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Everything posted by rainkero

  1. Hi (Didn't know a better place to post this) I'm new here, and.... I know basically nothing about modding, but I wanna softmod my system to start out, (1.6) and explore the option later of hard modding (probably on an older revision once I can find one) are there any resources you can recommend for me to get my head wrapped around how to start? I think I have everything I need to softmod now, but I'm still iffy on how all these launchers and stuff work. I'm sure this is ground that's been tread a million miles before me by other noobs, but there is just an overwhelming amount of knowledge out there and no particular place to start, I've watched a handful of videos on softmodding and understand basically how i'll do it, but there are so many variations of each tool/application etc that it's hard to know where to even begin. I'm sure this isn't much info to go off of but I'm pretty lost. After I dip my toes in with the soft modding I'd like to ultimately hard mod a different console, just any recommendations on good resources for absolute beginners would be much appreciated, thank you kindly!

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