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Posts posted by Natetronn

  1. theres a chance
    that the partition table is not written to hdd
    thats why
    his gotta write the partition table
    try rewritting partition table with xbpartitioner
    if u load it & press white button
    menu changes on top
    change it to just say Write Table
    Then press start it will write just the table to HDD
    Then switch back to cerb & see if it worked
    let us know if that works 
    aslong as his running it using x3
    bios & writting part table then no issue
    i had same problem & i just had to rewrite table
    but don't doing it while using Cerbios?
    problem is cerbios treats everything as stock
    untill u expand
    & then it reads off part table
    x3 bios does some f**kery & scans for sh*t
    cerbios what it does is reads partition table & adjusts sizes accoridngly
    if it cant find part table then treat everything as a stock drive

    Should be fine, I'd do it without questions. But be aware there could be potential data loss.



    • 4 KB cluster for 8GB to 64GB partition
    • 8 KB cluster for 65GB to 128GB partition
    • 16 KB cluster for 129GB to 256GB partition
    • 32 KB cluster for 257GB to 512GB partition
    • 64 KB cluster for 513GB to 1TB partition


    Attribute Limitation
    Maximum volume size 64 GB (with 4 KB clusters)
    128 GB (with 8 KB clusters)
    256 GB (with 16 KB clusters)
    512 GB (with 32 KB clusters)
    1 TB (with 64 KB clusters)


    Note: maximum is no longer 1 TB, with the new bioses we have these days.

    • Thanks 1
  2. F worked fine previously with other Bios? Maybe toggle that X3CL setting back and forth once.

    Do you have a Startech IDE to Sata adapter and an 80 pin cable? If it's not that, I think you're suppose to use the non UDMA version.

    Perhaps check to see what XBpartitioner 1.3 sees. Install it with the Extras Disc or find it in the Softmodding Tool repo under /Extras Disc/Softmod/applications.


  3. Too bad about the decrypt feature.

    Another idea, instead of deleting the "write" eeprom, just rename it to something unique. This way if someone used "Moved" instead of "Copy" by mistake, they'll still have a copy on their SD. Perhaps just rename it to eeprom.bin.bak. Then if there's another with the same name, eeprom.bin.bak1, eeprom.bin.bak2 etc. (or something.)

    I know this is a silly minor request, but could you just name the folders write and backup? Or maybe better, have a main eeprom (or EEPROM) folder with write and backup folders inside? Or perhaps ArdProm folder (or ArdPromSD) with write/backup inside. I'm thinking about times where people maybe have other files on the SD and finding a way to distinguish.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Bowlsnapper said:

    I like it. It looks... modern. I usually don't dig modern but this looks good, man. I think I'm gonna install this right now, actually.

    Thanks! Yeah, the old school ones are cool, but a bit hard for me to see, which is why I made something a bit more simplistic and clean (like a website.) 

    I updated the Lite version and will release it and the Special Edition on Monday, if you want to come back for 'em.

  5. 40 minutes ago, amak79 said:

    I recently learnt that the MS dashboard will run in 480i even with 480p enabled. You can force it to run in 480p but pressing LT+RT+L3+R3. The screen will flash and it will now be in 480p. I can definitely notice the difference as previously it looked blurry and the colors were all washed out. You can press the button combo again to return to 480i.

    Cool, that worked!

    Note: that's both triggers and pushing in the joysticks at the same time, for those unaware.

  6. I'm testing the X3 Config Live (aka X3CL), version X3 3294. This is on a console that's connected to XBL perfectly fine, using two other bioses.

    This is where I've got so far:

    1. With XBL Login Disable = Enabled, I only get one green circle.
    2. With XBL Login Disable = Disabled, I get three green circles.
    3. I tried running xblunblock.xbe, but it didn't get past one of the patches.

    I'm not terribly worried about it, as I'll just run one of the other four bioses I have on this X3 that work fine, but I was curious to see what would happen and I wanted to test if for you all too.

    If I get any further I'll update...

    Okay, got it working!

    In X3CL, you'll need to set the DNS1 and DNS2 per the Connect docs, so and respectively (or whatever you use for your secondary DNS; just match them to the XBL settings you set.) So go into X3CL (hold white button then boot your box) > Settings > Network Setup > Set DNS1 and Set DNS2.

    Also, make sure XBL Login Disable is disabled (X3 Config Live > Customize X3 Bios > XBL Login Disable = Disabled)

    I tried both DHCP: Enabled and Disabled and it seemed to work fine, either way; it seems it only needs the DNS1/2 set and DHCP is irrelevant, but ymmv, so you might need to set it to DHCP: Disabled (Static) and then Set Static IP, Set Subnet and Set Gateway the match what you have in XBL settings.

    Note: I set IP and DNS to manual in XBL and made sure the numbers were correct (if you set IP to auto (maybe after you try to connect one time) you can see your addresses and just jot them down or take a picture or whatever, then switch to manual.) You might be able to keep the IP to auto in XBL, but not sure. For sure you want DNS set to manual (static) and to update it in X3CL.



    • Like 1
    • Thanks 3
  7. 3 hours ago, Bowlsnapper said:

    Hey guys. I have a few questions that I hope can be answered:

    1. How are people already registering their consoles? I just today got the email from them talking about the 15th and that they'll notfy me when my code is ready. Are some pople already getting their codes? If so, that's cool. I can wait. Just want to make sure.

    2 If I disable "disable XBL login" in X3 ConfigLive, will the X3 bios allow the connection to be made, or do I have to get another bios for online use?

    3. I know that the initial setup needs to be done on the MS dash, no problem there. But I know that EvolutionX and UnleashX don't have the ability to set up the DNS properly. I guess XBMC does. How does XBL work with XBMC, though? IS the dash even important, other than for configuring the DNS settings properly? How are networksetting in XBMC even going to be retained once I run a game? Also, I think the game itself handles all XBL negotiations and should work as long as XBL settings are present in the proper place on the HDD, correct?

    1. They are using the Insignia Setup Assistant to register (see releases.) You can do the same. At time of writing, there are 5733 invite requests, 700 registered, but only 29 gamertags, so that's probably the devs and their beta testers. We'll start getting ours (maybe) starting in a month or so:


    Invites will be randomly allocated based on the pool of registered users. To avoid overloading our infrastructure, invites will be sent in batches.
    Invites will begin sending on Tuesday 15th November 2022.

    2. I'll try to test this tomorrow.

    3. The initial setup is with the Setup Assistant. Then you setup the dashboards thereafter. It talks about the DNS setup on the connect page: https://insignia.live/connect and how to set XBMC as well (see quote below.) 


    Some dashboards (EvolutionX and UnleashX) do not support a Dynamic IP with Static DNS combo, and may overwrite your DNS every time they're launched, causing connectivity issues. If you're experiencing connectivity issues in-game, you will need to use their settings to set a static IP and DNS combo, using as your primary DNS and another DNS provider (such as Cloudflare's, or Google's as secondary. XBMC will work if it's Network Settings are set to "Default (Dashboard)", as would other dashboards such as LithiumX.

    I don't know the answers to the rest of #3 questions. You might try asking in the discord: https://discord.gg/CWkdVdc


  8. Not a big fan of HeXEn either.

    Option 3

    Building off what sweetdarkdestiny said:

    First put the evoxdash.xbe from Rocky5 Xbox Softmodding Tool on the C drive, this to get this whole thing to work properly. Now you're setup with a ton of fallbacks, just in case. While there on the README, take a look at "Show dashboard load order" to see the order it executes the next dashboard when it can't find one; if nothing else, just for future reference. Note: make sure at least one of the dashboards in the load order listed on Xbox Softmodding Tool's readme matches one of your dashes locations.

    Then install Dashloader Customizer from 4gamers' URL Downloader and setup some on-boot dashboard button shortcuts to your various dashboards. Make sure the C:\Dashloader directory and the button cfg files within said directory get generated upon save (check this via FTP or File Manager etc; let me know if it doesn't show up.)

    With that you'll be able to hold down the custom button shortcut and it will launch what ever dash you set in the Customizer for said button. The customize will pop open a file search modal so you can traveres the directories for your dashboards; in most cases, set the default.xbe for each dash. Also, set a recovery dashboard too, while you're at it.

    Then have iND boot the Rocky5 evoxdash.xbe, using its ind-bios.cfg file (possibly the default already, but double check.) Or have Cerb boot it instead using its cerbios.ini file. One or the other.

    Then for the other one (that's not booting evoxdash.xbe), create a separate shortcut using the XBE Shortcut Make 2.0 and call it xbmcorigin.xbe or call it xbmc4gamers.xbe or similar, so you know exactly what it's for (depending on which one you didn't set to use evoxdash.xbe, that is, that other one should be named after itself.) Make sure the paths line up.

    Placing them both on C is fine, since that's where these dashboard shortcuts normally exist. And since they have different names they won't collide (although in a different locations is fine too, like on E; but C is often home for such things.)

    Make note of the partitions if using a different path: https://xboxdevwiki.net/Hard_Drive#Partitions - this for when you're (carefully) editing the bios config files.

    With that you'll have the best defaults with fallbacks (rocky5's evoxdash.xbe that will find a bunch of dashes), to launch one or the other, the Dashloader Customizer buttons on boot to choose any of a bunch of dashes you set custom buttons for and finally a custom xbmcorigin.xbe or xbmc4gamers.xbe shortcut for those times when Cerb is in play (or iND, depending one which one ends up using evoxdash.xbe etc.)

    While you're at it might as well throw on UnleashX (zip) for better FTP. I like setting this to use the X button and as my recovery dash, but you do you.


    • Like 1
  9. 37 minutes ago, si_kabayan said:

    What's new addition to this attach.xbe compared to driveimageutils's version?

    I'm not familiar with driveimageutils's version directly (just in general), so I can't comment on that. The new attach has been modernized to work on Cerbios and is backwards compatible with the older bioses that support XISO.

    I've asked for a bit more detail in the Discord, but for now these are some past replies we were able to dig up.



    per Rocky5 earlier:
    They have basically consolidated all the virtual drive stuff into 1 xbe so it can be used depending on the image next to it. 

    So it’s no longer just the attach.xbe for games. It’s also a virtual drive attach xbe and a virtual memory card attacher (though not sure why memory card.)

    Basically 1 xbe to do all tasks.


    Per Team Ceribos:

    Hi there, our attach uses updated structures for doing, isos, disks and memcards, etc.

    Unfortunately these structures are not backwards compatible with existing bioses [now backwards compatible.]

    While the previous attach.xbe will work with our bios as we have added support for it directly in the bios itself, unfortunately other bioses won't be able mount using our attach as they won't understand these structures [now backwards compatible.]


  10. @coldasijsthanks for the suggestion. Mostly just trying to get it out there and I don't have full access here yet lol (to post images and such.) Maybe we can do a more "proper launch" later.

    Yes, that's correct. Currently it makes a mostly 1:1 clone from pure dumped ISO, minus the video partition, which is removed during processing. It then splits into two so it can be used on the console. It's also creating the default.xbe (the new Attach courtesy of Team Cerbios) and updates its title in the process, depending on what you set in the app (normal or alt title), this so it reads nice in-dash and meets the char limit etc. Also pulls the image. And yes, it's setup to work on those bioses that can run xiso directly, like you said; this is better than hdd ready, many of which require patching and could potentially be tampered with.

    On that note, it also runs a few checks to verify the validity of the original dump, that it is in fact original (based on Title ID, CRC-32 checksum etc.) You can cross reference this by running the checksum on your own dumps (7zip has checksum feature in its context menu on Win) and or verify on the redump database (look for CRC-32.)

    More features are being added and we're continuing to test, both the app and compatibility (playablity.) Yesterday we added Linux and OSX support in V1.0.1, for example (Mac OSX Sierra+ testers needed.)

    In its current state, ti was opted for 1:1, this for the most compatibility vs size. Maybe in the future a "shrink" feature can be added as well, similar to how extract-xiso works, for example, where uneeded padding is removed and the result is a smaller file size that doesn't need to be split (in most cases, but not all.) Should such a feature be added, we'd have to start the compatibility testing over for that, this to determine which will run shrunk without crashes and errors etc. and which will only run at full size. A very select few may have to be patched (like TOCA, e.g.) but the majority will now work untouched, shrunk or otherwise.

    Note: at least in theory, one can recombine the two iso, using cat command, for example, then use extract-xiso or similar to remove the padding / shrink (for game over ~4.3-ish, one still might have to split again, using split or fsplit etc.)

    Everyone is welcome to contribute, help with testing and submit bug and feature requests. A compatibility site is in the works, but currently we're using a google doc for that.


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  11. Repackinator V1.0.1 released, now with Linux & Mac Support and standalone CLI version

    This release brings Repackinator to Linux and Mac and adds a standalone CLI version. Downloads found here:


    Looking for testers, particularly for the Mac version. Please report any bugs on Github Issues.

    A CLI only version has been added (currently named Repackinator; vs RepackinatorUI for the GUI version)

    Note: in the future, we'd like get more descriptive with their naming, so it's more clear which one is which e.g. Repackinator-CLI and Repackinator-UI etc. but, we wanted to get this out there for the UNIX-y types, sooner than later.

  12. Hi Everyone,

    Repackinator v1.0 is now available. Its source & executable can found on our github https://github.com/Team-Resurgent/Repackinator. We are also excited to collaborate with the community to bring additional features & enhancements to Repackinator. Please feel free to commit to our Github Repo. A Patreon has also been set up for those who wish to say thanks or donate. https://www.patreon.com/teamresurgent. Keep an eye out on for further Team Resurgent releases coming soon. Support & Discussions can be found on the Xbox-Scene Discord https://discord.gg/VcdSfajQGK in the General room Under Team Resurgent.


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  13. I'm kind of thinking it would bypass it as well but, not totally sure, as the 1.1 pictures doesn't seem to show the end point of trace C, unless I'm missing it? Aside, these pictures and numbering are horrible; we should redo them. 

    Perhaps post up some pictures so we can better see what we're dealing with? - I'm away from any boards - Or maybe give it a try and see what happens, assuming the end point make sense? 

  14. Does the -A not designate the default bios? I'll have to double check that to be the case (i.e. install the chip and test.)

    Note: I realize that's not the best "flag" but, it's what I assumed when I was playing around in the OS the other day (v2.3.1.)

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