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Hello all. I'm a hobbyist game developer who usually writes games for the Dreamcast (using BennuGD) and my PC-powered arcade machine at home, but recently ported one of my Dreamcast games to the OG Xbox. Thought I'd pop in and say hi before posting a link to the game, if anyone wants to try it out. I've had my Xbox since 2003, and recently pimped it out further with a 2TB hard drive. I'm hoping to port more games soon. Take care!

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On 12/28/2024 at 3:23 AM, PRince404 said:

If you ever find yourself wondering what to port next, then here is a good list:


Above my pay grade, I'm afraid. My games and ports are all based on scripting languages with runtimes, and my C/C++ knowledge has diminished in my old age (MAME for DOS being the last thing I worked on in C as part of that team, circa 1999). My 3D math is a bit lacking as well. I *am* working on my own 3D engine at the moment, however, although that's based on scaling sprites a la late 80s-early 90s sprite-driven games (Outrun, etc.), and am currently learning and applying the math to my own algorithms.

I guess I should have said, "I'm hoping to port more *of my* games soon." This is something I plan on doing.

Edited by FusekiGames
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