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Found 11 results

  1. Hi All, I have a long holiday coming up and to fill the time and challenge my self I bought some broken mainboards from eBay. As you can see from the photo, this boards is butchered! I was wondering if I can use the 1.6 upgrade method to add the missing memory ic?
  2. Cleaning the house and getting ready to move. Came across miscellaneous OG xbox items as pictured. I used to be into the consoles quite a bit a few years ago, especially for the XBMC capability, but now I don't even have a console. The drives and power supplies were spares, because even back in the day the hardware wasn't 100% bullet proof. I believe they work, but have no way of knowing for sure since I don't have a console. Trying to sell this so it ships out all in one box. I can also sell thru my ebay account which is: and has a 100% rating. https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?item=276086163390&rt=nc&_trksid=p4429486.m3561.l161211&_ssn=maerickson Edit: Should have mentioned that the caps on the power supplies are all flat.
  3. Mainly the titel says it. I git a 360 today (pls don't throw old eggs at me for that :D ) which included a 512MB and a 256MB MU and i wonder if it would be possible to get one of those working on an OG XBox. Looks like both have a 5 pin design so there can't be that much of a different (except for the little "spacer" in the middle)?
  4. Just playing around with CoinOps and was looking to see if I could tell any performance improvements with the additional RAM. So far I'm really not sure. I did notice however, that Advanced Settings seems to allow you to increase the memory available for it to call upon. Anyone know if this would do anything or if coinops just uses whatever memory is available by default? Edit: Reading into it a bit further, it seems you have to patch the .xbes WITHIN CoinOps to be 128mb compatible so idk really.
  5. For the second time in 18 months I've just lost use of another genuine MS Xbox Memory card. The memory card hadn't had anything written to it for months although many games access any attached memory devices so you can load a backup save from them. Then suddenly out of the blue this week it started displaying consistently as 0MB free space in the file manager, particularly after rebooting. It was quite full, only three blocks left so I tried deleting a couple of large saves when it, occasionally, started working again. That didn't help at all. I tried other controllers/slots/controller ports too - no joy in any case. The card is still recognised as being attached and when using the MS dash you can see the content although it takes a good minute to appear. What you can't do is write to it or delete anything. Very similar story for the first memory card too. Became unusable in the same way. Anyone else had an experience of MS Xbox 8MB memory cards going bad?
  6. Greetings and Salutations I CANT FIND THE ORIGINAL LINUX SAVE ON MY HD ... dose anyone know where it is? i have a soft modded XBox that i modded with the old SplinterCell and USB hack. I wanted to copy the original softmod hack files to a new USB, because I originally used an old MP3 player and formatting it with XFAT and wiping the OS has shortened its life. I have a New USB. I have copied the SP_save (and also quite a few little extra files I would like to keep) SO I thought to myself if I could swap and re-swap the 2 USB’s and move SID to the HD once more and then back to the NEW USB BUT the XBox says [save game already exists do you want to replace?] i’m pretty sure I don’t want to touch the original save ! dose anyone know where it is?
  7. Hi - I've recently picked up the orange xbox live beta tester memory card but it didn't come with the matching cap. Does anyone in the community have an orange cap they would sell or trade me? I've attached a pic I found online of what the caps look like. I appreciate your time and help tracking one down.
  8. Hi everyone, I recently did a 128MB mod on an Xbox 1.1, which was successful. Console booted nice, and ran for hours while gaming, even with a small NV & FSB overclock. I decided I didn't hate myself enough, and decided to go even further and replace all the K4D263238M-QC50 on the board, with the Samsung K4D263238F-QC50-variant, which is said to be tad bit more efficient. Thought this might allow for even more OC (never enough, right?), but now I've run into issues after replacing all the memory chips on the board: The console boots, but only runs for 5-30 seconds, before the screen starts to glitch heavily, with the system freezing as well. If rebooted after a glitch, without a small pause, the system will not boot, and will flash a green light. I've tried to do the following: - Reflow all 8 memory chips 4 times in total. No improvement. - Removed the extra 64MB memory, retaining only the original 64MB, just with the new F-variant memory chips. No improvement. - Replace the remaining 4 memory chips with another, fresh, F-variant memory chips. No improvement. Each time I complete a step, the end result is exactly the same: XBlast runs for the same 5-30 seconds, before glitching and freezing. I can run the memory test for the extra 64MB (when I had it installed), which always completes successfully, if I manage to run it completely before the system starts to glitch. If I connect a HDD, I can even boot iND bios with UnleashX, and everything works and shows correctly, before the system glitches and freezes. Always the same screen glitch effect, before freezing. The Xbox is modded with an Aladdin XT+, with the XBlast enchanced 49LF080A-chip. I can solder, remove or reflow the chips with confidence, with clear and clean solder jobs. I can share pictures, if required, but I'm pretty sure at this point that the solder job is not to blame. Have I nicked some important component somewhere with my solder iron? Are the F-variant memory chips simply incompatible with the 1.1 board? Anyone got any leads?
  9. In search of a full 2mb flash memory dump from an xenium.
  10. Hello everybody. I recently got to thinking about the data retention of the flash memory used in the original xbox. I purchased an original xbox not to long ago that was basically a coma console in that it would have a green light, but no audio or video. Turns out the bios was corrupted or something similar and that it would boot with extreme difficulties after pressing the eject button a bunch of times until the drive ejected. Basically these symptoms. I did manage to flash a custom bios onto the system and that solved the booting issues it was having, but that then leads me to what I have as a discussion today. Looking at the datasheet for the Winbond W49F020 series of flash memory used in my console, I notice that it has a data retention of 20 years. This means that it should hold the data for about 20 years no problem, but it seems like mine started having issues early. By what I can tell, to refresh this data and basically restart the countdown, I need to reflash the bios to the chip rewriting the data. This brings it back to a state where the data is properly stored and is ready to last another 15-20 years. My only concern about the whole thing is that flashing a new bios can go wrong and cause the console not to boot without a mod chip. My question to someone more knowledgeable than me in this topic is, are we going to see more and more stock consoles fail to boot due to corrupt bioses in the up and coming years? I know that 1.0 and 1.1 consoles already have some issues with their 1mb flash chips, but will all sorts of version have issues? ie, 1.0 - 1.6? Is this just a limitation of anything using flash memory in a component used to boot up? I know nothing lasts forever, but I do try to make it last as long as I can. Thanks for taking the time to read through this and I hope it can spark some good discussion on the topic. Also if anything I have here is incorrect, please let me know as I am still learning about hardware in general, and I try my best to be accurate in my information. DobaMuffin
  11. Has anyone here tried to add more memory to the xbox motherboard? I seem to remember seeing something about it on the scene years ago. it involved basically getting the memory chips off of another xbox & putting them on the motherboard by soldering them on.

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