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About Me

  1. My dashboard is the evoX, and i see that there is a Bios flash option there but on console modding they reccomend to use the xblast app. What's the difference? Also, i have an IDE HDD installed, anf from what i've read Cerbios udma 5 (and 6 but i'm not planning to install that version because i'm not doing dual hdd) needs an 80 pin ide connector. At this point i could upgrade to a SATA HDD 500gb with a startech ide sata adapter. There are precautions that i need to take firstly? Like, doing some sort of backup. In the section where bios flash is i don't see that backup option so maybe it's commented out with a # in che evox ini file. Also, the HDD is locked and has C E F X Y Z partitions on it.
  2. Hi All.. I have setup a torrent of the complete file download section from the long gone www.eurasia.nu. It contains not only Xbox but pretty much all consoles from around that time There is 93 X 1 gig zip files and the total is around 91 gigabyte, You will need to be patient as my upload speed is not that crash, I live is a 1st world country with 3rd rate internet. Cheers SS Dave Soft modding is like masturbating, It gets the job done but it's nothing like the real thing. Xbox and more tricks and hints.torrent
  3. Hello everyone. Help please. Xbox 1.4, xblast tsop bios firmware. I can't flash cerbios. Freezes at the moment of the firmware.
  4. Hello everyone! This is my first post, so apologies if it’s formatted incorrectly. I’m currently having a tough time trying to diagnose what could be causing my Xbox to output a wobbly video signal as seen here. I’ve tried -swapping power supplies -replacing the 5 caps near the cpu -giving the board and console a deep clean I’m thinking maybe it’s a grounding issue? Or perhaps the video encoding chip is about to die? Honestly I’m at a loss. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you guys.
  5. Hey all. Years back I softmodded my Xbox and installed a 500GB WD Blue IDE drive. That drive recently failed and I'm trying to rebuild a new HDD using the FatXplorer 3 beta. I built the drive using my own backup files, but when I try to boot, I get Error 16. And now that the drive is locked, Windows (and FatXplorer) are no longer able to find the drive. It does not show up at all in Disk Management. I've resigned to the fact that this hard drive is probably unrecoverable. I've got a few more drives to work with but I wanted to consult here before aimlessly bumbling around and needlessly locking more drives. Here's some more info: I have a full backup of the Xbox - C and E drives, bin files (bios.bin, eeprom.bin, disk.bin, hddkey.bin), hdd key in plaintext hex, etc. The new drive is a 2.5" WD Blue, 320GB, connecting to my computer via internal SATA I'm using a Startech adapter and 80-wire cable 1.6 Xbox, clock capacitor replaced The system goes to Error 16 immediately after the boot animation finishes My computer's BIOS recognizes the drive, and it prompts me for a password on boot-up, but typing in the key (hex values) wasn't successful. I used my eeprom.bin backup in FatXplorer when it came time to lock the drive My questions are: Is there any way I can wipe and unlock this drive? Bootable disk utilities, etc Do we know what error 16 might indicate in this situation? Google suggested bad clock cap but I replaced that with a Nichicon a few years back Any idea where I may have gone wrong or what I can try differently on the next HDD attempt?
  6. Last couple of months I have tried to update my v1.4x to the latest version using the url downloader. But I've been getting google link errors Is this function not working ? Do i have to install the latest v2xx manually ?
  7. I bought an OG xbox, softmodded it with Rocky5, upgraded the HDD to a 2TB Seagate Barricuda, have an 80 pin IDE adapter connected to it. I bought 10 games to start off with, to include Halo: CE (the original Halo) and Mechwarrior. I ripped all 10 games to my hard drive. I get horrible, unplayable lag when playing any game (Halo is the most noticeable). Any time I fire the weapon everything lags. I also notice that for every single game, the startup animations (The grey/white/black "Microsoft Game Studios" logo) also lags, so I don't think it's framerate dependent. Here's a link to the logo animation that I am talking about. The animation in this video is how it should look. It's smooth. On my screen (I can't upload a video, sorry), it stutters, lags, and is generally unsmooth. This animation isn't smooth at all, but just showing what I'm talking about for reference. Does this have something to do with HDMI? I am running the output to an hdmi adapter that plays on the monitor. I have tried multiple monitors and have the same problem. The only thing I haven't tried is the component to TV route, because I do not have a TV. I'm wondering if this was a waste of money. Games are unplayable from the HDD, which I thought was supposed to even speed things up. Any help would be appreciated, thank you. -R
  8. Hi all, I have a TSOP modded Xbox that was sitting in the closet for months. Connected it today to a CRT using component cables and the audio output was very low (on the startup sequence, on xbmc4gamers and on games). I went to the original dashboard to the audio settings, the audio mode was set to Dolby Surround. Also, Dolby Digital and DTS were enabled in the audio settings. I disable Dolby Digital and DTS and set the audio mode to stereo since it is a CRT TV, but the audio is still very low. I tried with another xbox on the same crt and same cables and the audio for that one is ok anyone have this issue before? What can I do to fix this?
  9. I've softmodded my xbox using the endgame method on consolemods.org, and i want to install insignia. To do that, I have to switch to ms dash, but I can't find an option for it in the unleashx dashboard, and launching deafult.xbe on the C drive just goes back to unleashx. I've downloaded the files for the 5960 ms dash from internet archive, but running xboxdash.xbe boots into unleashx as well. What can I do? I'm starting to think I messed up my xbox for good Edit: Rocky5 v1.2.1
  10. Hello all CERBIOS will try and boot from a CD if there is one inserted at boot. This means if it’s a game or music CD then nothing happens! i want to change the bios but I am unsure of what line of text I am supposed to change? firstly I am very impressed with the new CERBIOS update. if you are having any problems currently please update to the latest… I am not very technically minded. When I updated the bios I had to use the actual NEW file that came with the V2.2.0 zip and change the boot directory! It wouldn’t except me just copying the text to the old one! I have a dual bank modchip so on the CERBIOS bank I would like to change the bios file to “NOT TRY TO BOOT FROM CD IF PRESENT” . I am happy to do the button combination at boot using IND_BIOs if I ever wanted to use a HEXEN disk. please can you assist
  11. Hello everyone, I finished modding my Xbox about 2 months ago and honestly haven’t had the time to sit down and play it. This weekend finally I could and noticed that when I started using it this high pitched coil whine type of noise started emitting from the right side of the console. Link here for a video where you can hear it - https://imgur.com/gallery/xbox-high-pitched-noise-uhg7cir . As I’m writing this it has went away and came back twice. The console is a 1.0 with the Minebea 1.0 original psu. I cleaned everything and the psu looked fine when I had everything out a few months ago. Please note that I have replaced my fans with a noctua on the GPU and nexus on the case, and a new 1tb hard drive so I don’t think it’s the normal noise makers that are making that noise. Any testing I should do to help narrow this down? Console works great though and runs cool.
  12. Hi All, I'm Dave. Been tinkering with gadgets since I was a teenager (I'm 40 now) so not new to modding in general, but new to the OG Xbox modding scene. I had a go at modding Xbox 360's what feels like a lifetime ago now, when Team Xecuter were the big king in town. But unfortunately, I had a run-in with them for reasons I am none the wiser about to this day, and the whole experience put me off modding Xboxes for a while. A few months back, I was looking around a car boot sale for game boys to buy and mod as that is what I have been doing more recently, and came across a gentlemen selling an original Xbox for £30. He told me it was fully working and for some reason my interest was peaked. Anyway, I got it home and fired it up only to be greeted with error 7 and the very familiar sound of a clicking hard drive - before I even researched the error codes I knew the hard drive was a goner. So, I began researching how to replace a failed hard drive, and so began my introduction to the world of original Xbox modding! Fast forward a couple of months and I have replaced the hard drive, removed the clock cap, determined I have an original 1.0 board and begun delving into the world of modchips. I also have a basic XBMC4Gamers dashboard installed with a couple of games in CCI format. I wanted a simple project to begin with from which I could learn about having PCB boards made, soldering components, flashing chips, and installing them in the Xbox. Having stumbled across the open source Jafar project, I decided to take advantage of that and have begun producing a batch of my own Jafar chips. I now have enough components to build a batch of 94 of them and have 20 of them made, fully tested and working so far, flashed with the latest versions of PrometheOS and Cerbios. I will be offering them for sale once the whole batch is fully built and tested. After this I would like to have a go at building some OpenXeniums, and then finally the new Modxo chips. I'd also like to learn about doing the 128mb RAM upgrade and the complexities (if any) involved with that and also a HDMI mod. But all in good time. I recognise I need to learn to walk before I run and I'm looking forward to getting stuck in and if I can contribute in anyway whilst on my journey then I absolutely will.
  13. Hi guys so anyways I'm used to be a huge original Xbox fan back in the day, now I'm getting back into the Xbox because Im still kinda intrigued by the power of the Xbox! Also if you Don't want to care my real name is Anthony. And I got into the Xbox scene from mvgs video about modding a Xbox in 2017. (Dang I'm old! xD) Also i was born in the same year when Halo 2 came out! Alrighty then y'all have a good day.
  14. Hi I am happy to join this group I have been a long time fan of the original Xbox and have recently been more interested in modifying and preserving classic games. I want to learn more about hardware mods; custom dashboards; and ways to revive my original Xbox. I am excited to connect with other enthusiasts; share my experiences; and get advice on ongoing projects. I look forward to contributing to discussions and learning from the community Thanks in advance
  15. I've started to list the game's I've gotten this error with, alongside what method I was using to store them on my HDD Some would outright lock up the whole system. Any idea how I could fix this? If it matters, I'm using Cerbios 2.3.1 UDMA5 on a 1.0 System with a 2TB HDD, obviously with a SATA2IDE adapter. 007 - Everything or Nothing (US, Folder, Stuck on black screen) Psyvarier 2 - Extend Edition (JP, Folder (same results with CCI), Dirty/Damaged Disc) Guilty Gear X2 Reload (US, Folder, Dirty/Damaged Disc) Alien Hominid (EU, Folder, Stuck on a loading screen) Burnout 3 - Takedown (US, Folder, Stuck on a loading screen) Dead Man's Hand (US, Folder, Stuck on a loading screen) Doom 3 (US, Folder, Crashes on start screen) Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil (US, Folder, Crashes on start screen)
  16. Hi. I have softmodded my Xbox to store the eeprom in case of an hdd failiure. But i am not interested in using it this way. I want to set it back to original state. After installing the "Xbox Softmodding Tool Extras Disc.iso" there is the option to set it back to factory default. But during this process, it copys savegame data from exploit games to the system and also an undeleteable soundtrack. I can delete the savegames afterwards, but the empty soundtrack entry can not be deleted. It just does not do it. I can delete it manually by removing "E:\TDATA\FFFE0000" which contains an folder music and a ".db" file. But this only helps in the softmodded state. It will be restored by the factory reset function. So i guess it is some kind of music related exploit? The problem is that i can not copy music from cd to the harddrive in the original MS dashboard because i get an fault that the max. numbers of tracks are reached. Anyone got an solution for this? Thank you in advance.
  17. Hey guys! My name is Dizz, from New Zealand! Happy to be here and finally start dipping my toes into the xbox scene! Don't know why its taking me so long to get into the xbox space but have very much enjoyed modding, updating all things gaming! I have a bunch of xbox's to experiment on and see how far I can go to make my version of the absolute beast of an xbox! I have 3 which I am currently tricking out. 1x Project Stellar Build, 1x Xenuim Mods (Nemesis) Build, 1x Pre purchased modded xbox to pull apart! Really interested in LCD/OLED screen mods as I haven't looked into them yet and looks like the gear is hard to get your hands on these days... especially being New Zealand based! Any who looking forward to getting into things and slowly meeting you all! If you have any graphic needs such as Logos, Cover Art, Banners, How to PDF Guides for your mods get in touch, I will be happy to help out! Cheers, Dizz
  18. Hi all, I'm hoping there's a reasonably simple way to add CoinOPS launch icon alongside the Applications, Games, Emulators folders/icons on the Root of the dashboard? I've tried adding the source to have the CoinOPS icon (folder) appear on Root, next to the Applications, Games and Emulators icons. Then within the CoinOPS folder I created a shortcut .xbe within its own folder that points to the defaultsplash.xbe used by CoinOPS, this does point to and loads CoinOPS from its actual location but is a bit messy imo. I also don't know how to create an icon picture for this, within Xbe Shortcut Maker 2.0, it asks for Custom Icon (.xbx), I've tried googling where to go from here but can't find anything relevant to help. I've found some .xbx files and tried using them but nothing shows for the icon, also tried small .jpg files etc. I also tried copying your _resources folder for CoinOPS 8 from the Artwork Installer to this folder which does show the artwork, but also when accessing this folder from the dash root it shows the "_resources" folder as an option to open which I ideally want to be hidden. There must be a better way to create this icon within XBMC4Gamers? How have you all got this simplified to just work? Hope you don't mind tagging you @Rocky5 ? I'm sure the question has come up before and you'd know if there's an easy way to add a shortcut without much mess
  19. Hi everyone, I just bought a hardmodded PAL XBOX one year ago with 2TB HDD full of games, I haven't had the chance to test all of the games yet, but there are some games that I tried and couldn't load them of the HDD. 1- Conflict Desert storm 2 NTSC: Although I changed the region of the console using ENIGMA to NTSC, but this particular game when trying to load it, ot skips all the logos and vidoes at the beginning and goes straight to the main menu, and when trying to start a new game I get an error that the disk is dirty or something like this, tried to download another version from VIM'S LAYER with the same issue, the PAL version worked. The odd thing about this game is when I tried also to play it on my modded PAL XBOX 360 at gave me the same error, but worked ok with my other modded NTSC XBOX 360. 2- TAZ WANTED: Freeze at the first loading screen 3- Loons: Also freeze after starting new game 4- Tomb raider Legends: No intro video, I suspected that it might be due to the game being NTSC, tried to look for the PAL version but only found that this game has one version for NTSC and PAL. That' all I tested so far, had problems also with 007 Nightfire, and 007 Everything or nothing but all was solved when I swithed the region to NTSC with ENIGMA. Any help or any ideas regarding the above ?
  20. i have a bunch of old videos on my xbox i want on my computer, but i don't know how to do it.. do i have to record it through a capture card or is it possible to take the hard-drive out and get the videos
  21. I have a hardmodded Xbox 1.4 with an openXenium chip and Cerbios UDMA6. I store all my games on my hdd as extracted ISO's. Jade Empire will not launch/load from XBMC4Gamers. I have a hard drive activity light and when I launch the game it flashes like normal and then just stops and the screen is black. I have tried fTP'ing a new game folder over and deleting all the data from the game off the hdd. I can only get it to launch from the UIX dashboard. Any ideas?
  22. Was trying to download the "HDD fix for games.7z 1.0.0" off of the downloads section on this site and it bounces between 90 and 100 kbps every tenth of a MB and then after about 85% is downloaded I keep getting a "Couldn't download network issue". Tried it 3-4 times now, varying times of day and it always ends up the same. Tried to resume download after it happens and it immediately times out and says "couldn't download - no permissions". I'm able to download larger files from other sites just fine. I know there is a 2 downloads per day restriction on this site which may cause the second fault, but not sure if anyone else is having problems downloading things from here, if it might be this one file that has issues, or if its me. Thanks!
  23. I'm having a strange issue. I flashed my TSOP with EvoX M8 plus and upgraded to a larger 120 gig IDE drive. I used FatXplorer to create a "games" folder in the F partition and moved some games over. I can see the games in UnleashX and EvolutionX dashboards, but they won't launch from the file explorer. The xbox just boots back to the dashboard. I can't launch from the games tab either. I used the same 2020 TruHexen disk that I used for my 1st xbox. The SATA drive on that xbox works fine on all my xboxes, but the IDE drive simply will not launch any games in my TSOP xbox or two other openXenium xboxes. I've used multiple 40 pin and 80 pin cables, and I've reformatted the drive multiple times. Is it possible that FatXplorer isn't functioning correctly and I need to FTP the games over? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm running into a similar issue with another SATA drive. I'll create a "games" folder in the F partition with FatXplorer, but that partition looks completely empty from file explorer. Why on earth can't I properly format two drives, load games onto them with FatXplorer, and launch games from them? I don't understand why it worked in the past and now it's not working. I need ideas.
  24. Sooo..... chinese IDE 80 way cable to sata adapter (Master jumper available and enabled)... "aladdin advance" modchip with SST chip. 2TB drive yada yada... been working fine for years. with Evox Wanted Cerbios because... y'know - new toysnstuff.... Flashed the default 2.3.1 Beta - All working well - lovely stuff. Then... I thought I'd try the one with UDMA4 on the end. Now - no video output. At all. my TVs all say (no signal)... This is with component and with composite. Green lights come on on power on - flashing if I push the eject button to turn on. (I heard there was a "safe mode" udma2). But alas no video. Did my flash go bad? It seemed to complete the flash just fine in EvolutionX flasher for both the standard 2.3.1 Beta, and for the "UDMA4" version. But dead now. Any ideas? zero cost option I guess is remove the modchip and TSOP flash (I think it's a 1.4 board definitely not 1.6)? Or try to get a disc to load hexen 2021??? the DVD drive seems to try to open (I can force it with the little pokey hole thing - the eject rubber band is dry)... Or do I have to buy a chip flasher... wanna avoid money spend if possible! lol! Thanks folks!
  25. i have a skeleton black that would not boot from the tsop (was never opened so just the tsop went bad). i stuck it in my t48 programmer and it gives me pin detect errors, so i took a tsop off of a parts 1.1 and sure enough it reads without issue, i was comparing the k4034 image on the chip to other 4034 images and it is slightly different, just want to know if it is infact the stock 4034 kernel on the chip or if it is some other bios on it. i've attached the dump from the donor chip [email protected]

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