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About Me

  1. Hello, I'm contacting you because I'm stuck: I've recovered an xbox in poor condition but I'm gradually bringing it back to life. It's an Xbox 1.1 PAL, which now boots on the MS dasboard! The hard disk is almost dead, the dvd player seems ok (certainly dead belt) I also think the power button is dead (in any case it doesn't work) Once on the dash I can access my USB key and launch the Rocky5 softmod, I get the green orb, reboot with multiple light, then black screen with red circle. I can launch endgame, which launches just fine. My need is to recover the EEPROM to change the hard disk and hope for a second life for this xbox! Thanks for your help
  2. Hi, I have a revision 1.0 Xbox that I originally softmodded. It is now hardmodded and I would like to flash the original 4034 stock bios back onto the TSOP. I was going to use the method in this post: But I got confused when I saw this warning in the manual (attached). I tried the method suggested in the warning first, and was not successful. Am I good to use the TSOP flasher when my console is already softmodded and hardmodded? To restore the TSOP to stock bios?
  3. Well thanks for having me I did alot of the original mods when the first came out and with Avington kids nownpulled out all the old consoles from xbox og up to 360 along with other brands as well. Just trying to jog memory.in what I put in mine amd here helped. Want to move it up a level and fox the x3ir in there. Also looking at adding usb saga and other mod cons as well.
  4. as mentioned above, any app i try to load other than what i installed on the xbox 1.4 back in 2011? will not launch, things like bios checker, xblast, etc... try loading it from the xbe and it just reboots or hangs
  5. Hi guys, I've just recently got an OG Xbox again after being an early adopter back in the day. It's been interesting to see how the scene has progressed and I'm trying to catch up with as much as I can. Last week I softmodded my console and upgraded the HDD. I've been enjoying playing some classic games and it's made me wonder why I didn't do this sooner. Anyway, just wanted to say hi, cheers, Bobbus.
  6. Hi I bought on ebay a cheap "1.0 MainBoard" XBOX but turns out the guy put in a 1.6 and forgot to snip the screwpost. Can it be brought back to life or ist it gone for good? Gruß
  7. I bought a Japan skeleton smoke xbox which arrived today. I used Metal Arms to softmod it which worked well after a few tries. I then opened it up to clone the hard drive to a 2tb Seagate and noticed the clock capacitor was leaking, but didn't seem too bad yet. I got my hard drives set up, slid the DVD drive forward to make it easier to swap the IDE cable and pressed power. I immediately noticed an odd light behind controller port one followed by wisps of smoke. Yeah. My special edition skeleton smoke xbox was losing its smoke! I immediately pulled the power cord out. Pictures show what I found. This capacitor is supposed to be attached forward of the clock cap, but had literally fried. I'm not sure if the leaky clock cap caused a short, or if while sliding the dvd drive forward, I did something to it. What do you all think? I can get another board easy enough, but I kind of want to keep the original board in it if possible. Where would you start as far as evaluating the damage and then repairing the board? Lastly, thanks for the help y'all have already given me through old posts I've found about softmodding a NTSC-J xbox!
  8. Pulled the xboxes out of the closet and having some "fun" reviving them. Looking forward to all ya'll's help.
  9. Howdy! Long time follower of the forums and well this is my first post ever on the site. Finally got me a modded original NTSC Xbox from eBay after years of not owning one. Loving it! Mostly playing Halo2 on XLinkKai. My only issue with it is that who ever modded it and sold it to me on eBay removed the iconic classic flubber intro boot, all it has is just this blame and dull blue Xbox logo during boot and nothing else. I mean it's cool and I guess, but anyway I can get the flubber screen back? Kind of a sucker for the nostalgia, also figure this would be an excellent way to find my way around the machine and get familiar w the different types of software and methods. I know it's something to do with the BIOS, just haven't found any leads in what to do and all the information i used to frequent back in the day is gone or anything I find is obscure with no instructions and I'm afraid to mess anything up with out guidance. I'd really appreciate the help or any kind leads for this little "project". Thanks in advance! Keep the OG Xbox scene alive
  10. Started modding a little over 15+ years ago but was in-and-out of the scene for a bit as I was starting new ventures. Finally have been able to regain some time and dig out some old hardware to get started again. Very impressed to see where the scene has gone in some directions - especially with new bios and HDMI upgrades. And thank you to all of you who post frequent, quality information. It sparked the interest again in a longtime lurker. Anyways, my main rig - X3CE 1.4 Halo Edition w/ Front Panel. Love this beast. Ready to upgrade to hdmi, cerbios & 4TB SSD. Got a few other box’s & a crystal with soft mods or not working. Going to be bringing them up to speed so I can give them out to friends/family to enjoy. Stoked to be back!
  11. https://github.com/antonic901/xbmc4xbox-weather Try it!
  12. Hello all! I use to be really into the mods back in the days. I shared a lot of hardware info and came up with a easy to build Eprom reader to get the Hdd KEYS out of the bios chip storage. I recently pulled out 4 Xboxes that I had squirreled away for future projects, I saw this on a YouTube video and thought, wow people are still into modding the old Xbox! Good to meet all of you!
  13. i'm having issues with this newest one and don't care for some of the ui changes. how can i revert the dashboard to the previous version? the xbox is hard modded with an open xenuim chip.
  14. Hi guys, After 18 years XBox offline i found my old xbox and it still works great (1.0, softmodded & 160GB). Next step is to build the hdmi mod next month, so hopefully this website/forum can help me find back my childhood. Rikoos
  15. I went and tried to move files around so I could be xbmc emustation on drive E as I had it on F. Now when I boot up the xbox I get a fatal error message "special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml, Line 0 failed to open file" Now am I completely ruined or can I just somehow boot back to a dashboard and reinstall xbmc emustation?
  16. Due to some modification that previous owner made, when I turn on the Xbox it's working fine, but the circle is red,but there is no error at all. Its really annoying, I would like to change it back to the original green. Also, when I boot up the xbox the Xbox logo is blue instead of green. I would like to restore this too. Do I have to flash a new bios, or it can be done by only modifying a couple files? Before I reformated the HDD on the title screen there was a "Slayers 2.7" text, so I guess they made all this with that, I mean I dont know what is this Slayers stuff, but it maybe have to do with something with this case.
  17. Just getting back into Xboxes after being out since 03-04. I found 14 cds/DVDs of backups and utilities, emulators and bioses. I built my son one was in clear case remote power on and at the time a huge 160gb hd. With a Xenium Ice chip and programer port.
  18. My original Xbox as one of the first ever modded Xbox's when the Matrix BIOS leaked on IRC. Before any commercial mod chips were out. It's flashed on a old EPROM. The downside of that was I was never able to flash the BIOS as they evolved over the years, so no bigger HDD for me. 20 years later I got a 2nd Xbox and read up on TSOP flashing and have had good fun putting a new HDD and loading it up,
  19. I'm going to replace my original XBox HDD with a larger capacity one. In the meantime, since the original HDD has been modified (additional dashboards etc), what is the best way to put it back to "stock" mode and to remove everything that got installed when it was originally hard-modded?
  20. Hello! I have finally just got my XBMC install nearly to where I want it, and want to back it up in this state. What is the most ideal way of doing so? Should I just mount the drive in FatX and save each partition?
  21. I dug my old xbox out of the loft at the weekend and am trying to get it up and running again after a 15 year break! Back in the day I installed an Xecuter chip but this didn't seem to want to work so I binned it and have installed an Aladdin XT Plus2. Box boots up fine but when I try and play some old games they generally run the intros fine, but when they try to go into the actual gameplay it throws up a 'There is a problem - the disc maybe dirty or damaged' message. I'm assuming either the DVD is on the way out or the discs have degraded over time and are no longer playable so want to install a new HDD and ru the games from that. Do have a few questions though..... It's a 1.4 version, boots to a Homer Simpson dashboard and has Evox +3935 in the top left corner Guessing I'll need to flash it with a newer bios to install a larger HDD, is there a step by step guide on how to do this anywhere (I've downloaded a M8+ 67 No DVD bin) SATA drives are much easier to source, do I just need an IDE\SATA adapter and an 40 pin 80 ribbon cable to get this to work (will probably only be 500gb) Not worried about keeping anything off the original drive, so do I just swap the drives over and then use something like Hexen (I've downloaded 2020 version) to format\setup the drive Cheers
  22. Hello from SE Michigan. I pulled my Xbox out of the closet today. I was going to fire it up and see what all I had done to it (Its been a while). I know it's a v1.6 with a Xenium Gold and I installed a Seagate 7200 rpm/ 120GB hdd in it, loaded with ROMs. Turns out my TV needs an adapter to connect RCA A/V, LoL....figures. I'll get it sorted, but just wanted to say hello and its nice to see OG Xbox modding still going strong! I was on the Llamma forums back in the day.
  23. Hey guys, finally blew the dust off my old v 1.0 hoping to have some fun and meeting new people.
  24. @Rocky5 Unfortunately, the LED color on the powerbutton switches automatically back to it's regular "green color" if you start a game. (LED1) Can you fix this or is there any option to "lock" the color in the system setup? Big issue for Consoles with LED Mod Just to make sure, I know how to change the color in the system setup, but you can change it for example to red and if you start a xbox game it switches to green, it stays red in any other emulator or homebrew or the main menu of XBMC4Gamers.... but not in XBox games. Thanks for your kind attention!
  25. Hey all, Was known as SupaDawgX on the old x-s forums, and am dipping my toes back into the scene. Somehow managed to nuke my old 1.1 Xbox doing a hard drive upgrade (grounded out the power supply on a data/ide board), so now working on getting the x3CE and x3cp working on a 1.0 board.

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