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Quasimoto Arcade Station EfX


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Here's my Cab in my gameroom. Customized Quasimoto Arcade Station EFX with (3)  OG XBOXes in Silver XCM cases. Consoles direct boot to Vision, HyperVISION, and CoinOPS 7 Massive/dual boot to XBMC. I can switch from console to console by turning the front knobs on the cabinet. 1 button turns on/off the entire cab. The marquee is custom, as well as the button layout and color scheme. Side buttons were added for pinball.

It's a shame you can't find Quasimoto Interactive cabinets anymore.  Extremely rare.  I love mine.  (I have a Quasicade 2 as well, I'll show that one off some other time once it's 100% done)













Edited by G-Money
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On 12/16/2024 at 11:02 PM, retroroy said:

I have had a Quasimodo arcade but I can't figure out how to convert it to multiple consoles. Can anyone help?

I dont have a Quasimodo cabinet so I cant help you too much.  Obviously, the first thing you would need to have would be the controller adapters for each system you are trying to hook up.  If you dont already have those adapters, they may be very hard to find since Quasimodo has been gone for years now.  Another thing, do you actually have a Quasimodo version that has a switch to allow you to switch between different consoles?  Not all Quasimodo models have a switch built in.

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