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  1. Or maybe i locked it in my inexperienced days? Anywhoo im curious as to if there is a way to unlock said drive without the eeprom..i still have the board but no power supply for it as i abandoned it and went to work on my 1.6 but i do still have the mobo and associated sister boards. Is my only hope resurrecting the 1.4 board or can i pull the eeprom without power to it? I have an Aladdin chip if i need to go that route...any help would be appreciated.
  2. HI. I have this: I bought this Xbox on Ebay for over 1k and it turns on by itself overnight & won't turn off. In the past it would take idk, 30 tries before it finally turned off. Now, the power button itself is not working and I'm on about idk, 70 try's on hitting "power off" from the dashboard. The only solution is to unplug it but I don't like that I have to plug it in every time. I would like to swap cases with another Xbox (preferably NOT modded) but have no experience in opening up an Xbox and I'm not up for the challenge. I'd rather ship it out to one of you to have this done or just buy another one when it comes up on Ebay. I'm not looking for a repair as I don't trust it & might I add: it had a full recap of all capacitors. If any of you have an original Xbox and know how to swap cases, perhaps I could pay you if I shipped it out to you (I live in NJ). Thoughts/suggestions?
  3. Hi, I've just cleaned up an old xbox to keep around as a spare. I've cleaned and lubed the drive mechanism in the DVD drive, all is moving smoothly and reading discs perfectly. The only problem is that, when opening the tray, the open/close button light keeps flashing while open, and after a few seconds, the tray closes by itself. It's not stopping me from playing games, but I'd like to get it back to working as it should. Does anyone know if this sounds like something that's easy to fix? Thanks very much. -Bob
  4. Hello everyone! Something very strange is happening with my softmodded xbox and I really can’t figure what’s wrong. I recently got a used xbox in very good condition, cleaned thoroughly, clock capacitor removed, top notch condition overall. So, I installed a new 1TB WD hard drive (WD10EZEX) and everything went great. In the Hexen options I selected to make a big partition so I can put the games in there. So, long story short, I transferred a whole lot of games with FTP using a crossover cable, directly from my laptop to my xbox, since the Ethernet method gave me low transfer speeds. Everything was going great and at last I had a big library to choose and enjoy, even downloaded a big coinops pack! So, as you can tell I spent countless hours just transferring every day. I played daily for 1-2 weeks with no problems at all. Then one day, all of a sudden I saw that coinops was missing and some of the games also. To my surprise, they were magically deleted, and it messed up the games folders, for example there was just an empty folder with the game name and nothing in it. I couldn’t find any info online, so I decided to start transferring again and see if it will do this again. And at that point I started getting errors in Filezilla, half of the files were transferring and the others failed. The ones that fail are always the same files, everytime in every game. I even tried a different cable, but the result was the same. Another weird thing is that the later partitions (X,Y,Z) sometimes have weird files in them and other times are empty, for example at one point there was a 500MB file called gta3image.iso or something like that, and at other times, just random assorted files that it creates and deletes by itself. I never mess with those partitions, it does this by itself. The only partition I access is F which is the main ~900GB partition with my “Games” folder. So now, I’m with a half-broken xbox and can’t really tell what’s wrong. Any advice or info what may be wrong (maybe something similar has happened to someone here), will be greatly appreciated! I’m attaching a Filezilla report with a game I just tried transferring (25 to Life is the game), maybe someone could figure something from the report: https://pastebin.com/cCgfgpvf Please help me out fellas! Thanks!
  5. Xbox turn on by itself after plugging to power mains. It is modded with alladin chip oldskool original. Tried different power supply, same thing, i had disconnected power button, controller ports, still, problem remains. Board looks clean. What could be causing such thing? Thanks.

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Board startup date: April 23, 2017 12:45:48
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