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Found 17 results

  1. The XBox game Thief Deadly Shadows (Thief 3) has a serious bug. If you select a harder skill setting than 'normal', then when the game performs a load (either loading a save game, or when you reach a load point in the game's levels), then the difficulty would be set back to normal, which removed much of the challenge, as the game's AI was much more alert on higher skill levels. The PC version was fixed by fans, but of course the XBox never received the fix. A few days back, I posted on the Through the Looking Glass forum (https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=152823) hoping for more information (and also hoping that the problem would be a very easy fix, such as just editing .cfg or .ini files), and (brilliantly!) the author of the fix answered, but I'm not able to do anything with the information. So if anyone proficient with XBox programming could look at the reply, and attempt to get the XBox version of the game fixed, then that would be really good. Thief 3 is a great game, but the difficulty level is really nerfed because of this bug, sadly.
  2. I've used the cerbios ogxbox installer and loaded emulator disks after ftping to xbox as have no dvd drive. I have dropped my top 100 snes, megadrive and pc enigine roms into the specific rom folders , they scan and play fine. I am struggling to get any neo geo emulator working as won't discover roms or thinks emulator is not installed. I have some reading and think i need to use final burn, and may need a dat file with roms specifically named in it. Had anyone got this all set up and can share the files and where need to dump them etc. As long as have a but of metal slug and andros dunos. I have full rom set just struggling to get it all working. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  3. Ok hi from Finland. I'm repairing and modding a Xbox og 1.6 with this samsung psu. The 3.3v and 5v stand-by voltages come and go, i think there is something to do with heat because it worked for a while when i resoldered almost every single solderjoint on the board. I have replaced the 2 big caps and that did fix the original issue of completely dead. I have replaced all the bigger caps on the mobo. Mobo works just fine when the psu gives the power needed. Can someone point me in the right direction? I have been stuck with this for over a month and i'm doing this free for my friend. EDIT: Just tried to measure the psu once again and had no 5v. Then i plugged mobo connector back in and plugged ac plug back on and the f*cking thing works again.
  4. So I modded my old XBOX with the SID 5.11 (I think) and then used FTP to add more old emulator images to make it fun for my grandkids but then the oldest grandkid did "something" clever (I have no idea what wasn't there) and the machine reverted to it's original boot state (unmodded) and I am wanting to get it back to modded again. Any ideas or suggestions on how to do this and I would very much appreciate if someone could point me to instructions on how to build the old SID boot USB that goes with the Mechassault DVD - still got my custom USB cable and DVD but need to build a new SID USB because no idea where the old one went. You'd be making seven grandkids and one grandpa very very happy (Christmas morning level happy) Thank you in advance for any info you can offer me!
  5. Meerjel01

    SFML Needed

    We need to port SFML to the OG Xbox somehow. It should be possible since it's a "simple" library and can be ported to other things. I'm not sure if I can port it so I want someone else to do it properly even if I have to pay for it. Can someone port SFML to our classic console?
  6. Hi guys, first time posting here. So, I live in Brazil and the OG Xbox never got sold here. Recently bought one with a defective 110V PSU to attempt to repair and have currently reached a dead end trying to solve it. What I currently have is the following: ===PSU's PRIMARY SIDE=== - First filter cap (the really big one near) has a reading of approx. 170V. - When powering off, the voltage drains off filter cap normally. ===SECONDARY SIDE=== - No bulging caps, haven't recapped. Shorted VSTB to POW-ON to test and got the following: - 3.27V on VSTB to POW-ON, which I understand is what is needed. - 3.16V on VSTB to VS, which I think is low. - 5.3 on DNA1002D's pin 1, which I'm not sure is supposed to be that high. - 13.5V on the HV end of the optocouplers and little to nothing on the other end, which I think is wrong. - nothing on the pins for 5V nor 12V when shorting VSTB to POW-ON My best bet is the voltage is off on the secondary part of the PSU, maybe because of a faulty transistor or resistor (haven't found the fault) and POW-OK isn't triggering the feedback circuit, but I'm not entirely sure. I'm an amateur at best and know I shouldn't be attempting to repair a PSU with little knowledge, but am taking every precaution possible. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Bought a Xbox at the local boot sale recently, after opening it up the caps look like they need replacing. Pretty sure I have read on here that the 1.2 usually has 3 caps not the 5 as on most so I just wanted to check if this is right or if I have got that wrong. It has the conexant chip and a thomson dvd drive if that is of any help. The guy had a couple for sale but this one has the 3 little buttons on the front left so I bought it hoping it still had the chip fitted. It does indeed have a X2.3B Lite and the hdd is a 120gb so I assume it was done back in the day, I have only just had time to open it up so I need to do some searching to see what that chip is all about. My main issue for now is ordering the right caps so if anyone could confirm the version from my explanation I would appreciate it. Can post a pic of board if needed. Thanks Cush
  8. Just tossing this question out there as I like aspects of some themes and would like to possibly create a new one. What is needed and is there any good tutorials where to begin?
  9. Hi, I recently searched the attic to get my original xbox back out, while up there I found a crystal version that I don't remember getting and set it up to see if it worked. It is fully working and has a Aladdin XT wired in it, the bios is EvoX M8 v16. I have been trying to find a tutorial on fitting a larger HD, probably a 500gb and wondered if anyone could advise or point me towards a tutorial if possible. I have been reading and watching videos for the last 2 days and tbh am more confused now, I thought I would be able to clone the original onto a bigger drive using the xbox and then just rip my disks to the drive. Would this Aladdin XT support the newer Cerbios or XBMC4Gamers ?. Any help/info would be appreciated greatly.
  10. I have an xbox with a X3 CE chip installed with the attached bank switches. I was able to update to flashbios 3.0.1. Bank 1234: on on off off This xbox does not get passed the Xecuter boot screen when I short press the power button (chip enabled). If I long press the power button (chip disabled) I get code 13. If I long press the power button with an original xbox game in the DVD drive the game runs no issues. I am also able to reach the flashBios screen by long pressing the eject an power buttons together. I bought this xbox a while back and have been trying to make it work properly. I believe I'm missing another bios file but I'm really not sure. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Been trying to find good links for MameOXtras and the newer addon updates for Ninja. Unfortunately all the ones I try are not being seeded and stop abruptly. Any help welcomed.
  12. So a day ago I got a 1.6 xbox with x3 (purple) model in it, and decided to flash force480p bios while I am waiting until my 1.4 with xboxhdmi returns from installer. Flashed that bios successfully, but console does not output any video signal. Also, about a year ago I had another 1.6 xbox with x3ce chip, and I do remember that force480p bios worked flawlessly. Anyone knows what the issue could be? Things I tried: Wiping X3 eeprom (a+b+x+y on bootanim) Downloading bios from multiple sources Flashing over various methods (http flash; ftp flash; flash from internal hdd) Flashing on both 1-4 and 5-8 banks Trying with different HD cables (I have component cables and chimeric systems hdmi adapter) Trying on 3 different tvs
  13. xgekox

    Atx2XBox Needed

    Hello Everyone, can someone sell me 2 xbox2atx (1 for 1.1- 1 for 1.4)? At what price does it ship to Italy? Thanks so much
  14. Looking for help with my modded Xbox. I had this done by someone (can’t remember who) back in 2005/2006 and I haven’t started it up in over 5 years. I have tried a lot of button combos and it won’t boot up. It won’t even boot up in regular mode either. No matter what I do it turns on then Immediately shuts back off. It is a Halo edition with the X3 and control panel like the one pictured above. Any help would be appreciated. Also looking for recommendations for someone that could repair it if necessary. 7253D5C9-ED2A-4D4D-A5B4-E6A12DBFF7CE.mov
  15. OK I have the Aladdin chip installed and everything boots up fine but it still boots to the original Xbox screen what do I need to do now that I have the chip installed
  16. Hello, long-time Xbox user here, and you may recognize my username from many other forums. I softmodded my console ages ago using SID 5.1.2. Recently I wanted to try it out on Xlink Kai, but I couldn't join any games in Halo or Halo 2. When I launch Halo, I get an orange ring for 15 seconds before the menu arrives. My profile is no longer there. Halo 2 tells me the DLC is damaged. Strange. So based on a few guys in the Xlink lobby suggestion, I went and used Rocky5's soft mod Quick Upgrade, which seemed to work. I had to fix a few things to restore the UnleashX dashboard skin I was using before. Anyway, I'm still having the same issues with the Halo games. 1. First question, why would I be unable to join System Link rooms? I verified Xlink can see my console fine. I even tried to create a game but was told I appear to be "offline." 2. I'm wondering if the Game Saves are screwed up and causing the issues, but I don't know of any good Save Managers to try. I attempted to open the MS Dashboard, but I get a Service Error page. 3. The system is hooked up to a CRT in 480i, so I cannot load XBMC or XBMC4Gamers because they seem to be defaulting to 720p, and the picture is a scrambled mess. How can I change that? Thanks!
  17. Just needed that 3rd post to get forlorn's Hexen download...couldn't wait!!!!

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