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Found 8 results

  1. Hi I’m starting my second fix and this is something I’ve never encountered before. The Xbox is a 1.6 and does boot normal without the mod chip. I have tried several mod chips from working consoles. When I connect the modxo it wil start then shutdown and start again to successfully load prometheos 1.4. What could cause this?
  2. Hi All, I have a long holiday coming up and to fill the time and challenge my self I bought some broken mainboards from eBay. As you can see from the photo, this boards is butchered! I was wondering if I can use the 1.6 upgrade method to add the missing memory ic?
  3. I was FTP'ing stuff to my 1.6, it was going for about 14 hours OK then it locked up, I turned it off and on and it tried to kick in twice by starting to go green then restarting before anything comes on the screen then the third time it started the light flashing from green to red I thought maybe my mod chip was playing up so I desoldered it and tried the Xbox, exact same behaviour, no signal to screen and flashing red and green.. The boards had all new caps only a few months ago. What could it possibly be? I looked at the board under zoom on my phone and can't see any obvious signs or problems anywhere.
  4. Hello everyone! This is my first attempt TSOPing an ogxbox and I have a problem. I am running a 1.4 (I guess) with a winbond chip, which I successfully softmodded with the endgame exploit and rocky5's softmodding tool. I have also removed the clock capacitor. I have done the wiring work in order to TSOP (I used copper tape instead of solder, pics below) which I double checked with a polymeter. According to the cerbios manual, In order to flash a winbond chip, you need to use xblastos. So the options I am selecting from the ogxbox cerbios disc v2.3.2 are - flash cerbios (softmod users) - flash cerbios udma2 (pal users) (I am in Europe and I have a stock hdd) then I choose the xblastos option As soon as I enter the xblastos menu I see this and I am unable to do anything. I have to restart the console. What could be causing this? The console is working just fine. My Bios checker: https://ibb.co/k0Bn6Kk My work on the board: https://ibb.co/HDYFx7Y
  5. I'm trying my hand at both soldering (never done it before) and hardmodding by installing an OpenXenium chip onto my 1.0 Xbox. As the title states, I'm getting nothing after my first attempt. My initial assumption was that I probably have a cold solder point on the LPC debug header, although the single wire could cause harm (I doubt that ones bad though.) I remembered, however, that due to it not being used, I left pin 15 filled, as I was struggling to get it opened. While I doubt it, could that be causing any issues? Here's a picture of the joints for easier assessment: Thanks in advance for any assistance.
  6. Long time reader first time poster! Sorry to start in this way but I'm completely lost and if possible I need your help all... First disclaimer, before the attempt on both console to install the modchip everything works fine (stock console no softmod or other modchip). As per the title I've installed the same Aladin XT Plus 2 (pick-up from AliX) but at the end (after the first boot) both console start to have the same issue as per below : Tries to Boot 3x then FRAG (Christmas Lights) Usually due to a failed or improperly installed modchip or the IDE cable being plugged in upside down somewhere. Check modchip wiring and IDE cables. If you did not do any soldering, it could be a bad PSU. - On both console I've already removed all the wires for the Aladin (beside the connector on the MB) - Cleaned everything with isopropyl alcohol - Replaced the power supply - Recaps (Done only on the 1.0) - Searched on the motherboard for broken component or any other strange visual sign of issue Is clear that the Aladin I've is faulty but what I can try now to revive those two console? Thanks!
  7. So upped the game and went from doing soft mod and tsop to installing my first open xenium on 1.4 XBOX but the xbox is fraggin with trying to boot 3 times before giving up and staying off (Red/Green blinking). Is there a diagram or way for me to check continuity from the motherboard and to the pins header to find which point not make contact either to the board it self or between the LPC rebulld board and the xbox board or trouble shoot this would be appricated??? EDIT: So before even the open xenium wasn't powering on, I tried to remove everything but it was pain so cleaned up and did the points again including the two I missed next to the header. Now the open xenium blinks red whenever the console tries to boot but quits after 3 attempts.
  8. Need a second option. Is the trace to solder point missing ok to leave as is? It does not look like a via. So I think I am ok. The original xbox has a modchip. I was attempting to TSOP so I could use the modchip on a v1.6 xbox. When bridging the solder with tinned wire after I gave it a tug to check if it was attached properly and it was enough to rip out the trace and solder point.

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