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Everything posted by MadMartigan

  1. I have no idea what you are asking here lol. Been a string of long, hot days at work. I think my brain may be melting
  2. Double check to make sure you’re using the correct region of exploit and that the file sizes match on both usb and HDD. Also, make sure you’ve got at least I think 30mb free on the HDD to perform the hack. I’ve personally only done this with Splinter Cell but it’s supposed to work for all exploitable games. It’s the exact same process, but instead of the soft mod initializing, you’ll be taken to the flash menu. You’ve probably already watched Darks video tutorial. It literally works exactly as described once everything is in order.
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/281126398909?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=iFlAeHGRRGO&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=cLdUXVnHQbW&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY This is what I use for the Aladdin’s that don’t come already flashable. Granted you’ll need to remove the chip every time you want to change the bios, but I typically don’t change my bios like I do my underwear. It’s more for testing purposes and quick repairs.
  4. Are you transferring the files to your Xbox first? You need to copy the game save and flasher to the Xbox.
  5. Maybe I missed the OP not having a stock HDD. I was under the assumption they were just trying to toy with Xbhdm by making a new drive or three. The OP gave good info no doubt, but I guess mentioning several different HDDs, I’m no longer aware if they actually have a working one or not. Who wipes their stock HDD only to rebuild it? That’s insanity.
  6. You no longer even need to put in that much effort. @sweetdarkdestiny has a tool you can put on a flash drive or straight on the Xbox HDD that will flash the TSOP instead of soft modding it. It’s the exact same method as soft modding, but the exploit allows the flash of TSOP instead of installing the soft mod. That’s what I’ve converted to these days. Saves a lot of hassle. No exploitable games needed. Just an iron, a little solder, and his tool.
  7. I’m honestly a bit shocked that nobody has suggested just flashing the TSOP and eliminating this headache all together. It would make this whole process a Sunday stroll through the park.
  8. Yea I think he has a module that connects where the drive should be and then everything works as intended. I may invest in one of those myself. Been meaning to place an order for a few goodies through him, just been so damn busy with work.
  9. Way back in the day, I always used Avalaunch’s FTP server to connect two consoles and transfer all the data. It used to be the fastest way until direct connect with FatXplorer became a thing. Still very possible, but as you mentioned it can be a real pain to get them connected.
  10. The comparison videos I’ve seen, show an improvement of mere milliseconds. Not quite worth the price for me. Not when 4TB linger around $50 and 2TB for $30 or so. To each their own though
  11. Gotcha, so it’s just another chip alternative. Hopefully you’ll be able to offer competing prices, being that the Aladdin’s are so cheap already.
  12. I’m not looking to repair my drives. This topic is about helping @Bowlsnapper find a solution to his issue so I checked to see if had parts to offer him.
  13. I did check and unfortunately all the ones I had are the crappy Phillips drives. I have a few more console to fix when I get a chance. If I run across anything, I’ll let you know for sure. Was hoping other members could check their stashes also.
  14. SSD is way too overrated. Not a huge advantage over spinning drives and the cost isn’t even closely comparable.
  15. It’s too late tonight, but I’ll check my junk box tomorrow. I’m sure I have some dead drives, but not sure what they are. Maybe someone else can check their scraps also. We can Frankenstein a good drive for much less $$$
  16. Don’t be negative Nancy. Which version drive is it?
  17. Yes, you can format the extended partition 6 using XBPartitioner 1.3
  18. The magnets in those things can get out of wack. Just start with one strip of electrical tape and try it out. And another strip until the magnetism is reduced. Edit: or you can totally tape the middle off and use an exacto knife cut out the ring for the connection to the drive tray.
  19. Yes. If you’re getting errors in results and games are behaving odd, you could be on the countdown to destruction. You can be proactive and get a new HDD now. If possible, don’t even turn it on again until the new HDD arrives and you can make a backup. Better to be safe than sorry. Edit: Someone else may be able to chime in here, but I don’t think you should unplug it at all either.
  20. Glad you got it sorted. Just a tip for the future that you may already be aware of… You may experience ongoing complications with cheaper SATA adapters. They can also cause extremely slow boot/load times and most importantly, probably can’t support the ideal UDMA of your HDD. Startech adapters are the most popular these days for good reason. I’m sure there are some others out there that are comparable, but I’ve yet to find them.
  21. IDE cable, wether 40 or 80 wire, shouldn’t t have any bearing on the drive not reading discs. I could be wrong. The more details you can provide, the easier it will be to troubleshoot. Does the disc spin at all? Are you certain you plugged the drive back in during assembly? Did it work fine before installation of stellar? it’s highly possible that you borked the mobo by accident, during installation.
  22. Looks like you’ve tried a lot so far. I can’t help but notice that you didn’t mention trying a different composite or component cable. That would have been the very first thing that I tried to save some time.
  23. First off, if you are turning on a chip, then you are no longer using the soft mod. The Xbox is booting directly from the mod chip. Second, if you have a PAL region Xbox and using it outside of the PAL region, sometimes you will get no picture or a slightly distorted picture in greyscale. The mod chip is not being restricted by that limitation. With a soft mod, you need to pick the correct region of output.
  24. Sounds to me like your bios has been corrupted over time somehow and the Xbox has nothing to boot, causing the FRAG. You should connect the TSOP points and try to flash the stock bios back on it, or go with a much more modern bios. Cerbios is the most widely recommended these days. You could’ve unknowingly clicked the wrong button in a random menu and wiped the drive. Who knows. Give that a shot and I’ll think you’ll be all fixed up and back in business.

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