just do it in the skin's XML, which would be handy for other things. Some help from someone with more experience with Python would be much appreciated.
  10. I have a TSOP v1.0 that I decided to make a first attempt at a RAM upgrade using a hot air rework station. After adding the fourth chip I began having FRAG errors. After several re-flows and checking all the pins, I figured I got bad RAM chips. So I removed them all. AND STILL FRAG… after a closer inspection, I noticed that one of the nearby SMD capacitors went missing. C5B3. Any chance someone know the value of this cap, or has a list? I’m not sure if you can measure an onboard cap.
  11. I have the ROM, installed to the HDD, but it's not appearing in my game list, every other game I installed is there and playable, but not this one. I tried multiple versions from the internet, same results. What do I missing? Or its a game that is only playable from the DVD like that couple other?
  12. Hi I am after a full list of every component that soldered to the Xbox motherboard, all revisions. Caps are well covered high voltage transistors I can find a little yet nothing on resistors and other assorted ICs. If any one has a full list or any list I then may be able to compile a list myself. Thanks in advance for any help
  13. What list is the most accurate for 1.6? And if anybody has a mouser or digikey part list to share I would love that.
  14. So im looking to put a bigger HDD in my Xbox, thinking of going with a 1TB 3.5 Sata WD Blue from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/WD-TB-PC-Hard-Drive/dp/B0088PUEPK/ref=sr_1_3?crid=UZ86BA3UVMYA&keywords=1tb+sata+3.5+hard+drive&qid=1582495127&sprefix=1tb+sata%2Caps%2C161&sr=8-3 With this Sata adaptor https://www.amazon.co.uk/LEAGY-Parallel-DVD-ROM-Interface-Convert/dp/B07B75Q64F/ref=pd_sbs_147_4/260-7291144-6127719?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07B75Q64F&pd_rd_r=cf4df938-b886-4c79-aef5-39c01aa7ecf1&pd_rd_w=UjTRD&pd_rd_wg=wCccd&pf_rd_p=96cae456-8d7a-4bc1-91c7-9b20b4dfd7c9&pf_rd_r=HSKB83AFMNH4X3KVF2B4&psc=1&refRID=HSKB83AFMNH4X3KVF2B4 With this ATA 133 80 Pin IDE Cable. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Goobay-50670-Cable-Drives-Transfer/dp/B000TND1VI/ref=pd_sbs_147_2/260-7291144-6127719?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B000TND1VI&pd_rd_r=3e57dd4b-7ab9-4452-9c55-d726462db76f&pd_rd_w=G0yqV&pd_rd_wg=c8KO0&pf_rd_p=96cae456-8d7a-4bc1-91c7-9b20b4dfd7c9&pf_rd_r=5M2TA3D5Q09SFV5WZEMG&psc=1&refRID=5M2TA3D5Q09SFV5WZEMG And good ? or can anybody advise me please of anything cheaper / better. Thanks al for looking and helping me.
  15. While searching for what PAL, NTSC, Japan exclusives there are and what region coding games may have (if any), I came across this fantastic and very detailed list of Original Xbox games. It contains about everything regarding Xbox games including (but not limited to) region, format, resolution, exclusivity, developer, publisher, etc. Ultimate Original Xbox Game List: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0As6wDfeH-8zNdHh0WG9tYjJIM3pyVzNWeGFoQjB3Tmc&hl=en_GB&authkey=COaP09cE Website: https://bordersdown.net/content/145-The-Ultimate-Xbox-Game-list-(for-the-Original-Xbox) Discussion (that includes a huge list of games and their details): https://bordersdown.net/threads/105504-The-Ultimate-Original-XBOX-Thread From what I understand, many PAL Original Xbox games will play without issue on an NTSC console. I need to get me a copy of Ghost Master for my Halloween party!
  16. So I will try upgrading my HDD in a few months (start of june) For the record my xbox is a hardmodded one and I don't know too much what is in it but will investigate further before doing the hdd swap, and also try to update to latest bios / dash / everything before doing the actual updgrade. In the meantime I want to buy the three things I need, but as I am french, I need to find them on the french amazon, otherwise I will pay too much transportation and duty fees. Here's what I got, can anyone confirm it's good ? I want to minimize compatibility issues and everything... 40 pin 80 wire cable : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B004YZKCHI/?coliid=I3NUREUHYK5YWY&colid=12JUDL34SP51N&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it harddrive : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B013QFRS2S/?coliid=I3KTO9OQZNBV21&colid=12JUDL34SP51N&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it IDE to SATA adapter is the main issue, I am not sure I can find the startech everyone is using on french amazon or is it this one ? https://www.amazon.fr/StarTech-com-Adaptateur-Convertisseur-Graveur-Optique/dp/B00EOJNGC2/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=startech+ide+sata&qid=1554184832&s=computers&sr=1-2 Thank you for your help For the record, I spoke about my unit there :
  17. I've got a little over 100 games that i've FTP'd to my xbox. I downloaded and resized covers to use for icons. I can add them manually to about half of them but once I get so far through the list, UnleashX will restart and then when I go back into the games list some of the ones I've added are gone. Is there a better way to do this? Am I doing something wrong? I'm just kinda puzzled that it's working perfectly for about the first 50 games and then I get this issue
  18. So I stumbled across the PS1 emulator for the original Xbox and I thought great. So I load it on a bunch of games and to my disappointment a lot of them did not run great. Game such a Silent Hill and Resident Evil some of the consoles best. The original Xbox could not handle some of the graphical demands the PS1 could deliver. So I took it upon myself to see what is available to run good on pcsxbox v22b22 I loaded on an FTP over over a hundred original PS1 games. And I tested every single one over the course of a couple days. The results are in. Now I know emulation is not perfected for the PS1 but I wanted to know what kind of a game list I could put together with what is available now Surprisingly to see frames per second in some games did not matter. I am including frames per second in the list. But please look past it. This does not mean the game is not running good.. a game could be running as little as 10 or 12 frames per second and still be totally playable if you did not see the frames per second in the top left corner of the emulator.. Every game in this list below is totally playable on this emulator running 1.5 core version I did not change anything and I booted the cue file. Here is the list of what has passed play ability test so far (dec 26 2017) Batman Forever the arcade game - 20 FPS Bomberman world - 30fps Bust-a-move 99 -17fps Bubble Bobble featuring rainbow Islands -45fps Bust A Move 4 -17fps Capcom vs SNK Millennium fight - 22fps Castlevania Symphony of the Night -25fps Diablo -17fps Doom - 13-15 fps Evil Dead Hail to the King -30+ fps Grand Theft Auto 1 -20+ fps Guilty Gear - 12fps King of Fighters 99 - 20fps Megaman X3 -25 fps Megaman X4 - 25 fps Megaman X5 - 25fps Megaman X6 - 25 fps Mega Man 8 - 25 fps Parappa the rapper - 12 fps Marvel superheroes - 18 fps Marvel vs. Capcom - 18 fps R types - 25 fps Strider - 20fps Strider 2 - 20fps Street Fighter Alpha 2 - 20 fps Street Fighter Alpha 3 - 15 fps Street Fighter collection -17 fps Street Fighter collection 2 - 17fps Super puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo - 25fps Wild Arms - 15 fps X-Men vs. Street Fighter - 20 fps Tekken - 12 fps I physically played and tested over 60 to 70 PS1 games. These are the games that made the cut. Please keep in mind even though the frames per second maybe low for some reason these games can pull it off. It seems to me like it can easily run side-scrolling type games. Or 2D Fighters very well. Eventually I will be adding more to this list as time goes by. If anyone wants to add any other games feel free below. PS I know that there are lists that's a what this emulator can emulate. But I have actually tested these myself. Thanks for reading and have a good day
  19. So I stumbled across the PS1 emulator for the original Xbox and I thought great. So I load it on a bunch of games and to my disappointment a lot of them did not run great. Game such a Silent Hill and Resident Evil some of the consoles best. The original Xbox could not handle some of the graphical demands the PS1 could deliver. So I took it upon myself to see what is available to run good on pcsxbox v22b22 I loaded on an FTP over over a hundred original PS1 games. And I tested every single one over the course of a couple days. The results are in. Now I know emulation is not perfected for the PS1 but I wanted to know what kind of a game list I could put together with what is available now Surprisingly to see frames per second in some games did not matter. I am including frames per second in the list. But please look past it. This does not mean the game is not running good.. a game could be running as little as 10 or 12 frames per second and still be totally playable if you did not see the frames per second in the top left corner of the emulator.. Every game in this list below is totally playable on this emulator running 1.5 core version I did not change anything and I booted the cue file. Here is the list of what has passed play ability test so far (dec 26 2017) Batman Forever the arcade game - 20 FPS Bomberman world - 30fps Bust-a-move 99 -17fps Bubble Bobble featuring rainbow Islands -45fps Bust A Move 4 -17fps Capcom vs SNK Millennium fight - 22fps Castlevania Symphony of the Night -25fps Diablo -17fps Doom - 13-15 fps Evil Dead Hail to the King -30+ fps Grand Theft Auto 1 -20+ fps Guilty Gear - 12fps King of Fighters 99 - 20fps Megaman X3 -25 fps Megaman X4 - 25 fps Megaman X5 - 25fps Megaman X6 - 25 fps Mega Man 8 - 25 fps Parappa the rapper - 12 fps Marvel superheroes - 18 fps Marvel vs. Capcom - 18 fps R types - 25 fps Strider - 20fps Strider 2 - 20fps Street Fighter Alpha 2 - 20 fps Street Fighter Alpha 3 - 15 fps Street Fighter collection -17 fps Street Fighter collection 2 - 17fps Super puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo - 25fps Wild Arms - 15 fps X-Men vs. Street Fighter - 20 fps Tekken - 12 fps I physically played and tested over 60 to 70 PS1 games. These are the games that made the cut. Please keep in mind even though the frames per second maybe low for some reason these games can pull it off. It seems to me like it can easily run side-scrolling type games. Or 2D Fighters very well. Eventually I will be adding more to this list as time goes by. If anyone wants to add any other games feel free below. PS I know that there are lists that's a what this emulator can emulate. But I have actually tested these myself. Thanks for reading and have a good day

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