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  1. So its been awhile since I've gotten back into the modding scene, but followed some of the tutorials, and was able to get a donor DVD drive to get my modding to occur. The error I'm getting is when disconnecting the DVD drive from the IDE cable, I get the Cerbios Error 13 code and it reboots into safemode selecting UDMA 2 (which is the default for what I configured in the Cerbios tool anyways) and never is able to boot to the dash. If I have the DVD drive IDE cable connected (no power or with power, either or), it will boot to the dash. My goal is to make this a slim boot, and I need to use the DVD drive in another console, so I want the ini or bios configured to bypass the configuration. So the basics: 1.1 TSOP Cerbios 2.4.2 (up to 1mb by copying the export from the configuration on Cerbios Tool) Using stock IDE cable for the configuration and a 4TB with Startech adapter. Adapter jumper set to Master config (also tried as cable select but same issue) Flashed worked fine, boots to Dashboard no problem with DVD Drive connected and 4TB drive. Config file loaded into C drive and its contents below ; Cerbios Config ; Check For AV Pack AVCheck = true ; LED Ring Color, G = Green, R = Red, A = Amber, O = Off FrontLed = GGGG ; Fan Speed 0 = Default, 10-100 = Manual Control, Supports increments of 2's FanSpeed = 0 ; Drive Setup ; 0 = HDD & DVD, 1 = HDD & No DVD (Legacy Mode), 2 = HDD & No DVD (Modern Mode), 3 = Dual HDD ; I have tried this with both 1 and 2, no difference made DriveSetup = 1 ; Set UDMA mode 0-6 On Cold-Boot UDMAMode = 2 ; Set Master Drive UDMA mode 0-6 on cold-boot UDMAModeMaster = 2 ; Set Slave Drive UDMA mode 0-6 on cold-boot (if enabled by DriveSetup = 3) UDMAModeSlave = 2 ; Enables Automatic Time Sync With Optional RTC Hardware Connected to SMBus RTCEnable = false ; Forces AV Modes That Would Normally Be Rendered At 480i to 480p.Requires 480p Set In MS Dash And Component Cables Force480p = false ; Forces VGA Modes For Component Cables Or Custom VGA Cables Using Mode(2 + 3) for VGA Displays Only, This Enables Force480p By Default & Sets Console To NTSC ForceVGA = false ; Load XDK Launcher/XBDM if it exists (Debug Bios Only) Debug = false ; Blocks Games From Updating The Original Xbox Dashboard, Useful for softmods BlockDashUpdate = false ; CD Paths (always falls back to D:\default.xbe) CdPath1 = CdPath2 = CdPath3 = ; Dash Paths (always falls back to C:\xboxdash.xbe) DashPath1 = C:\evoxdash.xbe DashPath2 = C:\avalaunch.xbe DashPath3 = C:\nexgen.xbe ; Boot Animation Path (always falls back to C:\BootAnims\Xbox\bootanim.xbe) BootAnimPath = C:\BootAnims\XBOX\bootanim.xbe Thanks for the help in advance.
  2. Hi everyone. As i mentioned on my introductory post, I have an 1.4 OG Xbox that isn't quite right. I bought it knowing it didn't work, the seller told me a friend of his had replaced the caps and it worked for a while, but that now it's back to not working (when i bought it). After buying it and testing it, it did the classic fragging (reboot 3 times and then "Christmas lights"). When i opened the case, i found the that friend of his did replace some caps, the CPU/GPU ones, but left one without replacing that is arguably way more urgent to replace... the clock cap. Yes, it had already leak all over the place. I cleaned all the acid, removed the cap. Installed a ModXO... and the console boots up!.... but it does by itself, when plugging it to AC... that's not good. Also, pressing the eject button powered off the console. I latter discovered that this is a very known symptom of trace rot. A very good video about it is in the Retro Renegade Repairs channel, he explains in detail how to fix it. It is a matter of bridging the broken traces. If the damage is minimal, you can just bridge tiny gaps, but as i had the trace broken a few times along its length, i opted for just bridging the starting point and ending point of each broken trace with a very thin wire (i used an old IDE cable). This fixed the self powering issue and the eject button works! well, the button does, the tray doesn't open, but that was because the elastic band inside the tray was very old and loose. After cleaning and greasing the tray mechanism, i discovered that the DVD seems to be dead already. It is a Thomson, from what i read over the internet, those drives are the worst ones. So it appears as the previous owner had attempted a softmod, as the HDD already had games and a custom Dashboard. I cloned the Drive with CHIMP, and used XBTable Partitioner to make the clone a new drive, after configuring everything to my liking, i discovered a weird thing. When powering the console, there was no boot animation. Cerbios has a custom one, where is the same as the OG but with custom colors. The screen is just blank, nothing. If i power the console with the Eject button, the console boots in safe mode, skipping the boot animation and goes straight into XBM4G. Then i noticed something i didn't already, there was no sound at all. XBMC4G makes sounds when you move the cursor, but this was completely silent. When launching games, some would load, but then get stuck, and some would just reboot the console. This is where i realized something is still wrong with the console, but i don't really know what. I replaced EVERY capacitor on the board, to no avail. One thing that may have caused this, but i am not really sure, is that when i tried to put an 80 wire IDE cable, the console rebooted itself. The thing is, i don't really remember if the console did or didn't have audio before that. And if this has damaged any crucial part of the motherboard, like the MCPX. I don't think the issue is the RAM, as i read on-line that if it were the case, the console wouldn't even boot. Any ideas? thank you all
  3. Hi, have a Xbox Classic 1.4 chip FOCUS fitted with Aladdin XT Plus2 Cerbios 2.4.2 FRAG when power on Falshing Green Orange NO video output on screen. I replaced 3 capacitors of 3300uF 6.3v the ones near the power connector were swollen, and put new thermal paste, and washing mainboard. How to fix?
  4. Hi, i need info about my xbox 1.6 console modded by me, with Aladdin XT Plus and flashed a Cerbios 2.4.2, mod with SATA adapter (cheaper edition) buy online a some years ago, the HDD is SATA 500GB with original IDE HDD cable. The question is if the config is ok or change bios UDMA mode?

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