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  1. This is my last post and I will consider replacing the hard drive, but will a bad hard drive cause the game disc to not load properly at all? The only issue I be having is that when I start project Gotham racing two it won’t let me skip, but once it gets to the second part of the intro it’ll freeze until I restart the console and then start the game up again and then it’ll let me skip The in game radio and stuff will also cut out So I just wanna know y’all opinion that well a bad heart drive cause that’s even though I have the original game disc
  2. Found a good cable at the right price. This is my 1st time doing this so want to ensure I don't get the wrong thing. Can anyone confirm this is the correct cable for the cable upgrade? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285945357382?_skw=40-Pin+80-Wire+Ultra+ATA+2-Drive+Ribbon+Cable&itmmeta=01J8FJNTK17R82D1ZCRYBY15EN&hash=item4293abe446:g:yyEAAOSwn79miQYA&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKm7iQbBnl8fbU52nphsfcwuAH31NaccGcUbV80i4JT902JWYi6f4XgAav7Xybkxh1nxEmx63PsR38SqwGwENGp7DTRE3m4H6f0AhMfeEom2EU0mRVj9TTuwmtUl6uPhmVFuEO51x%2B0sBMynTSTKHBWvl%2BZnkE5B4LTOj9bZj1yh6D17INxfH4%2B1L%2FzOqeL5lXFnpHxCNDJ5%2FJmSQ8cYLaxhS1s0aUcQJ4SXR0CWhj88TrZ%2FSk%2FbFas%2FO8OF%2FJ36KPcBkilHyXkb2%2BXk3Cbv59RMRHmkOumHImHfqEueFkznUw%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR8qp1_LDZA
  3. I'm having an unlucky day, I have a 1.6 Xbox that's barely been used since new, a crystal box, It's just had a softmod on it although I'd just ordered a mod chip that I could install on it but it hasn't arrived yet. Either way, I went to fire it up today and completely dead, press eject or power and nothing, doesn't try to come on at all as if there is no power going to it. I fired it up last week when I pulled it out of storage and it worked fine. So, it's looking like potentially the power suplly has failed. In my collection of goodies I found an Xbox power supply, it's brand new never used in box. Here are some photos of it. It has both types of power connector. A switch to go between 120 and 240 volts, I'd need the 240. Do you think this would be fine to use on a 1.6 XBox for an Australian 240v Xbox?
  4. Currently it's the cheapest on eBay, for my location (found some Startech ones, which are generally most suggested online, but they cost 50€ wth). Asking this because last time I tried another adapter (this one), Slayer Evox installer didn't recognize it (showed 0 for all partitions on the main screen, then faked to formating and copying files -very quickly).
  5. Doesn't matter if I try the disc, or the PAL or NTSC file upload the game always loads up as a black screen and the Xbox freezes. It's the only game that has this issue, everything else works. Does anyone know a fix or solution for this? Any and all help is appreciated
  6. I have a hardmodded Xbox 1.4 with an openXenium chip and Cerbios UDMA6. I store all my games on my hdd as extracted ISO's. Jade Empire will not launch/load from XBMC4Gamers. I have a hard drive activity light and when I launch the game it flashes like normal and then just stops and the screen is black. I have tried fTP'ing a new game folder over and deleting all the data from the game off the hdd. I can only get it to launch from the UIX dashboard. Any ideas?
  7. I'm having a strange issue. I flashed my TSOP with EvoX M8 plus and upgraded to a larger 120 gig IDE drive. I used FatXplorer to create a "games" folder in the F partition and moved some games over. I can see the games in UnleashX and EvolutionX dashboards, but they won't launch from the file explorer. The xbox just boots back to the dashboard. I can't launch from the games tab either. I used the same 2020 TruHexen disk that I used for my 1st xbox. The SATA drive on that xbox works fine on all my xboxes, but the IDE drive simply will not launch any games in my TSOP xbox or two other openXenium xboxes. I've used multiple 40 pin and 80 pin cables, and I've reformatted the drive multiple times. Is it possible that FatXplorer isn't functioning correctly and I need to FTP the games over? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm running into a similar issue with another SATA drive. I'll create a "games" folder in the F partition with FatXplorer, but that partition looks completely empty from file explorer. Why on earth can't I properly format two drives, load games onto them with FatXplorer, and launch games from them? I don't understand why it worked in the past and now it's not working. I need ideas.
  8. Hello everyone. I have not done anything with my original Xbox 1.6b since I softmodded it over 15 years ago, and recently it stopped powering on. I've tried googling and researching, but the loss of Sickmods (and others that I probably don't know about) has made it difficult to find information. Attempts So far: Eject or power button does nothing. Replaced the 5 main caps that are known to leak (I'm pretty sure I did this 10 years ago as well, but had parts on hand so did it anyways) I have replaced the transistor near the clock cap (q7c2) I'm pretty sure its the power supply itself, (Its the Samsung Tuscany one) so I have been trying to modify an ATX supply to use to test. On the earlier versions of the XBox there are lots of information and adaptors, but not the 1.6b. The pinouts I have found for the 1.6 xbox (See below) show it needing 4 lines on 5Vsb, and only one standard 5V line: I'm pretty sure this is backwards, and it should be 1 standby line and 4 regular, can someone with more experience confirm? The other question is regarding the N64Freak adaptor board diagram: From what I have read the 1.6 uses 5Vsb instead of 3.3Vsb, can I omit the LM3490, the 33uf cap, and the link to the ground plane like so: Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide, and if you have any good tips for a guy who is 15 years out of the scene, let me know.
  9. Hello Xbox friends. I plan to play Shenmues 1 to 3 (father of all open world games by Yu Suzuki and SEGA) on macOS and Windows and want to use a controller that's as close to the Dreamcast as possible (I understand the Xbox is popularly known as the spiritual successor of the Dreamcast with Microsoft collaborating on Windows CE on the Dreamcast), also I like that it's big and won't cramp my hands but will an Xbox 360 USB breakaway cable work with the Xbox "Duke" controller flawlessly? Do they have the same exact pinouts? Thank you in advance. God bless, Revelation 21:4
  10. When downloading any packages to your computer there is still a default .xbe in them. and all Xbox apps/games have a default.xbe they have to or you cannot ever launch anything Instead of a .exe which the computer reads for launching programs and apps, the xbox has a .XBE XBOX Executable. The XB stands for XBOX and the E stands for executable. Anyway I downloaded the Gamers - Emustation Artwork Stuff from the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a3ZaFTuuu5L7lDbnOjmA5tlHhrwpWFKC?usp=sharing Which is the link found in this topic: I am now going to copy and paste an exact quote from the Topic Creator: Yet there isn't a single default.xbe anywhere in that package which means there is no possible way to run the installer at all. Furthermore the xbox reads the following extensions for images png - jpg - tbn - bmp (The proper dashboard still has to be used as some dashboards cannot read certain image files.) Anyway after looking through the package, there isn't any proper file extensions for the xbox to read either. Someone needs to create the proper picture formats so the dashboards can read it and say what dashboard those pictures go with, place those pics in the properly named folder, .rar that folder, and uploaded it. All someone needs to do then is download it, unpack the .rar file, and copy the folder that has all the pictures in it, onto the proper section of the xbox. Right now there isn't even a way to run any of this off a disk or the HDD. it's a complete shit show with no clear simple easy instructions. I shouldn't have to still connect the xbox to the net to download what I already have just to get it to run. This whole thing is a major and complex mess.
  11. It's just not flashing and refusing to do so. It's acting like the point isn't jumpered. I soldered the jumper using a wire to bridge it. No idea why this isn't working.
  12. when i got started in the xbox modding scene a couple years ago, i kept reading that ssd's do not last long on these og xbox's because of the way the system constantly writes to the disk cache. now, i keep seeing people say they upgraded to a ssd. even watched a youtube video a while back from modern vintage gamer where he used some type of flash cart memory card in place of a hdd. so what is the final verdict on this? will an og xbox eat up a ssd quickly or not? and is there any speed benefit in going to a ssd? i know it won't speed up the transfer of data but i often think it is the actual hdd's seek time that causes alot of the hesitation(especially when loading the home screen).
  13. I just resurrected a "for parts" xbox from ebay, and after replacing cpu caps, tsop flash etc, I was able to get it working. The issue I am having though is that the only cable that will work on it is my component cable. No other cable will work. I have tried both a third party AV cable and an original one, both do the same thing. I also have a xhox to hdmi dongle which will also not display any output on this xbox. Has anyone got any idea what is going on here?
  14. I cant see anything in the file explorer and FTP doesn't work either. I tried to load a Bios from a usb but it file explorer is still empty.
  15. I have just repaired a v1.1 Xbox that had a leaking clock cap that killed the ADM1032 thermal management IC. I do not believe this second fault is related but it may be. The Xbox started fine and ejected the disc when I pressed eject. When I press eject again it goes back in, waits a second and ejects again, all the time the eject button is flashing green. Additionally, if I press the tray in manually it goes in but the motor does not respond. When the tray is out the eject button does go solid green. I have read the clock cap leak eats traces on the front edge of the board that eject the tray function but they all bell out OK. Any ideas? Cheers.
  16. I have several boards (1.0, 1.1 & 1.4) that will not power up with a known good power supply. Capacitors all look good and there are no visible signs of damage or component failure anywhere. Are there typical failure points that I should check? Would it be worth it to replace the power caps anyway? Thanks for any help. I hate to ditch these boards or just use them for parts.
  17. i have a prototype game that i want to run on my modded xbox. how do i turn it into a file that will run on it?
  18. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XFT1TPJ/?coliid=I34W0053FX96LE&colid=3BP1APT3T9SB8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  19. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B094ZL3JVK/?coliid=I19QHTCT3LMT0X&colid=3BP1APT3T9SB8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0118SPFCK/?coliid=I1YTZY1T89CTWG&colid=3BP1APT3T9SB8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075KR7Y4D/?coliid=I2VX0LGQUU7RN&colid=3BP1APT3T9SB8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01199OGK0/?coliid=I2S70QPIEC1HJ0&colid=3BP1APT3T9SB8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014SK2H6W/?coliid=I2H8GPLLCAHN3C&colid=3BP1APT3T9SB8&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
  20. I’m having an issue with the box failing to showing up for my emulators. I have my view mode set to detailed and the art I downloaded came straight from the XBMC downloader. I even checked to see if the files were downloaded into the correct directory. I’m really stumped on this one. I feel like I’m definitely missing something and I can’t seem to find any solutions online. If you guys got any advice or potential solutions it would be very much appreciated.
  21. Just completed softmodding an Xbox I picked up, 500gb Sata drive installed and tomorrow hopefully Tsoping it. It's been my favourite console since release and at 46 I should probably be doing other things than farting about modding a console but......here we are. So, Hello (UK)
  22. i know there was a trick to reflow the gpu on a redring'ing 360 with a heatgun. would that work on an og xbox that needs the gpu to be reflowed?
  23. Not sure what happened but on startup the screen froze on the boot menu with evo x insignia. now It tries to start twice and either dies or flashes red green with no screen output. Machine is hardmod with alldin xt plus chip using lpc board ver 1.6 stock hd Is this a dead hd or something else? I thought it was a bad dvd drive ( sometimes it wouldn't eject) but am not sure. I was planning on a 2Tb upgrade but was enjoying learning FTP into xbox of games I wanted to play first knowing I was going to need more space. I hope I don't have to start from scratch .
  24. X3 install with the push button panel on the front. It will not boot to MS Dash if I push and hold the power button. It quickly flashes red then switches to blue and boots to UnleashX. If I load the X3 menu (hold white button on startup) and select "Reboot With X3 Mod Disabled" it works perfectly - boots to MS Dash. I can also reach the MS Dash by selecting it from the UnleashX menu. Why won't the power button bypass function correctly?
  25. this is an old flash drive from back in 2012. it is a none "blade" version. it's just a straight sandisk cruzer 4gb.

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