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  1. Just bought an Xbox I thought was stock, turns out it has a Xenium ICE modchip. Unsure what revision, just going through downloads from links in pinned posts for Gen 4 chips. It seem to be genuine, rather than a clone/fake. I'm curious what BIOS version it is running and if the chip itself has any limitations (for context I have an Aladdin modded box and a Stellar too). Seems it cannot handle 128 RAM upgrade or LCD support, I am okay with that. Xbox itself has a 128GB HDD - I may install a bigger one if that is not an issue? It's not even that obvious to me that updating the BIOS is necessary. Main thing for me is to tidy up unused files and personalise the dash. Bootscreen seems washed out says Xboxbreakers and I don't recognise the dash. i would like to change that. Cleaner boot with flubber into XBMC4Gamers likely. Anyone have experience with this modchip, am I good to go?
  2. Decided it would be a fun idea to add a Xenium chip to my old xbox. Couldn't get the chip to run despite my best efforts so proceeded to remove the pin header and send it to someone a little more handy with a soldering iron. I put it all back together and all I'm getting is 2X restarts and then flashing lights. No power to DVD or HDD by the looks of things. Blank screen no video. Can anyone here spot anything that can be done? Thanks
  3. Hi all, Found this gerber while going through older files for the r3dux. This though is just another take on the Xenium chip. It was my first dabble with Eagle doing a board so nothing special. Was aiming similar to the Xenium Gold style in a way. Did this before Matty made the Tenny-um, that was my next goal but he got there before me so saved me the bother. LED is closer to the case edge for better view. Chip sits slightly better with less droop, especially with the 10 way plug in. V1.6 link is straight. Downer: Made the vias too big oops. But works fine. BOM exactly the same as Openxenium of course. Oshpark link for 'After Dark' pcb. Gerber attached too. Just thought I'd share it anyway. Pics... XeniumNINJA.zip
  4. I installed a LCD screen (SPI2Par2019 + HD44780 LCD). I have a Xenium. When the screensaver starts the text on the LCD screen disappears and I have to go to settings/LCD/ Enable LCD/VFD and change the value back to anything (well, in my case LCD - HD44780) for the text to re display on the screen...the value of LCD/VFD doesn't matter as far as getting the text back; it's the process of changing it to anything that brings it back. Is this a known issue? What's the fix? I've edited the LCD.xml w/ the suggested edit on ryzee119 spi2par2019 github
  5. Is it normal for a xenium flashed with PrometheOS to frag the console when I flip the recovery switch? I was trying to flash recovery.bin but the console fragged. I thought maybe the recovery section of the xenium would be untouched by PrometheOS. When I used xeniumtools to flash xeniumOS the recovery switch worked again.
  6. Team Cerbios and Team Resurgent are excited to introduce the Official Trailer for PrometheOS, a new open-source operating system designed for all Xenium-based mod chips in the original Xbox. **Key current Features of PrometheOS:** - **Multi-Bank Functions:** Effortlessly switch between different bios images. - **LED Support:** Assign custom colors to each bios bank for enhanced visual feedback. - **Web UI:** Access a user-friendly interface from any web-enabled device for simplified bios management. - **FTP Support:** Facilitate easy file transfers between the Xbox and other devices. - **Skin Support:** Customize the OS interface to reflect your personal style. - **HDD Lock/Unlock Support:** Gain the ability to lock or unlock the hard drive, tethering it to a specific console. - **EEPROM Backup/Restore Feature:** Ability to backup and restore your EEPROM. **A Community-Driven Initiative:** PrometheOS is a collaborative achievement between Team Resurgent, Team Cerbios, and the dedicated Xbox modding community. **Availability:** PrometheOS will be available for download, ensuring compatibility with all versions of the original Xbox equipped with a Xenium-based mod chip. **For Those Interested in Getting Started:** If you're eager to try out PrometheOS and are in need of an affordable chip or external programmer, you can purchase a Xenium-ICE v3.0 & Programmer directly from NeMesiS/XeniumMods. Visit their eBay store at https://www.ebay.com.au/str/xeniummods for more information. **Special Thanks:** Our gratitude goes to NeMesiS / XeniumMods for providing prototype Xeniums, programming hardware, and essential feedback and testing which helped greatly in making PrometheOS a reality. A shoutout to Ryzee119 for the invaluable Xenium-Tools, facilitating the flashing of the new OS via your xbox. (https://github.com/Ryzee119/Xenium-Tools) and the work towards making the original OpenXenium. Stay tuned for ETA & more updates on this exciting development by the Xbox scene community! Please watch the official trailer and show some to all those who contributed and worked towards making this a reality. Source: https://www.xbox-scene.info/articles.html/announcing-prometheos-a-replacement-open-source-os-for-xenium-based-mods-r26/
  7. Minimum order for me to purchase them was 5pcs. So I have now 2-3 left. 25us + postage (located in EU) (Postage outside EU is mentally high in my opinion) Source: https://github.com/dtomcat/AdvancedXeniumProgrammer (kooscode and Ryzee119)
  8. Working on open sourcing this. Like the original programmer… but gives more visual feedback (made this before my chip version I released). Can program both XOS and PrometheOS. Works nice! Will be a bit because I have to revert things back from changes I made for chip version.
  9. Original Xbox lcd that allowed you to use an LCD displays with the Xenium SPI interface works with XBMC for gaming you will have to turn it on in setting see Gide to install comes With a Saround £60 each LCD displays with 1 lcd open Xenium blue are green lcd
  10. I'm so far behind on the Xbox stuff being out of it since long before Cerbios took over like a storm, I vagely remember Cerbios couldn't be used if using component cables to connect the Xbox to the TV? would I be right in saying this? I run my Xbox using the Microsoft Component adapter with the SDDIF on it, which the spdif connects to my Amp for audio and the component I use a component to HDMI adapter which runs to my TV. Is Cerbios going to work in this situation, and if so which Cerbios should I be using? I have a 2TB HDD full of stuff, I don't want to have to format that to get it going. From my reading today it sounds like I can just flash the bios using the Xenium OS tool, rather than any boot CD's, and that sounds the best way to go for it. Thanks for any assistance
  11. Oh, has this box been fun Started with no power at all, won't even blink. Opened it, 1.6 with Xenium Blue in it, bulging caps abound....bleh. Recapped (quite the adventure), but unsure of the work. Box powers up now, but red-lights with E09, HDD access. HDD sounds fine / feels fine, so it's either 1) IDE cable, 2) craptastic recap work ("recrap"? haha), or 3) incorrectly keyed HDD. Tested IDE cable, not an issue, same results. No way to test recrap, IMO. Working towards incorrectly keyed HDD, but don't have backup. Here's where the fun starts. Hitting the eject button activates the chip, boots to Xenium OS 2.3.0. Great, EEPROM tools: backup EEPROM: to the chip itself. Setup FTP / Telnet / all that, but ALL clients are showing empty when connected. How can I download the EEPROM backup off the chip itself? Have looked at disabling passive mode, etc. but can't get anything to work / show downloadable data. Remember when responding, no HDD access. Disk tools is showing "Lock Hard Drive", but doesn't work. "Format partitions" gives "Failed to format partition". Can't tell if it's recrap, HDD is actually dead, or just incorrect key. Any help appreciated, this has been quite the adventure so far. Also, if anybody in the San Diego area is doing Xbox work, PM me, zero interest in shipping. Several boxes on hand with various problems, including corroded traces, which I just can't handle at this point
  12. Is the cpld supposed to get hot to the point you can burn yourself I don't feel temperature but my finger tips almost went numb touching it which ever happens with my other Xenium
  13. Hello! For those people with a Xenium modchip, I have made an open source recreation of a legacy adaptor that allowed you to use extremely common and cheap HD44780 compliant character LCD displays with the Xenium modchip SPI interface. The legacy adaptor was called 'SPI2PAR' and has long since been out of production and extremely hard to come by. The old website actually still works for now (http://cheaplpc.com/xenlcd/) if you want to see what it was all about. This design and info is all on my github page https://github.com/Ryzee119/spi2par2019 It does everything the old one does I believe (although I never had one), but it also can read the Xbox SMBus directly with a couple extra wires to the LPC header for temperatures from the ADM1032 onboard temperature chip and fan speed which are displayed and updated on the LCD mid-game. It can also read the Conexant and Focus video chips to work out was resolution your game is running at which is displayed on the LCD aswell. (This doesnt work on a 1.6 though due to the Xcalibur chip) XBMC can already display these, but these extra SMBus features will only apply when you're in a game or program that doesn't normally support LCD. Works best on a 20x4 character display.
  14. Hi I wanted to use the xeniumprogrammer on one of my chips. It runs fine until the Verify part of the flash memory, I have looked for shorts and nothing out of the orinary. Everything seems fine.
  15. I recently hopped into the Prometheos thread here with trouble getting my original Xenium chip updated. I searched all over the web and only found users with the same issue and not one shred of evidence on how to get passed this obstacle, until today. Being that Prometheos is new and most everyone doesn’t run into the xenium tools issue, there was no step by step guide on what to do otherwise. Embarrassingly, it was a fairly easy fix, but risky without having full confirmation and no success stories to go off of. It occurred to me to just rename the files so the old Xenium tools would see them, since it doesn’t allow you to choose your file. I didn’t write these files and do not know the full extent of what they do behind the curtain so I ruled that option out and continued my research in fear of making a brick. I also had other flashers in different folders with backups for each one. In the end, with @Harcroft holding my hand, we got it done. He assured me it was ok to delete all the other files completely and go ahead to rename the Prometheos.bin file to flash.bin (this is also not mentioned in the text files) and put it in the folder with the the old xenium tools. That’s the fix and I just made you read all of that when I could have just told you outright LOL. The previous versions apparently weren’t designed to work with the old Team Xodus chips and this is already being addressed To summarize, users using very old XOS versions (2.3.1>) were not able to use the newest versions of Xenium Tools. The modified tools is included in the download for Prometheus 2.0.1. Be sure to be running a bios from your Xenium and not your TSOP, otherwise even the new tools will not detect your chip. Also you must rename the Prometheos.bin file to “flash.bin” and have it in the same folder as your xenium tools. DO NOT create a backup of your chip before flashing. This will cause the program to flash what you just backed up. I think that’s pretty much it. The dev team will have a much more professional explanation.
  16. Good evening, I have a 1.6b xbox, it is currently softmodded (this was done about 12 years ago) and the disk drive died on me to the point where the xbox wont boot to the dashboard (error code 12), anyway I read that since this is a 1.6b motherboard a TSOP flash is out of the question. I purchased a open xenium mod chip and performed the installation. Currently when the xbox is powered off but plugged in the mod chip emits a bright white light. This is after rechecking my joints due to having a bright red light. Im not sure which one of those is good or not. Anyway when I attempt to turn on the console with just the power and video cables and fan plugged in, no controller port cables plugged into the mb and no hard drive/disk drive, the mod chip emits a slightly less intense red light and the LED on the front of the xbox starts of green then flashes orange, fan spins up, then everything goes back to a powered down state and the white light returns. This is when powering on with the eject button btw. If I take the chip off the pin header, the xbox boots to the splash screen then ofc does nothing because there is no hard drive or disk drive. edit: forgot to mention I took a multimeter in continuity mode and the pins and points on the board are all connected as they should be, and I do have a picture of the chip itself but it currently is failing to upload here, ill try to do what I can in that regard Any guidance would be appreciated, attached are some photos of my amateur soldering work.
  17. Please refer to image. I am looking for almost everything in this image. Though I have the 24k so the actual mod chip is optional. -iRuinLunches
  18. I found my old Xbox OG in a cupboard and decided I fancied getting it out and playing some old games I had. It boots up to the old dashboard I had (Avalaunch 0.49.3) and games play etc. Reading the latest on the new features of the Xbox OG Modding scene, I see I can now put much bigger HDDs into it as well as some other features such as Cerbios CCIs etc. I'd like to update my BIOS but I can't get into XeniumOS (XOS) to flash the Cerbios .bin - The OpenXenium BIOS utility by MakeMHz says I am on an older version and need to be on 2.5 at least, but I cannot get there either. I've read that powering on with Eject can reboot to XOS or holding the white button (small problem that I don't have the original controllers anymore and am using a Brook Wingman XB2, so maybe that prevents the white button [Left Trigger] being detected at startup). Its such a long time since I did all this I have forgotten everything I learned back when I modded it LOL My aim is to have all my games on a single HDD and use xbmc4gamers|xbmc-emustation as a nice menu system to choose.
  19. So I installed a openxenium chip today and it turned on brought me to the os and I accidentally hit the power button and now it doesn't boot just flashes green 3 times and goes green/red. Even tried resoldering joints I'm stumped it was working and now it isnt... in the span of 10 min. Even tried a new hdd same issue. I also tried removing the chip and got error 07 it should be noted the chip was still wired in when I did that but not plugged into the pinhead (this is only when I was testing if it would run after it started fragging)
  20. Hi everybody, I was trying the new cerbios 2.3.0 UDMA4 but when I launch it from xeniumos my screen turns black for a second and then it reboots into xeniumos (imgur video of the issue). What I have done for now was fomatting my 1TB hdd with the new version of FATXplorer and installing the bios with a pendrive (I previusly cleaned the chip by resetting it to default settings) Thanks to everybody that will help! Have a great day
  21. I have a 1.6 Xbox with Xenium 24k modchip. System worked fine but feeding buttons prior to install. Lpc rebuild and added pin header and Xbox boots with chip great. Eject button takes me to Xenium is and power button boots into my dashboard (Xbmc4gamers). The issue I’m having, is that I can’t use the power or eject after in turn it on. Don’t think it’s a trace issue due to it being a 1.6 and not having the issue prior to the chip. Any help would be awesome
  22. Hello, Some help would be really appreciated. I really don't understand why it occurs. But it's the second PAL OG XBOX 1.6 that "dies" after doing the modchip : Open Xenium with LPC Rebuild. I have successfully followed this tutorial (and the solder joints look good): - 1st one working fine during a week after Xenium mod chip LPC Rebuild + Version 2.3.5 Make MHZ then sudden black screen and after Flashing Red and Light - 2nd one working fine after Xenium mod chip LPC Rebuild + Version 2.3.5 Make MHZ: Then died after one hour same symptom Flashing Red and Green. Is there a way to fix this Red and Green issue? Tried different power supplies did not make a change. Seems to be an issue for the motherboard?
  23. Hey everyone, I have a openxenium with a XboxHD+. After doing a firmware update on my hd+, the xeniumOS did not show and had a black screen. I realized I had to update from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1. I used xeniumtools and flashed what I thought was a correct update to the xenium, but it seems not. I now have a black screen powering from eject and now from the power button, so I cant even get see my custom dashboard. Xenium OS is working as I can click down six times and press A which powers off the xbox. FTP also works and I can see the C and E drives. I also seem to be getting into recovery mode as I press down 5 times and then one time to the left, which changes the power LED to pink. I have a recovery.bin on the root of my E drive, but recovery mode doesnt seem to be doing anything, as it just sits there. I cant see what is going on so I do not know if I need to press a button when in recovery mode or not. Im kinda at a loss as to how to move forward since im blind as to what the OS is doing in recovery or if its even doing anything at all or maybe its going into safe mode. Any help appreciated.
  24. Hello everyone, I am reaching out to the community for some help. Long story I had a working HDMI mod with Open xenium on an Xbox. I wanted to try the ram upgrade. I had the Hynix ram stock, tried to replace them with Samsung, ram error and could not get that board to work again. I used a working spare board from my stock Xbox and just brought the open xenium and Makemhz HDMI over. I rebuilt the LPC using Amtech flux and my hakko soldering iron with my Kester ledded solder. I get great joints with these in combination and using an amscope for seeing what I'm doing. A mistake I think I made because it's been awhile, I removed the AV port and did both the LPC rebuild for the open xenium and HDMI board at the same time. Like I said it's been awhile and I may just need to patch the bios right? Problem is I am getting solid green on the chip and HDMI board (btw I used a new flex cable and use precision micro soldering pen to get those joins solid. I tested with a multimeter getting continuity and 33 ohms across each. No bridging or issues I can see under the scope with the ribbon cable, connector or the packages. I rebuilt the lpc again and still persists. One issue I should be honest and mention is the pin I took out for the lpc pins second one on the back left (was on some install guides to remove the pin). The hole pan was burnt off. Completely my mistake had the iron temp set way too high for another project. The trace going from that to a via on the front side of the board had been disconnected. That via goes to the back of the board but then it goes to the lpc where the pin is missing anyways. Basically I don't know if this is the issue. I am not getting a short that I can tell. Do I need to reflash my open xenium since it was working and setup on the old Xbox or is the issue that disconnected trace from the burnt out hole to the via, or is it something else potentially, can I test something with my multimeter? Do I just need to somehow patch the bios. Idk how now with the old av port missing. Audio works when I disconnect the open xenium but no video. I tried my testbench HDMI monitor. I tested my crt with an adapter that adjusts an HDMI signal to be adapted to composite. I tested on my TV upstairs and computer monitor with three good known working HDMI cables. I get no video when xenium is plugged in. I get no frag and can't see anything under the scope or infrared camera for chips going bad like the encoder. I've attached a short video showing the status of the lights. Any help is appreciated, thank you. https://youtu.be/Q00fV6C5C7c
  25. Hi all, dug out my old xbox original which was last booted up around 15 years or more ago to find it not working as I left it. It's an xbox original with a Xenium modchip in it (one of the ones that you push in and then have a wire that sits in one of the solder holes - picture attached). As an additional problem I can't remember a thing about how it is set up or where the wire should be or what the extension cable (which currently not connected) even does and can't find any of my old notes on it. So any/ all help very much appreciated as to how to proceed on this. Basically, when you switch it on, it currently flashes green three times then goes to a green, red, green, red repeating colour change. If I move the wire out of the hole that it was located in, then it boots into normal mode and I can set the time etc. As soon as I put the wire back to where it was, then it does the not booting and colour sequence as above. Pic attached of modchip. If more information is helpful on something specific please let me know!.

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