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Everything posted by nikeymikey

  1. Will need to source some art for the game, will take a look around later if I get a chance. If you can link me to any then that would be a big help and I can then make a resources pack.
  2. Anyone going to build these? Id buy one with a nice 3d printed case
  3. Its a full set in that it has at least one version of every game released. If I had included all the foreign language games then I would of had MANY complaints saying the exact opposite of what you said. I did contemplate adding them but as the VAST MAJORITY of users would prefer not to have them I decided against it. A lot of PAL releases contain multi language anyway. Plus as @Dempsey_86 says there was usually some form of censorship IF a German release was made. Better to have the main PAL release every time imo if you must insist on not having the NTSC version. Also consider the fact that many German, French etc people also do speak and read English very well as a second language. That is correct however I did add a couple of the alternate releases from the Repackinator Alt database, but only as I already had the files downloaded for personal use.
  4. As you are using Cerbios, try a CCI file of the game and see if that works for you.
  5. Nice!!! I have grabbed this already, whether i will actually ahave ause for it we shall see but great work anyway @Bowlsnapper & @sweetdarkdestiny. Glad to see you two working together
  6. Nice work! I will give this a try later. I know it takes a lot of work to port these games and that's after their source code has been decompiled. Thanks for your time and effort
  7. Ah no i thought you were talking about the extracted HDD incompatible games. However the games that are not compatible with CCI are not necessarily the ones that have issues when running extracted. Bowl posted a list of most of the HDD incompatible games earlier in this thread. I will add Furious Karting and Frankie Detorri Racing to his list. If you look at the compat list below for CCI you will see that all those games run fine as CCI. The issues they have are related to being converted to CCi or with Cerbios, not a long filename error or similar. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vSewa5ynfmFC6Dg9FeF9nBF511dGgHc6VwtmR5AH3yyba-bqXO2OAvR-_xxPSLk84xCiM8LxntTYzHX/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true
  8. ??? Running them as ISO or CCi eliminates the need to actually burn a disc AND the need to rip to the hdd. 2 steps less so is a lot simpler.
  9. Hey Bowl... My 2 cents on having a full ISO collection over HDD ready.... Wasted HDD space. I know you read the thread about cluster size and small files etc, as you replied in it I'm now running a 6TB drive with a full CCi set... with FatXplorer it takes a few mins to connect up the drive extract the file and mod a game, that way I ALWAYS have a backup of the original files and can have both the original and modded game on the drive. They show up under different folders on my XBMC. I also get that with huge drives now available to use the space issue is not such a problem but for those who aren't going down the HUGE HDD route this is important knowledge as it could be the difference bewteen getting everything they want on the drive or not. My old 2TB setup had extracted games for everything EXCEPT those that had issues AND those that had 100s/1000s of tiny files, These were ISO files and this combo enabled me to get a full USA set plus PAL/JAPAN exclusives on the 2TB drive. The only games I missed off were all but 1 of the Club Football variants as those were all the same game just branded differently.
  10. Use FatXplorer on a PC and you can view the HDD in windows explorer just like any other drive. Then you will be able to see the space wasted. You will need to use a USB adapter of some sort unless you have a spare SATA port on your motherboard. FatXplorer is the SINGLE best PC based Xbox utility created in the last 20 years imo.
  11. The big benefit with using ISO/CCI is that it is just 1 or 2 files on the HDD. When you have an extracted game you have potentially 100's or 1000's of files, these files can sometimes be just a few kb in size. The issue with this is down to the cluster size used on the HDD. Its very likely that many of these files are smaller than the size of the HDD cluster. Therefore each small file will take up 1 cluster each, which when you have a lot of games can result in a lot of wasted space. Some games are better optimised than others and will not have this issue, but there are many that do. There are also a few games that will not run form an extracted rip due to filenames being to long, these normally need to be patched (not all can be) and running them from an ISO/CCI just works straight up without any issues or patching required. I recently swapped all my consoles over form extracted rips to CCI files (minus the handful that have compatibility issues) and have not looked back since. This topic here goes into the HDD cluster size thing in a bit more detail
  12. See attached. This is from the official Artwork Installer that is downloadable from within XBMC4Gamers. Nintendo Pokemon Mini.zip
  13. Enigmah XML has been fixed, thanks for noticing the error As far as XCAT goes if there is some existing art/logo that can be used to create a cover then I can knock something up. Point me it and ill take a look.
  14. Are you using a BFM bios because you have softmodded 1.6 consoles? Have you considered going down a hardmod route instead?
  15. IF you can source me some artwork to go on I can knock up some covers easy enough. Dont have the time to run around looking for source art right now tho... Do the discs follow a theme? IS there any disc scan sets anywhere?
  16. So does it replace X3config live on the chip? Or can they be installed alongside each other for the best of both worlds??
  17. I feel your pain. We only got Fibre installed in our street in Jan, had 80mbps max download before then. Now have a nice 1gbps up and down
  18. Bumping this, Currently seeded by 2 webseeds but they wont be around forever!!!

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