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Everything posted by sweetdarkdestiny

  1. Both of them hold alone except for one. The one. The one you see one the 2th picture close to the resistor and cap. But to hold it in place it's an easy task (Or tape it with scotch tape). You just need one hand for your gamepad and the job is done in under 30 secounds. And, you should aim for very small needles like the one on the right side. Some kynar 30 and voilá, you can TSOP without soldering. :)
  2. Here you go : XBMC4Gamer Resources TBN ONLY in Folders! (103.27 MB) https://1fichier.com/?zrxyunlg8vvqr04hivh6 Have fun.
  3. On the CPU is a Noiseblocker BlackSilent Fan XS2 (50mm) and on the GPU is a Noiseblocker BlackSilent Fan XM2 (40mm).
  4. Choose the installer for the job you like to do. To find out whats best for you, load all and check them out. But you will reach a point where you just format your drive with any of these DVDs and then FTP'ing over your own configs, tools ect. from pc to your XBox and thats the best way in my opinion and I think, thats what most of the users here do. These installers give you just a base. If you don't want more or something else ok. If you want more or differnt things read configs and write your own. After that you can unpack the installer of your choice, replace/remove configs, apps or backgrounds, repack the iso and make your "own" installer. Didn't need to much time just some effort. No one can tell you what's best cuz there is no best till you made it your best.
  5. https://www.amazon.com/-/de/dp/B0083A0BY4/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&dchild=1&keywords=noiseblocker+fan+xm-2+-+40+mm&qid=1603621370&sr=8-1 And it dosn't move more air as the stock fan. The Noctua moves less than half of the stock and the Noiseblocker moves a little more as the half (close to 2/3) of the stock fan. If you want something equal to the stock dan look for the Adda AD0412MX-G70-LF. Which is basicly the same fan just in a normal "fan layout". And i see i have wrote XS (50mm which is nice for the CPU (see pic above)) instead of XM (40mm fan which is for the GPU). So sry for that.
  6. For sure i have to do that or how should i become to sleeve over (or on? (not sure)) the cables? ;) Little warning, don't plan to do it with a non slimmed xbox because you will become trouble with the HDD cage of a non slimed/modded box. I did that just for fun with an 1.0 PSU and ran strait into that issue with the HDD cage (bad luck).
  7. Yes, you need an setup dvd. I would suggest to use the slayers disc. You could also try hexen or truhexen but that dvd's turns out to be more "bitchy" when it comes to if the disc boot at all on your system. So give slayers a go and try hexen/truhexen later just for fun. Download: (And use good blank dvd's like Verbertim DVD-R)
  8. Thanks an no, i have removed them all in one and have used the attached pin out to reassemble it. You can move the sleeve slightly so you see what cable you have. It's not to hard to do. :)
  9. Ppl are so thankfull now days. These are uploads i have made. And with 1 min time and using the search function i found the mirror from irlandezwhich contains the first of my links : https://yadi.sk/d/tNpOZyt2hpIPaw But be aware to delete the default.xbe in all folders of his upload, DON'T relpeace the default.xbe's of your games!!! (In mine they are already removed but thats not a big deal). You're welcome.
  10. Here is the pack for XBMC4Gamers which is 12,5 GB - FOLDER LINK : https://1fichier.com/dir/0VjW41tf And here the XBMC Emustation Artwork Stuff : https://1fichier.com/?9iwv01jyntve64q9t40d And here XBMC Icons Banner Cover ect. : https://1fichier.com/?wwqqkcorn4l3q2gwvrqt Have fun
  11. Nothing is wrong. But if you have bad luck and you don't have enough contact the SG could work as isolator which would not be so nice. I have used a ~ 3cm long piece of kynar wire without the isolator. So you can lay down your hand and hold it still in place (best to use tweezers) and when the solder has set just gently wiggel the rest of it off. It's also possible to do it just with solder but i just manged that once. Not sure what i'm doing wrong there but at least i can make it pretty good with wire. And like i wrote, there ar holes, make use of them if you feel better. So you have just 1 solderpad and 3 holes. Peace of cake.
  12. Love it. :D A allen key is enough to open it or you could also use a simple screwdriver. And you need a flash drive and the game dvd for the softmod as well so i can't let that count. ;) Point is, before we write the next episode of "The Neverending Story" ;), when your dvd drive passes out and your hdd fails there is nothing more you can do. Ofc it's a litle risky but not more as flashing a normal mod chip. You have more to lose if you don't have a drive and the HDD fails. I have flashed 8 TSOP's in the last days and guess what, i only manged to blow a old Aladdin Adv. (Which i have then turned in a CaveMod later on for a 1.6) but no TSOP (not even the Winbond). Costs a side, the TSOP is, with a little bit of care, the best you could do. But we all have our own favorits which is totaly fine and good. Everything has his pro's and cons. If someone ask me here where i live, i would would suggest the TSOP over a modchip or softmod and in case he can't do because of missing tools or because he didn't have any money at all, i would offer him to do it so he would not need to buy anything at all. Finaly a little self challange, i try to do the next TSOP without iron (i will use simple wire (non kynar), Torx (allen key/screwdriver is fine too) and the rest is all the stuff you also would need for a softmod. :) Peace.
  13. Hmmm.... SATA Adapter. Do you have a pic? If not, does it has 2 caps on it? Maybe the caps on the adapter are bad as Dave said in some topics. A hdd can die slowly or fast so both is possible. But i would check the caps first. And i would replace the caps because like Dave also already worte, they can look got but that dosen't mean they are. Unleashed-X should display the version of your xbox in some skins (system 9 for example) or the TruHeXEn disc displays it also in the upper right corner. But if you want i have atteched a xbox app. Just FTP it to your apps folder, reboot und run it. It shows you which version you have without the need to open it. xbox version.rar
  14. For a TSOP bridge you don't even need a iron. Just a little bit wire and some scotch tape or conductive paint or a pancil. and if you don't have any of it, you can to with just 10 cm kynar wire. When you look at the traces " R7D10" you have a hole before and after the bridge point (stick some wire in it) and "R7D1" has a hole after the bridge piont where you can fit one end of the wire in. The only "tricky" part is to hold the other end of the wire to the little resisor (you could also use a tiny peace of alufoil for this point, you just need a steady hand. SO TSOP is possible without spending one cent (except for the needed game dvd). For a 1.0 or 1.1 it's the same but, since one point is under the board you need at least some tape.
  15. TSOP isn't hard and since you already have a softmod the TSOP is just 2 solder points (bridges) away. The first pic is for a 1.2 up to 1.4 xboxes. The second pic shows the 1.0 and 1.1 point of the underside of the board. The P2 point in the first pic is also the same on the 1.0/1.1 board. As soon as you have both bridged you can write the TSOP with Slayers/Hexen or when it`s not a winbond or sharp TSOP with Evo-X or X-Flash. You just need 10 minutes of time, thats it.
  16. XBox version? How does you caps looking? Maybe the HDD is on the road to, you know, hardware heaven.
  17. Sound like you have flashed a bios for an 1.6? From where you got the bios file? If it's a 1.6 bios file only a modchip can help you to fix that. And only a Xenium, Xecuter, Aladdin Xblast and Xblast mod chips (if i'm right here) are able to flash a bad TSOP but with an normal Aladdin or LPC2 mod chip you could use your xbox again (but you would not be able to restore the TSOP with these chips). If you need a chip (in case it was a 1.6 bios) you should aim for an Xenium or Aladdin Xblast. Both aren't that expensive. But again, from where is the bios and how have you falshed it? (I see you run out of posts as new member so PM me, in case of)
  18. There are ppl out who are 100 times better than me, trust me. This slim was the first i have ever made and atm i'm stuck with my second one. But try you're self, it isn't that hard overall.
  19. For the edges of the cut? Wet sandpaper from 400 up to 2000. And if you want realy shiny edges you can steal a nail polish file from you wife/girlfrind and make it look like the part of the xbox where the power/eject button is (so realy realy shiny).
  20. When you do that, your DVD will not boot a dvd on start even if there is one in. Add "default.xbe" on the DVD field. Thats the same mistake which is on the Hexen bioses. For a nODVD bios it'S enough to remove the check mark on the "DVD Drive Check" box.

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