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About Me

Found 4 results

  1. I'm a long time original XBox fan for more than twenty years now (my favourite genre is the first person shooter, for which the XBox was the indisputable king of it's generation), and when I bought my first model I had it chipped at the same time, to play homebrew on it. For years it also doubled as my media player, until high definition files came along that the otherwise superb XBMC was too slow to play. I upgraded the hard drive a couple of times, and it ended up with a 500 GB IDE hard drive full of XBox games, emulators, music videos, etc. The original XBox is a superb emulation centre for 8 and 16 computer/console/arcade games, with quite a few 32 or 64 bit games (such as Nintendo 64 or original PlayStation games) running fine too, though of course the extra hardware resources needed by some 32 or 64 games, and the older age of many emulators for these systems means that many other 32 or 64 bit games have graphical/audio/gameplay glitches, or even won't run at all on the XBox. Anyway, a few weeks back I turned on the XBox, and it had somehow developed a video fault, the screen was now flickering. I found a business (in the UK) that I'd never dealt with before, and they fixed my faulty XBox, and refurbished two other consoles of mine, and their speed, quality of service, and prices are great, and I was wondering if I'm allowed to recommend them on here. What is this forum's policy on business recommendations for repairs and upgrades? I realise that, even though it would no doubt be helpful for some users (assuming the recommendations are genuine of course) then some 'recommendations' might be lies, especially if self-posted by a person/company or just plain scams. So is a one time recommendation by someone for a given company OK, or is it against the rules (especially for a totally new user like me, though I'm a very long term user of Emuxtras (username of Clockface) and came here via: https://www.emuxtras.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=187&t=7878&sid=39ac9891adc0cef4055d8b8382024e22
  2. i, like many others, started having problems with my xbox after replacing the thermal paste. graphics glitching, freezing, frag'ing, and sometimes it would just go into a coma on me. it appears that the problem is that some of the solvent for cleaning the thermal paste gets underneath the gpu chip and causes a short. 1st off, i do not recommend replacing the thermal paste on these consoles but if u already have and are now having problems then here is how to fix it. get a bottle of 91% rubbing alcohol with a squirt top on it(i suggest a quart bottle), hold the motherboard on it's side, and squirt the alcohol all over it. be certain that plenty is going under the gpu. next, take a hair dryer and dry the board very well. be careful not to get it too hot. a good rule of thumb is that if any part of the board is uncomfortable to lay your hand on and keep it there, then it is too hot and should be allowed to cool. next, sit the board in the xbox, hook up the psu, connect a tv and power on the system a few times to be certain that it appears to be working before full reassembly. BE CERTAIN TO REAPPLY THERMAL PASTE AND HEATSINKS BEFORE POWERING ON! i'm not certain that it will overheat the chips without the heatsinks for a quick test but it isn't worth the risk. this fixed my xbox that i was concerned i had forever killed.
  3. I'm just a guy from Sweden who got their hands on a modded Xbox again! The xbox is easily my favorite 6th gen console - if not even my favorite console of all time. Wouldn't be too surprising considering the fact i grew up with one, so i am a bit biased! This would be my third Xbox, the first one had fallen to the evil clock capacitor, and i've not dared starting it again. That was my first and softmodded one, my second Xbox i kept completely stock for Xbox Live purposes, and a week ago i found an amazing deal for a pre-modded Xbox. Truth be told though, i don't have alot of experience when it comes to the actual mod itself, nor how to actually perform one outside of guides i've read. Back in the day the original Xbox had been modded by a professional repair/modding shop. Right now i'm about to research how to replace the hard drive, as the one that came with is 250gb so a little bit lacking for my taste. I've been collecting more retro consoles for a year now, i've got my hands on a Super Famicom, a Mega Drive, and a PS2. So when i saw this modded Xbox i just couldn't pass the opportunity up. That being said, it's taken be deeper into "the hole" and i've now ordered SCART Switch for all the consoles using RGB SCART, and since i'm always on the hunt for the best picture quality i recently obtained a RetroTink5x, but since the OG Xbox seemingly cant output 480/720p i also made the pricey decision of ordering the HD Component pack off EBay: but i'm really excited despite the import costs. My favorite console deserves the best it can get. Also holy crap. I've never played SSX 3 until now, and it's easily one of my favorite games of the generation already. I'm available on this handle all over social media and i stream from time to time on Twitch. I hope that's not too much shameless self-promotion. Can't wait to be part of this wonderful community, i love the fact that it's keeping itself together for a console that's 20 years old.
  4. Hey guys, just doing some softmods and new paint jobs. Was wondering what everyone thought of them.

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