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  1. UPDATE 24/08 The majority of the art in this thread is now included in the Official Artwork Installer available in the XBMC4GAmers/Emustation downloader. There are still some packs that are exclusive to this thread ANYTHING ADDED AFTER 01/09/24 IS NOT CURRENTLY IN THE OFFICIAL INSTALLER! I am also still working on the Homebrew games that still have no art. This thread contains all the custom _resource packs I have created for XBMC4Gamers. Each pack contains the various art needed for XBMC4Gamers, 3D covers etc along with a default.xml for the synopsis views. XMBC4Gamers Custom Art Download Here Update 11/09 Added Arcade Rips section, After Burner 1 & 2 and Space Harrier are the first to receive full art packs there. These are based on the Arcade Rip pack from Dominator over at EmuXtras. There is art for some of these games included in the official installer but they are missing certain pieces, my packs here will use the existing art (where available) and fill in the gaps. Where no existing art is available the packs will be fully custom art. These will also use the default.xml synopsis files provided by @NokSueCow. Update 25/09 @Rocky5 identified an issue with screenshot sizes in some of my packs, He kindly corrected them all on the Official Installer (Thanks ). I am going through and reupping the packs here with the corrected files, Apps are all done. The rest will follow over the next couple of days. Update 04/10 Added another BMX XXX alt artwork, this one uses the image found on the reverse of the official cover. Update 05/11 Added art for Sonic Nexus (Homebrew) and the next 2 games in the Arcade rips pack, Joust 1 & 2 and King of Dragons. Also added an art pack for the Prototype of Stargate SG-1 The Alliance. Credit to @Kracker642 on vgboxart.com who did the great work on the cover i based the pack around. Update 20/11 47 new packs added, most are for the Arcade Rips section (some are using the artwork from the officail installer but have had the missing screenshots, fanarts and preview videos added) but also packs added for Coinops 8 Lite/Massive/Tate Ed and Visionary 5 emulator sets. This means the Arcade rip set is almost complete. Only a handful left of that set left to do. Update 30/11 Art pack for Dead or Alive 3++ mod added to download link. Update 06/12 Art packs added for Street Fighter 2 - World Warrior, SF2 Champion Edition and SF2 Turbo - Hyper fighting in the Arcade Rips section. Also added a apck for Hydro thunder. This uses the art from the official installer but with the missing fanart, screenshots and preview video added. Update 07/12 Art pack added for the new homebrew port of SDLPoP (Prince of Persia) from Haguero over on the Xbox Scene discord. Update 10/12 Art packs added for 11 more Homebrew titles. I tried to use art from the homebrew game/dev wherever possible, this means that some art packs look a LOT better than others lol.... Depending on how much effort the game dev put in their games art Update 12/12 Art added for the Homebrew games, Chess Street Fighter, Dead Babies Xtreme and DefendguinX. Update 29/12 Art pack added for the new homebrew port "ClassiCube" Update 01/01 Art pack added for new homebrew release "Matterrun". Update 03/01 Art pack added for homebrew "Dodgin Diamond 2X" Update 06/02 Art pack added for the prototype Halo 2 E3 Multiplayer demo (Zanzibar). Credit to @Swagger for sourcing al the art used to build this set. Update 12/02 128mb Fanart folder added to download link. See post on page 11 for details. Also added art packs for the prototype games Starcraft Ghost and Shadowrun. 128mb fanart is also available for these in the 128mnb Fanart folder. These previews are small to keep the file size down on the thread. To use the art packs just copy the _resources folder to the game/app root folder, run XBMC4Gamers, go to the game/app, push the White button and select "Refresh All Info" Newest Packs (All include screenshots and a preview.mp4) Emulators Hypervision DosXbox Win3.x CoinOPS 8 Gems HyperVISION 5 Gems Coinops 8 Lite Coinops 8 Massive Coinops 8 Tate Ed. Visionary 5 Homebrew 2H4UX Aero Blasters 2 AmphetimineX Arcadian Tactics Divi-Dead Sonic Nexus SDLPoP AtomX/2 BakuBakuX2 Ballzy BarrageX Battle Pong X BattleBlocks X Biniax 2 Blasteroids X Borg Nukem Braxil 2014 Breakout X3D Chess Street Fighter Dead Babies Xtreme DefendguinX ClassiCube Matterrun Dodgin Diamond 2X Arcade Standalones After Burner After Burner II Space Harrier 720° 1941 1942 1943 1943 Kai A.P.B Arch/Spy/Xeno Avenger Badlands Bionic Commando Black Tiger Blaster Block Block Capt Commando Champ Sprint Commando Cyberball 2072 Eco Fighters Exed Exes Final Fight Forgotten Worlds Gauntlet Gauntlet II Ghosts n Goblins Ghouls n Ghosts Gun Smoke Hard Drivin Joust 1 & 2 King of Dragons KLAX K.O.T.R Last Duel Legendary Wings Mad Dog McRee Magic Sword Marble Mad... Mega Twins NARC Arcade Offroad Thunder OutRun Paperboy Pit Fighter Pirate Ship Hige. Primal Rage Quiz/Dragons Race Drivin Rampage Rampart Rush 2049 Rush the Rock Section Z Side Arms Smash TV SON SON Street Fighter SF2 WW SF2 Champ Ed SF2 Turbo HF Strider STUN Runner Super GnG Super Off Road SOR Track Pak Super Sprint Super SF2 T.. Speed Rumbler Three Wonders Tiger Road Toobin Trojan Varth Vindicators Vulgus Wizard of Wor Xybots Hydro Thunder Retail/Unreleased - Specials V8 Supercars Australia 3 (also ALT available) The Vatz BMX XXX Alt2 Stargate SG-1 The Alliance DoA3++ Halo 2 E3 Multiplayer Demo Starcraft Ghost Shadowrun Folder Icons Project Deluge Prototypes These resources packs have been put together by @NokSueCow I will add a few examples below but the entire collection is available in the download links in this thread. And here is a short video of a selection of them in dash. The below is from NokSueCow- "There are 349 Prototypes available for the Xbox from Project Deluge. I only made resource sets for the ones I thought people would care about. If the game was released I didn't create synopsis for it, with the exception of World Champ Pool 2003. It's actually a localized version of Snooker, and is explained in its synopsis. I used Rocky's downloader artwork for the games that were released. I removed their screenshots and preview videos, as they wouldn't be genuine, and trimmed their synopsis to reflect the disc builds. There are 17 total games that I spent time on, and are displayed in Nikey's video preview of the pack. 8 cancelled, 3 E3 Demos, 1 ComicCon, and 5 XDK Recovery's. American Idol loads and plays, Cars plays, Freedom Fighters plays, Hail to the Chimp requires a debug bios, He Man only plays in 480p, Made Man requires debug, Pacman Rally plays but only the hud is visible, Street Hoops plays, I couldn't get Marvel Nemesis, The Red Star, The Vatz, or US Open to play, possible debug requirement, and only 1 of the 5 XDK's would play, build 5028. Freedom Fighters doesn't have a preview video, the game files just don't have any. I couldn't get some of these to extract, either. I tried Repackinator, Mulleter, Extract-Xiso, CXbox, Qwix, nothing worked. The xiso to hdd script didn't work as well. Most of the game folders had to be trimmed for FatX, so you won't be able to just drop these into F/Protos and install easily, unfortunately. On pc, the whole set with resources take 838GB. And some of the pics of the physical game discs were taken at a weird angle, so it was hard to make it look perfect in photoshop." Anything above this text has been added AFTER 01/09/24 and are NOT yet included the Official Artwork Installer I'm slowly working through ALL the missing art for Homebrew games/ports (except standalone BOR games - Too many of them and BOR is better as a pack anyway ) Xenon Xyanide Emu Pack Art Apps Avalaunch Bios Checker BoXplorer Cerbios Flasher Disc Config Magic Controller Tester DVD2Xbox Enigmah Insignia Setup Insignia Setup Evolution X Chimp HDTV Test App Mouse Test Unleash X Xblast OS Xbox Version Detector Xbox HD+ Xbox Watch XBpartitioner XCAT XBcommander Xenium Tools XBMC4Xbox Xored Trainer Launcher XToolBox PrometheOS Tools UnleashX ALT Emulators Amiga CD32 Coinops 6 Coinops 6 Adult Coinops 6 Adult Alt Coinops 8 Adult Coinops 8 Adult Alt Capcom CPS3 DosboX Killer Instinct 1/2 Vectrex Mortal Kombat Arcade PC98 Ninja Atari Jaguar Final Burn Consoles SAM Coupe Big Ass Emulator Discs BAED (Spicy) TI-99 Unreleased Games Lamborghini Re-Volt Dinosaur Hunting (ENG) The Fast and the Furious Project Velocity Storm Riders KoF '96 Re-Bout Halo 2 Alpha Halo 2 Beta Retail (Alts) EXChaser (JPN) Tenchu 3 (JPN) DOA 2 Ultimate Bad Boys 2 PAL DOA XBV Nude Edition Playboy The Mansion Playboy The Mansion ALT BMX XXX BMX XXX ALT Larry MCL Alt Larry MCL Alt2 Homebrew Games and Ports Mario 64 The Griffon Legend Hydra Castle Labyrinth Sonic CD StepmaniaX ExUltX Jump and Bump PowermangaX CcelesteX LOZ-Navi's Quest Zelda 3 Tomb Raider 2 Tomb Raider 3 Blobwars Bubble Trouble Catacombs 3D Divi-Dead Doom Legacy Legend of Edgar Giddy 3 Kobo X Me & My Shadow Nam 98 Noiz2sa Doom Odamex Open TTD RawX Reminiscence RoadFighterX RockbotX RuXia 2018 Secret Maryo Chronicles Spear of Destiny 1 Spear of Destiny 2 Spear of Destiny 3 XDink Maze of Galious XUrQuan XVVVVX Hexen 2 Portal Of Praevus Xbox Exhibition Discs Xbox Demo Discs (56 discs in total) Root Source Thumbnails (these are used in the Root menu) Can make others of these on request Icons for Alphabetised Games Folders # A-Z in full set, each one must be renamed to folder.jpg and dropped into correct lettered folder. The above two sets go really well with the OGXBOX theme available from the XBMC4Gamers downloader. Here's a quick peek at how it all looks. XMBC4Gamers Custom Art Download Here Open to requests for any art you might be missing from your setup if it is not already in the official Art Installer. Credit due to @sweetdarkdestiny for art used in a LOT of the App packs and @RoofTop for his pack over at Emuxtras for the Emulator artwork and some of the art used for some Homebrew games/ports. (I presume its the same Rooftop here lol). Also credit goes to @Bomb Bloke for some great work providing me with a great starting point on a few of those homebrew covers. @NokSueCow Has been working on the default.xml files for a lot of homebrew and emulators, making sure they are up to date and correct. I will update the art packs with his files as and when he completes them. The exhibition discs and Xenon Xyanide emu packs are already done. Huge thanks to @Rocky5 for doing all the hard work in creating the Photoshop templates used in creating these _resource packs and for the absolute best modern Xbox dashboard available today, XBMC4Gamers. The next step in my project will be going through all this art and the art in the official installer and adding screenshots and preview videos where missing. I now have a capture setup ready to go
  2. Howdy folks! I got a og Xbox for sale with a xecuter 3+ faceplate+ LCD, it comes with a duke controller, a original box for the console and a 2tb hdd with a complete NTSC library and a HD AV pack. Looking for 850 USD + shipping.
  3. Hello, I'm contacting you because I'm stuck: I've recovered an xbox in poor condition but I'm gradually bringing it back to life. It's an Xbox 1.1 PAL, which now boots on the MS dasboard! The hard disk is almost dead, the dvd player seems ok (certainly dead belt) I also think the power button is dead (in any case it doesn't work) Once on the dash I can access my USB key and launch the Rocky5 softmod, I get the green orb, reboot with multiple light, then black screen with red circle. I can launch endgame, which launches just fine. My need is to recover the EEPROM to change the hard disk and hope for a second life for this xbox! Thanks for your help
  4. I've written some firmware for the RP2040, thanks to a bunch of TinyUSB drivers created by Ryzee119 and the OpenStickCommunity, that supports pretty much anything the original OGX360 supports, apart from the 360 keyboard for Steel Battalion. On top of those I've added Sony Dualshock 4 and Dualsense support, and will be working on Switch Pro/Dualshock 3 once I get my hands on those. By default it's setup for the Adafruit Feather RP2040 USB Host board, but it can be compiled for the normal Pico as well, though that doesn't have a second USB port for your controller so you'll have to solder one to GPIO 0/1 (data +/-). The firmware can be compiled and used for - Original Xbox - Nintendo Switch - Xinput (not 360, due to the security chip) These are all the devices that are supported currently: - Original Xbox Duke and S controllers - Wired Xbox 360 controllers - Xbox 360 wireless PC adapter (clone and Microsoft, syncs 1 controller) - Xbox One/Series/Elite controllers - Dualshock 4 (PS4) - Dualsense (PS5) - 8bitdo v1 and v2 wireless adapters I've posted source code and compiled .uf2 files on Github: https://github.com/wiredopposite/OGX-Mini I'd also add that Playstation controllers are recognized by USB vendor and device ID, I'm not positive if there's a better way to do that, but those need to be manually added to the program to work. I need more of these IDs so if you're aware of some list somewhere, or your aftermarket Playstation 4/5 controller isn't working, just give me the VID/PID and I'll add them. I also need these for Playstation 3 controllers once I get around to adding support for those. This is the Adafruit board, no soldering is required for this, you just need a way to connect USB-C to your Xbox's controller port:
  5. So I went ahead and completed the set of wide icons for XBMC. They look great in MC360 and probably with other skins too. Its taken 20 years but we finally have a full set Download the full set here - XBMC Wide Icons Full Retail Games The folder icons in the video are here - XBMC Wide Icons (Folders) Ready to use in XBMC MC360 pack (all renamed to default.tbn, just copy to games and refresh thumbnails in XBMC) XBMC Wide Icons full Retail renamed Original pack that the complete pack is based on. I take ZERO credit for any of the icons included in here - XBMC Wide Icons (Games) If you spot any missing games then let me know. I "Think" I've got them all bar maybe a couple of regional variations maybe...... I know this is a really long shot... but does anyone out there still have a set of the XBMC Wide Icons. I have an old school XBMC setup that I have transferred to a Cerbios console with a full set installed. Only problem is I am missing a LOT of icons. I did get the pack that is on Archive but that is missing around 200 icons.... I'm sure that some of these existed as the "Official" wide icon pack HERE had 899 and thats more than the archive pack has. Every other link I can find for any wide icon sets is LOOOOOOONG dead because the file host used is a thing of history. Not even the wayback machine has been able to save my ass this time lol. ANYTHING any of you can link me to will be greatly appreciated
  6. Hey all. It’s time I start to get rid of some of my pickups over the past year or so. I have around 25 or so, fully working consoles that have all been cleaned and modded. Clock caps removed on all boards under 1.6. I have all different sizes of HDDs in both SATA and IDE from 80GB up to 2TB. SATA options will include the needed adapters and 80 wire cables from Kekule. Everything under 1.6 is TSOP or has a mod chip. Most chips are xecuter 2.3 & 2.6. Prices of course will vary depending on HDD size and type and wether they have a chip or not. Most of them are empty mods waiting for games and emulators of your choice. I can also add those if needed. Again everything is tested and working and will be a clean, fresh mod, without old game saves and such. Couple of these are Crystal edition. For those that just want soft mods, that can be arranged too if you’re not capable or don’t have the necessary tools to do so. I also have 3-4 PAL PSU in different models for those that acquire imports and need replacements LEDs are also optional for controller ports. I also have some pretty cool spare parts that don’t pop up very often. I’d much rather let them go here than dump them on FeeBay. Located in Virginia, USA. Feel free to send a DM or post here directly. Everything needs to go, but I’m not doing lowball deals.
  7. Wanting to avoid paying single piece prices so I'm looking for a good vendor that offers quantity discounts on quality IDE cables and the replacement, full-length controller replacement cables. Any recommendations or success stories? Thanks.
  8. Right now there are three main options for the Xbox storage: Us an HDD: Will likely fail after 10ish years according to random people online. It will die slowly with some software here and there failing Use an SSD: Will likely fail after 5ish years according to random people online. One day they just apparently die CF Card: Die after a few years because of constant rewrites. The CF card can only take so many write cycles But what if for the CF card I locked the card (Like an SD has, a physical switch) so that the console could only read from the CF? Then do my game saves on a memory card in the controller? Or just ignore saves altogether if im using it for just system link or emulation? Would that, theoretically, give me the most stable storage option? Or would that cause issues because nothing can write to the card? Or would the Xbox simply not care that its locked?
  9. Hello I couldn't find any help by searching "VGA" in OGXbox.com ,Apparently since "VGA" has 3 characters Search engine doesn't register it as a credible word to search for, so I had to make a thread , to Make it worth it, I will publish my work result afterward. My questions are: 1-For enabling VGA mod after flashing the Cerbios (forcing 480p and patching for VGA) which pins should be grounded?( in the picture below it shows that I have to ground all 3 of mode pins) 2- Is It Sync on Green or as the picture shows should I use a sync separator and feed the raw c-sync to H&V sync input?(and if its sync on green should I feed the green on H&V too or just feed three colors without worrying about H&V pins since my Monitor can do the rest?) 3- Can I use two Bios on a 512kb chip on Aladdin chip to hover between VGA and Component?(this is a bios question rather than a VGA mod question)
  10. Hello everyone!, Blz? I'm doing a port of "The Orange Box" For OG Xbox using the official port of HALF-LIFE 2, The Project is already 90% finished and I'm in the last step which is REPACKAGE the files to .XZP (Only)....... In it will include; HALF-LIFE 2 (With some improvements), EPISODE ONE, EPISODE TWO AND PORTAL.... Does not contain TEAM FORTRESS 2 due to Xbox being too weak for it If someone help me create a repackager of .XZP files the game will be completed, anyone available?
  11. It's a shot in the dark but I have a OGX360 that during our home move the USB ports broke off all the boards and not sure it can be recovered. I'm looking to see if there is any place to buy a OGX360 (4 Controller)
  12. New user here, so my apologies if I've posted this in the wrong sub-forum. What is the best utility boot disk for an (modded) original XBox, please? So that if your Xbox won't boot because of a problem with the hard drive, then you can download and burn a disc image containing things like an XBox file manager, a utility to lock/unlock the hard drive, (re)-install a specfic dashboard (such as Evo-X), etc. Then put this disk in your XBox, boot up, and you then get access to the utilities so you can fix the problem just using the botable utilities disc. I vaguely remember Slayers and Hexen, but not enough to decide which to use now, plus there might be better or more useful such utility discs nowadays. So what would anyone recommend please? Also, another question, if you'll allow me. Say you have a working original XBox, and it boots up from hard drive properly, to a working dashboard, and you can then load your games and emulator from hard drive. Basically, everything is working fine. But you want to try a different dashboard, then if you were to copy everything from the XBox's partition to a temporary folder on the, say, F: drive, such as: F:\XBMC_bootup_C_partition then if you installed a different dashboard, tried it, and didn;t like it, and wanted to go back to the original, XBMC dashboard, then if you just deleted everything from the partition, and copied every file back from the 'F:\XBMC_bootup_C_partition' folder back into the partition then would the XBox be returned to it's former boot-up state, and everything would work properly, as before? Thanks for any answers.
  13. Hello everyone. I was hoping OGXbox could start a repository/collection of HEX Edited XBEs. I rip most of my games from disc using DVD2XBOX which helps in patching the 480p but there are many other XBEs available with various different functionality such as: 720p Widescreen Running from Hard Drive 128MB RAM Xbox Upgraded Processor (1.0 or 1.4 GHz) Would it be possible to post/discuss the available XBEs on this thread or, better yet, collect/link as many as possible and create a MEGA/Google Drive link to them? There are already quite a few XBEs available on other boards such as XBMC4XBOX, assemblergames.com, and I know many folks have already edited these files. It would be greatly appreciated if these XBEs were easily accessible rather than redoing what so many others have already done successfully (unless there is some sort of legal issue ). If there are no issues from the admins, I can also share what DVD2XBOX may have already patched. Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!
  14. I've been working on these files. A few are finished, and I plan to make one for each revision of Xbox, along with many of the DVD drives and PSUs. You can import these files into Mouser's website. The capacitors are properly spec'd, and the quantities are already listed. If anyone happen to notice anything I could improve, please let me know! I tried my best to pick the highest quality, best fitting components. Attached are the lists I have completed so far. If anyone has lists of their own for the other revisions, Drives, or PSUs I would be interested in seeing them. Thanks all! GLHF Xbox 1.01.1 Mainboard Capacitors.xls Xbox Delta DPSN-96AP96AP-1 Capacitors.xls Xbox Clock Super Capacitor.xls Xbox Phillips VAD6035 DVD Drive Capacitors.xls
  15. I have currently 6 new kits freshly available. Best quality I can achieve, perfectly soldered & massive attention to detail. Spent weeks upon weeks making them. They all come with switches and cables for use, same as the original Xecuter 3 kit. All factory crimped cables. Purples have the white switch and purple power/eject pcb/cable. Reds have the black switch and red power/eject pcb/cable. All have been fully tested, including LCD use. Specific purple box & packing sourced for protection and meets UK large letter size for 24/48hr tracked service at cost. Current price as per Royal Mail website for LL. Choose either 24/48hr tracked to be added. Price is £60 / kit (same as original X3 in 2007 £60/€60/£75). Available; Purples = 4 kits Reds = 2 kits Purples: 3 kits. (1 sold) Reds: 1 kit. (1 kit reserved) Update 15/11 Purples: 2 kits remaining. Red: 1 kit remaining. Update 19/11 ONE RED KIT LEFT!! GET IT WHILE YOU CAN Paypal G&S (fees to you) or F&F.
  16. I have made a profile for Jellyfin (a media streaming server similar to Plex) that transcodes videos down to a format that the Original Xbox can handle. I have tested it on a few of my own 1080p and 4K videos and it seems to work fairly well and I'm hoping to find a few testers who can try it out. At the moment, it still drops frames occasionally, but I'm going dial in the profile to smooth things out further. Once done, I plan on submitting the profile as a PR to the Jellyfin project to see if it can be bundled in with future releases. This profile basically just tells Jellyfin what containers and codecs to use (and at what bitrates), then Jellyfin handles the transcoding as if it were any other device. To use this, download the XML file below to your PC, then upload it to your Jellyfin server under this path: /etc/jellyfin/dlna/user/XBMC4Xbox.xml XBMC4Xbox.xml You should then see this new profile under Settings > DLNA > Profiles. To try it out, open your Jellyfin client and cast a video to your Xbox as usual. The video should start playing on your Xbox. If anything goes wrong, check your log file for hints. It will tell you which profile it is using. If it doesn't say "XBMC4Xbox" and instead says "Default", then there's a problem. Reply here with results and feedback. Tested with XBMC4Xbox v3.5.3 (this profile targets this version, but this restriction will probably be removed just in case XBMC4Xbox every has a new release) P.s. I also plan on making profiles for upgraded Xbox motherboards as well, including 128MB and 1.4ghz consoles.
  17. I have been working on an original mtn dew xbox in my high schools autoshop but I decided to replace the thermal paste but I misplaced the clamp for the gpu and I can't seem to find it where could I go to get a decently priced one?
  18. Hey guys!!! I'm bringing here 2 720p Patches that I edited it myself, One for Ninja Gaiden Black and the other for Half-Life 2. The 2 are working perfectly on a 64mb Xbox but I can't fix the 4 screens bug if someone can fix it for me thank you https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ryzo7d7b1up9o/Patches+720p+OGXBox+(NGB+and+HL2)+-+Felipe+Lima
  19. I recently was given a link to what could be a useful resource for anyone looking to patch an XBE for widescreen etc. This has been put together by @Jay Yardley (He doesn't post here much anymore but is active on discord). Thanks Jay His repo contains a nice spreadsheet of find and replace values for XBE patching, along with pretty much every existing XBE patch out there. Also has some pages with a few useful tools etc. The more links we have to these things the better imo as it stops them being lost to history Anyway, here's the link. https://www.jayxbox.com/home Hopefully some of you will find it useful. (I couldn't find it linked anywhere here already but that may be the case and its buried among the old posts )
  20. Have had a few of my boxes develop trace rot recently now that their age has reached ~20 years. I'm familiar with the clock capacitor removal / replacement, however I'm curious on what are all the best tips and tricks to implement as a way of preserving my precious boxes into the futures. Thanks!
  21. Long shot here. Anyone got a working UrJTAG application. The official site version is not working for me. ,(windows)
  22. As title, fully finished and working R3DUX Xecuter 3 cloned chip, complete, immaculate and fully functionally tested. This is my first finished R3dux. I may have a few others in due course. Please note; Only the chip and the two bare accessory boards are included currently at this price. I have simply not had time to do, nor inclination, any of the connector wires etc. That stuff drives me barmy. The two bare boards are included for you to complete. Nothing difficult by any means. The wire schematics for the cables etc are on the R3DUX github. Or you can simply use X3 cables if you have some, or message Steve, he loves making 'em (sorry Steve) You'll need the red pcb finishing first. Again Steve has them and he has the Pro Switches and LCD cables and also the large front panels too. So this sale includes only; 1) The R3DUX chip itself + Pinheader (I have some). 2) The 2 extra PCB boards as pictured. What you see is what you will get. The chip is flashed with V3294 X3. Backup has r3dux 3.1 flashbios and takes a few tries of power+eject together to catch it. I usually get in two or three tries, but will always work. This has also been fully tested and flashes the main rom no problem. Xblast also recognises the chip as X3 and also flashes it. Paypal F&F (leave note blank) or Paypal G&S (fees to you) at this price. This includes tracked UK postage. £47 inclusive. GBP This is an 'old-skool' chip. You should make yourself aware of usage and read up, it can be complicated for beginners, as the Xecuter 3 always was. Config Live is genius as we know, but it is overall not some user-friendly operating system style chip.
  23. Hey guys so anyways I was wanting to play some neo geo games on the Xbox but what's the go to neo geo emulator for the original Xbox?
  24. Hello Everyone I am new to the community and need some guidance in restoring and modding an original Xbox for a nostalgia gaming project. I recently discovered my old Xbox; which I had not used in years; and I am delighted to bring it back to life; both for nostalgic reasons and to revisit some of the great games that were a significant part of my growing up. My goal is to restore the console to full functionality while also adding some changes to maximize its capabilities. Restoration Process It is turning on; but the electricity occasionally cuts out at random. I've read of potential power supply or capacitor concerns with earlier models. Do you have any experience replacing capacitors on the original Xbox? Are there any common failure points to look out for? The disk drive is having trouble reading game discs consistently. Is it worth attempting to fix or clean the lens, or should you hunt for a replacement drive? Any tips for cleaning and polishing the casing without breaking the original hardware? The surface bears some scrapes and marks from years of use. Modding for Enhanced Functionality: I have read about both alternatives; but I am not sure which is better suited to my goals. I do not need anything too complicated; I am just interested in running backup games and emulators. Which modification solution do you recommend for a simple and hassle free experience? I have heard that increasing the hard drive is one of the best tweaks you can do to the original Xbox. Are there any hard disks you recommend that are both suitable and trustworthy for this purpose? I am considering installing a bigger drive so that I may store games and movies directly on the console. I've seen some excellent footage of early Xboxes running emulators for various old systems. What is the best method to put this up; and which emulators would you recommend? Any recommendations for improving the performance of these emulators on original Xbox hardware? Controller Recommendations: My old controllers are really worn out. Are there any new alternatives that feel as good or better than the original Duke or S-type controllers? Or would it be preferable to restore the ones I already own? Also I explored some topics related to this https://www.ogxbox.com/forums/index.php?/topic/16385-xbox-14-aladdevopsonlinetraining-xt-plus2-cerbios-242-frag-falshing-green-orange-no-video-output/#comment-75560 but I did not get the sufficient solution of my query so I would really want to get some help from a more experienced person I would like to hear from anyone who has gone through this procedure or has expertise modding and restoring early Xbox consoles. Any suggestions, resources, or tutorials would be highly appreciated. I am delighted to return to the Xbox scene and bring this ancient treasure back to life Thank you in advance for any help and advice you may provide.
  25. I'm lost, I can use Repackinator with the three V8 Supercars Australia games, and turn my ISO's into CCI's, yet it doesn't create a default.xbe to run it. I tried going into the Repackinator program, I have no idea how to use it, looks confusing to my simple mind! It doesn't list the V8 supercars games on it's list of games, I tried selecting the directory I have the CCI's I've made in, but have no idea what to do from there, I tried to process and it just errored. The problem I believe is I can't just extract the ISO's and put the games on my HDD, they have unsupported filenames or something that stop them working, I remember years ago there was a HDD patch for them, I can't find it on my old drives nor the internet. I'm lost as to how to get them working, any help appreciated.

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