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Everything posted by SylverReZ

  1. In this well descripted analysis, Markus Gaasedelen has managed to successfully dump the console's secret boot ROM by intercepting the Intel CPU's JTAG functionality with a custom made adapter. Its amazing to see discoveries appear here and there to this very day in 2023, since this can open the full capabilities of the hardware to many hobbyists and hardcore developers. Detailed explanation can be found here: https://blog.ret2.io/2023/08/09/jtag-hacking-the-original-xbox-2023/
  2. Snag up the OpenXenium.
  3. Those crystal models are great for installing internal LEDs.
  4. And in the works also, a second version of this chip will come out, be much smaller and will have decoupling capacitors for less power consumption and little to no instances of fragging.
  5. A new revision of the Cheapmod Mini is being designed currently. This will have tidied up traces, the correct chip placement for installation, as well as plenty of netting for GND.
  6. And yes, this, in theory, will fix the chip back to a working state.
  7. CPLD programming requires a Lattice ispDownload cable of which they are extremely cheap nowadays. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005001298833117.html
  8. In relation to your question, yes, any 49LF020 chip will work regardless.
  9. The 49LF020 had a bug where it can accept any address as valid, therefore it will send the data as it requested, that is how earlier cheapmods worked. Later, this bug was fixed in the later 49LF020A/B chips and therefore no longer worked. This is when the Aladdin chips had a CPLD, that created its own LFRAME and address lines that receives back as valid, without cutting the LFRAME on the motherboard.
  10. Everybody has their own preference of whether to use a HDD or SSD. I find SSDs to be a lot faster at loading games directly.
  11. I wouldn't call it as superior to the many readily available Aladdin chips, but is worth it if you have a spare Xbox lying around and want a simple solution.
  12. Replace the drive with a Samsung drive or re-flash a compatible disc drive such as an LG GDR-8163.
  13. Dunno when exactly, but it'll be sometime around August when I order some new boards.
  14. I totally agree with you.
  15. The stock HDD will easily wear out overtime. Best to install a modchip and upgrade to an SSD.
  16. In the near future, ConsoleMods has a great guide on setting up a TSOP mod. I honestly prefer modchips because they're easily upgradable and doesn't permanently damage the on-board TSOP if it gets damaged during flashing.
  17. Oooh good to see some uncovered nostalgia in the spotlight
  18. Hope you have a great time. Welcome to OGXbox.
  19. Appreciate it man. If you want to see some good improvements in the near future, then the support and feedback really helps.
  20. A CAT5 cable works just fine with FTP. If your PC has a built-in ethernet card, then its possible.
  21. I've made a well written guide on how to setup FTP between your PC and your Xbox.
  22. This was something I really wanted to do, especially since this was my first BIG circuit board project. You'll so love it for real.
  23. Flashing utilities already exists, plenty are out there. Evolution-X or the OGXbox Installer disc, XBlast, or using an external programmer, is the way to program these chips either prior to building your own or having them internally installed.

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