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Everything posted by Voljega

  1. Awesome, thank you very much ! Well I will wait impatiently for my hardware components to do the hdd cloning and swap
  2. reposting pictures : https://imgur.com/a/8zzuZQR Unleash X and it seems to be 0.39.0222A Build 572 For kernel/BIOS, if it's one I see in picture it shos 1.0.5838.1 but I suppose I need to know which one it is also
  3. OK thank you for all that, I will do it and post some pictures as soon as I can In the meantime, there is already these ones I did : https://imgur.com/a/8zzuZQR So Unleash X seems to be 0.39.0222A Build 572 For kernel/BIOS, if it's one I see in picture it shos 1.0.5838.1 but I suppose I need to know which one it is also and for Chimp 'installing' just mean copying the file to one the right folder, there nothing more to do ?
  4. Well I'm just discovering modding scene this year and I have a hard time understanding some basic things or finding some proper explanations for them. I bought an already hardmodded xbox so I don't even know much about what is in it and how ot modify it. Basically I have an UnleashX dash and I was able to upload games, play them, and change my region from PAL to NTSC to unlock higher resolutions. But now my current goal is to change my HDD to a 2To one and there are many things I don't know/understand and can't find much on it. - I will be using latest CHIMP and when I read instructions (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rocky5/Chimp261812/master/E Partition/Install instructions.txt), I'm not sure was 'installing means in that context, is it just copying the files to one of the liste folder or is there something more to do ? - I was told my dash seems to not be the latest version, I know I can get the last version here : https://github.com/Rocky5/Xbox-Softmodding-Tool/tree/master/Extras Disc/Softmod/dashboards but when I look at the full path of that file in the git repo I'm not sure if I can use that with an hardmodded console ? And if I can what is the exact process to upgrade my dah or even install a new one ? - Same thing for the bios should I upgrade it and if yes how can I do that and with what tool ? - I'm asking those questions about dash and bios mostly because I fear that obsolete versions of them could lead to problem when cloning my disk with CHIMP, but I also definitely plan to install a new dash when the change of hdd will be done - Is there a magic tool which would allow me to have a full view of what is installed in my modded xbox ? especially what bios and what version ?
  5. Sorry not sure I understood, you prefer not to have additional LED ? Why ? Because it takes too much place ? Well I will order in a few minutes For the docs yeah I have seen a lot of docs / youtube etc... not everything is clear though... Before that I also will have likely to update my dash and bios as they are likely not the most recent ones, and have no idea how to do that
  6. If you wish to use Win 3.1 with Dosbox you can start with Exo Win 3.1 Collection, it works pretty well and you can then adapt it to your needs
  7. Thank you for your answer didn't find the one you mention on amazon fr, only this one https://www.amazon.fr/DeLOCK-Converter-carte-adaptateur-dinterfaces/dp/B002V9OKPE/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=Delock+61702&qid=1554195917&s=computers&sr=1-1-fkmrnull is it ok ? for 10 euros difference, it's ok, but I would prefer to take the one with the highest compatibility and less trouble ?
  8. Well I would still look precisely for how the image is rendered, because I bought one and the signal through HDMI is stretched and there is absolutely no way to display it as 4/3, pretty muche useless I knos some other component to HDMI cables do not stretch the image
  9. So I will try upgrading my HDD in a few months (start of june) For the record my xbox is a hardmodded one and I don't know too much what is in it but will investigate further before doing the hdd swap, and also try to update to latest bios / dash / everything before doing the actual updgrade. In the meantime I want to buy the three things I need, but as I am french, I need to find them on the french amazon, otherwise I will pay too much transportation and duty fees. Here's what I got, can anyone confirm it's good ? I want to minimize compatibility issues and everything... 40 pin 80 wire cable : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B004YZKCHI/?coliid=I3NUREUHYK5YWY&colid=12JUDL34SP51N&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it harddrive : https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B013QFRS2S/?coliid=I3KTO9OQZNBV21&colid=12JUDL34SP51N&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it IDE to SATA adapter is the main issue, I am not sure I can find the startech everyone is using on french amazon or is it this one ? https://www.amazon.fr/StarTech-com-Adaptateur-Convertisseur-Graveur-Optique/dp/B00EOJNGC2/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=startech+ide+sata&qid=1554184832&s=computers&sr=1-2 Thank you for your help For the record, I spoke about my unit there :
  10. Hello everyone, I am a recent owner of a newly hardmodded XBOX, and I am very happy with it, although discovering the modding basics are a bit hard and fuzzy right now ! I plan to change the harddrive from 130Gb to a 2To one in the following months and then change my dash to whatever is best suited for handling the full romset of the console. Also have to understand why a few games are not working. I also own a second one, I should remove the clock capacitor on it and maybe try a softmod ? For now I just play with it, had forgotten how good the games collection is, and how the rumble adds a lot to gameplay, those old games are great ! Well, I just discovered this forum, which seems neat ! and plan to use it to learn more about what I plan to do with my XBOX. Cheers

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