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  1. I've always hated how the word XBOX is on the console twice. On the top Jewel and DVD Drive. I'm just weird that way I guess. If it had like, the OG XBOX X Orb thing that would be sick, and I would wanna try and replace it with that. But...uh...how do I make a Jewel? I know how to replace one, just not make one. Any help? And below is the thing I wanna replace it with.
  2. This thread will demonstrate how the xbox jewel can be removed, and in a pair of follow-up posts how a hole for it can be made on the xbox cover, all in a very low-tech manner. I'm not confident enough to call these tutorials, but they may be helpful. First: removing the jewel. I grab a couple feet of dental floss and stuff it under the edge of the jewel with a card or what have you. Then I dribble some rubbing alcohol down there, because in my experience rubbing alcohol acts as a mild solvent on the adhesive pad thingy underneath. Whatever helps. By the way it was another modder, not me, who invented the floss method. I start flossing while keeping the arms of the floss in that letter U shape. I'm going to add more alcohol in a minute and re-position the floss at the other side of the jewel then continue working it. After a while the floss approaches the middle of the jewel and it starts to bind, that's when I add some mineral oil to lubricate everything. Pretty much any type of oil will do though. The whole mess starts to look like this... Getting farther in, the floss wants to bind again despite the oil. I don't want it to snap. I lift one of its arms to a 90 degree angle and slowly work the floss back into action. Eventually the jewel is off. This took maybe 10 minutes.
  3. So I've been doing a bit of research to try and find out more about this OG Xbox Halo 2 Edition I have - it's a Ice Blue Halo 2 Release edition with the Black Xbox logo on the top "Black jewel" I beleive it's refered to. Some sites I have found (https://gamingdoc.org/) & (https://consolemods.org/) - list the serial numbers as both: 2NNNNNN 51805 , 2NNNNNN 50805 Are these internal board Serial Numbers? The xbox is still in it's plastic bag packaging so I'm not going to open it to check but on the stick externally - it has 4044117 51505 :SERIAL NO. & 241 4044117 51505 :PRODUCT ID Does anyone know anything more about this? Like can I confirm the unit I have is actually the Xbox Halo 2 Edition from Asia ? (PAL) I'm in Australia so it's likely from the Asian Market. Considering it's still in it's plastic bag sealed - Are these things considered rare still? Thanks in advance for any info anyone can provide me with! I'll attach the photos I have in the next comment from my phone.
  4. is it possible to use something like this for the jewel lighting. https://www.amazon.com/Qasim-White-Circle-Headlight-Plastic/dp/B078Y6MFNB/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=80mm+led+ring+light&qid=1600998204&sr=8-4 Thought it would give a nice even light. i know its more than just a diy leds but for new people like me would be easy and quick
  5. I found this and thought it would potentially make a nice jewel backlight. They are paper thin, 10cm x 10cm EL panels. They are cheap and simple. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000511081220.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.3cc67ef9BTKbRB&algo_pvid=70858ccc-5276-4812-92bf-166bf11b0c47&algo_exp_id=70858ccc-5276-4812-92bf-166bf11b0c47-8&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000019280130651"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!CAD!!12.2!!!!!%402101d91e16555800182977430ed7b3!12000019280130651!sea There is a little inverter for the panel, but its small enough to fit behind the harddrive. Its powered by the extra molex connector on the startech ide to sata board. They come in 3.3v, 5v, and 12v. I got a few 5v panels, and a few 12v panels, since thats the available power from the molex. I thought maybe 12v would be brighter, but no, its the same. The panels are all the same. Its only the inverter that is different. Some 12v panels I ordered came with a slightly larger inverter that will not fit in behind the harddrive. So, if you order one of these, make sure its the small inverter that is included.
  6. FOR SALE! $35 +shipping from USA. Most in very good condition, except where noted. All NTSC List of games with original jewel case and manual booklet included, except where noted: Arena Football Call of Duty Finest Hour The Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay Crimson Skies *Water damage to jewel cover and insert* Conflict; Desert Storm Conflict; Desert Storm (Platinum Hits) Deus Ex Invisible War Dead of Alive 3 Enter the Matrix (Platinum Hits) Goldeneye Rogue Agent Halo Hitman 2 Madden 2008 Mercenaries *Jewel plastic slightly warped* Medal of Honor Frontline Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition *Jewel plastic is very warped* Midtown Madness 3 NBA Live 2002 NCAA Football 2005 / Top Spin NCAA Football 2008 NFL Fever 2002 Project Gotham Racing *Missing booklet* Project Gotham Racing Project Gotham Racing 2 Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War Splashdown *Missing booklet* Spider-Man Unreal Championship Discs only, come in Xbox disc holder: 007 Agent Under Fire Amped Arctic Thunder Circus Maximums Chariot Wars Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX Enter the Matrix ESPN Basketball Ghost Recon Hulk Lord of the Kings Return of the King Myst III Exile Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee Project Gotham Racing Project Gotham Racing Rallisport Challenge (Platinum Hits) Splinter Cell SWAT Global Strike Team Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 Wreckless The Yakuza Missions Other: Halo 2 case and booklet with no disc Top Spin case, booklet, and disc, but disc is scratched and having issues
  7. Hi guys, I posted this on a few xbox groups and thought i'd share it here too. I basically remove the jewel, use a dremel to make a circular hole where the jewel was and then attached a round 800 x 800 pixel (3.4") lcd. The video is provided by a small media player such as the Sumvision Cyclone +2 but i am also going to set it up with a raspberry pi zero to save space. Using the small media player means having to lose the dvd rom due to space confinements. The interface between the lcd and media player is a HDMI to MIPI pcb with 50 pin flat ribbon cable, you can find them on most china electronics websites. The video is just some boot videos i found and stitched together. This media player can loop playback on start up provided the video is placed in a folder in the root of an SD card or USB stick named AUTOPLAY
  8. HI, I bought the Halo 2 jewel from Chimeric system and would like to know if I must use super glue or is there another way to fix it nicely? The top case is ready with original jewel removed, I used sand paper and added a bit of spray paint to cover any scratches. Thanks,
  9. Jet Set Radio Future Jewel or or Megaman Servbot Jewel? Whichever one I choose I'll be making a slim build with the color theme.
  10. This is a brief guide on how to change your jewel color. There are a few different ways to do this. There is NO quick and easy way to do ot that doesn't risk damaging your jewel. What you need Brasso or similar metal polish. A rag or polishing cloth some type of candle if you want to paint it then paint, color of your choice. and a whole lot of time/ Elbow Grease. First You'll have to take your jewel off your console, Not gonna explain this because there are several different methods that you can find elsewhere. Once you have your jewel off you'll need to clean the Black goop off. I forgot to get pictures of this part, But all i do is rub it with a clean dry cloth with my thumb till its all gone. Then you'll need to rub some candle wax into the letters of the jewel so you don't remove the chrome paint.. After that's done you'll need to get to work with the brasso. Its very time consuming (Took me about 2 or 3 hours working on and off) Just keep rubbing (Think of dory) lol Keep going!! I didn't get a picture of it once it was all clear, But you get the idea, Right? After you get all the green off you want to run the jewel under some Hot water to remove the wax, (I used some dish soap and a SOFT brush to help work it out faster.) After its dry you can keep it clear or add some paint of your chosen color. once its dried you can glue it back onto your console and Enjoy all your hard work..

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