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Found 9 results

  1. I'd like to replace the logo that appears between the Xbox flubber animation upon startup and the loaded dashboard on a soft modded xbox using UnleashX. Right now its an X inside a cube with some matrix test in the background. Is that possible and how would I go about doing it? I am using the default skin and I don't see anything in the E:\UDATA\9e115330\0064122817A8\ directory labeled Skin. I do see a UX Splash but I changed that to no avail Ive tried googling around but I think im missing the right keywords so I wanted to create a thread if anyone knew how.
  2. Hello, good morning. I thought in an interesting feature for XBMC4Gamers and it is the following: - As you know if we have the fullset on the HDD, this is a lot of games (nearly 400). I realized that every time that XBMC4Gamers loads, it just selects by default the first game. Could it be possible to add an option in XBMC4Gamers to just "select by default the last executed element on XBMC4Gamers startup"? Thanks!
  3. So last year, I bought a soft modded xbox and while installing my games I had a major crash and that caused black screen that I couldnt fix. I opted to install a mod chip. While installing the modd chip I accidently ripped up a motherboard trace and ruined the mother board. (word to the wise get a good soddering iron one not from lowes...) Anyways I have a few questions. Are modded HDDs only usable on the console they were modded on? Is there a way I can format the Hard drive and use if for something else, Do I need the xbox it was used in to do this with or can I use any modded xbox to unlock it? If I don't wipe the Hard drive can I put it into another modded xbox? (I put 1tb of games on that of the the couse of days and dont want that to go to waste.) Lastly is there someone that does xbox mods thats trust worthy? I aint trying to ruin a 3rd motherboard.
  4. Sorry guys for asking ... I want to do the Samsung 616 F/T Mod and i was looking for a proper Samsung Drive on ebay and other platforms ... But .. I just read some manuals and description and Version mentioned are Samsung 616 F/T only. When i search the internet i just find Samsung 616 drives, pictures, manual, type label. So my stupid question ... before buying some drives that will not fit the requirement ... How can i Check and assure that the drive is a Samsung 616 F/T ... I thing (or i never found) the version mentioned on the type label .. Sorry for the stupid question ... Thanks and Cheers
  5. I have a hard modded console with a 1TB HDD that I would like to swap into a softmodded console that has a 500gb and vice versa. I know that something has to be done with the HDD keys but I dont know the exact details and don't want to mess anything up. Both systems have config magic currently installed. The reason I want to do a simple swap is because I have recently backed up all my games to the 1TB and really don't want to have to go through the hassle of cloning with chimp and then backing them all up again, so if someone is able to give me a quick step by step on what I need to do with both console it would be really appreciated?
  6. Very new to Xbox modding here, hopefully this isn't too general of a question for this section but I wasn't sure where else to ask it. Are there huge differences between mod chips to have so many different types or do they all essentially do the same thing just with some bells and whistles to set them apart? I just bought an xbox with a chip on it already(I believe it is an xecuter2) but plan on buying more to mod multiple xbox's. I guess I just wanted to know if I can do the same general thing with all chips or if certain chips can only do certain things.
  7. Am I able to move my emustation dashboard from my E drive to my F drive? I want to install earth wrom James N64 into my emustaion build but E drive is too small. I dont want to brick my machine by just moving it, thanks!
  8. I have 3-4 original xbox consoles - If I null the hard drives on all my xbox consoles will I be able to interchange hard drives between each console? I want to clone a nulled drive and put the clone in another xbox with a nulled drive - will this work? Thanks
  9. I have an old softmodded Xbox with a 2TB hard drive that is loaded. I just ordered a new Xbox that I will be softmodding. How do I move my 2TB hard drive from the old Xbox to the new one? (I want to keep everything that's on the 2TB hard drive) Please keep it simple. I'm new to this whole modding thing. Detailed step by step would be much appreciated.

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