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  1. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/145503396128?itmmeta=01HSCF018D0WMEBABCJYMFP56Y&hash=item21e0ada120:g:n9sAAOSwEsljLKoL&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8NSWio1I%2FcHIwk8Lrx64L4ld44%2B%2B%2FNt7qPB%2BNA1IntAZyopOLWR83V7aZh9klR9pQ3I%2B0fqWAais9xGpwqAHxyijPLgqLIZJLicEPtxmw98CnbCznJJJ4tUULr4QHOF9QgItjuFP3yVvDv9htHKs6DI%2BwBAocStZBhYZYm7PPkyVbdhcnqzhthWqe9jjUo4FP66Jg8hJxIHji3%2BxiOLelIVEz687zUNfRm19%2BcQD22%2Bv0j4YkYLPZutZJrbE0MxiAM2BZC3ZVQ%2FIJGPK1psdii%2Bcck1Njyxfs9viomxLVtZHwLTvRjtlc1xkN3aleNtiqQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR6aUgI_LYw Is this really that rare nowadays? I'll take two, lol.
  2. It does for real..... So I put xbox360 slim inside a og xbox. I rewired the front panel work with original buttons and added one extra button for the sync button. Hardest part was to make the dvd drive to fit perfectly. I had to make some crude legs for it. I added larger fan, but then I was like that's not special enough. This sucker will be watercooled. That's more like it. Just need a little bit slimmer fan and install it under the radiator and cut holes to the top cover. It's a perfect fit. On the bottom window you can see the final resting place for the hard drive. Peace XD
  3. All the maps work except for tombstone. It loads after countdown and then goes to black screen and then back to the halo 2 party screen.
  4. As the title says really, has anyone got one working? I've tried all variations of the trainer I can get my hands on and they just don't work. Not one cheat works at all. I have no issues running any other trainer. There is the odd cheat contained in some that may not work correctly but overall they work as intended. It's just Halo 2 that seems to ignore the trainer. If anyone has one working can they attach it to this thread please
  5. Hey guys, was curious to see if anyone here might be able to assist - Hardware wise, i've got 4 Hard modded Xbox's (1.0, 1.1, 1.4, 1.6) all running OX chips with the LithiumX Dashboard. I'm using the Halo 2 Complete Edition () linked prior, across all 4 xbox's. Lastly, for my "switch", I'm using the linksys RE6500 with brand new CAT 6 Cables. The two main issues I'm having here are firstly & most importantly - I cannot get all 4 Xbox's to hook up on a LAN. Earlier, I got 3 to hook up together, but now at this point I am running into an issue where every time I try to connect, it either doesn't show the additional xbox joining as a new person, just the original host, or the "You can't join this party. Please wait a moment and try again later.". Secondly, I keep having an issue where anytime I try to boot up H2 while having a cord in the ethernet slot, the game will freeze at the starting screen after pushing start. Any help is super appreciated, thank you guys!
  6. Taking offers before heading to eBay. Willing to trade for a stock halo edition + cash.
  7. XBOX OG Halo Clear Green 16TB Nemesis dual fan caddy Leds Bluetooth sound activated Stellar HD+ 3D printed parts Noctua Fan
  8. My other post was in the wrong sub, here's a fresh one. Sorry about that. There's a pre-v1.6 Halo Edition that just went up on the Arizona ShopGoodwill, with the matching controller. I'm not bidding on it, figured I'd let people know. There was one a few months back that went for over $500 on there. The prices for stock xbox's on that site have skyrocketed since last year. Used to be no more than $40 for a parts unit. https://shopgoodwill.com/item/190290748 Sorry about that, I'm new to posting to the site, I'll be more careful. But to tell if its a v1.6 or not, if the A/V port is all plastic, its not a v1.6.
  9. So I've been doing a bit of research to try and find out more about this OG Xbox Halo 2 Edition I have - it's a Ice Blue Halo 2 Release edition with the Black Xbox logo on the top "Black jewel" I beleive it's refered to. Some sites I have found (https://gamingdoc.org/) & (https://consolemods.org/) - list the serial numbers as both: 2NNNNNN 51805 , 2NNNNNN 50805 Are these internal board Serial Numbers? The xbox is still in it's plastic bag packaging so I'm not going to open it to check but on the stick externally - it has 4044117 51505 :SERIAL NO. & 241 4044117 51505 :PRODUCT ID Does anyone know anything more about this? Like can I confirm the unit I have is actually the Xbox Halo 2 Edition from Asia ? (PAL) I'm in Australia so it's likely from the Asian Market. Considering it's still in it's plastic bag sealed - Are these things considered rare still? Thanks in advance for any info anyone can provide me with! I'll attach the photos I have in the next comment from my phone.
  10. Sigh.... I feel like such a hypocrite... To be fair, I tried to order the HD+ only so I could use it with the stm32 module since I thought that would be another cool project to try. Apparently I also ordered a Stellar. I was like, ah CHRIST! Now I have to install it! So here goes. It's going in a 1.4 128MB Halo Edition console.
  11. Hey everyone! I have the following controllers for sale. All have been Cleaned & Tested. Paypal Goods & Services (I cover fees & shipping). Prices are negotiable & the controllers will be carefully packaged in a box with bubble wrap. Thank you! Halo Edition Controller #1: $80 Halo Edition Controller #2: $70 Blue Controller #1 (New Sticks): $30 Blue Controller #2 (New Sticks): $30 Green Controller (New Sticks): $30 Duke Controller #1: $25 Duke Controller #2: $25
  12. I have it on marketplace, but I wanted to put it here also. Includes some good music and a couple of interesting videos. I need to add the Halo 2 map pack, but otherwise it's pretty loaded.
  13. I wanted more of a subtle lighting mod for this halo console. I used the extra fan header to power 3 LEDs. Left side was easy to see. I also placed one in the middle to have a subtle glow from the front. The right side was tricky, because of the downward facing CPU air baffle on the underside of the HDD tray. So I put the LED on the very edge of the motherboard and pointed diagonally up and at the underside of the newly chromed HDD tray. Had to point it at an angle under that smaller opening in the bottom of the vane. That gave me the light output I wanted out the vent and the front bottom of the case is now (more) symmetrically lit. I am hesitant to show the wiring because I'm not too proud of it. As long as the light I want is there, who cares? And yes, I know there's overspray. Good thing nobody will ever see it. Lol. My controller port LED mods are getting much better and neater.
  14. This is my worklog. I'll post pics and thoughts! Why am I sharing this? Because I can! Modding the other 1.4 halo console tonight with an XBlast Lite from Tomcat. I don't have to share such a routine procedure, but I feel like doing so. I should celebrate: I will finally start receiving the income I've been waiting for and I'll have all the time I want to learn new skills and get better at the things I've always wanted to learn. I will also be able to invest in consoles and get a little bit of everything and try to get some broad experience with all there is available. Oh and I bought a shitload of pinnheaders. I can mod like, 60 Xboxes now. I'm unsure of what to do for sure with this console. I don't know whether to keep the chip in, or just use it to flash the TSOP so I can sell the console. But it will have another 2tb origins drive in it, just like my X3 does. I have some shit to buy... I'll start another thread about it. Anyway! Oh and I'll try to use this chip to revive my black coma console.
  15. Hi, Can someone upload for me default.xbe with widescreen support for.Halo 1 ntsc (us)? I tried to patch it my myself but it doesn't work.
  16. Hey all, first post as I stumbled across this page while trying to research my halo edition xbox. I pulled it out of storage and wanted to sell it as I havent used it in forever and am fairly out of the video game collecting these days. Memory is pretty fuzzy on this as it's been awhile, but I bought this new when it came out, used it a good amount and then ended up putting the Xenium Ice modchip in with the solderless adapter. It's been in a closet for at least the past 10 years. I believe the hard drive and disc drive are original, almost positive I never replaced those. I hooked it all up and tested it, works great, the only game I had laying in the closet with it was Sneak King, so I tossed that in to confirm the drive still worked, no issues. The case looks great, no cracks. It is missing one of the rubber feet. Controller, power and video cables are the original ones that came with it. I'd like to get $300 + shipping for it, but am open to offers. Pics attached and happy to take others if anyone needs.
  17. I ran the halo 2 game disc once made a profile, installed the dlc from a hdd ready download. Original hdd had the dlc already. The installed files match on the 1 TB drive so the install is good. 3 out of ten times when a dlc game is picked in the pregame lobby I get a "Failed to load map" error. Also when I try to join a game that is dlc it occurs as well. When I host a dlc game it works but not every time for the other person I get 1 or more players failed to load map. This occurs with xlink kai as a direct system link connection works every time. Not sure if it is xlink kai computer settings or what?
  18. Hi all! I've got a hold of an OSSC and put the scanlines on, everything looks great. So I was playing Halo 2 direct from the disc, everything works great. Decided I'd like to rip it to the HDD using DVD2Xbox. 2 Files failed to copy... ok weird, DVD is pretty much pristine but w/e. Get a second copy of Halo 2, same files fail to copy a second time. From a completely different disc. They seemed to be the map files for New Mombasa and High Charity. This is very strange, anyone encountered this error before? I thought my disc was damaged but after trying a second copy I'm stumped.
  19. Anyone have a top and dvd bezel for a Halo Edition Console let me know. Need 1 to complete a set.
  20. Hey there, I have finally got two working hard modded Xbox's both with 2 Tb SATA HDD (a v1.0 with Xblast Lite and v1.6 with Aladdin XT Plus2) Bonus is they both have converted 360 component cables. I am also going to attempt the 128Mb RAM upgrade on my v1.0. Currently in the process to try find 4x more OG controllers to have a 4v4 halo match, First question) I remember reading about running the Halo match from a dedicated 3rd Xbox with some other version of Halo? , I guess it reduces lag between the connected Xbox's? Also) If I got a 3rd Xbox, would it be best to run the match from the Xbox with 128Mb RAM? Cheers for any help, or pointing me in the right direction
  21. That shit is elusive now. Can't find it. Anybody still have the ips file and the ips application?
  22. I've been racking my brain on this for awhile now and with the holiday break upon us I figured I'd revisit it. Some table setting: I have 2 softmodded Xboxs one is 1.0 and the other 1.6. They are both on dash 5960 and have the latest Rocky5 softmod update. Using this same utility I ran both units back to stock and re-softmodded them just because of this issue, thinking that something must have gone wrong when I originally softmodded these about 10 years ago. After all of this, I'm still getting the error within Halo 2, "unable to join party, try again later" whenever I attempt to join the created system link game. I can see the game that has been created, regardless of which system I create it from. I can FTP to either system just fine, and taking the router out of the mix and directly connecting the 2 units (this time setting a static IP in each) ends in the exact same scenario where I can see that game that has been created, only I cannot join it from the opposing console. Happy to provide more details if needed, but does anyone have a clue as to what could be holding this up?
  23. So I recently made use of this invaluable resource to download all of the old Halo 2 DLC onto my original Xbox (https://digiex.net/threads/xbox-offline-xbox-live-downloadable-content-dlc-installers.675/). The title update and four map packs were a no-brainer, but I was intrigued to see "official" Bungie multiplayer game-types included in the installer as well, as follows: 1. Classic CTF Tank 2. Covie Gulch 3. Golden Showers 4. Peacemakers 5. Swords No Radar 6. Team GoldShowers 7. Zombies Interested in knowing how a few game-types were elevated to "preserved official DLC", I did some research. It looks like #1-5 were made available on the Official Xbox Magazine April 2005 demo disc (http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/official-xbox-magazine-demo-disc-43/), and #7 was from the June 2005 edition (http://xbox.gamespy.com/xbox/official-xbox-magazine-demo-disc-45/). But my question, while quaint, is this: when was #6 ever officially released? All online "Bungie game-type" lists seem to acknowledge it as one of the officially released game-types, but I can't seem to find its origin. Does anyone recall how they got ahold of it back in the old Xbox days? To be clear, I'm talking about the game-type "Team GoldShowers".
  24. CIB. 2 small flaws are noted. Disks are scratch free and tested and working. Can give more details if needed. $25 OBO. Preferred payment is through paypal

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