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  1. Today
  2. I searh on ali express for the chips but with a look on internet i find they are a cabling others can be flashed directly and others not.I have a other xbox maybe with the same chip i gonna try hotswap method.
  3. @Rocky5 Couple of quick questions for you 1. Is it possible to hide a game from view? I have a lot of Homebrew showing up that has no proper artwork and would like to hide each one from view. If not is it something that you would consider adding in a future update? (All the HB was all installed as part of a Ninja/Coinops pack so dont really need it showing in Gamers anyway but I might get around to creating some _resources for it all eventually ) 2. Root view. Is it possible to use _resources style artwork there, rather than just the poster/thumb style art? Thanks as always for all your work and for making the BEST OGX dashboard available today.
  4. Those would just be a case of taking the standard Halo 2 art and slapping alpha or beta across it somewhere…. If that’s what your’e looking for then I can knock those up easily enough???
  5. Yesterday
  6. Most people with dedicated consoles for dumping use a PrometheOS capable modchip, build a Bios to boot from something like C:\xcat.xbe. Boot console with orphaned HDD, force unlock with vendor commands, boot to XCAT, repeat.
  7. Starting to sound even more like the chip has been fried. Possibly reprogramming it would be the fix. One last ditch effort could be using recovery mode. With any luck, there should be a recovery switch on the chip itself. If so, you can source a Xenium recovery file and burn it to a dvd-r. While the chip is in recovery mode, do a cold boot with the disc inserted. I can provide further details if interested.
  8. I think it may be time to create a dedicated data recovery console... Are there any considerations I should keep in mind when creating a console specifically for this purpose? I think I'll bring one of my "Dead RAM" (RAM error light) consoles back to life with some Ali RAM and use that box for XCAT purposes. Then maybe start buying some lots of HDDs.
  9. It's worth noting that some Aladdin chips can be flashed directly from the xbox. Depending on where you're buying them from, you should be able to tell by the look of the actual chip being sold. AliExpress and other discount sites usually won't show the actual item. Posting a pic here may shine some light on whether or not yours can be flashed internally.
  10. Glad it helped bring another one back from the dead. Have fun!
  11. XCAT has been updated to v1.01 which fixes a few bugs. See http://consolemods.org/XCAT for more details!
  12. I have just installed UIX Lite from the XBMC4Gamers downloader and successfully recovered my Insignia account using it. I can access friends list etc without issues. Have just logged into Halo 2 and am currently downloading map packs All working great on my end My Insignia tag is Nikeymikey Feel free to add me
  13. Also here's a non SDL question, can I backport directx9 code to directx8.1?
  14. I will look into creating some cover art for each of the BAED discs 1 thru 3b for XBMC4Gamers over the next few days. I will add them to the below thread once I have had time to get them done.....
  15. I'm just getting into coding, but I think it needs to be included up top and incorporated into the project file. Pardon my lack of literacy.
  16. alrighty, so i got it compiled but when i try to compile my own code via sdl, it gives me a error message telling me that it could not find the SDL.h file.
  17. Last week
  18. Set on Stereo, Dolby is Disabled and the DTS also disabled... Could it possibly be from a capacitor? I only removed the clock capacitor because I didnt see any noticeable problems with the other caps
  19. https://www.xbins.org/index.php?action=search&searchtxt=sdl&Submit=Search Looks like it may be on xbins... I'm not able to check ATM, but take a look and see.
  20. I'm wondering about that too when it was released.
  21. Interesting. This is a 1.4 box as well. Thanks for the pointer, will go look into that
  22. I had this happen on a v1.4 a few days ago, I updated to v2.0.004 and it fixed it. The patch notes mentions fixing the v1.6 temp issues I noticed. It had a pretty old build on it. I softmodded it a few years back, and just got around to doing a tsop.
  23. It's rising! Now at 1078 lol. Assuming it's about 1030 off from real value
  24. Softmodded the box I repaired recently ( I'll keep that aladdin chip for my box once it's sorted. ) Booted a few times now to confirm.. this is what's being reported? Anyone have a suggestion? Sensor(s) failure or software issue?
  25. Hey guys so anyways, I was wondering about installing sdl for the Microsoft xdk for the original Xbox that lantus made back in the day, and also is it included in the vm that was included with the easy xdk installer?
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