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Hi everyone, I'm a long time Xbox user, and have enjoyed modding consoles since the early 2000's. I got started with an xecuter 2 chip, and things just snowballed from there. I've always been interested in running code on unintended hardware, and seeing what shenanigans i can get into in general. Currently my biggest project is resurrecting the aforementioned xecuter 2 box, as its whopping 75k hrs of run time has taken a toll (almost 9 years of runtime!!) I'm beginning my own journey of creating hardware mods for the xbox platform, primarily focused on enhancing cooling capabilities, and allowing my console to stream games from my home server rather than filling its own dedicated hdd again. Im also interested in making custom xbox motherboard pcb's, capable of running the xbox's os on new, and more powerful hardware. I'm exited to make new friends who share these interest, and like stated in the title, my username is usually SkippinMudkipz... But i guess midkipz is fine too lmfao
Hello all I am Komrade and I wanted to try a bit of the Microsoft consoles and wanted to start with the OG Xbox as I also like a lot the games from that generation of consoles. I picked a used console together with some demos and a couple of games and 2 controllers to play a bit of 2 player games also haha. Never had one before and they were kinda rare in at least here where I live so a lot of new stuff to discover, so will get busy with it
How is everyone, Just another xbox lover. Love to mod them and have fun as they say.
A few. When my game gets finished I would like to sell it like a traditional game to get money for my work. Can I sell it here then? Also if possible I would like to make a set of discs that can run on retail Xboxes. Meerjel01
Been getting into Xbox again and excited to see all the new (to me) developments
Anybody Here Use a Kernel Debugger With Their Debug Kits?
DobaMuffin posted a topic in Hardware Mods
Hello, I am looking at making a few of these for myself, and I'm wondering if anybody here has used one, or anything similar to it? I'm not familiar with kernel debugging using Super I/O, but it seems like something that could be useful if I want to learn all I can from the hardware of this system. DobaMuffin -
Hey! I have an og xbox that sometimes refuses to do its job, hopefully i can fix it and also get into learning more about this console and play with it, and have a general good time on this forums.. Cheers!
I'm currently in the process of helping a friend finalize his emustation build. He has loaded his game as F/games/#-n G/games/M-Z I watched over video call as he ran the scanner. Upon completion of the scan he only had around 540 titles available.(#-n) On said video call I had him poke around so we could determine the issue. For some reason his file structure was changed on G partition. To G/games/"Xbox title"/"Xbox title"/.CCI default.xbe Subfoldering all of his game on G. When looking at G partition on Fatxploer everything looks as it should. No subfolders. G/games/"Xbox title"/.CCI, default.xbe I just wonder if anyone else has experienced this and what their solution was.
Updated some things since this video a day or 2 ago from this post going live. Life’s been hard the last year, but am still here plodding away. Hope everyone enjoys the new features
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Hi am new here and to xbox modding. I would like to request respectfully that people doing modding tutorials especially youtube please think of us noobs by 1 think of person tutorial geared towards and if possible do different or modded stages tutorials ie: noob, novice, experianced 2 proper instruction from beginning to end no off in another tangent causeing confusion especially to noobs 3 clear and precise information, eg: this xbox has a chip name of but no hard drive, new hard drive etc 4 proper working links if links are being provided. Thanking all you valuable people in advance
i have hard modded a 1.4 and 1.6 xbox. xbmc4gamers is my login screen. when i ftp to 1.4 while xbmc4gamers is loaded, i get great speeds in the mb's. when i ftp to 1.6 with xbmc4gamers loaded, i don't even get speeds over 500 kip's. i am also having network issues in game. unleashX seems to ftp great though. can anyone tell me what is going on? i'm running the same evo8 bios on both systems btu different chips.
I decided to remove Facebook and tiktok and all the other garbage from my phone... I purposely left the Xbox scene and sold my 3d printers and extra xbox parts.... However now when I get bored I have nothing to do but shovel snow, so I may pop in here out of boredom.... I will only try to be helpful, otherwise I'll get to keep my mouth shut. My last attempt at a prototype is nearly done and I plan to use it until I die. Lol Peace out.
Hey folks! New member here! Bought a custom OG Xbox modded and loaded a while back and recently moved. Hooked it up and turned it on and got a #12 error with red ring. I’d love to to find someone reputable that I could send off for service. Thank you
Listing of materials tested: OSSC V1.6 Chimeric HDMI Konig component Full RGB AV+optical Composite original Pound (2020) Mcable gaming Mclassic Monster component x400 Monster component x200 Variety of wall chargers and HDMI cables All the combinations and configurations had tested. Tested with 4 TV and two Xbox : V 1.6 no modded, V1.0 XBMC ( when it was possible, but no one did consequential differences ) Winner! Xbox+Chimeric+Mclassic (green led (alimented wall)) +Mcable gaming (alimented wall). Explanation The monster component x400 was a little better than konig component, and the monster x200 was like composite because the three plugs are video x1 and stereo x2. Not three RGB like I had thinking. Next, I tested all settings of the OSSC expecting upgrade my video with a HDMI solution. The picture was worst than the monster. With the good material, perhaps it's possible. But the OSSC loose always a part of the signal, event it is alimented. The pound (with mini usb port) was very poor. Yes, it's very better than composite but: Green filter. Not very sharp etc. But it's wasn't a problem because I had bet all on the Chimeric. Finaly, I recived the chimeric, and horror, the monster component smashes far more once again , with is colors very realistic and the picture very compatible with the signal source. I pluged the Mcable and the Mclassic, but this changed nothing. I thinking pass all my life with monster x400. There was some additionnal issues like horizontal lines "flapping" or noise in the textures. After to have expected an issus of fabrication, I Shipped an message to Chimeric system. Before to receive a response, I had set up the stuff again, and this is it! It work fine. Mclassic was alimented in the pc port, but we need to put it in the wall. We need to find the perfect Tv setting too because the signal is different of any sources. So the best mode need to be (desatured with wider spectrum. All spectrum of light and colors). Now it is better than the monster component. And better than the chimeric only. The stuff do all that it must to do. But, after that, I upgraded the output video another time with an astuce. I bought some different wall charger more powerful and the video become consequently much higher. Now with the good wall charger. It's a masterpiece. How setting this Winning combination. Xbox dashboard- Audio : Use Stereo if you have 2 speakers (or stereo+DTS). Souround + dolby for 5 speakers. Mclassic: Mode green. Alimented by a wall charger 5v- 1.8 A. Little bit hight or less. Mcable Gaming: Alimented by a wall charger 5v -2.4 A Tv(Flat): Here my setting for exemple : Contraste 100, Brillance 63, Couleur 50, Netteté 100, image-ia EF, cats HF, reduc HF If the TV has more pixels than the video source, zoomed in will not do appear new details in the pictures, but increase the sharpenes and clarity of theirs . See picture 1-2. A higher format TV will provide more sharpeness and natural with this set up. But it's the inverse result with a cheap ultra-HD tv. Picture 3-4. The winnig TV was : 1080p Panasonic TC-L32U3. Second place : Panasonic TC-L32X5. The two other TV ultra Hd (were very bad) : LG 47LN5750-UH and SAMSUNG UN50TU7000F The V1.6 xbox, with Panasonic tv and Chimeric, added vertical shadow lines with halo 2 and halo 1 on the sky and on the pale background textures. But nothing else. It run perfectly since 2004. The V1.0 XBOX XBMC added horizontal artefacts with all the games and emulators. But don't has the precedent problem with the shadow lines. His cd drive works poorly. The second best set up was : Pound alimented wall (with the same settings and stuff) . Only switch the chimeric by the Pound. For exemple, the set up with Chimeric seem that. The monster component x400 do the best picture and sound for easy and low budget. And the colors are more natural than the Pound. Konig: AV component RGB+optical in one. Show details clear. Dont't blur. But did a video quality inferior than Monster x400. The V1.6 OSSC : With all the settings, in x1 and x2 too, and with two TV, did the signal and the colors loose their intensity. The picture was pale and bleach. And in X1, there was no global difference compared good component (except the previews problems). In x2, the game was pixelised like 2D 1987 games, without degrad. He was made for keep the squarred pixels of old console. He was not made for the Xbox or consoles 480p or more. Audio problems : Not make to transfer the best audio possible because he can not out put the audio by HDMI. To plug somewhere, it need an extra connector because the input is a jack 1/8. and that cause a losing of signal. He is not do for the Xbox or console 480p or more. Good Generique HDMI cable: Make the stone texture more natural than the mcable gaming, but was less good for the shiny-lustred surfaces and did the picture more pixelised. The mcable gaming did the surfaces that was clear or polish (like water, electricity, and metal) more realistic and upgraded. Halo2 has textures 3d-like based on the details of mapping. So, when I added extra signal boost with the wall chargers, and used the mcable gaming, it was like if new textures was appears. Chimeric: Added red filter with the TC-L32U3 TV, and perhaps very little with the samsung TV . He did thin shaded lines in the bleach textures of Halo2 with the V1.6 xbox. Pound: Added green filter impossible to remove completly. Plus has the same issu than the chimeric (horizontal shaded lines) but this lines were only with halo 2 on the panasonic TC-L32U3 and the xbox V1.6) Mclassic : Works with all. TV Cartoon too. Need wall charger of 1.8 A (approximately). The two modes don't affect the defenition. Only the resolution. Audio Souround 5.1=5 speakers . Stereo=two speakers. That mean that dolby souround on XBOX is useless if you don't have the stuff. Note that the sound was really better with a good component than with the composite. But, I noticed no audio differences between monster and this winning set up. My external stereo speakers cleared the sound compared to my internal tv speakers. If you want speakers, you need receiveur Yamaha. Speakers only don't work. If you want for gaming, select the speakers with a natural sound, and did for classic-JAZZ musics. Games need hight frequency sound ( metalic, robots, cars crash, bullet impacts, shield, bird cry, wind, radio, snap-crunch). And take speakers that have not box shape, to have realistic sound. I am using a Yamaha receiver R-s300 with two small Paradigm that have a rounded plastic shape. Finaly, the seems to be better than the chimeric. So I will change the chimeric for it and keep all the settings and materials in this set up. Thanks SS_Dave for help.
Hi saw this forum and felt like it's worth joining. I have been into modding these consoles for many years as a hobby. I currently own 5 OG xbox's My main xbox is the xbox crystal modded with the 1.5 board replaces with a version 1.1 board, 1tb hdd, and blue leds for the controller ports. it's also running rocky5s Xbmc4gamers. my other consoles are mostly experimental, with one of them being being made for the US market, but some how in the UK, manufactured November 2001 and converted to a 240v PSU, possibly making it one of the oldest still working xboxs here in the UK, also converted to pal. I hope to learn allot from this forum and perhaps share my knowledge also.
Had many xbox's since launch and still have most of them. I've got one away atm having the xbox hdmi mod installed (its not going well). However I've finally decided to join the sata brigade and put a 2tb drive in my bedroom machine. First time i used X3 config to format the drive (F got 137gb and G the rest). Obviously after much time installing games on G: it started wiping itself. I read up, use xbpartitioner to split F and G equally (reduce size down on each by 1gb,64k clusters, reset and then return to max). All seems to have gone well. Only problem is DVD2xbox says that F has only got 128gb and G has 1.7TB. I checked xbpartitioner and shows up correct. Before i spend days installing my discs again, what have i missed. Finally, i can't believe all this love again for the OGxbox. I was gutted when xbox-scene vanished, as i loved to see the creativity of case/hardware mods etc. It all seemed to vanish with the 360.
Hi all. The OG Xbox holds a special place in my heart as it was the first console I purchased myself. Sadly, the HDD failed when I started high school. I sold all my games but I couldn’t throw the box away. I’m overjoyed to learn of the modding scene and that it’s possible to resurrect my girl from the dead. I’ve got an OpenXenium chip headed my way. Any suggestions for new HDDs and IDE adaptors would be greatly appreciated (along with any other advice). I’ll get the clock capacitor removed ASAP.
Hi, New member here and will hopefully be a first time xbox owner soon A friend is sending me a mod'd xbox to add to my collection, I have never owned or done any mods to one before so lots of learning on the horizon for me. This seemed a good place to come for info and help if required so here I am! My friend has done a bios mod to it, removed the clock cap which I understand are suicidal on these and replaced the Drive band so that saves me some work He has advised that I need to get a Hexen disc which I believe I can download from here somewhere and after that I guess there's not much to do until it gets here and I can start tinkering One thing I would like to do and maybe you guys can point me in the right direction is change the main PSU. The reason being its a US console and I am in the UK, Obviously I can run it through a transformer to reduce it to 120v but I was thinking if I could find one it may be worthwhile swapping out the entire PSU for a 240v one. Is that possible? Anyways see you on the boards
Recently found an xbox in my mother in law's basement and getting back into modding it as a hobby. Nice to be a part of the site.
Hi, new to the forums. Happy to be here. Trying to learn as much as I can about the OG Xbox since I just recently bought one online that came modded already.
Hi there, I bought my xbox in 2002, bundled with jsrf/sega gt. Modded in 2003 and never stop using it since then. Now is used by my boys to discover good old games, and by to play arcade games with the X-Arcade controller. The only things I miss are light gun games, because my crt is a 100hz one... I remember the good old days of xbox.scene, and it seems that the flame is still alive.
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