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Found 11 results

  1. Is UnleashX purposely restarting when attempting to add icons to the Xbox games list, or is there a potential issue with the software causing this behavior?
  2. Hi there, Is there a method to view screenshots in a gallery format from the xbmc4gamers dashboard similar to XBMC4Xbox? I've been using the screenshot feature in StellarOS and I'd like an easy way to manage and view my screenshots on the Xbox from the dashboard. So far I can view images one by one in Xbmc4gamers if I use the file explorer, but that's not ideal. Specifically I am looking for something that can show many thumbnails at once I'm not sure what was removed in this fork (since this focuses on the game experience), but I see config options in the xml files to <picture> tags. I can add paths there, but it doesn't do anything when I configure it since the XBMC4GAMERS dashboard only shows "program" entries. Unless I'm missing something. The PDF manual doesn't really mention anything about viewing images in this way. Thanks! Edit: or if anyone knows of a gallery app that I can launch to view thumbnails and manage them, that would work as well.
  3. I've been in the process of preserving my entire DVD movie collection in ISO format. Coincidentally, I stopped growing my collection about the same time the OG Xbox reached the end of its lifecycle - circa 2006. I realize this approach probably isn't going to be for everybody, as many have moved on to MKVs and Plex, etc. For me, however.. I'm still chasing that vision I had almost 20 years ago, of having all those movies accessible from a beautiful carousel menu, complete with artwork and synopsis - exactly like we have our games in XBMC4Gamers today! I'm able to play these movies perfectly from the File Manager already, but I need help understanding how to make them show up in XBMC4Gamers menu, just like if they were game discs. I think I need to create custom XBEs that link to the DVDs main IFO? Maybe there is even a script I can tweak to automate the process? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I'm hoping to leverage some of the current Kodi scripts to help pull in all the artwork and other data. In case that doesn't work out, I'm prepared to do it all by hand. If anyone is already working on something similar and would like to collaborate, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'll be doing about 800 movies myself, and I'm happy to share a complete pack with all the artwork and everything when it's done.
  4. The HD Pack cable had optical, so I know there are traces I can hook up a port to on the motherboard, logically. I swear I saw a guide on this on xbox-scene like, 15 years ago, but no tutorials exist anymore. I will keep looking, but if anybody has the answer, I would appreciate some insight.
  5. Hello Friends I'm configuring Ninja Ultimate and I wondered how I can update / add emulators to it. For example the PCSXbox reloaded uses hardware acceleration so I wanted to change use it instead. For example, I can see AtariXL.xbe and defaultAXL.xbe. I presume the latter is a shortcut to the former which is AtariXLbox modded for Coinops? OR, is this calling the XBE under my F:\Emulators folder I have been searching for days to try to find info and everything points to the PC versions these days. Thanks in advance
  6. Unsure how to install roms for my emulators in xmbc4gamers
  7. I`m trying to add a ZX81 emulator to emustation (xzx81b2) added zx81 folder to emulator and roms. added emulator and roms Emustation scans them makes a playlist ect.. but doesnt appear on the carousel?? Is there any way to add your own systems to emustation?
  8. I successfully set up XBMC Emustation and now I'm wondering which emulators are the best for each system- any ideas greatly appreciated. Thanks
  9. HI all im new to this modding scene and have just installed a aladdin 4032 in my xbox. after a lot of failure and frustration it finally went my way and im now on the look out for new stuff to add. I was just wondering is there any add ons for the aladdin like the old xecuter chips?
  10. I've got a little over 100 games that i've FTP'd to my xbox. I downloaded and resized covers to use for icons. I can add them manually to about half of them but once I get so far through the list, UnleashX will restart and then when I go back into the games list some of the ones I've added are gone. Is there a better way to do this? Am I doing something wrong? I'm just kinda puzzled that it's working perfectly for about the first 50 games and then I get this issue
  11. By soundtracks I mean the ability to have games play the music using the custom soundtrack feature a lot of games have. I'm sure we all know how to put music on. I had this issue since I can't burn CDs. I figured there would be a way to FTP but, it isnt as simple as FTPing to the correct directory in the proper format. The information on how to do this is out there, but it did take a little while to get a working method. A lot of the programs don't work on windows 10 etc etc. Well this method using Xbox Soundtrack Editor 0.97 works great, and is easy/fast. So I just made a quick video on how to do it. Mainly just so it is easier for people to stumble across the existing information. Xbox Soundtrack Editor v0.97.zip

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