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Everything posted by Dempsey_86

  1. just compare your files to these, if they match, then you're good https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vSewa5ynfmFC6Dg9FeF9nBF511dGgHc6VwtmR5AH3yyba-bqXO2OAvR-_xxPSLk84xCiM8LxntTYzHX/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true edit: the above is correct if the cci files are build with repackinator 1.2.4 and up. CCIs build with lower versions of repackinator will be approximately 8mb bigger, the hash will also not match.
  2. If there are problems, then it is advised to test with udma2 to see if the problem goes away. The higher udma settings can be unstable with some adaptors. FYI udma 7 is not supported by the ogxbox. The highest you can get is udma 6. What I would do is test without a dvd drive to see if it is the dvd drive. I know some samsung dvd drives are not happy paired with a startech adaptor.
  3. On xbins, you can use pandora to access xbins MrMario did make a great tutorial for how to use it
  4. Yes, highly. FTP give you the max speed. all partitions of your drive are accessible with ftp Skins do work no 1.6 bug like the official OX firmware no makemhz branding no self destruct code when no dvd drive is present and you want to flash a bios the system doesn't hang for one minute like the official FW faster in the menus the web interface does work good you can download a flashed bios to your pc again you can set video and game regios its fully compatible with HD+ ... This is only the beginning, there are more features planned in the future.
  5. A day after the first v1.0.0 release there is another release with improvements for PrometheOS. Also the source is released on the team resurgent github. Download
  6. I thought bowl was talking about internal hdmi solutions like the mm solution. Then this os atm the only solution (for now)
  7. hd+ patch and titan patch do not work well together, so if you want to use bigger drives, your only way to go is use cerbios.
  8. I know, Harcroft doing some nice work, this is in his core the same like ryzees board with some nice updates. Like the flex is different, he did alter the board to support the flex from makemhz, so you can swap the makemhz board with one of these. I cant wait till it comes out to do some testing on it.
  9. If you want to get cerbios working, you would need to use dustin his firmware (idk if this can be used with the ryzee board), cerbios with the patches does control the firmware from the hd+. But build your chip, because I think most of the games will work, I bet all 480p/720p/1080i games will work flawless using the bios you want. Where the problems start are the games that only do 576i PAL (there are only 12 pal games that only have 576i support) all others support 480i or 480p. The other games that can be a problem are the 480i only games, but im not so sure about this, because with dustin his HD+ paired with unpatched cerbios colin mcrea rally 3 did work, and this is an 480i only game. The only 480i game that I found not working this way was kung fu chaos. If you have your board you can also help testing games and plans/hopes are that someone in the scene writes an open source firmware for it so we can get 100% game compatibility with this open source solution.
  10. This is not true. The patches for hd+ do not work on ryzee his board because his board works different than mm his board.
  11. If you want to test elpisHD, thy did release cerbios 2.3.2 alpha with the hd+ patch integrated.
  12. Haha, they are not mine, they are from DarkDestiny (SweetDarkDestiny here on the forum)
  13. First of all, good job. But you didn't make all artwork yourself didn't you? I see artwork by another known person in the scene but no mentioning of his name.
  14. This is indeed 100% a bug in cerbios. It's reported to the team so they know the issue. Like you mentioned, the issue only exist on v1.6 hardware.
  15. there are no other hdmi solutions available right now, its only MM his solution atm. Till nemesis releases his solution ofc.
  16. For those who want to test cerbios HD+, they released it and asked the community to help testing https://www.xbox-scene.info/articles.html/cerbios-releases-new-custom-bios-v232-hd-alpha-with-hd-support-for-testing-bug-reporting-r28/
  17. Have patience, fyi, this is an early build you see in the video. The menu looks a bit different now.
  18. No it can't. THe video settings in prometheOS are to change the settings in the xbox eeprom. Changing the HD+ settings can be done from an app on the xbox itself. Team cerbios did make one called elpisHD but is not released yet (modzvilleUSA did make a video about it on his YouTube channel)
  19. Team Cerbios and Team Resurgent are excited to introduce the Official Trailer for PrometheOS, a new open-source operating system designed for all Xenium-based mod chips in the original Xbox. **Key current Features of PrometheOS:** - **Multi-Bank Functions:** Effortlessly switch between different bios images. - **LED Support:** Assign custom colors to each bios bank for enhanced visual feedback. - **Web UI:** Access a user-friendly interface from any web-enabled device for simplified bios management. - **FTP Support:** Facilitate easy file transfers between the Xbox and other devices. - **Skin Support:** Customize the OS interface to reflect your personal style. - **HDD Lock/Unlock Support:** Gain the ability to lock or unlock the hard drive, tethering it to a specific console. - **EEPROM Backup/Restore Feature:** Ability to backup and restore your EEPROM. **A Community-Driven Initiative:** PrometheOS is a collaborative achievement between Team Resurgent, Team Cerbios, and the dedicated Xbox modding community. **Availability:** PrometheOS will be available for download, ensuring compatibility with all versions of the original Xbox equipped with a Xenium-based mod chip. **For Those Interested in Getting Started:** If you're eager to try out PrometheOS and are in need of an affordable chip or external programmer, you can purchase a Xenium-ICE v3.0 & Programmer directly from NeMesiS/XeniumMods. Visit their eBay store at https://www.ebay.com.au/str/xeniummods for more information. **Special Thanks:** Our gratitude goes to NeMesiS / XeniumMods for providing prototype Xeniums, programming hardware, and essential feedback and testing which helped greatly in making PrometheOS a reality. A shoutout to Ryzee119 for the invaluable Xenium-Tools, facilitating the flashing of the new OS via your xbox. (https://github.com/Ryzee119/Xenium-Tools) and the work towards making the original OpenXenium. Stay tuned for ETA & more updates on this exciting development by the Xbox scene community! Please watch the official trailer and show some to all those who contributed and worked towards making this a reality. Source: https://www.xbox-scene.info/articles.html/announcing-prometheos-a-replacement-open-source-os-for-xenium-based-mods-r26/
  20. You got it wrong, it's not Milenko that is the head of cerbios, but Milkeno. These are 2 totally different people. Thats just been said by Dustin, but he does know nothin. Nobody knows who cerbios is. But I'm sure its definitely not Milenko/Milkeno. His coding is not good enough to code a bios .
  21. Thats why I did say minimum, 1.5 year ago I got one like this with 2tb hdd and with 5 controllers for 500€. That being said, this year I bought a crystal X3CP console for 300€ for a friend (I know thats way under the price, I would say 800-900€ for a crystal x3cp console)
  22. FYI: you could ask 500usd at minimum for this console.

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