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  1. Underclocked 1ghz Xbox to 735mhz by patching the bios to 107mhz FSB (using XBoverclock by WulfyStylez). It fixed GTA Vice City and Rallisport 2, which XBEpatcher (by mwaterbu) did not manage to fix. Not sure if works for all games, but seems like it should. This probably could be loaded by Phoenix Bios Loader or can be on a modchip bank, waiting to be selected when needed.
  2. I bought an Xbox from an excellent technician — a PAL Xbox with a hardmod, Cerbios BIOS, XBMC, SATA adapter, and a 500GB HDD. I uploaded 4 games via FTP. Two of them work perfectly, while two result in a black screen. All these files run perfectly on another Xbox with an EvoX BIOS from the same technician and an IDE hard drive. The problematic games are Thief: Deadly Shadows (2.5 GB) and Curse: The Eye of Isis (500 MB). They appear in the regular XBMC menu and in dvd2xbox. These are PAL versions, and I’ve tried launching them in PAL, PAL-60, and NTSC modes — always a black screen. I’ve re-uploaded the games several times, re-extracted the files, ensured the file names are short and without special characters, and FileZilla confirms that everything is successfully transferred. The games are placed in the F folder alongside other games preinstalled on the Xbox. I’ve also tried changing the UDMA speed — nothing works. What could be causing this issue, and what can I do to resolve it? Thank you!
  3. Hiya, first time poster, long time lurker and I'm already here with an extremely specific question. Basically, I've just set up my very first OG Xbox with Cerbios and everything and I'm really happy about that but I WANT MORE. I realized that there aren't any trainers for some of the games I'm planning to play so I wanted to set up a debug environment so I can do some reversing and patching of the executables myself. Don't worry, I have a lot of experience doing this with other consoles, so it's not like I'm completely lost. My plan was to set up a dev environment on that xbox using the Easy XDK Installer, along with setting up a WinXP VM on my PC with Visual Studio 2003 and everything. Finally, I expected to be able to attach VS2003 to any process that's running on the Xbox, find where a certain games stores e.g. the current amount of money, set a data breakpoint on that address and then figure out how to patch the executable so that I would have infinite money. Surprisingly, a lot of this has worked very easily. The setup was done in under two hours and I have already identified an interesting address in one game. However, I can't seem to seta data breakpoint on that address, as VS2003 always tells me "Invalid context". Has anyone done something like this before? Do you know how to setup a data breakpoint? As far as I can tell the problem is that VS2003 expects me to set the data breakpoint on a variable. Obviously I don't have the source code so I can't work with any actual variables. Is there a workaround? This may be a stretch, but is it really not possible to just attach GDB remotely? I'm not planning on doing any actual software development, I'm really just interested in reverse engineering. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you!
  4. On the XBox, some commercial games could run third party fan-made mods (provided the XBox was modded), which was amazing. I remember games such as Morrowind, the Grand Theft Auto games, Star Was Battlefront 2, etc, supporting this. The big limitation was memory, of course, as the XBox only had 64 MB of RAM (which was also used for video RAM), but I have had my XBox upgraded to 128 MB, so I was wondering in anyone had released a patch for any of these games to allow the game to access more than 64 MB of RAM, and so allow more mods to be used with applicable games. Also, or course, fan-ported games such as Duke Nukem 3D (using 'XDuke'), Shadow Warrior (using 'ShadowX), Doom 1 and 2 (using 'Doom-X'), and I think ports of Quake 1 and 2, etc (I don't like the Quake games, so I can't speak from experience), can use third party mods, and with these ports being written specifically for the XBox, then they would see more likely to maybe receive 128 MB support upgrades. Have any of these ports been upgraded, to allow for the support of more demanding mods.
  5. I bought an OG xbox, softmodded it with Rocky5, upgraded the HDD to a 2TB Seagate Barricuda, have an 80 pin IDE adapter connected to it. I bought 10 games to start off with, to include Halo: CE (the original Halo) and Mechwarrior. I ripped all 10 games to my hard drive. I get horrible, unplayable lag when playing any game (Halo is the most noticeable). Any time I fire the weapon everything lags. I also notice that for every single game, the startup animations (The grey/white/black "Microsoft Game Studios" logo) also lags, so I don't think it's framerate dependent. Here's a link to the logo animation that I am talking about. The animation in this video is how it should look. It's smooth. On my screen (I can't upload a video, sorry), it stutters, lags, and is generally unsmooth. This animation isn't smooth at all, but just showing what I'm talking about for reference. Does this have something to do with HDMI? I am running the output to an hdmi adapter that plays on the monitor. I have tried multiple monitors and have the same problem. The only thing I haven't tried is the component to TV route, because I do not have a TV. I'm wondering if this was a waste of money. Games are unplayable from the HDD, which I thought was supposed to even speed things up. Any help would be appreciated, thank you. -R
  6. This is my last post and I will consider replacing the hard drive, but will a bad hard drive cause the game disc to not load properly at all? The only issue I be having is that when I start project Gotham racing two it won’t let me skip, but once it gets to the second part of the intro it’ll freeze until I restart the console and then start the game up again and then it’ll let me skip The in game radio and stuff will also cut out So I just wanna know y’all opinion that well a bad heart drive cause that’s even though I have the original game disc
  7. The game I’m talking about Is mech assault 2, halo 2, gta vice city etc games launch fine but audio cuts out and I only hear foot steps or driving or whatever when I die in mechassault 2 The camera just spins around consistently. no restart I don’t think it’s a bad rip at all. But I need yall help
  8. I'm lost, I can use Repackinator with the three V8 Supercars Australia games, and turn my ISO's into CCI's, yet it doesn't create a default.xbe to run it. I tried going into the Repackinator program, I have no idea how to use it, looks confusing to my simple mind! It doesn't list the V8 supercars games on it's list of games, I tried selecting the directory I have the CCI's I've made in, but have no idea what to do from there, I tried to process and it just errored. The problem I believe is I can't just extract the ISO's and put the games on my HDD, they have unsupported filenames or something that stop them working, I remember years ago there was a HDD patch for them, I can't find it on my old drives nor the internet. I'm lost as to how to get them working, any help appreciated.
  9. Hello, I'm pretty new to the Xbox scene, so I would like some help one this issue. It has been bugging me so much because no matter what I changed it still froze. I'm Running the lastest Cerbios 1024kb BIOS UDMA 2 Mode, and removed the clock capacitor. I first was trying with a cheap IDE to Sata adapter with the stock 40 wire cable. Still freezing. So I changed it to an 80 wire Manhattan brand cable, and it still froze. I checked if it was an overheating problem but it isn't, I just repasted the CPU and GPU, and the max temps showed on both UnleashX and XBMC4Gamers is 55°C CPU, and 50°C for the other probe near the MCPX. 50°CPU and 45°MB when I bumped up the fan speed to 50% on the cerbios.ini. Lastly the freezing in-game appears to be random, sometimes it takes about 30 minutes playing or idle, like today just 5 minutes. And you can also leave the xbox idle on UnleashX for like an hour and a half and you will return to a frozen xbox. I also read on another topic it could be a bad MCPX, or maybe a bad PSU, but I don't know. maybe you guys could shed some light on my problem. Thank you!!!
  10. Hi. I have 1.6 softmoded xbox, and some games wont run. Gunvalkyrie: have glitches on title screens, SEGA logo - just white screen, other logos smashed. Main menu works normal, but first cutscene broken. Black screen and the character falls behind textures and after that console just freeze. Burnout 3: console stuck on loading screen afrer the tutorial video Half_life 2: stuck on loading screen on 2% at the end of ravenholm chapter. I tryed replace HDD with new one, with chimp utility, change IDE flex cable, change regions, and nothing happens. Dashboard unleashX (xbmc4gamers same problem), videocable standart RCA Is this software problem or my console just broke? Please help me, I tried just play about like a month, and didn't finde a solution. Thanks in advance, and sorry for my english
  11. Does anyone know what would cause me to get an error saving game in PCSXBox V25, I'm using the configuration files from the 1470x Pack - PCSXbox V25 on backups, the configuration files are great and all the games I want to work go well, the only problem I've got is saving games, for example my favourite game is Lemmings and Oh No More Lemmings, If I complete a level where it lets me save, go to save game it asks me what memory card slot, and to name the save, I do this and it says error unable to save. If I change the save files folder to something like F:\psxsaves without the preconfigured config files for the game from the 1470x Pack and run in defaults it saves game fine but then I don't have the joysticks working etc. Is there some setting I need to change somewhere for save games to work using those preconfigured game settings? Thanks in advance
  12. I purchased a 1.3 board from Ebay. The 128mb upgrade was sold with installed with modchip. My problem is. Some of the games stutter when showing HIGH-END graphics. Like the Rockstar Games logo. Is this me ripping the games wrong or something ellse? Background. The boards D0 is broken. It just frags without the modchip. I solderd alternative D0 on the otherside and found that the original TSOP points are destroyed on purpose. I really wanted the Windbond chip to have the original bios or even debug bios on the original chip. Also the board is a converted NTSC to PAL. And I'm in PAL europe
  13. All are sealed! Pricecharting list Im asking $500!
  14. The xbox cracking scene released quite a few hdd fixes and patches for games.. These are normally just patches to run on default.xbe's. I wonder if anyone here have a collection of those to share. I am especially looking for r-fchdfix ( fight club hdd fix from Riot (ntsc) ) and a hdd fix for shin megami tensei nine.
  15. Hi there. I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge of modding the OG Xbox. I've started collecting consoles and just bought an old modded OG Xbox on eBay. It has a silver toggle switch on the back, which enables/disables the mod chip. It's the version 1.0 OG Xbox. When I load it up it goes into the EvoX front end. When I go to the list of games, it shows quite a few on there. However, when I select one, it starts to load, and then resets back to the main modded menu. I've tried several random games on the list. Strangely though, ONLY the Monopoly game runs. I have also added more games via FTP linking but they do the same thing. I've added some photos and videos to illustrate the problem – https://imgur.com/a/i-bought-used-modded-og-xbox-games-on-wont-load-B3NYfcQ I believe the modchip installed is Akira v1 as shown in the photos. FYI, I removed the dead clock capacitor when I opened it up, and cleaned up any leakage which was minimal. All I want to do is run backup games. If the modchip is dead, I wondered if I could remove or just disable it via the silver switch at the back and then apply a softmod, such as the newest ENDGAME exploit, using the Rocky5 Xbox Softmodding Tool. I realise this might not be the way to go though. Any ideas? Do I need to check the bios? Or is this Xbox just no good? Thanks in advance for any help.
  16. Hello. Does anyone know where to go to get XBOX Save Games (UDATA/TDATA) other than GameFaqs? Note: These are SAVED GAMES for Original XBOX. I asked this over a year ago and seeing if there is any updates... I’m primarily looking for Racing Games so I can unlock all cars, courses, tracks, etc. Ideally, they would be NTSC version of games. These two sites have a lot of Saves Games but I am wondering if anyone has a collection or another site they can refer? Thanks! https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/xbox/category/999-all https://legacy.downloads.diomtec.com/homebrew/warchives/xbox-saves/
  17. As the title says, there are many Xbox games out there that don't have a trainer. Does anyone out there have the knowledge required to create them? IIRC they originally were only made by a couple of small teams back in the day and it seemed that the creation process was kinda kept in house. With all the homebrew etc that been created over the years no one has ever seemed to take on the task of creating any of the missing trainers, Is it such a huge undertaking that it's not worth the effort or is there specific equipment needed (a devkit etc) to make them? I have zero coding knowledge myself so would struggle to produce anything even if the step by step instructions were under my nose
  18. Is UnleashX purposely restarting when attempting to add icons to the Xbox games list, or is there a potential issue with the software causing this behavior?
  19. Price is £450 roughly €531.35 roughly $568.69 Worldwide postage UK postage is £19 European postage is £52 , €61.40 Rest of world is £60 , $75.82 Payment using PayPal friends and family or direct bank transfer. Posted using Royal mail special delivery tracked. - video of dashboard and game https://youtu.be/ZuqVQGjiZso - MakeMhz HD+ installed for 480, 720 and 1080 HDMI output directly from the xbox. Direct digital video to TV with no lag. - Output resolution depends on the game. - 873 xbox games installed. - Full list of games at; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13iIkqvOGbBIjKKRK9LlJaX-uMq9POzIBSDXzHZ8R1qo - With official xbox S gamepad - Case fan replaced with a quieter Noctua fan. - New five meter HDMI included. - Power cable included. - Case and controller S fully disassembled and washed in sink. Controller cable and one thumb stick replaced. - CPU and GPU thermal paste replaced. - DVD drive cleaned, re-greased with new belt. Tested and working. - The rubber on the controller sticks has light wear. - Case is in good to condition with some light marks. - OpenXenium with Cerbios 2.3.2 alpha bios installed. - In Xbmc4Gamers use the d-pad for menu navigation. - HD+ settings can be changed by booting xbox using the eject button and using the PrometheOS settings, or launching C:\ElpisHD\default.xbe through file manager. - Xbox games with support for high definition or enhanced definition output; https://consolemods.org/wiki/Xbox:Games_with_Alternate_Display_Modes - In game reset button combinations; Reset game = left and right trigger + start + black Back to dash = left and right trigger + start + back Soft reset = left and right trigger + black + back Shutdown = left and right trigger + d-pad up + back - Some games might have graphical issues when using I.G.R. back to dash and playing another game. It is recommended to power cycle when switching games. - Megadrive and SNES emulators installed with games. - Several homebrew games installed. - Power on xbox with eject button to access XeniumOS boot menu. - DVD2Xbox can be used to backup games from disc. - For questions please ask in #xbox https://discord.gg/QRcXapTC
  20. I try to install games to Xbox . Dvd2xbox wouldn't launch so I connected the console to my PC to transfer the files and reinstall the dvd2xbox application. Transfer is normal no issues by nothing starts . Neither the HDD ready games I had and most the dvd2xbox . I tried music videos and work perfect every time . Tried to transfer other dashboards like unx emustastion xbmc and all work fine. The issues are always with games and dvd2xbox application . I downloaded "HDD ready" from an archive to further test if maybe my files are bad but same. Tested different versions of dvd2xbox same . In all launchers it just goes black and I have to reboot
  21. I love this skin, so. there's a way to edit xml to xbox boot directly into GAMES tab, i mean, i rarely use any of the other tabs...
  22. Hi everyone, I just bought a hardmodded PAL XBOX one year ago with 2TB HDD full of games, I haven't had the chance to test all of the games yet, but there are some games that I tried and couldn't load them of the HDD. 1- Conflict Desert storm 2 NTSC: Although I changed the region of the console using ENIGMA to NTSC, but this particular game when trying to load it, ot skips all the logos and vidoes at the beginning and goes straight to the main menu, and when trying to start a new game I get an error that the disk is dirty or something like this, tried to download another version from VIM'S LAYER with the same issue, the PAL version worked. The odd thing about this game is when I tried also to play it on my modded PAL XBOX 360 at gave me the same error, but worked ok with my other modded NTSC XBOX 360. 2- TAZ WANTED: Freeze at the first loading screen 3- Loons: Also freeze after starting new game 4- Tomb raider Legends: No intro video, I suspected that it might be due to the game being NTSC, tried to look for the PAL version but only found that this game has one version for NTSC and PAL. That' all I tested so far, had problems also with 007 Nightfire, and 007 Everything or nothing but all was solved when I swithed the region to NTSC with ENIGMA. Any help or any ideas regarding the above ?
  23. I've been doing a crazy amount of research, and thanks to how scattered information is, I decided to ask for a "definitive" answer: What is the best way of loading games onto an Xbox? While I know there are varying definitions of "best" I'm mostly referring to compatibility (no random breakage) and file size (as small as possible.) I initially assumed that CCI was the best, but due to Repackinator refusing to compress my redump ISOs (unless it was via context menu, but then I had no default.xbe), I looked into the other two methods (XISO and extracted files in a folder) I personally find it easiest for me to just extract everything with XDVDMulleter and drop it onto my HDD, with the few test games I've used work seemingly perfect, I can't help but wonder if any issues can come from this method?
  24. I'm having a strange issue. I flashed my TSOP with EvoX M8 plus and upgraded to a larger 120 gig IDE drive. I used FatXplorer to create a "games" folder in the F partition and moved some games over. I can see the games in UnleashX and EvolutionX dashboards, but they won't launch from the file explorer. The xbox just boots back to the dashboard. I can't launch from the games tab either. I used the same 2020 TruHexen disk that I used for my 1st xbox. The SATA drive on that xbox works fine on all my xboxes, but the IDE drive simply will not launch any games in my TSOP xbox or two other openXenium xboxes. I've used multiple 40 pin and 80 pin cables, and I've reformatted the drive multiple times. Is it possible that FatXplorer isn't functioning correctly and I need to FTP the games over? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm running into a similar issue with another SATA drive. I'll create a "games" folder in the F partition with FatXplorer, but that partition looks completely empty from file explorer. Why on earth can't I properly format two drives, load games onto them with FatXplorer, and launch games from them? I don't understand why it worked in the past and now it's not working. I need ideas.
  25. I was verifying every app works with Cerbios BFM, and Xored looks as if it is displaying some sort of code, instead of populating the game list. It only allows me to press Dpad Up and LT/RT to scroll up. No other buttons work. I've deleted the app and downloaded a fresh copy from Gamers downloader, as well as restoring a backup from a Rocky softmodded xbox. All display this mess. Is BFM modifying the paths, and if so, can I change it to work correctly? I checked Xored.ini and compared against a known working version, and they're identical.

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