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  1. Hello and greetings all. I know this is a OG XBox forum but I trust this website and the people on it. I've been given an XBox One free. It has a small power issue with the heat-sink and not turning on. (FIXED) I want to push this device as far as I can go. Hard mod the device, soft mod the OS. I have no concern if I brick the console, I want to strip it down and max-out anything I can on it. Any reliable trusted information will be much appreciated Thank you.
  2. As the title says, I have a Xbox v1.6 modded with a DuoX2 Hyundai chip that I haven't used for years and now I get no TV-signal. I then remembered I could start it without the chip by starting it with the open button. Then I did get a working TV-signal so my problem seem chip related. One time when I tried to start I think the xbox ring blinked green and red, but now it always look normal green. I am basically a comlete nuub when it comes to electronics but I do have a soldering iron etc including a multimeter so I'm ready to try some CPR. I did clean some goo from the mod chip between the switch and the chips, but can those even leak something? Most of what you see in the image as white is reflection of light and not that worn out from cleaning with a q-tip and isopropanol. I pulled the switch back and forth a few times to clean dust from it and make sure it has a good connection. The chip blinks red once every second but I read that this is normal for this chip when it runs. The thought have crossed me to try to boot it switched the other way just to see what happens, but that is for lower versions of the motherboard I believe and I had never opened the xbox before so it should be in the right position. The motherboard seems fine too me. No leakages and all its capacitors look fine to me. I have the golden clock capacitor which seems to be in good condition. However the PSU Delta D capacitors may be leaking, or are those just some production markings? Looks a bit like some pen mark. The big capacitor have a surface difference on top due to my cleaning. I didn't want to clean it where it seems to have a blue stain before the photo so it is the blue stain I am wondering about. If they are leaking I suppose new capacitors or a new psu could perhaps solve my problems? I read that one thing I could try is to use some flux and resolder the mod chip but since I'm a bit inexperienced I don't want to do it if I don't have to so I don't make a worse mess. But I just came to think of the fact that the entire chip can be tilted in it's socket on the motherboard. I dont know if it is supposed to fit that loose in the socked or if that socket is the problem? I also read about a similar problem where it was recommended to try to reinstall bios in the mod chip by using a separate working chipped xbox and switch the chip just before install, but buying a working chipped xbox kind of defeats the purpose of fixing my old one. I suppose I can't install bios on the chip if I start it from without the chip by using the open button to power on and it would be difficult to install bios without a working TV-signal I guess. Any helpful thoughts on where I should start? Are the PSU capacitors busted so I should start there or should I just get a new mod chip or what would you suggest? Just buying a new chip don't seem that easy either though.
  3. Hi my xbox 1.1 schows randomly blackscreen while gaming. I used Alladin knockoff with cerbios 2.3.1 udma4 on I had to repair the A trace. I tried Black, Futurama in cci I am right now trying stubs as the files could that help? the blackscreen only comes when playing a game. edit2: stubz just froze
  4. hello, i like XBMC dash, but it's not working so good anymore, after i had it in a shoppingbag/plasticbag. it was sandwiched between my laptop and a ps3 on the other side again, and i put the plasticbag on the asphalt, and it tipped over. after that i've had this glitching in the video feed especially when i turn it on and it's cold, but after 30 minutes of runtime it works... smoothly like before. also it only affects the XBMC dash, and it's video playing, if i launch an other dash or a game, it works as normal with no glitching or whatever its called. i can launch a game through XBMC immediately after starup and it will work fine. i recently tried reinstalling the XBMC dash through the slayers autoinstaller dvd, but to no help. well it worked fine immediately after the install, but then it's back to this again. any ideas? i have a video of what is going on: https://www.bitchute.com/video/JIWfuhlw3O3k/
  5. I have a pal og xbox softmodded connected to a xedusa I can not get any game to load in any other resolution but 480i or 576i with both pal and ntsc games through hdmi or component running on the ossc. I would like to get this working any help would be appreciated I tried to enter high def mode no luck
  6. So my plan is to design an aftermarket original xbox case that keeps all the original components (mainboard with heatsinks, controller ports, dvd rom, psu, hdd, etc) with the possible exception of the rear fan and metal shielding. To achieve this I have been 3d modelling all of the internals to ensure everything fits. I have some ideas on the style I want to go for but have some questions. 1. Should I include a place to mount an lcd/oled? 2. Would you want to keep the xbox jewel? 3. Hdd/lan activity leds? 4. Any other requests Once I have some feedback the most popular features will be integrated. For now here are some of the 3d modelled components (to scale)
  7. Hi, i´m Stef from Germany and recently got my hands on a apperantly "half"- working Classic XBOX for free, MFD 2005. Since almost nothing was included (no AVIF Adapter, Cables of the Controllers were cut and are not available), I removed the AVIF-Socket and tried to get at least a Composite output on Pins 21&23 by bridging Pins 11&12 in order to select Mode 2 (both seen from the underside of the PCB). I have no signals on any Video Output Pin except for Scart Blanking. The Box starts up, LED turns solid green, Powerbutton opens the DVD tray, box turns automatically off after some time of inactivity. Before i made the 11&12-Bridge to select the mode, the Box started to Flash Green/Red after some time, so at least it recognizes the Mode settings and acts accordingly. Likewise it could be a fried BIOS, but i have some electronics experience (small analog Oscilloscope in 10 MHz Range, a 8 Channel Logic Analyzer and Fluke MM is available) and i´d like to check the Signal Flow / In-out of the - i assume - Video Converter Chip straight below of the AVIF-Plug. Is there any pinout description for this specific IC available or any additional documentation regarding signalling on the board available? Caps seem to be ok, Voltages are in their specific range. Fiddling around with heat in order to detect a loose IC connection or pressing on the board on some areas doesnt´t change anything. Thank you very much! Best regards Stef
  8. Is there an OG XBOX fault tree / repair guide out there somewhere? I know its hard or near impossible to record or prep every possible scenario, but Going through this XBOX repair of mine I've found a lot of threads, youtube videos, and suggestions from you amazing folks, but nothing comprehensive on the repair side except an electrician who does some otherworldly stuff trying to determine the fault with a power supply. I know about the XBOX repair guide, but that doesn't have a fault tree like I envision. Not saying a fault tree doesn't exist, just that I haven't come across one. Since I'm trying to track down the Gremlin in my own XBOX and currently the Gremlin is winning, I thought through the process I would document what was done, and add in what could have been done so that it can be a resource for others, especially those new to the community, should -they suffer the same fate. Again if one exists I don't want to re-create the wheel. My XBOX knowledge is banal, so I would be relying on this community to keep me on the correct path, but I'd be willing to organize the thing if you all think it would be a worthwhile endeavor. For example, first thing would be power on Y/N. If No, swap power cords. -> No change ->check fuse functionality-> check plug solder joints. I'll attach a pic of a concept I quickly jotted down probably about a 10% complete, haven't thought it through too much or put any time into it since I don't know if its even needed -- and definitely not saying its the right way or the steps are even in order, but its a concept. On the left side is a descriptive fault check pathway, on the right is the traditional fault tree. Let me know if you think something like this would be value added.
  9. Howdy! Long time follower of the forums and this is my first post ever on the site. Finally got me a modded original NTSC Xbox from eBay after years of not owning one. Loving it! Mostly playing Halo2 on XLinkKai. My only issue with it is that who ever modded it and sold it to me on eBay removed the iconic classic flubber intro boot, all it has is just this blame and dull blue Xbox logo during boot and nothing else. Looking to see if there is anyway I can get the flubber screen back? I know it's something to do with the BIOS, just haven't found any leads in what to do and all the information i used to frequent back in the day on isozone is gone and anything I find is obscure with no clear information or instructions and I'm afraid to mess anything up with out some kind guidance on the procedure. I'd really appreciate the help or any kind lead. Thanks in advance!
  10. i have a hardmodded og xbox made in 2005 with a upgraded 120g hdd. the hdd is worn down recently and disk error ocuur from time to time. so i want to replace the hdd. i purchased a 120g IDE hdd made in 2000s, but it has never been used. i disconnet the old hdd and connect the new one to my console, drop the hexen 2018 disc into dvd drive, power on the console. it is supposed the hexen will detect the unpartitioned hdd and display something like this but actually, the screen is stuck at this: if i replace this new hdd with the old ones(both the original 8G HDD or the 120G HDD which i have used many years), the hexen UI can appear within 30 seconds, so it is unlikely that the hexen dvd is problematic. So what may be the cause of the stuck scrren when connected with the new HDD?
  11. XBOX 1.2 TSOP flashed with Cerbios that will power up and run for about 2 minutes and then just powers itself off Hit power button again and it powers on right away. This time it stays on for less time...and each iteration of this powers it on for less time than previously until its only on for 15 seconds or so After I let it sit for a half day, it'll run again for a couple minutes and then exhibit the same behavior. This occurs regardless if the DVD is connected during power on sequence (have DVD check bypassed in Cerbios). This sounds like a classic Cap issue...or could it be a power supply issue? To rule out one or the other, what is the easiest way to determine what is giving/causing the power off signal? Thanks!
  12. When downloading any packages to your computer there is still a default .xbe in them. and all Xbox apps/games have a default.xbe they have to or you cannot ever launch anything Instead of a .exe which the computer reads for launching programs and apps, the xbox has a .XBE XBOX Executable. The XB stands for XBOX and the E stands for executable. Anyway I downloaded the Gamers - Emustation Artwork Stuff from the following link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1a3ZaFTuuu5L7lDbnOjmA5tlHhrwpWFKC?usp=sharing Which is the link found in this topic: I am now going to copy and paste an exact quote from the Topic Creator: Yet there isn't a single default.xbe anywhere in that package which means there is no possible way to run the installer at all. Furthermore the xbox reads the following extensions for images png - jpg - tbn - bmp (The proper dashboard still has to be used as some dashboards cannot read certain image files.) Anyway after looking through the package, there isn't any proper file extensions for the xbox to read either. Someone needs to create the proper picture formats so the dashboards can read it and say what dashboard those pictures go with, place those pics in the properly named folder, .rar that folder, and uploaded it. All someone needs to do then is download it, unpack the .rar file, and copy the folder that has all the pictures in it, onto the proper section of the xbox. Right now there isn't even a way to run any of this off a disk or the HDD. it's a complete shit show with no clear simple easy instructions. I shouldn't have to still connect the xbox to the net to download what I already have just to get it to run. This whole thing is a major and complex mess.
  13. painted it with a primer coat of white and then some white gloss "protectic enamel" (all spray paint). and i put an led light strip that i had under my bed. can change the color with a remote. iv got a brand new IDE HDD im probly gonna throw in it. 160gb. or maybe a 2tb i havnt decided yet. also want to get a dremal and try out some window mods on another console or a 360. my video of the leds wont upload IMG_0221.3gp IMG_0221.3gp
  14. This Xbox had one issue of being placed in a different case and shorting. I replaced the faulty 2T transistor and all was working. Voltages were normal on all rails. I then was getting glitchy video on composite cable so I changed the large caps on the board and the video issue went away. It powered on and work fine all day. Even would power cycle multiple times without issue and run stable with any game I threw at it or just stay running for hours. The next day it would not power on at all. I changed the two large output caps on the PSU and reseated the modchip and it booted and ran perfectly so I played Doom3 for a few hours without issue. Shutdown normally. Next day it would not power on again.
  15. Howdy! Long time follower of the forums and well this is my first post ever on the site. Finally got me a modded original NTSC Xbox from eBay after years of not owning one. Loving it! Mostly playing Halo2 on XLinkKai. My only issue with it is that who ever modded it and sold it to me on eBay removed the iconic classic flubber intro boot, all it has is just this blame and dull blue Xbox logo during boot and nothing else. I mean it's cool and I guess, but anyway I can get the flubber screen back? Kind of a sucker for the nostalgia, also figure this would be an excellent way to find my way around the machine and get familiar w the different types of software and methods. I know it's something to do with the BIOS, just haven't found any leads in what to do and all the information i used to frequent back in the day is gone or anything I find is obscure with no instructions and I'm afraid to mess anything up with out guidance. I'd really appreciate the help or any kind leads for this little "project". Thanks in advance! Keep the OG Xbox scene alive
  16. Good night, I need help about the original Xbox Cromwell, my card is 1.6 and every time I start the Xromwell the screen is full of lines and the control stops working, I've tried changing the resolution to 480i and it still crashes I still don't know what it is. Could this be a BIOS issue?
  17. I found my old Xbox OG in a cupboard and decided I fancied getting it out and playing some old games I had. It boots up to the old dashboard I had (Avalaunch 0.49.3) and games play etc. Reading the latest on the new features of the Xbox OG Modding scene, I see I can now put much bigger HDDs into it as well as some other features such as Cerbios CCIs etc. I'd like to update my BIOS but I can't get into XeniumOS (XOS) to flash the Cerbios .bin - The OpenXenium BIOS utility by MakeMHz says I am on an older version and need to be on 2.5 at least, but I cannot get there either. I've read that powering on with Eject can reboot to XOS or holding the white button (small problem that I don't have the original controllers anymore and am using a Brook Wingman XB2, so maybe that prevents the white button [Left Trigger] being detected at startup). Its such a long time since I did all this I have forgotten everything I learned back when I modded it LOL My aim is to have all my games on a single HDD and use xbmc4gamers|xbmc-emustation as a nice menu system to choose.
  18. i opened up my xbox and noticed this modchip and was wondering if it would be causing my issue. it will attempt to power on 3 times and on that third time it will start flashing orange and red.
  19. Hi I'm currently doing a lpc rebuild on a 1.6 og xbox and I've managed to lift the trace on the trace near R7P4 does anyone know if theres somewhere else on the board I can pick this up? Thanks in advance.
  20. Howdy! I'm having an issue with two of my xboxes and launching games within the trainer. Both of these xboxes are modchipped using the project stellar chip with HDMI+. My softmodded xbox (Rocky5) has zero issues launching the games from within Xored Mini. I've looked at the config file for xored and everything appears to be correct. I'm at a loss. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanks in advance!
  21. I cant seem to get this one working. Installed header and I have tried wiring D0 to GND and D0 on the Aladdin but I get a FRAG. 1st mod chip gives me FRAG when using GND or D0 pad. 2nd mod chip give FRAG when D0 grounded but boots stock dashboard when connected to Aladdin D0 pad. BT point on Aladdin is grounded. Did I miss something?
  22. Hi friends! as title says I get error 16 every time I boot with Cerbios , and i get that error with m8+ too when i turn on Xbox with eject tray ,everything were fine before I decided to give 128mb ram upgrade a shot on my 1.6 OGxbox , I have deleted and formatted all the partitions and installed everything from scratch still i am getting that error , I dont know that if it is hardware related or not please help me I am out of patience by trial and error
  23. As there might be a couple people out there who want to own an Xbox Alpha Development kit but don’t want to spend the Cash they cost I thought I just write up a guide how to build one yourself with off the shelf parts! This is not the first guide about this topic out there but hopefully the most detailed and helpfull! I’m going to do this as a picture supported step-by-step guide so it should be easy to follow for anybody. Let’s start with the parts used in the Alpha2 Console: -Intel VC820 Desktop Board -128MB RD Ram (Kingston KVR800X 18-8/128) -733Mhz Slot 1 CPU (Part number SL3XN) -250Watt ATX PSU (ATNG Model: PS-250S) -20GB IDE HDD (Fujitsu MPF3204AT) -3,5” FDD (Sony MPF920-C) -DVD Drive (Hitachi GD-7000) -64MB Geforce3 (180-P0050-0000-A05) -Network Card (Intel Pro/100) -Soundcard (Wolfson Micronics WM9707_AMR_EV1_Rev2) -USB Card (Xircom Portgear PGPCI2 ) Now on to the parts you need to buy for a basic bootable setup: -Intel VC820 Desktop Board (CC820 should also work!) -128MB RD Ram -733Mhz Slot1 CPU -Any ATX PSU 250Watt or more -IDE HDD 20GB or bigger -Any DVD Drive that reads self-burned CD-r -64mb Geforce 3 NV20 Video Card ->more details a bit later! -Intel Pro/100 Network Card That’s the minimum that is needed to get the alpha to boot the recovery CD. If you want to be able to do anything except looking at the Recovery Screen you need some more parts: -2 Port USB Card that uses an Opti Firelink 82C861 Chipset -Xbox Controller to USB Adapter +Xbox Controller -Wolfson Micronics Soundcard (or the recreated Version) -Any Case to install it all to. (The original case for the alphas is the GlobalWin YCC-802) That’s how my stack off parts for the alpha looks like: Once you have all the parts together let’s start by putting it together! Guess I don’t have to cover how to install the CPU, Ram, Video Card, PSU, Network card, Audio Card and the Drives. The end result should look like this. It’s not important in which pci port the usb and lan card are installed. BUT it is important that the lan card is installed as the Alpha won’t boot otherwise!!! When it’s all put together turn it on and check that it properly posts and there are no errors or whatever before continuing! Now on to burning a recovery CD! (Thanks to Borman for releasing the May2001 Alpha2 recovery! All credit goes to him for the release!) You can find the files in the download section and can simply download them. Here's a direct link to the files on an external Server: Alpha Recoveries and VGA Bios Once downloaded just use ImgBurn (or any other iso burning software) to write the May2001 recovery to a cd-r disc. Pop that disc into the DVD drive off your alpha and you should see the Xbox animation and should be greated by this recovery Screen afterwards: Now (if you haven’t done it earlier) plug in the Controller using the matching adapter and Press any button to start the recovery. The progress bar should show how far the progress is. It shouldn’t take any longer than 5 Minutes to finish and you will see this screen. Then remove the recovery disc from the drive and reboot. You should then be greeted by the following screen where you can set a name for your alpha console. Congratulations your Alpha Development kit is now fully working and ready to be used! Soundcard: I recreated the Soundcard to build a completely working alpha kit for myself as the original Alpha soundcards are as rare as the original alphas. If you need one for your build just drop me a message and I can build a couple more! Graphics Card: The video card is an important part of this build so here’s a little extra information about that part. The Card needs to be an NV20 Core Card with 64mb. 32MB cards might also work but we want to be as close as possible so buy a 64mb card to not get into trouble! I successfully tested 2 card from 2 different vendors: -Medion MS-8838 Geforce3 200ti -MVGA-NVG3T2A 64MB Many other NV20 core cards should work and I gladly extend that list if you used another card on your build! J Flashing the engineering Bios is NOT needed it is only a cosmeticall detail you might enjoy. The motherboard does also not need to be on a special Bios version or anything. Troubleshooting: You Get a blinking black cursor and no Xbox boot animation? ->You might have forgotten to install the Lan card, got a wrong one or your Nvidia Card is not supported! Your DVD-drive doesn’t spin up and you end up with an intel Network card boot/bios Screen? ->Something might have gone wrong with the CD you burned or your drive can’t read the cd-r! Could also be a problem with the boot order! Check that in the Bios the dvd drive should be the first boot device! If you have any questions about the build or anything just drop me a PM!
  24. Limited Edition Japanese “Skeleton” Xbox for sale! This is my whole collection I’ve been working on for 5 years. I have lost interest in it and it just sits around unused. I’d like it to go to someone who would actually enjoy it! Everything is tested and working except for the wireless controllers. I recently picked those up and have not tested them. It’s possible they work just fine. Minor cosmetic scuffs on everything but does not effect functionality. A cracks on the Xbox itself, mostly around where the case screws go. One of the corners does have damage. See pics. Asking for $650 or best offer shipped in the US. PayPal only. Let me know if you have any questions! What’s included: - Limited Edition Japanese “Skeleton” Xbox - 4 special edition controllers - 3 wireless controllers (untested) - Pound HDMI adapter - Madcatz HD component/composite cable - 3 controller extension cables - 1 controller port to usb female adapter - power cable Mods: - TSOP flashed 1.4v motherboard w/ EvoX bios - 128mb ram upgrade - Startech IDE to Sata adapter - 80 wire IDE cable - 1TB SSD drive - Insignia Live setup (account/gamertag will be included) - DVD drive delete - XBMC-Emustation Dashboard - RGB lights
  25. Hey guys and gals, so anyways I’m just wondering if the original Xbox can ftp to Linux distros (Ubuntu, steamos, Debian)? I was just wondering because I want to transfer files off my steam deck but idk how to transfer them so I’m just asking how I can transfer files from the deck to the Xbox.

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