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Everything posted by slycooper124

  1. I just read it, this looks like it would be very helpful for you and I suggest you go for it.
  2. Ok that's true, I didn't know you were in Canada. But I mean I know exactly how much of a pain it is to create these so if you cant figure it out, I can help out and do it for you.
  3. Because you are using that action replay kit for a different purpose, it might not work in the way you want it to. Any how my offer still stands if you cant get yours to work.
  4. Yep other than the action replay card, that is exactly the program I used and the steps I followed. I am glad you got it working and I am happy to help.
  5. I have used alot of virtual machines and the best one I can reccomend is vm ware. It finds all the drivers for you vs, orical's virtual box, which requires you to hunt down each and every driver to make your OS work. If necessary, if it becomes too much trouble for you I can build you a flash drive ready to go for $8. I can loaded with the mechassault save file and the modding tools to get it going.
  6. You will have to use the ssd, because windows xp, using an original disk or digital version, will not install to a flash drive, the didn't have the capabilities back then to do that s ok you will need to use an ssd or regular hard drive, to install it.
  7. I am glad I could be helpful, good luck on getting the driver to work o. Windows 10.
  8. Ok I understand, it's a multi purpose device that is used to put game saves from the computer and back. It's been along time since I have been in the xbox scene and it seems that technology has advanced in the modding of the system. It surprises me that there are any advancements in the system because I would figure that the the homebrew community would move on to a newer console
  9. Isn't action replay used just to modify games savefile for cheats? If so he said he is trying to mod his xbox not mod any savefile for cheat codes. I think your thinking of something else.
  10. I have never used it but it looks like it will do the job because the flash drive just simulates that memory card. You still need to use Xplorer360 to put the programs on since that card is in an xfat file system that windows does not read. Please let me know how this works for you, it may help anyone else who comes here for help if this works.
  11. I understand, people can be very persistent, and it can be annoying. If I may suggest to make your life easier, why dont you look on Ebay for a already pre-propaired flash drive with all the necessary files on it. I am sure there are more listings on Ebay like this that will make your life easier. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F202641991782
  12. I never said to get a sandisk Cruze blade flash drive. I understand your frusteration, I was once there. The best way to find a working flash drive is to get a bunch of 4gbs and keep testing till one works. I know its irritating and time consuming but the reward for doing it is worth it.
  13. the cable being bad is another possibility but its probably not that.
  14. the compatibility list is only for the internal hard drive of the Xbox original not the flash drive to mod the system
  15. Is that compatibility list for the internal hard drives or is it for the flash drive? I only know about the compatibility list for the internal hard drive because some hard drives will not lock via the motherboard because it's an old feature not used anymore.
  16. The model of drive I have is not the only one. It is just what I know will work. It would be alot easyer to mid xboxes if there was a flash drive compatibility list for the xbox original. Plus another reason Your drive might not work is because you have to connect your flash drive and usb adaptor to controller port 4.
  17. I have never used drivedroid, i cant say it will work on not, but if you need a drive that will work, get the drive in these pictures and you shouldn't have any more problems. The Xbox original is one of the most finicky systems to mod but once its done you never need the drive again.
  18. If it worked, its new for me. I got out of the Xbox scene in 2016 when people were reporting my listings on eBay, and the tools i used were all original and old tools so it surprises me that there is even new development on how to mod one of those original Xboxs because both time and technology has definitely surpassed the system. Then again the Xbox original is the only physical console that can run an Nintendo 64 emulator and others. I have still on my computer from the days of modding the system, 90 emulators including a 3DO emulator. for the xbox.
  19. did this page make it to where drivedroid was usable as a way to mod an Xbox? I have always heard you needed a flash drive that was compatible to do it. It would not surprise me if a new way to mod an Xbox was discovered after all this time.
  20. It is best if you stuck with a regular flash drive and usb adaptor to get the best and most reliable results, also Make sure the flash drive is compatible.
  21. I dont know what drivedroid is and I dont think the system can read it due to it being the wrong file system and its not formatted correctly.
  22. Ok yea what ever works, I just know when I was doing it, I always went sata with a converter and an 80 wire ide cable because 1 ode hard drive only went to 750gb at the end of its life and any drive I came across was almost 15-20 years old. There are times I do miss doing it, it's more hardware tinkering then the ps2 which is all software.
  23. Due to the time it would take me to load an xbox with just coinops, I could mod and list 3 playstation 3's and get double the money I got on the xbox. So now I am just sticking with ps3's
  24. Are you still using ide hard drives? Sata is more reliable with an 80 wire ribbon cable in the system vs the stock 40 wire. I had to get out of the xbox scene on Ebay because every time I listed a system, a competitor would report my listing to Ebay and Ebay would pull it due to copyright infringement on 40 year old Nintendo games.
  25. That is another program, I have heard is good but I was never able to use it because it required an old computer wit ide ribbon cable ports and a custom version of linux to run xboxhdm.

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