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Posts posted by eeksdee

  1. Debug kernels should be able to work on 64MB on a X2, they aren't specific to 128MB. But such a shame the previous owner ruined the board by reflashing what was on it. Those usually have internal kernels built in debug mode (checked). I wouldn't really call it a test kit either, just a random run they decided to do.

  2. The point of redump is pure preservation not piracy (what you appear to be looking for?) which is why they don't strip the DVD contents. It's really sad people use that fact as an excuse to download games they don't own. On a retail Xbox the kernel checks for certain things on the DVD such as the security sectors (SS.bin) and similar. Also the unused data on the disc actually does serve a purpose such as aligning contents for faster loading, etc.


    You simply don't understand because you're a pirate and are only interested in stealing games. :)

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  3. The only overclocking you're doing is FSB which effects everything else on the bus so you aren't likely getting any higher than you would otherwise even with cooling. There really isn't anything you can do on a 128MB box that you can't with a 64MB, 1(?) Chihiro game works, you may see slightly better frames with the crappy N64 Emu (someone should make a new one with legal tools), what else is there? Nothing really, just a waste of money.

    • Confused 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Magicaldave said:

    The whole point is that those modchips are useless unless you’re running a 1.6. If I wanted to switch BIOSES I can just hook a single wire up to my 1.1 and be done with it. 

    An XT is not going to give me WiFi support, nor LCD and camera support, nor WOL, nor host a fully functional Linux kernel which I can use to watch my movies in full quality over SMB/ftp. 

    This is why people like stuff like the X3 - because it actually has features you might use. 

    Attaching a Pi to your LPC header isn't going to give you wireless networking on your Xbox, LCD demand is almost non-existent apart of a very very niche group of people. I don't know what you're talking about camera support, some Pi's have a connector for one but do you think you're going to program it to be used over the LPC header on your Xbox? I don't understand your "watch my movies" comment as again.. you aren't going to be pushing that data over the LPC bus.

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