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Everything posted by dtomcat

  1. FYI: https://x.com/modzvilleusa/status/1712345234364080547?s=46&t=9Ks-lWRGXCwsmOy16I0-HQ please do not make this a slander/argument/etc post. This is just news that will make a few of you happy @Bowlsnapper
  2. I’ll try to figure out who I’m reserving for by this weekend that way I know where the initial 8 will go. I know 3 are spoken for and atleast 1 I need to offer to someone for providing me a few eeprom.bin’s to help hone in the software side
  3. Tested on a 1.6 unmodded, 1.4 unmodded, and 1.0 unmodded (LPC holes still plugged with solder)... All worked! Testing is complete! now to make a few more and test those
  4. TL;DR: They work! It works! (at least on a modded 1.6). I have no reason to assume it won't work on all other xboxes... but i have to create a pogo pin adapter to do a full test. I'll try to do that this weekend, but I'm fully expecting it to work. I tested: reading, decrypting, and writing to the EEPROM. It all works. YAY to money not wasted LOL. After I finish testing... I'll make the initial batch and test those. If all pass, I'll be in contact with a few of you for the initial batch... If all is good feedback, i'll make the rest and post here when they are for sale. If you contacted me and I ran out of initial batch, I'll send you a message as well and give you first dibs on the ones for sale.
  5. In hand early!! Should know if they work within a few days
  6. It was. They can program via svf
  7. Classic version I believe
  8. I think I used flashcatusb to program mine
  9. Parts have arrived. Boards should be here by next weekend. Hope to know if this works by the end of next weekend
  10. Yes. Basically same thing… you just don’t need a PC. Everything is handled on the board and saved to microSD card
  11. You can mod as in change your eeprom data… but I think you are thing of modding your TSOP. This cannot mod the TSOP. So technically yes it can “mod”. But only to help change eeprom data like HDD key (ultimately your hdd password). Or other things in the eeprom.
  12. This tool is just for reading/writing/decrypting your EEPROM data. Not sure it’s really for modding an Xbox. It can help recover your Xbox if you’ve accidentally corrupted your eeprom
  13. First class international would be about $20… all others are about 35-40.00
  14. A seperate post is only moving it and not solving the problem… I’d say just talk/ignore. Don’t like what’s said… just don’t say anything back. I haven’t said anything to this point because I don’t know what’s right. I don’t like anyone stealing/borrowing/etc from anyone without permission/crediting. So I haven’t said anything because there is nothing positive I can add. So that’s my vote/recommendation…. No separate posts.
  15. Well... $900 later, Boards and parts are ordered. I ordered everything for 45 boards (Hopefully, it all works ... if not, I will abandon the project as I won't sink anymore money into it :)). Since I ordered a lot... I will sell the first 10 at cost (as promised... and barring any unforeseen expenses... that will be $20). The rest I'll sell at $35. For the first 10, I'll offer first to those who helped in the process of making it (I think maybe 3 people), and then those who messaged in the forum. fingers crossed!!!
  16. Not sure. Haven’t priced out parts yet. Initial batch will be at cost… if I make more, I’ll probably add $20
  17. After booted. Try unplugging an cable from Xbox and plug it back in?

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